World War I - TCA World · PDF fileThe Growth of Militarism Definition: The glorification of...

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World War I

A conflict that involved nearly all major nations of the world and was so destructive that the people of the

time called it the Great War.


[ Family Pictures ]

The March Toward War

The Growth of Militarism Definition: The glorification of armed strength. Belief: Only force would solve problems among

nations. Ex. Prussia “Iron and Blood” Consequences:

Arms race begins – Nations stockpile weapons Conscription – compulsory service in the military

creates large, well-trained armies Mobilization – readying its armies and resources for

war could trigger a chain reaction. Military leaders created complex war plans or scenarios.

[ Images: HMS Dreadnought, 1906 / Map of Europe]

The March Toward War

Entangling Alliances Germany’s Otto von Bismarck believes

France will seek revenge for its 1871 defeat. Bismarck seeks to isolate and keep France

without allies through a series of treaties1881 – Three Emperor’s League: Germany,

Russia, Austria-Hungary1882 – Triple-Alliance: Germany, Italy,

Austria-Hungary, Russia1887 – Reinsurance Treaty: Germany and

Russia reinforce ties without the others.

The March Toward War Shifting Alliances Threaten Peace

Kaiser Wilhelm II becomes German ruler in 1888

Foreign policy changes begin in 1890 with dismissal of Bismarck alliance with Russia dropped; Russia then allies with

France in 1894 effort to strengthen German navy; alarms Britain.

Britain, France, Russia form Triple Ententealliance in 1907

DANGER: All six nations could become involved in a war

[ Map of Alliances, 1914 ]

The March Toward War

Imperialism A country’s perceived strength tied to number

of territories controlled. Highly competitive; generates mistrust.

Nationalism Fierce pride and loyalty led to competition

between nations and militarism. Nationalities trying to create nations for their

own people – generates tension.

The March Toward War The Balkan “Powder Keg”

Nationalism in the Balkans leads many groups to demand independence.

1878 – Serbia wins independence from the Ottoman Empire; desires Bosnia-Herzegovina

1908 – Austria-Hungarian Empire annexes Bosnia; angers Serbia

Pan-Slavism – nationalist movement to unite all Slavs under Russian leadership; supports Serbia.

Germany plans railroad Berlin to Baghdad; threatens British interests.

[The “Spark” Video clip ]

The March Toward War Assassination at

Sarajevo “The Spark” – June 28,

1914 Gavrilo Princip, member of

the Black Hand, assassinated the Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife.

“Blank Check” - Germany promises to back to Austria-Hungary.

Sophia and Francis Ferdinand

Gavrilo Princip

The March Toward War Austria-Hungary’s Ultimatum to

Serbia1. Serbia to condemn all propaganda against

Austria.2. Serbia to ban from school books and teachers

who did not support Austria.3. Serbia dismiss all officials who had promoted

propaganda against Austria4. Allow Austrian officials to participate in

proceedings against the accused. Accept or Face War.

The Great War Begins Troops on the Move

Russia moves its troops to its borders along Germany and Austria

Germany declares war on Russia and initiates the Schlieffen Plan to quickly take out France.

French Plan XVII Germany invades

neutral Belgium; Britain declares war.

“You’ll be home before the leaves have fallen from the

trees.” Kaiser Wilhelm II

The Great War Begins

Nations Take Sides Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary,

Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria Allied Powers: Great Britain, France, Russia,


The War, 1914 - 1916 Early Events

Western Front—heavy battle zone in northern France

German army quickly advances to outskirts of Paris

Germans forced to retreat at First Battle of the Marne (Sept. 1914)

Schlieffen Plan fails; Germany has to fight two-front war

[ Battles Map Interactive ]

The War, 1914 - 1916

Trench Warfare on the Western Front Conflict descends into trench warfare from the

border of Switzerland to the North Sea Battles result in many deaths, small land gains Life in trenches is miserable, difficult,

unsanitary [ website ] A war of attrition – who will give up first? Massive losses (800,000+) for both sides at

1916 battles of Verdun and Somme

[Verdun 2 / Ypres / The Christmas Truce 1914 - Belleau WoodsLyrics / Christmas in the Trenches - 1914 ]

Innovations in Warfare

Weaponry of World War I An Industrialized War Machine Gun use led to

Trenches Tanks – cross trenches and

barbed wire Airplanes – observations /

dogfights U-boats – submarine warfare Poison Gas

[ Resources: Poison Gas / Tanks / Dulce et Decorum Est – Video / John Singer Sargent – Gassed 1918-1919

(Red Baron / 2)

The War, 1914 - 1916

On the Eastern Front Russians mobilize and attack

at Tannenberg (Late Aug. 1914); Germany wins.

Russian war effort struggles by 1916; heavy casualties and lack of supplies

Huge size of army keeps the Russians a formidable power

Keeps Germans at two fronts [ Tannenberg Video ]

The War, 1914 - 1916

The Gallipoli Campaign [ Map ] Allies move to capture Ottoman Dardanelles

strait in February 1915 Also want to open a supply line through region

to Russia past the Ottoman Empire, a Central Powers ally

Effort ends in costly Allied defeat

Battles in Africa and Asia Allies take control of German holdings in Asia,

Africa Britain and France use their colonial subjects

to help in war effort

On the Home Front

Governments Wage Total War World War I becomes total war—nations

devote all resources to war Governments take control of economy to

produce war goods Nations turn to rationing—limiting purchases

of war-related goods Propaganda

[ World War I Propaganda: Posters / Music / “Over There” /Propaganda Video ]

Women and the War

Women and the War At home, thousands of

women fill jobs previously held by men

Many women also experience the war by working as nurses

How does this impact women?

The War, 1917 - 1918

Naval Warfare Germany seeks to control Atlantic Ocean to

stop supplies to Britain Uses unrestricted submarine warfare -

ships near Britain sunk without warning Halts policy in 1915, after sinking of Lusitania

angers U.S. Battle of Jutland (1916) – Both sides claimed

victory, but German fleet retired to port. Renews unrestricted policy in 1917, hopes to

starve Britain quickly

The War, 1917 - 1918 America Joins the War

Trades with the belligerents, but remains neutral.

Zimmermann Telegraph(1917) – Secret attempt to enlist Mexico; angers U.S.

U.S. declares war against Germany in April 1917, joining the Allies

President Woodrow Wilson, “The world must be made safe for democracy.”

The War, 1917 - 1918

Russia Withdraws Weary of staggering losses

and hardships at home. Civil unrest in Russia forces

czar to step down from throne in March 1917

Communists soon take control of Russia’s government

Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany in March 1918, pulls out of war

The War, 1917 - 1918

Defeat of the Central Powers Germans move troops to the Western Front

and attempt to take Paris before the Americans arrive

Germans are stopped at the Battle of Chateau-Thierry (June 1918)

Allied offensives at Saint-Mihiel and in the Argonne Forest forced the enemy back to the German border (July 1918)

One by one the Central Power allies asked for peace

The War, 1917 - 1918 An End to Fighting

Armistice signed on November 11, 1918

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk terms cancelled.

Germany surrender its submarines and large part of surface fleet.

Release all war prisoners Turn over all munitions Allies occupy area west of the

Rhine River[ Remembrance Day Music By

Bryan Adams]

The Aftermath

The Costs of War War takes heavy toll: 8.5 million soldiers dead,

21 million wounded War devastates European economies, drains

national treasuries ($300 Billion) Many acres of land and homes, villages, towns

destroyed Survivors suffer disillusionment and despair;

reflected in the arts

[ Costs of War Graphic / Video ]

Terms of a Flawed Peace The Big Four dominate peace

talks at Paris: U.S. president Woodrow Wilson French ruler Georges Clemenceau David Lloyd George of Great Britain Vittorio Orlando of Italy

Problems Facing Peacemakers Claims of independence Conflicting territorial claims Reparations Peacekeeping

Terms of a Flawed Peace

The Versailles Treaty, June 1919 Britain, France oppose Wilson’s ideas; want to

punish Germany creates League of Nations blames Germans for war, forces Germany to pay

damages to nations (unspecified amount) Severe restrictions placed on German military. Occupation of the Saar Valley; loss of other

territories League to rule German colonies until deemed ready

for independence

Terms of a Flawed Peace The Creation of New Nations

Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Turks, and Germans all lose lands.

New Map of Europe

Lasting Resentment: Germans angry for taking blame Japan, Italy left without desired territories Some former colonies angered for not gaining

independence America never signs the Treaty of Versailles.

The War, 1917 - 1918 The Fourteen Points (Jan 1918)

President Woodrow Wilson’s plan for lasting peace and self-determination. 1) No secret treaties 2) Freedom of the seas for all nations 3) Removal of all economic barriers or tariffs 4) Reduction of national armaments 5) Fair adjustment of all colonial territories – equal

consideration to both sides. 14) Establishment of “a general association of

nations.” to guarantee political independence and protection for large and small states.

Most people were impressed.