Worthing College Sport Science Unit 11 – Task 3 - Sam Murray

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Worthing College Sport Science Unit 11 – Task 3 - Sam Murray

Unit 11 – Task 3

Sam Murray

Talent ID

Participation Where scouts from high levelteams observe performance and sign young players

Elite At this level coaches would observe opposing teams to analyse how they play to help their own team identifying weaknesses

Monitoring current fitness levels

Participation To monitor fitness levels, straight forward tests such as the bleep test would be done to measure aerobic capacity

Elite Much more detailed tests will be carried out such as an Astrandtreadmill test with high tech equipment to find an athletes VO2 max

Identifying strengths

Participation At training coaches may point out to players areas to improve

Elite Coaches who specialise in certain areas e.g. fitness, will observe performance and give detailed feedback on strengths and places for improvement

Performance assessment

Participation Coaches will simply assess performance by watchingmatches then coming up with little detailed reports

Elite Video analysis will be used by coaches along with other high tech equipment to help judge how good or bad performance was so they can help the team improve

Recovery after injury

Participation If an athlete at this level gets injured, they will have to go get help themselves e.g. hospital

Elite As soon as an athlete gets injured they will immediately receive treatment and medical teams with the very best equipment will help the speed of recovery

Assessment of health status

Participation Athletes at this level will only have to fill out a PAR-Q before taking part in activity, identifying any possible health risks

Elite Players have to go through regular testing to outline any health problems

Squad selection

Participation Generally at this level, teams are smaller and match day squads are picked on a basis of availability

Elite Squads will be large with youth and reserve sides for teams to take players from if need be, as well as a strong competition for places with players of various abilities that will be useful against different teams where different tactics will be played

Goal setting

Participation Simple and straight forward goals will be set by individual players themselves such as scoring a certain amount of goals by the end of each season

Elite These players will have to agree targets set for them by coaches, these targets will be SMART goals


Participation Athletes should be self motivated to achieve goals as well as receiving help from coaches to further motivate

Elite These players will be extremely self motivated as well as feedingoff of pressure put on them, e.g. by the media, to make them more determined


Participation These types of performer will have access to low level pitches and training facilities which will have poor surface to play on

Elite High level facilities such as a stadium with quality playing surface as well as high level training facilities where tests can be conducted on the athletes to improve performance


Participation These athletes will have other things to commit to such as work so will find it harder to find time to commit to their sport

Elite Generally, at elite level the sport is the athletes job so not many other commitments such as work for these type of performers, this allows more time for training, testing and matches


Participation Simple equipment is needed for this level performer such as cones for doing drills in training as well as kit to play matches and a ball

Elite The equipment available will be of a very high quality to help conduct full tests to give accurate results as well as all different types of boots for different weather


Participation These athletes will have to pay themselves for any joining on fee as well as possibly having to pay for kit

Elite An elite level club will receive funding from owners which will help support buying equipment and facilities needed for this level athletes

Scientific support and equipment

Participation This type of support wouldn’t be available to these level athletes, but if it is then it is very expensive

Elite The elite club will fund for the players to receive this type of support and equipment to help players focus on performance and improving


Participation Safety is high throughout all levels to ensure players do not get seriously injured or hurt, rules of certain sports make sure of this e.g. no jewellery

Elite This level players will receive more attention as it is the very top level of performance, at the very highest of elite level medical staff will be on hand at matches and during training to ensure safety