Wri ti n g W E DNE S DAY !! AM Wri ti n g - I n fo rmati ...

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Transcript of Wri ti n g W E DNE S DAY !! AM Wri ti n g - I n fo rmati ...

Term 4- Week Two- Learning From Home Overview- Year 3 and 4 - Monday 11th October - Friday 15th October 2021All daily work and any links to live streams will be posted on Google Classroom (GC) at 8am and students are expected to submit work by that evening.

Monday 11th October Tuesday 12th October Wednesday 13h October Thursday 14th October Friday 15th October

AM Writing- InformativeThis week you will beresearching a country,collating information andusing that to write aninformation report on yourchosen country. Use thetemplate provided to startcollecting your information.Choose a country toresearch. You can use:https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/geography/countriesThen begin your researchon the template provided:* name of country* population* capital city* currency* Languages spoken e.gEnglish, French* Famous Landmarks e.gharbour bridge, opera house

10am Class Zoom

Studyladder - CompleteONE of the assignedactivities

Writing- Informative Complete more research onyour chosen country, on thetemplate provided:* People and culture- This includes what peopledo for fun, customs, historyand what they enjoy doing* Native flora and fauna- this means what plants andanimals are native to thiscountry?

10am- Live Musica VivaZoom Webinar This is a paidincursion for all students inyears 3-6.Follow this link

Studyladder - CompleteONE of the assigned activities

Just for Fun! Write areflection on the Musica Vivaincursion from this morningand tell your teacher aboutwhat you enjoyed the most!


WritingComplete more research foryour country, on the template

provided:* National celebrations

- What do they celebrate andwhy e.g Australia Day,

Christmas Day ect.* religions/ faiths

- What are the most popularreligions in this country?

10am Stage Zoom- Dancewith Alecia! Come and learnsome more awesome dancemoves you can use when we

get back to school!

HandwritingComplete the next double

page of handwriting in yourtextbook.

Writing- InformativeContinue your research onthe template provided:* major exports- what are the main goodsand services the countriessell e.g wool, meat, wheatetc.* traditional foods- what are some traditionaldishes cooked e.g. friedrice, dumplings etc.* Draw a picture of yourchosen country and labelthe landmarks

10am Class Zoom

11am LibraryLogon to your LibraryGoogle Classroom.Today’s topic: Book Genres

Studyladder - CompleteONE of the assignedactivities

Writing- InformativeUse all the information youhave collected to write theinformation report on yourchosen country.

Follow the template providedin Google Classroom.

10am Class Zoom

Behind the News! WatchLesson 26 and answer thequiz questions!Don’t forget to show yourteacher your results!

Studyladder - CompleteONE of the assignedactivities

Break Enjoy a snack and play agame.

Enjoy a snack and play agame.

Enjoy a snack outside! Enjoy a snack and play agame.

Enjoy a snack and play agame.

Middle Mathematics

1. Maths Online - Thisweek we are looking atMeasurement.Today’s tasksare about length andperimeter. Complete yourset tasks.

2. Word ProblemsComplete the wordproblems on length andperimeter.Try all levels if you can.Show all your working out.

3. Test out yourknowledge. Complete thislength activity.Icon Measuring inCentimetres - Maths Games

4. It’s time to practiseyour tables, so that youwill be an expert when youcome back to school.Hit the Button - Quick firemaths practise for 6-11 yearolds


1. Number of the DayYear 4 - Use this link tocomplete activities withtoday’s number.

Year 3- Use this link tocomplete activities withtoday’s number.

2. Maths Online - This weekwe are looking atMeasurement. Today’s taskswill focus on length andperimeter. Complete your settasks.

3. Complete the MeasuringMy Body worksheetattached to today’s workand answer the questions.You will need to use yourfamily instead of classmatesto do your lengthcomparisons.


Complete the assignedpages in your Maths Mental

book. Your teachers willassign these in GC.

Create a Perimeter Person

Look at the perimeter personbelow. Use the grid paper

attached to today’s work andcreate a perimeter person.This could be of you or a

member of the family.Make sure you write the

measurements around theoutside and total the perimeterand the area of your person.

How are you feeling!Check in


1. Maths Online - Thisweek we are looking atMeasurement. Today’stasks will focus on Area.Complete your set tasks.

2. Word ProblemsComplete the area wordproblems.Try all levels if you can.Show all your working out.

3. Test out yourknowledge. Play thisarea game. Area Builder1.1.22

4. It’s time to practiseyour tables, so that youwill be an expert when youcome back to school.Coconut Multiples -Reinforce Times Tables


1. Maths Online - Thisweek we are looking atMeasurement. Today’s taskwill focus on Area. Completeyour set tasks.

2. Area and PerimeterTask Cards

These are attached to yourdaily work. Choose some ofthese to complete, applyingyour understanding of areaand perimeter.Please write or attach youranswers to today’s work.

3. Just for Fun!Explore perimeter and areawith lego.

Break Enjoy some lunch and a funactivity

Can you eat your lunchoutside? Look UP!!

Enjoy some lunch and afun activity

Enjoy some lunch and a funactivity

PM Science

Log onto your

Science @ Home

Google Classroom

and complete week 2’s task;

Heat Energy

Make sure you, carefully,follow all the instructions.


In today’s lesson you will belearning about the weatherand climate.

Click on the link to watchBTN!

Look at the forecast and fillout the weather chart for theweek! You can use words orpictures.

Use the climate zone map toanswer some questions!

Just for fun!

Explore and use these twowebsites to answer some ofyour own questions that youmight have about weatherand climate.https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/weather/353919http://www.weatherwizkids.com/weather-climate.htm

2:30pm 3-6 AssemblyMrs Bett- Smith will be

running a 3-6 Assemblyto outline our return to

school plan. Please makesure you follow the links

in your GoogleClassroom to her meeting

room at 2:30pm.

Visual Arts/ Science followup activity from

Invertebrates ZoomHave a go at making your ownmodel of an invertebrate usingnatural materials (e.g. sticks,

leaves, seeds).Take a photo of it and use themarkup tool to add a title and

label the body parts.We can’t wait to see your

awesome creations!

Creative Arts- Dance

When we get back toschool, you are going tobe working with yourfriends to create a danceof your own!

Over the coming weeks,we will explore manydifferent types ofmovement for you topractise and think aboutwhat you might like tosuggest to your group,when we return.

Follow the links to theDance CurriculumMasterclass lessons toseries #2 the ‘Learning isFun’ Dance.

To take your timepracticing what is taught ineach video – it is easy tofeel as though you arecopying along, but it takestime to have control overeach movement.

Remind yourself that thegoal isn’t to get it perfectstraight away, it’s simply totry your hardest and notice

PD Health Lesson

In today’s lesson, you willbe learning about firesafety and the importanceof having a fire safety planand knowing what to do inthe event of a fire. Ifpossible, it would be greatto sit with an adult whilecompleting today’s tasks.

Read a procedure explainingwhat to do in the event of afire to keep yourself safethen respond to somequestions. Watch the videoWhat is a Home Fire EscapePlan. Draw your own fireescape plan either on paperor using the fire escape planwebsite and follow the stepsfound on the doc to ensureyour fire escape plan is assafe as possible.

Just for Fun!To stay up to date with howfire safe your family andhome is, complete thecheck-list found on today’sdoc with your family.

yourself improving slowlyas you practice more!