WORLD WARS COMPARE AND CONTRAST - · PDF fileFrench tanks (generally ... in both wars, but was...

Post on 06-Feb-2018

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Transcript of WORLD WARS COMPARE AND CONTRAST - · PDF fileFrench tanks (generally ... in both wars, but was...


  • Color Codes and Symbols

    Black Background for World War One

    White Background for World War Two

    Stared Bullet Points/ Red Text for Similarities

    Round Bullet Points for Differences

    Specific Countries Highlighted in Blue

  • Weapons

    Rifle: bolt-action rifle, main weapon used by British soldiers, 5 rounds per minute and people 1,400 meters away could be killed

    Machine Guns: Main method of killing, took most lives, took 4-6 men to work them, fire-power of 100 guns

    Machine Guns (Field Guns): needed up to 12 men to work them, fired shells that exploded on impact

    Mustard Gas: Mustard Gas fired into the trenches in shells, takes 12 hours to take effect, Effects include: blistering skin, vomiting, sore eyes, internal and external bleeding (Death can take up to 5 weeks)

    Tank: used for the first time at the Battle of the Somme, developed to cope with the conditions on the Western Front

  • Weapons

    Atomic Bombs: Used against Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Tanks: early tanks of Germany technologically inferior to many of opponent's tanks in armor/ firepower, French tanks (generally) outclassed German tanks in firepower/armor in 1940 but had poor command/control doctrine, in 1940 French had one of the largest tank forced in the world along with the Soviet, British and German forces

    Bombs: Atomic, Mustard Gas, Napalm (first time used), GB-1s, GB-4s, Disney Rocket Bombs (Used to penetrate U-boat Shelters)

  • Over View (Weapons)

    WW2 weapons more modern than WW1 weapons

    Both used tanks

    WW1 weapons were more close courters weapons

    WW2 weapons were more long distance weapons

    Both WW1 and WW2 weapons very effective weapons for time

  • Tactics

    Trench Warfare: First time used in WW1 (New type of war, Trench battles didnt move very far in distance, British defensive doctrine stated that a main trench system of three parallel lines used/interconnected by communications trenches, temporary trenches also built ("Saps" were temporary/unmanned/often dead-end utility trenches dug into no-man's land)

    Sea Battles: Used, but scarce

  • Tactics

    Air Raids: First time civilian areas where bombed, Short Stirling was first British four-engine bomber (viewed as Englands first modern bomber), Used in European Theatre

    Naval Battles: Used more often than in WW1, Used in Pacific Theatre, Germans has U-boats

  • Over View (Tactics)

    WW1 tactics where all for land

    WW1 tactics needed to be for a closer range than WW2 tactics

    WW2 tactics had to be for 3 different theaters with different needs (Ex. Naval tactics for Pacific Theatre)

    Both had some new tactics (Trench Warfare and the Bombing Of Civilian Areas)

  • Causes

    Serbia wanted to be a country

    Secret alliances

    Dislike of certain political stances (Ex. Franco and communists)


    Germany wanted power

  • Causes

    Dictators/ Those in power wanted more power

    Racism was a factor (Ex. Holocaust)

    Appeasement ( Germany breaks rules and gets power since no one stops them)


    Germany wants more power

  • Over View (Causes)

    Both wars had Nationalism as a cause

    WW2 was driven in part by racism while WW1 was not

    In both wars, Germany wanted more power

  • Major Battles

    Battle of Verdun: Germany wins decisively over France, was heaviest artillery bombardment, France had only one supply line (sacred Way)

    Battle of Jutland: Only major sea battle

    Battle of Somme: order to go Over the Top, Worst British loss of war (420,000)

  • Major Battles

    Battle of Midway: First decisive battle in Pacific Theatre, America wins over Japan

    Pearl Harbor: was a surprise military strike, was intended as preventive action to keep the U.S. from interfering with military actions Japan, Lead to American entry into war

  • Over View (Major Battles)

    WW2 Had more major sea battles than WW1

    Both WW1 and WW2 had sea battles

    Both had land battles

    Both had very decisive battles

  • Literature and Poetry

    Written to show horrors of Trench Warfare

    Freedom of structure (Poetry)

    Shows stance on War-For or Against (Poetry)

    Shows a lot of feeling



  • Literature and Poetry

    Abandoned Tradition


    Sense of alienation

    Opens up to Non-Western influences

    Not concise (ambiguious)

  • Over View (Literature/Poetry)

    WW1 and WW2 poetry opposites (Once concise one ambiguous)

  • Effects

    Land destroyed

    Great losses in population

    American: 117,465

    German: 2,476,897

    France: 1,697,800

    British: 1,225,914

  • Effects

    Great Depression Land Destroyed Germany in debt People suffered form radiation poisoning due to Atomic Bombs 142,000 Jews killed in Germany alone 5,709,329 Jews killed total (in all countries) Loss in population (Civilian and military combined)

    Germany: 4,200,000 Japan: 2,350,000 Axis Powers Combined: 8,268,000 U.S.: 400,000 Soviet Union: 20,000,000 France: 600,000 Allied Powers Combined: 39,963,700

  • Over View (Effects)

    In WW1 no one was killed due to religion

    Land was destroyed due to both wars

    WW2 cost more lives than WW1 (More than double the number for Germany in WW2 than WW1)

    Both wars caused many lives to be lost in general

  • Summative Statement

    WW2 was very different than WW1 and was much worse; More lives where lost, more destructive weapons came about like the atom bombs, and the change from it being a war crime to the use/acceptance of bombing innocent civilians.

  • When I started this project, I knew the wars where going to be very different.

    However, I did expect them to have more similarities beyond the fact that they

    were both world wars and the other obvious similarities. Mustard gas was used

    in both wars, but was used in a bomb in WW2. World War Two used tanks more

    frequently than WW1, with each country having more than one type of tank. For

    example Germany had 8 different types of tanks, while Japan had 2) both wars

    included naval battles, but these where extremely more frequent in WW2 due to

    the war with Japan in the Pacific theater. The obvious similarities that they

    shared were; being world wars, the use of advanced weaponry (at the time),

    being devastating to the populations, and sharing the cause of Germany leaders

    wanting more power.

  • Just as I predicted, these wars were extremely different. WW2 cost

    Germany roughly twice the number of lives that WW1 cost them. The reasons

    behind the wars were also different. The First World War didnt have the

    racial/religious tension behind it like the second one. No one in the first one died

    due to sexual orientation, religion, or race. Roughly 5,709,329 Jews were killed,

    and thats not including the number of people murdered for being gay, a gypsy,

    or being a Jehovahs whiteness. WW1 was a war fought heavily with guns of

    different types. On the other hand, WW2 was fought with more tanks and bombs.

    The artillery of WW2 was more accurate and more destructive on a larger scale.

    WW2 also had more naval battles than WW1. The battles of WW1 were also less

    decisive than those of WW2. In WW1, the trenches didnt move very far.

    However, in WW2, one side would lose way more lives than another. (Think

    battle of midway. Four Japanese aircraft carriers and a heavy cruiser were sunk

    in exchange for one American aircraft carrier and a destroyer.)