Wray-with-Botton Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan. Wray...1 Wray-with-Botton Parish Council...

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Transcript of Wray-with-Botton Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan. Wray...1 Wray-with-Botton Parish Council...


Wray-with-Botton Parish Council

Neighbourhood Plan

Basic Conditions Statement

February 2018

Produced by Edward Taylor Planning and Design / PlanSpace, eddyt66@yahoo.co.uk

















1.1 This Statement has been prepared on behalf of Wray-with-Botton

Parish Council “The Parish Council”) to accompany its submission to the

local planning authority, Lancaster City Council, of the Wray

Neighbourhood Plan (“the Neighbourhood Plan”) under Regulations 15 of

the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (“the




2.1 The Parish Council commenced preparation of the Neighbourhood

Plan in 2014 in response to the desire of the local community to have a

greater say in future planning decisions.

The Parish Council formed a Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group which

has worked closely with officers of Lancaster Council during the

preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan.


The Neighbourhood Plan has been prepared by Wray Parish Council, a

qualifying body, for the Neighbourhood Area covering the whole of the

Parish of Wray, as designated by Lancaster Council on 20 February 2015.

The Neighbourhood Plan does not relate to more than one neighbourhood

area and there are no other neighbourhood development plans in place

within the Neighbourhood Area.




The policies described in the Neighbourhood Plan relate to planning

matters (the development and use of land) in the designated

Neighbourhood Area. It has been prepared in accordance with the

statutory requirements and processes set out in the Town and Country

Planning Act 1990 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011) and the

Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 The Neighbourhood Plan is to

have effect from 2011 to 2031.

The Neighbourhood Plan does not:

contain policies relating to excluded development in accordance with

the Regulations;

Deal with County matters (mineral extraction and waste development,

nationally significant infrastructure or any other matters set out in

Section 61K of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990).



This Statement addresses each of the four ‘basic conditions’ required in

the Regulations and explains how the submitted Neighbourhood Plan

meets the requirements of paragraph 8 of Schedule 4B to the 1990 Town

& Country Planning Act.

The Regulations state that a Neighbourhood Plan will be considered to

have met the basic conditions if:

having regard to national policies and advice contained in guidance

issued by the Secretary of State, it is appropriate to make the

neighbourhood development plan,

the making of the neighbourhood development plan contributes to

the achievement of sustainable development,

the making of the neighbourhood development plan is in general

conformity with the strategic policies contained in the development

plan for the area of the authority (or any part of that area),

the making of the neighbourhood development plan does not breach,

and is otherwisecompatible with, EU obligations.



Wray Parish Council believes that this Neighbourhood Plan, as submitted,

properly demonstrates due regard to National Policy, specifically that set

out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2012. Paragraph

183-185 of the NPPF describe how Neighbourhood Planning can be used to

give communities direct power to deliver a shared vision for their

neighbourhood, and deliver the sustainable development that they need.

Paragraphs 14-16 of the NPPF sets out the presumption in favour of

sustainable development that is at the heart of national policy. For

planning to deliver sustainable development, the NPPF gives policy

guidance in key areas, the following of which, where relevant to the

Neighbourhood, the Wray Neighbourhood Plan has had close regard:

Building a strong, competitive economy;

Ensuring the vitality of town centres;

Supporting a prosperous rural economy;

Promoting sustainable transport;

Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes;

Requiring good design;

Promoting healthy communities;

Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal


Conserving and enhancing the natural environment;

Conserving and enhancing the historic environment.


The conformity between the policies of the Wray Neighbourhood Plan and

the guidance given in the National planning Policy Framework is

demonstrated in further detail in Table 1 below.



The NPPF highlights that there are three dimensions to sustainable

development: economic, social and environmental. These dimensions give

rise to the need for the planning system to perform a number of roles.

These roles should not be undertaken in isolation as they are mutually


1. An economic role – contributing to building a strong, responsive and

competitive economy, by ensuring that sufficient land of the right type is

available in the right places and at the right time to support growth and

innovation and by identifying and coordinating development requirements,

including the provision of infrastructure.

2. A social role – supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities, by

providing the supply of housing required to meet the needs of present and

future generations and by creating a high quality built environment, with

accessible local services that reflect the community’s needs and support its

health, social and cultural well-being.

3. An environmental role – contributing to protecting and enhancing our

natural, built and historic environment; and, as part of this, helping to

improve biodiversity, use natural resources prudently, minimise waste and

pollution, and mitigate and adapt to climate change including moving to a

low carbon economy.

The pursuit of sustainable development is at the heart of the Wray

Neighbourhood Plan, as is highlighted by the Neighbourhood Plan’s vision.

Based on engagement with the Community and the key issues identified,

Wray with Botton Neighbourhood Development Plan's Vision for 2031 is as


Development will be managed in the Neighbourhood Plan area in a way

that meets the needs of the local community allowing them to continue to

live, work and enjoy a high quality of life in an area that creates a strong

sense of place.

Wray with Botton will support high-quality sustainable development to

meet local needs which enhances the local distinctiveness of its character

and respects its setting within the landscape of the Forest of Bowland


Sustainable development will be managed within the Parish for the benefit

of its residents, businesses and wildlife, maintaining and enhancing its

character and respecting its setting within the landscape. Agriculture and

wild places will remain valued features of local life.


Success will mean Wray with Botton continues to be a small, vibrant, rural

community encouraging prosperity for residents and local businesses alike

whilst protecting its natural assets.

The Neighbourhood Plan seeks to ensure that development promotes

good design, preserves the valued local character and environment of the

village, contributes to the creation of a sustainable community, and seeks

to maintain and build a strong local economy.

The role of each Neighbourhood Plan policy to the contribution of

delivering sustainable development is demonstrated in further detail on

the following pages.




It is a requirement that the Neighbourhood Plan be in general conformity

with Lancaster City Council’s strategic policy. This has been complicated

by the fact that while the Neighbourhood Plan was being developed, at

the same time, the Local Plan was in an advaced stage and, according to

the Local Plan Local Development Scheme, the Local Plan was expected

to be submitted for Examination later in April - May 2018. Below is an

extract from the Local Development Scheme (September 2017) which

outlines the status of various relevant Strategic Development Plan


Existing Development Plan Documents

Lancaster District

Core Strategy


Currently provides the strategic planning

framework for the district; setting out the long term

spatial vision and strategic objectives, and the

quantity and spatial distribution of development. Its

implementation has been challenged by rapidly

changing economic circumstances, a refreshed

evidence base, the revocation of the Regional

Strategy, and greatly revised national planning

guidance. It will be wholly replaced by the eventual

adoption of the Strategic Policies & Land

Allocations DPD and AONB DPDs. (expected

September 2018)

The community felt that it was important, however, to prepare a

Neighbourhood Plan, and the Planning Practice Guidance (issued in March

2014) provides the following guidance in respect of neighbourhood plans

coming forward before an up to date Local Plan is in place:

Neighbourhood plans, when brought into force, become part of the

development plan for the neighbourhood area. They can be developed before

or at the same time as the local planning authority is producing its Local Plan.

A draft neighbourhood plan or Order must be in general conformity with the

strategic policies of the development plan in force if it is to meet the basic

condition. A draft Neighbourhood Plan or Order is not tested against the

policies in an emerging Local Plan although the reasoning and evidence

informing the Local Plan process may be relevant to the consideration of the

Emerging Development Plan Documents

Local Plan

Part One –

Strategic Policies

& Land Allocations


Establishes strategic policies by setting

development requirements and describing the

principles for the general spatial distribution of

development. Allocates land for development, for

example for housing and employment, and for

protection from development, for example

habitats for nature conservation purposes.


basic conditions against which a neighbourhood plan is tested. Where a

neighbourhood plan is brought forward before an uptodate Local Plan is in

place the qualifying body and the local planning authority should discuss and

aim to agree the relationship between policies in:

the emerging Neighbourhood Plan;

the emerging Local Plan,

the adopted Development plan with appropriate regard to national policy

and guidance.

Indeed, during the examination into the Tattenhall Neighbourhood Plan the

Examiner considered that it was not unusual for there to be an emerging local

plan and “there is nothing in the legislation to support the contention that

such a situation should stop, or slow down, the progress of a neighbourhood

plan”. The Examiner further noted that one of the significant benefits of

neighbourhood plans is the relative speed at which they can come forward

and a made Neighbourhood plan can provide for certainty in areas where

there may otherwise be an absence of up to date policy.

The Wray Neighbourhood Plan has, therefore, been developed so that its

policies are in general conformity with the strategic direction and policies

in the existing and emerging Development Plan Documents. To help this

process, Wray Parish Council have engaged with both Lancaster City

Council and Lancashire County Council. Lancaster City Council have been

very supportive of the Neighbourhood Plan including providing advice on

strategic conformity and the development of the Local Plan. This has

ensured general conformity and minimised any potential conflict between

policies. Whilst the Neighbourhood Plan policies must be in general

conformity with the adopted local plan, it was considered sensible and

good practice to seek their general conformity with the emerging Local

Plan as otherwise it would risk becoming out of date relatively quickly after

being made. This has been difficult as aspects of the emerging Local Plan

were developing at the same time as the Neighbourhood Plan.

While the residual saved policies of the Lancaster District Local Plan 2004

are dated and are to be replaced in the near future, they remain as the

adopted policies for the Lancaster area. However, none of the strategic

policies in the document are relevant to Wray, consisting as they do of just

site allocations outside the Parish and as such the document can be

ignored for the purpose of assessing the general conformity of the

Neighbourhood Plan with strategic policy.

This Basic Conditions Statement demonstrates that the Wray

Neighbourhood Plan is in general conformity with the saved policies of the

Lancaster District Core Strategy 2008, as well as the strategic policies of

the emerging Local Plan Part One – Strategic Policies & Land Allocations

DPD (Publication version, February 2018) .

The general conformity of each Wray Neighbourhood Plan policy to the

Lancaster District Core Strategy 2008, and the emerging Local Plan

Part One – Strategic Policies & Land Allocations DPD is highlighted in

detail in Table 1 below.


Table 1

Wray Neighbourhood Plan Policy

Policy OS1: Development Strategy

A landscape capacity-led approach to development will be taken in the Neighbourhood Plan area. Great

weight will be given to the principle of conserving landscape and natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage

in the AONB. All development should be sustainable, consistent with the primary purpose of AONB

designation and support the Special Qualities of the AONB as set out in the AONB Management Plan.

Development within the village of Wray

To promote a vibrant local community and support services, small scale growth and investment will be

supported within the village of Wray where it closely reflects identified local needs within the AONB and

conserves and enhances the local landscape and settlement character.

Development on the edge of and outside the village of Wray Development proposals on the edge of and

outside the village will be treated as exceptions and will be permitted only where they demonstrate that:

(l) there would be no adverse impact on settlement or landscape character, and that

(ll) there is an essential need for a rural location: or

(lll) it will help to sustain an existing business, including farm diversification schemes; or

(lV) it contributes to the meeting of a proven and essential housing need in that location;



(V) it represents a sensitive and appropriate reuse, redevelopment or extension of an existing building.

Major Development

Proposals for major development will not be permitted in the AONB, unless the proposal can be

demonstrated to be in the public interest and exceptional circumstances exist.

Whether a proposed development constitutes major development will be a matter for the relevant decision

taker, taking into account the individual characteristics and circumstances of the proposal and the local

context. In determining whether a proposed development constitutes major development Lancaster City

Council will consider whether by reason of its scale, character or nature, the proposal has the potential to

have a significant adverse impact on the natural beauty of the AONB.

In determining whether exceptional circumstances exist Lancaster City Council will consider:

(VI) the need for the development, including any national considerations, and the impact of permitting or

refusing it upon the local economy; and

(Vl) the cost of, and scope for, developing outside the designated area, or meeting the need for it in some

other way; and

(X) any detrimental effect on the environment, the landscape and recreational opportunities, and the extent

to which that could be moderated.

The intimate nature of the AONB landscape means that even some smaller scale proposals may be


considered to be major development depending on the local context.

Brownfield Land

The categorisation of a site as brownfield does not negate or outweigh the need for the full and careful

consideration of the impacts of a development on the AONB against the full range of policy requirements.

Lancaster Existing Local Plan Policy

SC1 Sustainable Development applies various principles to the assessment of proposals including that:

The site can be developed without the loss of or harm to features of significant biodiversity, landscape, archaeological or built

heritage importance; and

The proposed use would be appropriate to the character of the landscape.

The proposal is integrated with the character of the landscape and, where appropriate, enhances biodiversity, increases

tree-cover, provides for archaeological investigation and creates publicly accessible open space.

Policy SC3 Rural Communities includes an allowance of 10% of the District’s housing and 5% of the District’s employment land

to be located within various villages including Wray to meet local needs in those villages.

Lancaster Emerging Local Plan Policy

SP2 : Lancaster District Settlement Hierarchy supports proposals “provided that they are of a nature and scale which is proportionate to the role and function of that settlement” in certain settlements according to a hierarchy. It regards Wray as a

sustainable settlement within an AONB with such settlements’ role being to “provide the focus of growth for Lancaster

district outside the main urban areas subject in the AONBs to the constraints of the protected landscapes where a landscape-capacity approach will be taken.”

Policy SP3: Development Strategy for Lancaster District aims to meet Lancaster’s development needs by focusing on urban

areas and certain strategic sites while supporting development in sustainable settlements as defined in SP2. The scale of

planned housing growth will be managed to reflect existing population size, the availability of, or the opportunity to provide

facilities to serve the development and the extent to which development can be accommodated within the local area. It adds


that “Great weight will be given to the principle of conserving the landscape and natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage

of the AONBs.”

Comment WNP Policy OS1 is in conformity with these policies as it supports development that respects the local settlement and landscape character by taking a landscape capacity approach and meets local needs, reflecting the population of Wray and the extent to which the area can accommodate development given its sensitive location in Forest of Bowland AONB.

National Planning Policy Framework

14. on the presumption in favour of sustainable development says that local plans should meet objectively assessed needs unless

specific policies in the NPPF indicate otherwise including those relating to an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty such as 115 which

requires “Great weight” to be given to conserving landscape and scenic beauty in AONBs which have the highest status of

protection in relation to landscape and scenic beauty and regards the conservation of wildlife and cultural heritage as important in

these areas.

54. requires local authorities to be resonsive to local circumstances and plan housing development to reflect local needs, particularly

for affordable housing and consider whether allowing some market housing would facilitate the provision of significant additional

affordable housing to meet local needs.

55. requires housing in rural areas to be located where it will promote sustainable development and enhance or maintain the

community’s vitality and says that except in special circumstances isolated homes in the coutryside should be avoided.

WNP Policy OS1 is in conformity with these paragraphs as it suppports development that respects the local settlement and

landscape character, Wray lying as it does in an AONB, and meets local needs.

Contribution to the Achievement of Sustainable Development

Neighbourhood Plan policy OS1 contributes to the achievement of sustainable development by performing an environmental role,

protecting the natural environment in a highly sensitive AONB. It also contributes towards sustainable development by performing

a social role by allowing a limited amount of development to meet local needs which is necessary to maintain the vitality of the



Wray Neighbourhood Plan Policy

Policy OS2 - Landscape

Development proposals will be required to demonstrate how they conserve and enhance the landscape and

natural beauty of the area. Proposals will not be permitted where they would have an adverse effect upon the

landscape character or visual amenity of the AONB or its setting.

Development proposals will be supported where they:

(I) take into account the AONB Landscape Character Assessment, and other relevant evidence including but

not limited to the Wray Conservation Area Appraisal, and the Wray with Botton Neighbourhood Plan

Landscape Appraisal ; and

(II) reflect the rural nature, historic character and local distinctiveness of the area including settlement

character and separation, local vernacular traditions and building materials and native vegetation/planting;


(Ill) respect visual amenity, views (including into and out from the AONB), tranquillity, dark skies, and the

sense of space and place, avoiding the introduction of intrusive elements, or compromise to the skyline or

settlement separation; and

(lV) take full account of the cumulative and incremental impacts of development having regard to the effects

of existing developments (including unintended impacts and impacts of development that has taken place as

a result of Permitted Development Rights, licensing or certification) and the likely further impacts of the


proposal in hand;


(V) include a landscape assessment; the level of detail of which should be proportionate to the scale of the

proposal and the level of impact of the proposed development on the landscape. For larger or otherwise more

sensitive sites or schemes, this will require a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) undertaken by a

qualified professional to Landscape Institute standards, showing how impacts may be minimised or


Lancaster Existing Local Plan Policy

SC1 Sustainable Development applies various principles to the assessment of proposals including that:

The site can be developed without the loss of or harm to features of significant biodiversity, landscape, archaeological or built

heritage importance; and

The proposed use would be appropriate to the character of the landscape.

The proposal is integrated with the character of the landscape and, where appropriate, enhances biodiversity, increases

tree-cover, provides for archaeological investigation and creates publicly accessible open space.

Policy SC3 Rural Communities seeks to build Healthy Sustainable Communities including by protecting, conserving and

enhancing rural landscapes and the distinctive characteristics of rural settlements.

Policy SC 5: Achieving Quality In Design seeks to maintain and improve the quality of development by ensuring that

throughout the District and particularly within certain areas including Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty such as

FoBAONB; new development is of a quality which reflects and enhances the positive characteristics of its surroundings

including the quality of the landscape.

Lancaster Emerging Policy SP7: Maintaining Lancaster District’s Unique Heritage recognises the district has unique towns and villages that have


Local Plan Policy important cultural and historical characteristics which define the local area of which Wray is an excellent example. The

development plan will protect these features which make Lancaster district special from inappropriate development which

would damage that special value and explore opportunities to improve and enhance these features where appropriate

opportunities arise to do so and therefore requires proposals to contribute towards maintaining and enhancing the district’s

unique character through the appropriate location of uses, sympathetic design and sustainable construction techniques.

Policy EN4: Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty states that the landscape and character of Areas of Outstanding Natural

Beauty and their settings will be conserved and enhanced and that any development should be sustainable, consistent

with the primary purpose of AONB designation and guided by the relevant AONB Management Plan.

Comment WNP Policy OS2 is in conformity with these policies as it requires development to conserve and enhance the character and natural beauty of the area, Wray lying as it does in an AONB as part of a sensitive and important landscape, and supports proposals that can be demonstrated to do so.

National Planning Policy Framework

17 Outlines 12 core planning principles which should underpin plan making and decision taking including recognising the intrinsic

character and beauty of the countryside and supporting thriving rural communities within it;

58. requires neighbourhood plans to develop robust and comprehensive policies that set out the quality of development that will be

expected for the area and that policies and decisions respond to local character and history, and reflect the identity of local

surroundings and materials.

61. requires planning policies and decisions to address the connections between people and places and the integration of new

development into the natural, built and historic environment.

110. requires plans to meet development needs while minimising pollution and other adverse effects on the local and natural



114 requires Local planning authorities to protect and enhanc distinctive landscapes.

115. Gives great weight to conserving landscape and scenic beauty as well as wildlife and cultural heritage in Areas of Outstanding

Natural Beauty, which have the highest status of protection in relation to landscape and scenic beauty.

118. requires the detmination of planning applications to conserve and enhance biodiversity including by refusing planning

permission for development resulting in the loss or deterioration of irreplaceable habitats, including ancient woodland and the loss

of aged or veteran trees found outside ancient woodland, unless the need for, and benefits of, the development in that location

clearly outweigh the loss;

123. requires planning policies and decisions to “identify and protect areas of tranquillity which have remained relatively

undisturbed by noise and are prized for their recreational and amenity value for this reason.”

WNP Policy OS2 is in conformity with these paragraphs as it seeks to protect and enhance the valuable landscape, its charcter

and visual amenity, cultural heritage and recreational value

Contribution to the Achievement of Sustainable Development

Neighbourhood Plan policy OS2 contributes to the achievement of sustainable development by performing an environmental role, protecting the natural environment in a highly sensitive AONB. It also contributes towards sustainable development by performing a social role by supporting a sustainable amount of appropriate development to meet local needs which is necessary to maintain the vitality of the community.


Wray Neighbourhood Plan Policy

Policy BE1 – Design

Within the built environment of the Neighbourhood Plan Area, high standards of design and construction will

be required to conserve or enhance the layout of the built environment, distinctive settlement character and

historic, cultural and architectural features.

In addition to the design requirements set out in the relevant District policies, development proposals should:

(I) conserve and enhance the character of the local built environment including buildings, open spaces, trees,

distinctive settlement character and other important features that contribute to visual, historical or

architectural character; and

(II) reinforce the distinctive qualities of places through the consideration of uses, scale, height, solid form,

massing, proportions, alignment, design detailing, lighting, materials, colours, and finishes; and

(III) respect the integrity of the historic layout of the village of Wray including boundary and street elements;


(IV) have particular regard to local vernacular, building to plot/green space ratios and to the quality, integrity,

character and settings of natural, built and historic features; and

(V) provide well designed landscape works that retain distinctive trees and include new structural planting that

contributes to the character and amenity value of the area; and

(VI) ensure that boundary treatments and the design of entranceways reflect local character and context

including through retention (or appropriate replacement where necessary) of existing features of value such as


hedgerows, trees and traditional stone walls and through the careful consideration of materials and heights

for gates and fencing and of species for planting.

Lancaster Existing Local Plan Policy

Policy SC 5: Achieving Quality In Design seeks to maintain and improve the quality of development by ensuring that

throughout the District and particularly within certain areas including Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty such as FoBAONB;

new development is of a quality which reflects and enhances the positive characteristics of its surroundings including the

quality of the landscape.

Lancaster Emerging Local Plan Policy

Policy SP7: Maintaining Lancaster District’s Unique Heritage recognises the district has unique towns and villages that have

important cultural and historical characteristics which define the local area of which Wray is an excellent example. In order to

protect these features which make Lancaster district special from inappropriate development which would damage that

special value and explore opportunities to improve and enhance these features where appropriate opportunities arise to do so

and therefore requires proposals to contribute towards maintaining and enhancing the District’s unique character through the

appropriate location of uses, sympathetic design and sustainable construction techniques.

Comment WNP Policy BE1 Design is in conformity with these policies as it requires development to be of a high standard of design and construction that conserves and enhances the character of Wray Village and its surrounding landscape.

National Planning Policy Framework

17 Outlines 12 core planning principles which should underpin plan making and decision taking including always seeking to secure

high quality design and a good standard of amenity for all existing and future occupants of land and buildings;

56. attaches great importance to the design of the built environment as”key aspect of sustainable development” “indivisible from

good planning”

57. acknowledges the importance of planning positively for high quality and inclusive design for all development

58. requires neighbourhood plans to “develop robust and comprehensive policies that set out the quality of development that will be

expected for the area” based on objectives for the area and an understanding and evaluation of its defining characteristics.


59. states that design policies should “avoid unnecessary prescription or detail and should concentrate on guiding the overall scale,

density, massing, height, landscape, layout, materials and access of new development in relation to neighbouring buildings and the

local area more generally.”

60. states that rather than imposing architectural styles or tastes and or stifling innovation, originality or initiative through

unsubstantiated requirements to conform to certain development forms or styles, Planning policies and decisions should seek to

promote or reinforce local distinctiveness.

61. requires planning policies and decisions to address the connections between people and places and the integration of new

development into the natural, built and historic environment.

64 States that permission should be refused for development of poor design that fails to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of an area and the way it functions.

WNP Policy BE1 is in conformity with these paragraphs as it requires high standards of design based on assessments of the area in relation to the surrounding buildings and area in ways that will promote local distinctiveness and character and integrate new development into the natural and built environment which form the local landscape.

Contribution to the Achievement of Sustainable Development

Neighbourhood Plan policy BE1 contributes to the achievement of sustainable development by performing an environmental role, protecting the built environment in a highly sensitive AONB.


Wray Neighbourhood Plan Policy

POLICY BE2: Local Design Panels

Where Local Design Panels are made use of at the pre-application stage as required under certain

circumstances by Local Plan Policy DM 35: Key Design Principles or its successor policy in the emerging Local

Plan, these Panels should include Members of Wray Parish Council and/or their representatives as well as

representatives appointed by the Forest of Bowland AONB Joint Advisory Committee.

Lancaster Existing Local Plan Policy

Policy SC 5: Achieving Quality In Design seeks to maintain and improve the quality of development by ensuring that throughout the District and particularly within certain areas including Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty such as FoBAONB; new development is of a quality which reflects and enhances the positive characteristics of its surroundings including the quality of the landscape.

Lancaster Emerging Local Plan Policy

Policy SP7: Maintaining Lancaster District’s Unique Character recognises the district has unique towns and villages, that have

important cultural and historical characteristics which define the local area, of which Wray is an excellent example. In order to

protect those features which make Lancaster special from inappropriate development which would damage that special value

and explore opportunities to improve and enhance these features where appropriate opportunities arise to do so it therefore

requires proposals to contribute towards maintaining and enhancing the district’s unique character through the appropriate

location of uses, sympathetic design and sustainable construction techniques.

Comment WNP Policy BE2 Local Design Panels is in conformity with these policies as it will help ensure that the design of proposals

responds appropriately to the distinct unique character of Wray and its surrounding landscape.

National Planning Policy Framework

62. requires Local planning authorities to have local design review arrangements in place “to provide assessment and support to

ensure high standards of design.” and to have regard to the recommendations from the design review panel.

WNP Policy BE2 is in conformity with this paragraph as it aims to support local design review with appropriate local



Contribution to the Achievement of Sustainable Development

Neighbourhood Plan policy BE2 contributes to the achievement of sustainable development by performing an environmental role, protecting the built environment in a highly sensitive AONB.


Wray Neighbourhood Plan Policy

Policy H1: Housing Development

Proposals for meeting housing needs through the conversion or sub-division of existing buildings, or on

previously developed land and on allocated sites within the village of Wray listed below that have been

identified through the Site Assessment process will be supported where they are of a scale, siting and design

that is compatible with the area as outlined in Policy BE1 of this Plan.

New housing development will be supported where the maximum possible affordable homes are delivered

and where the number, size, types and tenures of all homes provided demonstrably reflects and meets

identified local needs in accordance with current housing needs evidence at the time of application.

Proposals will be expected to demonstrate that densities make best and efficient use of land and reflect the

settlement character. The delivery of affordable housing should be phased in line with demand to ensure that

the market is not over-supplied at any one time.

Development which would have an adverse impact on an international, national or locally designated site will

not be permitted.

Lancaster Existing Local Plan Policy

Policy SC 4: Meeting The District’s Housing Requirements sets out the Principles which will ensure that Housing Needs are

met, through Housing Allocations and through determining Planning Applications and states that this way the Council will

aim to maximise the opportunities offered by the development of new dwellings to:

Redress imbalances in the local housing market;

Achieve housing that genuinely addresses identified local housing need; and,


Secure units of “in-perpetuity” affordable housing.

Lancaster Emerging Local Plan Policy

Policy SP6: The Delivery of New Homes sets out the councils approach to delivering objectively assessed need primarily

through strategic site allocations, non-strategic site delivery, certain identified ‘Development Opportunity Sites’, student

acccommodation, a limited amount in Arnside and Silverdale AONB (reflecting its status) and an estimate for ‘additional

supply including neighbourhood plan delivery expectations’.

Policy H2: Housing Delivery in Rural Areas of the District supports the delivery of housing in certain rural villages on identified

sites while in those villages such as Wray where a Neighbourhood Development Plan is being developed, the Council expects,

the respective Parish Councils to proactively and positively plan for housing growth within their communities via the

Neighbourhood Plan process.

Comment WNP H1: Housing Development is in conformity with these policies as, while the bulk of the housing requirement is to be met on sites allocated or identified elsewhere in Lancaster, Wray can contribute to this overall figure through meeting local housing need including for affordable housing by positively planning for housing growth.

National Planning Policy Framework

47 requires Local Plans to meets the full, objectively assessed needs for market and affordable housing in the housing market area,

as far as is consistent with the policies set out in the NPPF, including identifying key sites, identifying a staged supply of deliverable

sites over the plan period, setting out a housing trajectory for the plan period and a housing implementation strategy for the full

range of housing describing how they will maintain delivery of a five-year supply of housing land to meet their housing target; and

setting out their own approach to housing density to reflect local circumstances.

54 requires local planning authorities in rural areas to be responsive to local circumstances and plan housing development to reflect

local needs, particularly for affordable housing, including considering allowing some market housing to facilitate the provision of

significant additional affordable housing to meet local needs.

55 requires housing in rural areas to be located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities.

WNP Policy H1 is in conformity with these paragraphs as it supports housing which meets the local housing needs on the sites it allocates and where it is responsive to local circumstances scale, siting and design and density that is compatible with the


area as outlined in Policy BE1 of this Plan and the current and emerging local plan policies as shown above regarding local circumstances.

Contribution to the Achievement of Sustainable Development

Neighbourhood Plan policy H1 contributes to the achievement of sustainable development by performing a social role supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities, by providing the supply of housing required to meet the needs of present and future generations in Wray.

1 Planning permission already granted Refs 14/01134/FUL & 15/00087/OUT

2 Planning permission already granted Ref 15/01443/FUL

Allocated Sites

Site Reference

Name Area Estimated Dwellings

WR3 Appletree Barn Paddock 0.34 ha 51

WR5 Hoskins Farm 0.54 ha 15

WR6 Adj 45 Wennington Road 0.03 ha 12

WR9 Old Chapel Field 0.08 ha 2


3 Planning permission already granted Ref 14/01088/CU (number includes an existing disused cottage)

WR10 New Inn n/a 43

WR11 New Inn Car Park 0.03 ha 1


Suitable Sites with the potential to come forward within the Plan period

Site Reference

Name Area Estimated Dwellings

WR4 Wood House Paddock 0.21 ha 6

WR12 Enclosure West of Bridge

House Farm

0.07ha 2

WR14 Land adjacent School Lane 0.19 ha 4


Wray Neighbourhood Plan Policy

POLICY H2: Housing Provision

Within the Neighbourhood Plan area, subject to satisfying other relevant policy requirements and in order to

ensure that new development in the AONB meets local needs, proposals for new housing development will be

supported where they deliver at least 50% affordable housing. Only where this is demonstrably unachievable

through available mechanisms will a lower percentage be acceptable. New housing development will be

supported where the maximum possible affordable homes are delivered and where the number, size, types

and tenures of all homes provided demonstrably reflects and meets identified local needs in accordance with

current housing needs evidence at the time of the application.

Priority will be given to the delivery of affordable housing and maximising the potential for meeting identified

local needs and local affordable needs from appropriate individual development opportunities. Proposals will

be expected to demonstrate that densities make best and efficient use of land and reflect local settlement


Affordable housing needs are forecast to apply over a period of time and not all the identified need is required

straight away. The delivery of affordable housing should be phased in line with demand to ensure that the

market is not over-supplied at any time.

This can be done by close working with and between housing developers, landowners and appropriate

Registered Providers of affordable housing.

Subject to meeting other policy requirements, proposals will be supported that:

(I) meet housing needs through the conversion or sub-division of existing buildings or through the


redevelopment of previously developed land; or

(II) meet the needs of specific societal groups or restrict occupancy to sole/main residence or to those with a

local connection.

Lancaster Existing Local Plan Policy

Policy SC 4: Meeting The District’s Housing Requirements sets out the Principles which will ensure that Housing Needs are

met, through Housing Allocations and through determining Planning Applications and states that this way the Council will aim

to maximise the opportunities offered by the development of new dwellings to:

Redress imbalances in the local housing market;

Achieve housing that genuinely addresses identified local housing need; and,

Secure units of “in-perpetuity” affordable housing.

Lancaster Emerging Local Plan Policy

Policy H2: Housing Delivery in Rural Areas of the District supports the delivery of housing in certain rural villages on identified sites while in other villages such as Wray where a Neighbourhood Development Plan is being developed, the Council expects the respective Parish Councils to proactively and positively plan for housing growth within their communities via the Neighbourhood Plan process.

Comment WNP H2: Housing Provision is in conformity with these policies as it aims to help meet local housing need including affordable housing need by positively planning for housing growth.

National Planning Policy Framework

50 requires local planning authorities to plan for a mix of housing and identify the “size, type, tenure and range of housing that is

required in particular locations, reflecting local demand”

WNP Policy H2 is in conformity with this paragraph as it aims to meet affordable housing need in the area.

Contribution to the Neighbourhood Plan policy H2 contributes to the achievement of sustainable development by performing a social role supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities, by providing the supply of housing required to meet the needs of present and future


Achievement of Sustainable Development

generations in Wray.


Wray Neighbourhood Plan Policy

RE1: Economic Development

Development proposals of an appropriate scale and nature will be supported where they bring economic and

community benefits to the Neighbourhood Plan area within the Forest of Bowland AONB, including economic

diversification, for the following purposes:

(I) essential operations for agriculture, horticulture, allocated mineral extraction or waste management and

essential infrastructure where there is a proven and justified need;

(II) appropriate small scale new or expanded outdoor sport, leisure and tourism facilities;

(III) the conservation or enhancement of sites of heritage, biodiversity or geodiversity value;

(IV) house extensions or extensions to outbuildings that are ancillary to the existing dwelling and are

sympathetic to the character of the original building and its setting;

(V) sensitive conversions and alternative uses for farm buildings that can be shown to be no longer required for

agriculture but that enable farm diversification where they:

- sustain, complement and are ancillary to the core farm business;

- do not compromise the working of the farm, or create additional requirements for new agricultural buildings;

- provide satisfactory access, servicing and parking arrangements;


- Re-use in support of tourism and the visitor economy will be considered an appropriate use as required by

criterion (lll) of Local Plan Policy DM9 or its successor policy in the emerging Local Plan.

(VI) micro-growth points for business development,

(VII) shared (co-location) and flexible service facility uses of buildings in the village of Wray where this will help

to ensure the continued operation of key services or community assets.

Proposals which lead to the loss of land in agricultural use lying below the 50m AOD contour will only be

supported where the land has been identified through the rigorous site assessment process and allocated for

development in this Plan for the proposed use and the proposal complies with other policies in the adopted

Local Plan.

Lancaster Existing Local Plan Policy

Policy SC3 Rural Communities includes an allowance of 10% of the District’s housing and 5% of the District’s employment land

to be located within various villages including Wray to meet local needs in those villages.

Policy ER 6: Developing Tourism has particular provision for the countryside where it encourages agricultural diversification to

create quiet recreation and small scale sensitively designed visitor attractions and accommodation in the District’s

countryside, promoting new walking and cycling routes including long-distance routes and linkages to national networks.

Lancaster Emerging Local Plan Policy

Policy SP4: Priorities for Sustainable Economic Growth supports sustainable economic growth in the rural economy to ensure

that the needs of rural businesses can be supported.

Comment WNP RE1 Economic Development is in conformity with these policies as it aims to encourage sustainable economic development which is appropriate to Wray, situated as it is in the AONB, to meet its own needs and to play its part in the wider toursim offer for the District and AONB.


National Planning Policy Framework

28. states that planning policies should support economic growth in rural areas in order to create jobs and prosperity by taking a

positive approach to sustainable new development. To promote a strong rural economy, local and neighbourhood plans should:

● support the sustainable growth and expansion of all types of business and enterprise in rural areas, both through conversion of

existing buildings and well designed new buildings;

● promote the development and diversification of agricultural and other land-based rural businesses;

● support sustainable rural tourism and leisure developments that benefit businesses in rural areas, communities and visitors, and

which respect the character of the countryside. This should include supporting the provision and expansion of tourist and visitor

facilities in appropriate locations where identified needs are not met by existing facilities in rural service centres;


● promote the retention and development of local services and community facilities in villages, such as local shops, meeting places,

sports venues, cultural buildings, public houses and places of worship.

WNP Policy RE1 is in conformity with this paragraph as it supports sustainable development suitable to this rural location that brings economic benefits to the area.

Contribution to the Achievement of Sustainable Development

Neighbourhood Plan policy RE1 contributes to the achievement of sustainable development by performing an economic role by contributing to building a strong, responsive and competitive economy identifying and coordinating development requirements.


Wray Neighbourhood Plan Policy

Policy NE1: Conservation and enhancement of the natural environment

The high quality of the natural environment is a key feature of the Neighbourhood Plan area lying wholly

within the Forest of Bowland AONB. New development will conserve and enhance the biodiversity of the

Forest of Bowland AONB and avoid the fragmentation and isolation of or disturbance to wildlife, habitats and

species. It will also help to create and reinforce green corridors and ecological networks, and deliver

ecosystem services as a means of maximising wider public benefits and in reinforcing the local area’s identity

and sense of place.

To protect and enhance robustness, function and value of the natural environment, development proposals

must protect and contribute to the appropriate enhancement of the extent, value or integrity of any site or

habitat protected for its biodiversity value, any priority habitat or species and/or any natural environment

features or assets of particular significance and value in the Forest of Bowland AONB or characteristic of the

AONB as described in the Forest of Bowland Management Plan, including those that do not enjoy formally

protected status.

When determining applications against Local Plan Policies DM 27 and DM 29 or their successor policies in the

emerging Local Plan, the Council will have regard to the Wray Conservation Area Appraisal, the Forest of

Bowland AONB Landscape Character Assessment, the Lancashire Character Assessment and the Wray with

Botton Neighbourhood Plan Landscape Appraisal Final Report.

Development that results in the removal of or damage to single trees, tree groups, woodland or species rich

hedgerows will be required to provide replacement trees at an appropriate ratio and of appropriate species to

conserve and enhance the special character of the area. The preservation of those hedgerows which mark

historic field patterns, particularly to the north and east of the village of Wray are of particular importance for


not only to maintain wildlife habitats and habitat connectivity but also for their contribution to the wider

landscape in the Forest of Bowland AONB and the setting of the Wray Conservation Area.

Lancaster Existing Local Plan Policy

Policy E 1: Environmental Capital safeguards and enhances the District’s Environmental Capital such as nature conservation

sites, urban greenspaces, allotments, landscapes of national importance, listed buildings, conservation areas and

archaeological sites; by amongst other things identifying how habitats in urban and rural areas will be protected and, where

possible, enhanced in extent and in their diversity of wildlife species;

Resisting development which would have a detrimental effect on environmental quality and public amenity;

Ensuring that development in the city of Lancaster and other historic areas conserves and enhances their sense of place; and

Conserving and enhancing landscapes.

Lancaster Emerging Local Plan Policy

Policy SP8: Protecting the Natural Environment protects specific sites to support the district’s diverse and important species and

habitats and areas of land which are functionally linked to their ongoing value. It expects proposals to protect, maintain and

enhance the district’s diverse biodiversity through the appropriate location of uses, sympathetic design and sustainable

construction techniques.

Comment WNP Policy NE1: Conservation and enhancement of the natural environment is in conformity with these policies as it aims to

maintain and enhance the area’s natural environment

National Planning Policy Framework

109. requires the planning system to contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by:

● protecting and enhancing valued landscapes, geological conservation interests and soils;

● recognising the wider benefits of ecosystem services;

● minimising impacts on biodiversity and providing net gains in biodiversity where possible, contributing to the Government’s

commitment to halt the overall decline in biodiversity, including by establishing coherent ecological networks that are more resilient


to current and future pressures;

116 requires the determination of applications to conserve and enhance biodiversity.

WNP Policy NE1 is in conformity with this paragraphs as it aims at the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity including by reinforcing ecological networks.

Contribution to the Achievement of Sustainable Development

Neighbourhood Plan policy NE1 contributes to the achievement of sustainable development by performing an environmental role by contributing to protecting and enhancing our natural environment and as part of this, helping to improve biodiversity.

Wray Neighbourhood Plan Policy

Policy NE 2: Local Green Space

This Plan designates the areas of green space listed below for special protection. These Local Green Spaces

have been put forward by the local community, with a strong evidence base, due to their particularly special,

local importance.

Wray LG1 School Playing Field

Wray LG2 Wray Flood Gardens

These areas have been identified on the Proposals Map.


Inappropriate development will not be permitted within a Local Green Space except for very special

circumstances. Development which will enhance, support and facilitate the sustainability of the community

needs, services and purposes provided by the Local Green Space will be considered appropriate. The design,

scale and size of development will be required to be proportionate and reflective of/in keeping with each Local

Green Space, the purposes of the designation and the community it serves.

Development will also only be considered appropriate if it is in accordance with paragraph 89 and 90 of the


Following the Local Green Space designation, if one of the identified sites is designated for another purpose,

particularly one of a higher level of protection, this will need to be taken into account.

Lancaster Existing Local Plan Policy

Policy SC 8: Recreation And Open Space seeks to ensure access to Sports Facilities, Green Spaces and Greenspace Networks by

retaining existing sports facilities and green spaces as long as they are capable of meeting identified needs.

Lancaster Emerging Local Plan Policy

Policy SC2: Local Green Spaces identifies Local Green Space in the District in accordance with local community wishes and protects them from inappropriate development.

Comment WNP Policy NE2: Local Green Space is in conformity with these policies as it designates 2 further Local Green Spaces in order to retain acccess to these important sports facilities and green space in accordance with local community wishes to protect them from inappropriate development.

National Planning Policy Framework

76. enables local communities through neighbourhood plans to identify for special protection green areas of particular importance

to them which will be able to rule out new development other than in very special circumstances.

77. sets out the circumstances where Local Green Space designation should be used:


● where the green space is in reasonably close proximity to the community it serves;

● where the green area is demonstrably special to a local community and holds a particular local significance, for example because of

its beauty, historic significance, recreational value (including as a playing field), tranquillity or richness of its wildlife; and

● where the green area concerned is local in character and is not an extensive tract of land.

78. Local policy for managing development within a Local Green Space should be consistent with policy for Green Belts.

WNP Policy NE2 is in conformity with these paragraphs as the Local Green Spaces meet the criteria in para 77 and do not lie in Green Belt.

Contribution to the Achievement of Sustainable Development

Neighbourhood Plan policy NE2 contributes to the achievement of sustainable development by performing a social role supporting

strong, vibrant and healthy communities by creating a high quality built environment with accessible local services that reflect the

community’s needs and support its health, in the case of the sports pitch, and social and cultural well-being in the case of the Flood



Wray Neighbourhood Plan Policy

Policy NE3 – Historic Environment

In addition to the requirements set out in Local Plan Policies DM30, 31, 32, 33 and 34 for the historic

environment or their successor policies in the emerging Local Plan, all development in the plan area should

take into account the unique heritage features and historic character of the area, including built, natural and

cultural heritage features, and protect or enhance historic landscape character, locally important heritage

assets and

their settings, and the distinctiveness of settlements.

Before works to historic buildings or assets take place, surveys should be undertaken to record their historical

interest and build the heritage evidence of the Forest of Bowland AONB.

Development proposals affecting designated and non-designated heritage assets, that are either identified on

the Council’s Local List, the Historic Environment Record or that are discovered during the application

process, will be supported provided that they:

(I) conserve or enhance the special architectural and historic interest of the asset. This may include schemes

that specifically aim to (or include measures to) protect, restore, enhance, reveal, interpret, sensitively and

imaginatively incorporate or record historic assets or features;

(II) reflect local vernacular and the distinctive historic and settlement character through the design, style,

scale, massing and materials used;

(III) protect or enhance the character and setting of the asset; and

(IV) promote enjoyment, understanding and interpretation of the assets, as a means of maximising wider


public benefits and in reinforcing the identity of Wray with Botton and sense of place within the Forest of

Bowland AONB.

Proposals that result in or contribute to the loss or fragmentation of heritage assets will not be permitted.

Proposals affecting ancient/historic field patterns should reinforce and reflect the pattern.

Lancaster Existing Local Plan Policy

Policy SC3 Rural Communities seeks to build Healthy Sustainable Communities including by protecting, conserving and

enhancing rural landscapes and the distinctive characteristics of rural settlements.

Policy E 1: Environmental Capital safeguards and enhances the District’s Environmental Capital by protecting and enhancing

listed buildings, conservation areas and archaeological sites and ensuring that development in historic areas conserves and

enhances their sense of place.

Lancaster Emerging Local Plan Policy

Policy EN1: Conservation Areas requires development proposals in conservation areas such as Wray to be considered against their impacts on the local character of the area and, in particular Policies DM38 and DM39 of the emerging Development Management DPD

Comment WNP Policy NE3 – Historic Environment is in conformity with these policies as it seeks to protect and enhance Wrays heritage with the majority of Wray village lying inside a conservation area and the village as a whole contributing to the AONB.

National Planning Policy Framework

126. requires Local planning authorities to set out in their Local Plan a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the

historic environment. It acknowledges that heritage assets are an irreplaceable resource that should be conserved.

128. says that local planning authorities should “require an applicant to describe the significance of any heritage assets affected,

including any contribution made by their setting.”

129. requires Local planning authorities to identify and assess the significance of any heritage asset or its setting that may be


affected by a proposal taking account available evidence and any necessary expertise. “They should take this assessment into

account when considering the impact of a proposal on a heritage asset, to avoid or minimise conflict between the heritage asset’s

conservation and any aspect of the proposal.”

WNP Policy NE3 is in conformity with these paragraphs as it seeks to protect Wray’s heritage assets including by identifying sources of evidence to refer to.

Contribution to the Achievement of Sustainable Development

Neighbourhood Plan policy NE3 contributes to the achievement of sustainable development by performing an environmental role by contributing to protecting and enhancing our built and historic environment.

Wray Neighbourhood Plan Policy

Policy COM1 - Community Assets and Local Services

New development should conserve or enhance assets and services valued by the community, including those

listed below:

Wray Endowed Primary School

Wray Institute

The Church and its grounds

The Chapel and Former Friends Meeting House and their grounds

The Post Office and Shop


The George & Dragon Public House

Wray Pre-School Forest School

Bridge House Tea Rooms and Garden Centre

The allotments

Agricultural Land used for the fairground and car parking during the annual Scarecrow Festival

Proposals that would result in the loss of buildings/uses which currently (or have previously) provided the

community with a local service must provide compelling and detailed evidence in accordance with the criteria

set out in Policy DM49: Protection of Local Services and Community Facilities or its successor policy in the

emerging Local Plan to demonstrate that the asset or service no longer has an economic or social value to the


Lancaster Existing Local Plan Policy

Policy SC3 Rural Communities seeks to build Healthy Sustainable Communities including by encouraging local involvement in

the provision and management of essential rural facilities and resist development proposals which would result in their loss.

Lancaster Emerging Local Plan Policy

Policy SP9: Maintaining Strong and Vibrant Communities supports the long term sustainability of communities through making sure that the aspirations of all sections of the community are met and by protecting important facilities which act as hubs of the community, whether they be valuable areas of open space, local services or community buildings and support their improvement and diversification where they retain their long term value to the community they serve.

Comment WNP Policy COM1 - Community Assets and Local Services is in conformity with these policies as it protects identified facilities

vital to the local community.

National Planning Policy 28. states that neighbourhood plans should promote the retention and development of local services and community facilities in


Framework villages, such as local shops, meeting places, sports venues,cultural buildings, public houses and places of worship so as to promote

a strong rural economy.

WNP Policy COM1 is in conformity with these paragraphs as it seeks to prmote the retention of such facilities.

Contribution to the Achievement of Sustainable Development

Neighbourhood Plan policy COM1 contributes to the achievement of sustainable development by performing a social role supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities by creating a high quality built environment with accessible local services that reflect the community’s needs and support its health and social and cultural well-being.

Wray Neighbourhood Plan Policy

Policy TRA1 - Infrastructure for New Development

Within the Neighbourhood Plan area, new development will contribute towards new infrastructure or improve

the capacity of existing infrastructure in a way that reflects the primary purpose of the Forest of Bowland

AONB designation.

Compliance with Development Management DPD Policies DM20: Enhancing Accessibility and Transport

Linkages, DM21: Walking and Cycling, DM22: Vehicle parking Provision, and DM35: Key Design Principles and

their successor policies in the emerging Local Plan is essential to ensure that the issues raised for Rural

Lancaster in the District of Lancaster Highways and Transport Master Plan have been fully addressed and any

necessary mitigation measures identified.

The Neighbourhood Plan priorities for spending any monies derived from Planning Agreements (Section 106)

and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) or successor mechanisms such as Local Infrastructure Tariff (LIT)

from development within the parish will be as follows:


(l) Off street parking in Main Street, Wray to improve road safety and the character and appearance of the

village by reducing the dominance of the motor vehicle within the streetscape.

(ll) All ability access to the footpath network including improvements to footways within the village of Wray to

reduce the need to walk in the road and to improve the health and wellbeing of residents and visitors.

Opportunities will be taken to fund such improvements through planning applications.

Proposals by developers or other authorities which provide improvements to sustainable modes of transport

will be supported and may include:

(l) Improvements to the existing local network of cycleways, bridleways and footways which encourage their


(ll) Measures which improve accessibility within the Parish by public transport, walking and cycling and the

provision of additional car parking within the village of Wray.

(lll) Improvements to links between the Parish and local service centres including development of new

cycleways to reduce reliance on the B6480 and enhance safety for all.

Lancaster Existing Local Plan Policy

Policy SC 3 Rural Communities seeks to build Healthy Sustainable Communities including by working with local stakeholders

to enhance sensitive recreation and develop walking and cycling networks and by protecting, conserving and enhancing rural

landscapes and the distinctive characteristics of rural settlements.

Policy ER 6: Developing Tourism has particular provision for the countryside where it promotes new walking and cycling routes

including long-distance routes and linkages to national networks.

Lancaster Emerging Local Policy SP10: Improving Transport Connectivity supports the improvements in the Highways and Transport Masterplan for


Plan Policy Lancaster district which encourages a greater promotion of a variety of sustainable methods of transport rather than pure reliance on the private car to make local journeys.

Policy T2: Cycling and Walking Network outlines the Councils commitment to supporting the role of cycling and walking in Lancaster District and how the Council seeks to improve the cycling and walking networks.

Comment Policy TRA1 - Infrastructure for New Development is in conformity with these policies as it encourages the maintenance and

improvement of the walking and cycling network as well as public transport and supports additional parking provision where it

will reduce the dominance of the car on streetscape of Wray Village.

National Planning Policy Framework

30. Encouragement should be given to solutions which support reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and reduce congestion. In

preparing Local Plans, local planning authorities should therefore support a pattern of development which, where reasonable to do

so, facilitates the use of sustainable modes of transport.

35. says that Plans should protect and exploit opportunities for the use of sustainable transport modes.

40. requires Local authorities to improve the quality of parking in town centres so that it is convenient, safe and secure.

WNP Policy TRA1 is in conformity with these paragraphs as it seeks to promote sustainable transport such as walking, cycling and use of public transport including through provision of infrastructure. It also seeks to improve the parking situation in the Village centre.

Contribution to the Achievement of Sustainable Development

Neighbourhood Plan policy TRA1 contributes to the achievement of sustainable development by performing an environmental role – contributing to protecting and enhancing our natural environment; and, as part of this, moving to a low carbon economy.



A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) screening was undertaken by Lancaster City Council. The screening confirms that a Strategic Environmental

Assessment is not required for this Plan. The screening was submitted to the statutory environmental bodies (English Heritage, Natural England and the

Environment Agency).

A Habitat Regulation Assessment (HRA) screening opinion was sought from Lancaster City Council in order to confirm whether an HRA was required to

support the Plan. The screening exercise concluded that there were no European sites that would be affected by the proposals within the Neighbourhood


An explanation of why the plan is not subject to the requirements of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive has been submitted with the Plan.

The Plan has regard to the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed under the European Convention on Human rights and complies with the Human

Rights Act 1998.



There are no other prescribed matters.5




Town and Country Planning, England

The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012

In accordance with Part 2 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Lancaster City

Council recently consulted on an application made by Wray Parish Council for the designation of

Wray Parish as a Neighbourhood Area for the purposes of Neighbourhood Planning. Following

consultation, Lancaster City Council have resolved (on 20 February 2015) to approve the application

and designate the Parish as a Neighbourhood Area.

In accordance with the above regulations, in particular Regulation 7(1) the Council must publicise

the following information about the designation to bring it to the attention of people who live, work

or carry on business in the area to which the designation relates.

Name of the Neighbourhood Area

The name of the Neighbourhood Area is the Wray Neighbourhood Area.

A Map Identifying the Area Designated

Please see the accompanying map.


The Name of the Relevant Body who applied for the Designation

Wray Parish Council is the relevant body that applied for the designation.

These details are published on the City Council’s website at www.lancaster.gov.uk/planningpolicy

and can be inspected during normal opening hours at Morecambe Town Hall, Marine Road,

Morecambe, LA4 5AF and at Wray Institute. More information about Neighbourhood Planning can

also be found via the City Council’s website.

If you have any queries about this designation, or any other neighbourhood planning issues within

the district, please contact the Planning and Housing Policy Team by email at

planningpolicy@lancaster.gov.uk or by phone at 01524 582383 or by post via the Planning and

Housing Policy Team, Lancaster City Council, PO Box 4, Lancaster Town Hall, Dalton Square,

Lancaster, LA1 1QR.

Andrew Dobson, Chief Planning Officer (6 March 2015)



Relevant Strategic Policies from the Core Strategy (2003-2021) Adopted July 2008 Current at time of writing this statement, February 2018

Policy SC 1



Purpose: to ensure that new development proposals are as sustainable as possible, minimise greenhouse gas emissions and are

adaptable to the likely effects of Climate Change.

In assessing whether a development proposal or allocation is as sustainable as possible, the Council will apply the following


Location (Core Strategy and Allocations):

It is convenient to walk, cycle and travel by public transport between the site and homes, workplaces, shops, schools, health

centres, recreation, leisure and community facilities; and

The site is previously developed; and

The current use, appearance or condition of the site cause adverse environmental impacts which could be alleviated through


The site can be developed without incurring unacceptable flood risk or drainage problems;


The site can be developed without the loss of or harm to features of significant biodiversity, landscape, archaeological or built

heritage importance; and

The proposed use would be appropriate to the character of the landscape.


Design Construction and Use (Development Control Policies)

It is convenient to walk or cycle around the site; and

The proposal re-uses existing buildings; and

The proposal uses locally sourced, sustainable or recycled construction materials, sustainable waste management practices and

minimises construction waste; and

The proposal would clean up contamination and other environmental problems associated with the site; and

The proposal uses energy efficient design and orientation, energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies; and

The proposal has an acceptable impact on drainage systems and uses Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS) where appropriate; and

The proposal is integrated with the character of the landscape and, where appropriate, enhances biodiversity, increases tree-cover,

provides for archaeological investigation and creates publicly accessible open space.

Policy SC 2



Purpose: To Build Healthy Sustainable Communities By Focusing Development Where It Will Support The Vitality Of Existing

Settlements, Regenerate Areas Of Need And Minimise The Need To Travel.

Over the period of the Strategy;

90% of new dwellings;

95% of new (ii) employment floorspace; and

98% of new (iii) retail floorspace

Will be accommodated within the existing urban area of Lancaster, Morecambe, Heysham and Carnforth. The distribution of


development will reflect the different roles of these settlements within the regional hierarchy of Regional Spatial Strategy. (iv)

Allocations, Development Control policies and Development proposals will only be allowed where they do not result in a negative

impact on a Natura 2000 site. Particular attention will be paid to the impacts of recreation pressure, water or airborne pollution on

Morecambe Bay.

Policy SC 3



Purpose: To Build Healthy Sustainable Communities By Empowering Rural Communities To Develop Local Vision And Identity, Identify

And Meet Local Needs And Manage Change In The Rural Economy And Landscape.

An allowance of 10% of new homes and 5% of employment is made to accommodate development to meet local needs in villages.

This will be focused in villages that have five basic services. (v) At present these are:


Caton and Brookhouse








Development outside these settlements will require exceptional justification.

In Rural Areas and in smaller, more remote villages in particular, the Council will work with the Local Strategic Partnership, Parish

Councils and other local stakeholders to:

Help Parish Councils to develop as local community leaders and engage in spatial planning and Local Strategic Partnership


Protect, conserve and enhance rural landscapes and the distinctive characteristics of rural settlements;

Identify housing needs and opportunities for meeting them and ensuring that any housing permitted is directly related to those


Identify local employment needs and opportunities for meeting them;

Encourage local involvement in the provision and management of essential rural facilities and resist development proposals

which would result in their loss;

Encourage appropriate employment development within villages including home-working, particularly by supporting increased

broadband availability;

Promote and market sensitive tourist attractions, accommodation and catering with particular emphasis on the potential of

farm diversification;

Enhance sensitive recreation and develop walking and cycling networks.

Allocations, Development Control policies and Development proposals will only be allowed where they do not result in a negative

impact on a Natura 2000 site. Particular attention will be paid to the impacts of development proposals in Silverdale and

Bolton-le-Sands on the Morecambe Bay and Morecambe Bay Pavements sites due to recreation pressure, water or airborne



Policy SC 4




Purpose: To set out the Principles which will ensure that Housing Needs are met, through Housing Allocations and through determining

Planning Applications, in a way which builds Sustainable Communities.

The Council will:

Identify a housing land supply sufficient to meet the Housing Requirement of 7,200 dwellings (net of clearance replacement) [as

currently anticipated] in the period 2003-2021 as established by Policy L4 (Table 7.1) of the Regional Spatial Strategy;

Manage the phased release of housing land such that the number of recorded dwelling completions is closely aligned to the Annual

Average Dwelling Requirement of 400 dwellings [as currently anticipated] as established by Policy L4 (Table 7.1) of the Regional

Spatial Strategy;

The Council will both identify a housing land supply and release sites via the granting of planning consent in accordance with the

Core Strategy principles of:

Urban Concentration, as described in Policy SC2

Sustainable Development, as described in Policy SC1, and,

Supporting regeneration within the Regeneration Priority Areas identified in Policy ER2.

The Council will aim to maximise the opportunities offered by the development of new dwellings


Redress imbalances in the local housing market;

Achieve housing that genuinely addresses identified local housing need; and,

Secure units of “in-perpetuity” affordable housing.


Policy SC 5



Purpose: To Ensure That Development Proposals, Plans and Strategies achieve The Core Strategy Vision of Leading The North West in

terms of Urban Design.

The Council will work with developers, local and national stakeholders and communities to maintain and improve the quality of

development by seeking to ensure that throughout the District and particularly within the following areas:

Lancaster City Centre and its approaches;

Morecambe Town Centre, Seafront and approaches;

Lancaster University and Bailrigg Science Park;

Conservation Areas;

The North Lancashire Green Belt;

Regeneration Priority Areas (see Policy ER2);

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty;

Other rural areas.

New development is of a quality which reflects and enhances the positive characteristics of its surroundings including the quality of

the landscape, results in an improved appearance where conditions are unsatisfactory, complements and enhances the public realm

and, in high profile locations, creates landmark buildings of genuine and lasting architectural merit.

Policy SC 8



Purpose: To build Sustainable Communities by ensuring that existing and future Residents and Visitors have access to Sports Facilities,

Green Spaces and Greenspace Networks.

Existing sports facilities and green spaces will be retained unless identified as no longer capable of meeting identified needs through


the Open Space and Recreation Study.

New residential development will make appropriate provision for formal and informal sports provision in line with needs identified in

the Open Space and Recreation Study.

Through future Local Development Documents, the Council will identify, protect and enhance a greenspace and informal recreation

network based around the following greenspace systems:

Morecambe and Heysham Promenade and Coastline;

The chain of open spaces surrounding Lancaster City Centre;

The River Lune Corridor from Marsh Point to Glasson Dock;

The chain of open spaces along the Burrow Beck valley;

The Lancaster Canal through both Lancaster and Carnforth;

Lancaster University Campus and the eastern fringes of Lancaster;

The Lancaster-Morecambe cycle track and the Morecambe railway triangle.

Through future Local Development Documents, the Council will investigate the potential to provide

significant new or improved open space in the following areas of deficiency :

Central Morecambe;

Central Lancaster;

The West End of Morecambe;

The Westgate area;


The Marsh area of Lancaster;


The Council will seek to maximise the involvement of communities in the design and layout of new

recreational open space;

Policy ER 6



Purpose: To maximise the potential of Tourism to regenerate the Local Economy.

The Council will promote and enhance tourism development in the District by:

Supporting the restoration of the Midland Hotel and Victoria Pavilion (Winter Gardens) and the creation of a quality leisure offer in


Creating a high quality historic environment in LANCASTER CITY CENTRE developing the potential of the Castle and Town Hall and,

through regeneration and new development create new environments of a quality which enhance the City;

Continuing the regeneration of CARNFORTH’s railway, canal and industrial heritage;

In the District’s COUNTRYSIDE, encouraging agricultural diversification to create quiet recreation and small scale sensitively

designed visitor attractions and accommodation in the District’s countryside, promoting new walking and cycling routes including

long-distance routes and linkages to national networks;

Monitoring the availability and quality of the District’s stock of visitor accommodation and making provision for new

accommodation where necessary.

Policy E 1



Purpose: To improve the District’s Environment

The Council will safeguard and enhance the District’s Environmental Capital by applying national and regional planning policies and:

Protecting and enhancing nature conservation sites, urban greenspaces, allotments, landscapes of national importance, listed


buildings, conservation areas and archaeological sites;

Protecting the North Lancashire Green Belt;

Encouraging development which makes the minimum and most efficient use of finite natural resources including land, buildings soil,

non-renewable energy, water and raw materials;

Resisting development in places where environmental risks including from flooding cannot be properly managed;

Taking full account of the needs and wishes of communities and, in particular, vulnerable and disadvantaged groups such as the

elderly, young people and people with disabilities;

Using all practicable means to make places more pleasant and liveable with safer, cleaner, more legible and more attractive streets

and spaces;

Resisting development which would have a detrimental effect on environmental quality and public amenity;

Ensuring that development in the city of Lancaster and other historic areas conserves and enhances their sense of place;

In areas where environmental quality is unsatisfactory such as Poulton and the West End of Morecambe, seeking development of a

quality which will raise standards and help to deliver a step change in their environmental quality and sense of place;

Identifying how habitats in urban and rural areas will be protected and, where possible, enhanced in extent and in their diversity of

wildlife species;

Directing development to locations, where previously developed land can be recycled and re-used, dereliction cleared and

contamination remediated;

Conserving and enhancing landscapes.


Relevant Strategic Policies from “A Local Plan for Lancaster District 2011-2031, Part One: Strategic Policies and Land Allocations DPD, Consultation Draft January

2017” which was emerging strategic policy at the time of writing, February 2018.

Policy SP2: Lancaster

District Settlement


The Council will support proposals for development in the settlements set out below, provided that they are of a nature and scale which

is proportionate to the role and function of that settlement or where they have been specifically identified in this plan to meet the

strategic growth needs of the district. The role of each settlement category will play in the future growth of the district is explained


1. Regional Centre – this will provide the focus for future growth in the district and will accommodate the majority of new


2. Key Service Centres & Market Towns – these will play a supporting role to the Regional Centre and will accommodate levels

of new residential and economic development to serve more localised catchments.

3. Sustainable Rural Settlements – these settlements will provide the focus of growth for Lancaster district outside the main

urban areas subject in the AONBs to the constraints of the protected landscapes where a landscape-capacity approach will be


4. Rural Villages – these settlements will accommodate development that meets evidenced local needs only.











Policy SP3:

Development Strategy

for Lancaster District

The development strategy aims to meet the development needs of the district by promoting an urban-focused approach to development

that is supplemented with additional large strategic development sites in greenfield locations that can be developed for housing and


Urban-focused development will be concentrated towards the main urban areas of Lancaster, Morecambe, Heysham and Carnforth for

residential, retail, employment and leisure development, seeking to maximise opportunities for regeneration in sustainable brownfield

locations. To supplement this approach a range of strategic greenfield sites have been identified on the edges of Lancaster and Carnforth

to meet future development needs.

The Council will continue to lead, enable and support a wide range of initiatives that are designed to regenerate disadvantaged areas.

Seeking to promote stronger and healthier communities, encouraging greater social inclusion, removing barriers to investment and

enabling sustainable growth across the district to ensure land is used in the most efficient and sustainable manner.

In addition to the main urban areas of the district, development will be supported in sustainable settlements as defined in the

settlement hierarchy.

Development in other rural villages will only be supported where it is clearly demonstrated that it is meeting proven local needs.

In general the scale of planned housing growth in rural areas will be managed to reflect existing population size, be proportionate the

existing scale and character of the settlement and the availability of, or the opportunity to provide, infrastructure, services and facilities


to serve the development and the extent to which development can be accommodated within the local area.

In allocating land for development, the Council have had regard to Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the North Lancashire Green

Belt, areas of flood risk, the historic environment and designated wildlife sites when establishing the scale, extent and form of

development. A landscape capacity-led approach to development will be taken in the AONBs. Great weight will be given to the principle

of conserving the landscape and natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the AONBs. The relevant constraints are highlighted

within this Local Plan.

Through this strategy, development opportunities will be created for economic, social and environmental well-being and development

for the needs of future generations.

Policy SP4: Priorities

for Sustainable

Economic Growth

The district is home to a range of important businesses and organisations that provide a strong economic base in terms of job

creation and investment, this base needs to be protected and supported.

The Council will also seek to support sustainable economic growth within the district particularly where it meets the following


· The promotion of Bailrigg Garden Village, in particular the development of the Lancaster University Health Innovation Campus

and wider employment opportunities associated with Bailrigg Garden Village.

· Growth of the retail and cultural offers for Lancaster and Morecambe to enhance the quantitative and qualitative offers within

the respective city and town centres. This should seek to establish improved retail, leisure and cultural heritage offers that link to

the enhancement of the wider cultural heritage (for example Lancaster Castle, Lancaster Canal Corridor and Morecambe Seafront)

for the benefit of residents and visitors.

· Future expansion of facilities at the Port of Heysham to enable growth in freight operations, a core element of its use following

the opening of the Bay Gateway Link Road.

Further diversification of the port to enable servicing of the off-shore renewable energy sector will also be supported. Economic

growth opportunities, for example port related logistics, will be targeted towards the Heysham Gateway area in South Heysham.


· The regeneration of the Heysham Gateway area to provide expanded opportunities for economic growth and the provision of

modern, fit-for-purpose employment units which can provide for small-scale business start-ups though to providing expansion

opportunities for existing businesses.

· Growth within the environmental, advanced manufacturing, digital, health and energy sectors that enhance the district’s already

leading role in these areas through the delivery of the Lancaster University Health Innovation Campus and energy growth around

the Heysham Gateway.

· Sustainable growth at the district’s higher education establishments, including Lancaster University, University of Cumbria and

Lancaster & Morecambe College. Improving the opportunities for academic learning and improving the presence of the

universities within Lancaster City Centre and at the Lancaster University Health Innovation Campus.

· Support for sustainable economic growth in the rural economy to ensure that the needs of rural businesses can be supported.

· Supporting the delivery of a skilled workforce through the promotion of apprenticeships and training.

The Local Plan, through a range of policies within the DPD will assist in achieving the priorities identified above. The Council will

work will key partners and stakeholders in order to deliver these priorities through the plan period in order to deliver new jobs

and investment to the district.

Policy SP6: The

Delivery of New


Between 2011/12 and 2033/34 the Council will seek to deliver a net minimum delivery of 522 new dwellings per annum over a 23 year

delivery period, equivalent to 12,000 new dwellings.

The delivery of the housing requirement will be realised through maximising opportunities for the regeneration of brownfield land within

the district, the delivery of large strategic greenfield sites adjacent to urban areas and the delivery of smaller greenfield sites across the


The opportunities for housing delivery are highlighted in the table below:















500 500









COMPLETIONS 2011/12 - 2015/16 1,442

TOTAL 12,056

Within the inclusion of dwellings completions in the years 2011-2014 the above allocation is in excess of the overall Objectively Assessed Need recommendation figure (OAN). However, the allocation of housing land greater than the identified requirement is necessary in order to provide sufficient flexibility and opportunity to permit the delivery of sufficient housing within the plan period. The current assessment of the ability of sites to deliver within the plan period is described in paragraph 9.16 above and will kept under review.

Policy SP7: Maintaining

Lancaster District’s

Unique Heritage

The character of Lancaster district is defined by many important cultural, and historical characteristics.

The Council recognises the features that make Lancaster district special and will use the Local Plan as the vehicle to describe which

features are of value, protect them from inappropriate development that would damage that special value and explore opportunities to

improve and enhance these features where appropriate opportunities arise to do so.

Development proposals will be expected to contribute towards maintaining and enhancing the district’s unique character through the

appropriate location of uses, sympathetic design, the use of local materials, boundary planting, open space provision, layout and

sustainable construction techniques.

Policy SP8: Protecting

the Natural


Lancaster district contains important landscapes, species and habitats that are valued features

of the natural environment.

The Council recognises the importance of biodiversity and geodiversity, and has prepared a Local Plan that will seek to protect sites of

recognised importance; it will also seek to protect areas of land that are functionally linked to areas which are of International and

National importance.

Lancaster district is not immune to the effect of Climate Change, in particular the associated risks from extreme weather events and

increasing levels of rainfall. The Local Plan has been prepared in consultation with the Environment Agency, Lancashire County Council


(the Lead Local Flood Authority for Lancaster district) and United Utilities to ensure that flood risk issues are clearly considered and flood

resilience addressed. The impacts of future growth will not create new flooding issues or exacerbate existing problems and seeks to

reduce flood risk overall.

The Council will continue to work with all relevant partners to address issues of flood risk, whether from river, sea or other sources, to

implement schemes that will reduce overall flood risk or better manage the continuing effects of Climate Change. Development

proposals in areas of known flood risk will be expected to consider their direct and in-direct impacts on flooding and include appropriate

mitigation measures to ensure water is managed correctly.

Development proposals will be expected to protect, maintain and enhance the district’s biodiversity and geodiversity through the

appropriate location of uses, sympathetic design, sustainable construction techniques and appropriate mitigation measures. The Council

will also support opportunities to maximise energy efficiency.

Policy SP9: Maintaining

Strong and Vibrant


Policy SP9: Maintaining Strong and Vibrant Communities

The Council recognises the range of communities in the district, whether they be rural communities and/or urban neighbourhoods, and

supports their long term sustainability throughout the plan period and beyond through making sure that the aspirations of all

sections of the community are met.

This will be done through ensuring that sufficient and appropriate provision is made for education and health are for both existing and

new residents within the district. In order to achieve this the Council will work with key partners such as Lancashire County Council and

the Clinical Commissioning Group to ensure that existing capacity is understood and future needs are identified and planned for.

New development should deliver safe, cohesive and healthy communities across the social gradient which benefit from quality homes,

good accessibility to open spaces and recreational provision and promoting the role of sustainable transport, particularly cycling and


The Council will seek to protect important facilities that act as hubs of the community, whether they be valuable areas of open space,

local services or community buildings and support their improvement and diversification where they retain their long term value to the


community they serve.

It is important that local communities have the opportunity to contribute to the plan-making process through the neighbourhood plan

process, where communities take up the option to prepare a neighbourhood plan for their locality then the Council will seek to provide

assistance and support in their preparation.

Policy SP10: Improving

Transport Connectivity

Policy SP10: Improving Transport Connectivity

Lancashire County Council has prepared and published a Highways and Transport Masterplan for Lancaster district. The core elements of

this masterplan are to address existing issues with the local and strategic transport network and to identify future improvements

necessary to facilitate strategic development growth within the district. The improvements set out in the masterplan expect greater

promotion of a variety of sustainable methods of transport rather than over reliance on the private car to make local journeys.

The Council has played a key role in the preparation of this masterplan and fully supports the aspirations contained within it. The Council

will continue to assist and support the delivery of important and necessary transport infrastructure within the district, whether this be to

address current issues or where it is critical in the delivery of strategic growth of homes and jobs.

New development will be expected to be sited in sustainable locations that ensure a range of transport options and seek to reduce the

need to travel. Where it is appropriate and necessary to do so, development proposals will be expected to contribute to the delivery of

important transport infrastructure.

Policy SC1:


Planning Areas

There are a number of areas in the district where Neighbourhood Plans are being prepared. Development proposals which are sited within the following Parish / Ward areas should have due regard to the policies and allocations set out in any Neighbourhood Plan where they have been formally adopted by the City Council for planning purposes.

[including Wray-with-Botton]


When formally ‘made’ by the Council, the policies and allocations within Neighbourhood Plans will be afforded material consideration in

the determination of planning applications

Policy SC2: Local Green


The Council has designated areas of green space for special protection, as outlined in the table below. These Local Green Spaces have

been put forward by the local community, with a strong evidence base, due to their particularly special, local importance. These areas

have been identified on the Local Plan Polices Map.

Inappropriate development will not be permitted within a Local Green Space except for very special circumstances. Development which

will enhance, support and facilitate the sustainability of the community needs, services and purposes provided by the Local Green Space,

as evidenced and identified in the Table below, will be considered appropriate. The design, scale and size of development will be

required to be proportionate and reflective of/in keeping with each Local Green Space, the purposes of the designation and the

community it serves.

Development will also only be considered appropriate if it is in accordance with paragraph 89 and 90 of the NPPF.

Following the Local Green Space designation, if one of the identified sites is designated for another purpose, particularly one of a higher level of protection, this will need to be taken account of.

SC2.1 Freeman’s Wood Historic Significance and

Recreational Value

SC2.2 Ridge Hill Green Recreational Value

SC2.3 Barley Cop Community Wood Recreational Value

SC2.4 Land at Heysham Coast Recreational Value

SC2.5 Low Moor Historic Significance and

Recreational Value


SC2.6 Greaves Park Historic Significance and

Recreational Value

SC2.7 Giant Axe Playing Field Historic Significance and

Recreational Value

SC2.8 Furness Street Green Space Historic Significance and

Recreational Value

SC2.9 Dorrington Road Woods Recreational Value

SC2.10 Lune Bank Gardens Recreational Value

SC2.11 Scotch Quarry Urban Park Historic Significance

SC2.12 Quay Meadow Recreational Value

SC2.13 Carnforth Cemetery Wood Historic Significance and

Recreational Value

SC2.14 Thwaite Woods (Bolton-le-Sands

Community Wood)

Recreational Value and

Richness of Wildlife

SC2.15 Church Bridge Recreation Area Historic Significance and

Recreational Value

SC2.16 Over Kellet Craggs Recreational Value and

Richness of Wildlife

SC2.17 Ryelands Park Historic Significance and

Recreational Value


SC2.18 Ripley Heights Historic Significance and


SC2.19 Aldcliffe Road Triangle Historic Significance and

Recreational Value

SC2.20 Fenham Carr Alllotments Recreational and Wildllife


SC.21 Barton Road Allotments (and Moorside


Recreational Value

Policy SC3: Open

Space, Recreation and


Existing open space and recreation facilities have been identified on the Local Plan Policies Map. These sites, identified for their

recreation, environmental and/or amenity value will be protected from inappropriate development in accordance with relevant national

and local planning policy.

Policy EN1:

Conservation Areas

The Council has 37 conservation areas within the district which have been identified for their architectural and historical importance. These are the following:

[Including Wray]

Development proposals in these designated areas will be considered against their impacts on the local character of the area and, in particular Policies DM38 and DM39 of the Development Management DPD.

Policy EN2: Designated The Council has identified a range of designated heritage assets on the Local Plan Policies Map, which include the following type of asset:





*Due to the number and local nature of Listed buildings these are not shown on the printed version of the Local Plan Policies Map.

However, they are viewable the online version of the map.

Policy EN4: Areas of

Outstanding Natural


Lancaster district contains two Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) which are designated for their national landscape importance. They are:



The landscape character and visual amenity of both ANOBs and their settings will be conserved and enhanced. All development in

the AONBs should be sustainable, consistent with the primary purpose of AONB designation and guided by the relevant AONB

Management Plan. Proposals will be expected to have due regard to all relevant policies contained within the Local Plan, including

the Development Management DPD and, where appropriate, the Arnside & Silverdale AONB DPD.

Policy H2: Housing

Delivery in Rural Areas

of the District

The Council will support the delivery of housing in rural villages on the allocated sites identified below subject to meeting the

relevant policies contained within the Local Plan.

These sites are identified on the Policies Map.




















































* Where no planning permissions have been submitted, dwelling numbers have been estimated based on number of assumptions around

site area and site densities. Where this is the case the actual dwelling numbers will be determined through the planning application



** New Development should provide for ‘Home Owner Pack’ in relation to recreational pressures in Morecambe Bay.

Within the settlements of Arkholme, Cockerham, Caton & Brookhouse, Dolphinholme, Halton, Slyne-with-Hest, Wennington and Wray

the Council expects, via the Neighbourhood Plan process, the respective Parish Council’s to proactively and positively plan for housing

growth within their communities in the context of this DPD.

Policy T2: Cycling and

Walking Network

The Council are committed to supporting and promoting the role of cycling and walking in the district, building on previous successes of

Lancaster’s role as a Cycling Demonstration Town providing safe and secure facilities.

The Cycling Network has been identified on the Local Plan Policies Maps with a range of further aspirational routes highlighted to

improve connectivity and linkages, particularly within the urban areas of the district. The Council will seek to support improvements to

the network and delivery of these aspiration routes through the course of the plan period. In order to reflect the levels of anticipated

growth in and around Lancaster, improvements will be particularly focussed on supporting strategic routes in figure XX below.

The Lancaster District Highways and Transport Masterplan has identified the opportunity to deliver a Cycling and Walking Superhighway,

particularly connecting proposed growth at Bailrigg Garden Village and Lancaster City Centre, the City Council support Lancashire County

Council in exploring opportunities to deliver the Superhighway with further detail to be provided on its delivery via the Bailrigg Garden

Village Area Action Plan DPD.