World War II Continued. Fighting a War on Two Fronts American forces would face the challenge of...

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Transcript of World War II Continued. Fighting a War on Two Fronts American forces would face the challenge of...

World War II Continued

Fighting a War on Two Fronts• American forces would face the

challenge of fighting a war with Japan in the Pacific theater and assisting the Allies fighting against fascism in the European theater.

European Theatre

• British RAF fights off potential Nazi invasion

• U.S. attacked Axis forces in North Africa

• After freeing Africa, Allied forces begin moving up Italy, Italians strip Mussolini of power in 1943

• Russian winter and Red Army had slowed Nazis

Pacific Theatre• Doolittle’s Raid – US bomb Tokyo

–Could attack Japan at any time

–Huge morale boost for Americans

• Japan conquers the Philippines

–General MacArthur – “I shall return”

• Bataan Death March

–Japanese move American prisoners

–60 mile forced march

–Estimated 6,000 die or are executed

• Created 19 million jobs to help pull US out of Great Depression

• War Production Board – govt set up production priorities and goals

•Mobilization – The build-up of military and military materials

Impact on the U.S. Economy

Conserving Scarce


• Government rationed goods such as sugar, milk, cheese, eggs, coffee, meat , gasoline and canned goods

• Households were given a book of ration coupons each month. When they used all their coupons, they could buy no more items that month.

Helping at Home• Victory gardens – Private garden to reduce

pressure on food supply• High enlistment numbers

– 16 million serve• Flying Tigers – American volunteers fighting

the Japanese before the US entered the war• Office of War Information

– Connection between war front and civilians; Created various forms of propaganda to help war effort

Contribution of Minorities

• African Americans – Can fight but segregated

– Tuskegee Airmen

– Benjamin O. Davis

• Native Americans – Navajo Code Talkers

• Executive Order 8802 – outlaws discrimination in hiring in the workplace

• Bracero Program – 200,000 Mexicans immigrated to SW to work on farms

The Contribution of Women

• On the home front, 2.5 million worked in factories, many times in jobs traditionally performed by men.

• Women Ordinance Workers

Women’s Army Corp – Women enlisted in non-combat positions

Japanese Internment

• 120,000 people (including 77,000 US citizens) rounded up for the sake of national security

•Executive Order 9066 – People of Japanese descent were relocated to internment camps

•Korematsu v. US upheld the internment•1988 – Pres. Reagan signs bill apologizing and issues $1.6 billion in reparations to those interned

Roosevelt’s Presidency• FDR becomes the 1st (and only) president

ever to serve more than two terms

• As Germany is conquering Europe, FDR wins Election of 1940 promising no involvement in foreign wars

• With the war’s end in sight, FDR wins a 4th term in 1944, but dies 3 months in

• 22nd Amendment–Term Limits for President

Major Turning Points Pacific Theater

• Battle of Midway-the Americans launched a surprise attack on the Japanese fleet, destroying 4 aircraft carriers and handing Japan their first major defeat (1942).

European Theater

• Battle of Stalingrad-the Soviets turned the tide against Nazis (1943)

• AND…

June 6, 1944 – D-DayInvasion of Normandy• Allies send waves of troops

against heavy resistance

• 1st – capture the northern coast of France

• Then free France and move East into Germany

U.S. Leaders

Admiral Chester


General Dwight Eisenhower – Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe

General George MacArthur – Supreme Commander of

US Forces in the Pacific

General Omar Bradley & General George Patton

D-Day to V-E Day• Americans and British moving in

from West

• Soviet Union moving in from East

• Soviets arrive and conquer Berlin before Americans

• Nazis surrender – May 8,1945

Midway to V-J Day

• U.S. practices island hopping

• Japanese using Kamikaze attacks

• Manhattan Project – top secret development of atomic bomb

• In August of 1945, President Truman decides to use the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

• Japan surrendered on August 14th, 1945

Yalta Conference• Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin

discuss post-war plans

• Temporary division of Germany into 4 zones – USA, G.B., USSR & France

• Set up United Nations – International organization to promote world peace, security and economic development

Nuremberg Trials• Nazi and Japanese leaders put on

trial for crimes against humanity and war crimes

• 12 of 24 sentenced to death; others sent to prison

• Principle: individuals are responsible for their own actions, even in times of war

• Could not escape punishment for “following orders”