WP 1 leader: Universität Karlsruhe (TH), TMB/FM Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kunibert Lennerts

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COMPETITIVE and SUSTAINABLE GROWTH PROGRAMME. THEMATIC NETWORK LIFETIME - WP1: Best practice and knowledge of lifetime engineering final presentation. WP 1 leader: Universität Karlsruhe (TH), TMB/FM Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kunibert Lennerts Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of WP 1 leader: Universität Karlsruhe (TH), TMB/FM Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kunibert Lennerts

1EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.1

THEMATIC NETWORK LIFETIME - WP1: Best practice and knowledge of lifetime


final presentation

 WP 1 leader:

Universität Karlsruhe (TH), TMB/FM

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kunibert Lennerts

Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez


2EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.2

WP 1: Best practice and knowledge of lifetime engineering

Working steps

Questionnaire sent out in August 2002

Follow up questionnaire sent out in November 2002

Design of a database on basis of results of questionnaires

Second call for data in May 2004 to NDG Leaders

Refinement of database

Upload of database into Netspace for Member’s use

Analysis and Benchmarking of data

3EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.3

WP 1: tasks

structured database

Task 1: Exploring and benchmarking

of best


Task 2: Listing of

competencies and current practices

Task 3: identifying gaps in

competence, education and


Task 4: identifying gaps

in transfer activities

Task 6: Collecting and

finishing Deliverable 1

Task 5: Concluding state of the art in R&D,

dissemination, exploitation,

education and training


4EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.4

WP 1: 2nd call for data research projects – example excel sheet

Sent out to all NDG leaders

5EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.5

WP 1: 2nd call for data research projects – example: completed data

Name of Project: OPIK

Participants: Universität Karlsruhe, TMB-FM; several hospitals

Start: 2000

End: 2003

Short description: processes in hosptials, benchmarking

Website: www.facility-management.uni-karlsruhe.de

Keywords out of list: 3,5,7,23

Keyword own definition (optional): benchmarking

Area (Buildings, Infrastructures, B&I): Buildings

Language: German

Partners from industry (Y/N): Y

Product development (Y/N): N

ID-Country, member, ID-Project: Germany, 5, 1

6EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.6

WP 1: 2nd call for data Educational courses – example excel sheet

Sent out to all NDG leaders

7EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.7

WP 1: 2nd call for data Educational courses – example: completed data

Name of Course: Life cycle engineering of buildings

Member: 64

Area (Buildings, Infrastructures, B&I): Buildings

Language: Finnish

ID-Country: 8 Finland

Institution giving course: Helsinki University of Technology/Structural engineering and building physics

Keywords out of list: 1, 3, 4, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 25, 29

8EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.8

WP 1: 2nd call for data Training courses – example excel sheet

Sent out to all NDG leaders

9EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.9

WP 1: 2nd call for data Training courses – example: completed data

Name of Course: Plumbing and Heating

Institution giving course: FAS Training Centre, Baldoyle, Dublin 13

Member: 82

Area (Buildings, Infrastructures, B&I): Buildings

ID-Country: Ireland

Language: English

Keywords out of list: 8, 10, 15, 25, 31, 34

10EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.10

WP 1: 2nd call for data ACCESS database

Why using ACCESS?

challange: - Complex data from different sources

- relationship of data (1:1; n:m)

- need for a searching function

Access provides all possibilities for the design of a well structured database.

11EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.11

Database Structure

Structured searching routines can be executed in terms of:

research projects

educational courses

training courses

standards, handbooks

 All data is referenced to:




member responsible for data / contact address

12EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.12

Database Queries

Example: Query on educational courses for language shall be German

13EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.13

Database Queries

Example: Query on educational courses for language shall be English

14EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.14

Database Queries

Example: Query on educational courses for language shall be German and keyword shall be “3 whole life costing”.

15EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.15


The data collected in the database concerning research, education and training has been benchmarked under the following aspects:

competence (keywords and main topics)



gaps (keywords and main topics)



Transfer of research into praxis

Procedure: Each entry in the database is referenced to one or more keywords. In terms of benchmarking we are comparing how many times the keywords have been named to reference the entries.

16EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.16

Definition Competence Centres - Gaps

We define competence within the Lifetime Network on basis of the following aspects:

A search in the database to one of those topics will give a good starting point and contacts for further investigation

new research can build on published work

Education / Training can be derived

We define gaps within the Lifetime Network on basis of the following aspects:

A search in the database to one of those topics gives very little or none results

education or training is (nearly) not available

17EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.17

Benchmarking to Use of keywords for Research Projects

At this state of the project there are 293 entries listed in the database.

The middle value of the “Use of keyword” of all keywords is 19. The standard deviation is 14 where the minimal value is 3 and the maximal value is 60. We take a closer look at all keywords where the Use of keyword is over 30 or under 8.

18EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.18

Competence Centres

Keywords named more often than 30 times (Use of keyword >30):

1 investment planning (50)

100 lifetime design (48)

14 economy of nature, environmental impact assessment technology (45)

300 recycling technology (43)

400 lifetime management and maintenance (60)

24 modernisation planning and execution (32)

21 maintenance planning and execution (32)

45 optimisation of materials and components (35)


19EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.19


Keywords that are underrepresented (Use of keyword <8):

13 multiple attribute decision making (e. g. MADA) (5)

18 selective demolition for recycling (7)

23 “Infrastructural management” (security, cleaning) (4)

25 analysis of the requirements of owner/user (e. g. QFD method) (5)

28 network (=total sample of the managed objects) planning (5)

500 Culture (5)

31 Building traditions (5)

32 Life style (5)

33 Business culture (5)

34 Aesthetics (6)

35 Architectural styles and trends (3)

36 Image (5)

39 sustainable city/regional planning (5)

20EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.20

Benchmarking to use of keywords per country

Amount of data for each country available in the database Share of projects for each country (293 in total)






















0% 9%




Australia 6

Austria 17

Belgium 4

Bulgaria 0

Czechoslovakia 6

Denmark 10

Estonia 32

Finland 29

France 6

Germany 49

Greece 28

Hungary 1

Iceland 3

Ireland 1

Italy 0

J apan 0

Lithuania 13

Netherlands 8

Norway 10

Poland 13

Portugal 0

Romania 2

Slovenia 0

Spain 26

Sweden 14

Switzerland 5

United Kingdom 5


21EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.21

Use of keywords for all countries

Use of keywords for each country’s research projects; at the same time the summed up use of keywords for all countries.

We can derive for which keywords there seem to be existing competence centres and at the same time we can allocate them.

Further investigation is possible via searching routine in database

22EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.22

Transfer from research into praxis

From 293 projects in total we have information about involvement of industry partners only for 98 projects.

The share of projects where industry partners are involved is 65%.

Number of projects where partners from Industry are involved




number of projects whereno information is available

partners from industryinvolved

no partners from industry

Share of Projects where partners of industry are involved


35%partners from industryinvolved

no partners from industry

23EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.23

Benchmarking to Use of keywords for Education

At this state of the project 109 educational courses are listed in the database.

The middle value of the “Use of keyword” of all keywords is 5,9. The standard deviation is 4,2 where the minimal value is 0 and the maximal value is 20. We take a closer look at all keywords where the Use of keyword is over 10 or under 2.

24EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.24

Competence Centres

Keywords named more often than 10 times (Use of keyword >10):

1 Investment planning (12)

 3 Whole life costing (11)

6 Performance data of materials and products (13)

7 Service life planning (11)

8 Durability limit states and service life design (12)

13 Energy efficiency in use (15)

21 maintenance planning and execution (20)

24 modernisation planning and execution (14)


25EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.25


Keywords that are underrepresented (Use of keyword <2):

500 Culture (1)

31 Building traditions (1)

32 Life style (1)

33 Business culture (1)

37 thematic network (0)

26EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.26

Benchmarking to Use of keywords for Training

At this state of the project 83 training courses are listed in the database.

The middle value of the “Use of keyword” of all keywords is 4,5. The standard deviation is 4,4 where the minimal value is 0 and the maximal value is 16. We take a closer look at all keywords where the Use of keyword is over 9 or under 1.

27EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.27

Competence Centres

Keywords named more often than 9 times (Use of keyword >9):

1 Investment planning (15)

7 Service life planning (12)

14 Economy of nature, environmental impact assessment technology (12)

15 Energy efficiency in use (15)

21 Maintenance planning and execution (16)

23 Infrastructural management (security, cleaning) (10)


28EU – Lifetime / Universität Karlsruhe (TH) / TMB-FM / Prof. Kunibert Lennerts – Dipl.-Ing. Karin Diez / Lyon 17.4.2005 Nr.28


Keywords that are underrepresented (Use of keyword <1):

4 usability, functionality and obsolescence analysis and design (0)

12 design for reuse (0)

28 network planning (0)

29 multiple attribute decision making (0)

32 Life style (0)

33 Business culture (0)

35 Architectural styles and trends (0)

36 Image (0)

37 thematic network (0)