World war 1

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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a ppt on world war one

Transcript of World war 1

The First World War

Truly a world war:Fought frm the Shores of America to

Shores of Japan

Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevic

• the chief of the Intelligence Department of the Serbian General Staff considered Franz Ferdinand a serious threat to a union between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia.

• Earlier Ferdinand plans to grant concessions to the South Slavs independent Serbian state nw impossible Dimitrijevic plan to murdr Ferdinand

Miljacka river


• Austrian authorities interrogated Black Hand group demanded that the Serbian government responsible Serbia unwilling to hand 3 men Nikola Pasic (PM of Serbia):- “would be a violation of Serbia's Constitution and criminal in law"

• first two years of the First World War Serbian Army suffered a series of military defeats

• Black Hand ( responsble for war) Disbanded

• Dimitrijevic and several of the Black Hand leaders were arrested

German government

• full support for Austro-Hungary

• Russia Govt support Serbia

• Austro-Hungarian declares war on Serbia.

• Austria Bombed Belgrade; Serbs ask for Russian help• Russia mobilizes its armed forces in support of Serbia.

• Provoked by Germany France nw moved it’s troups

Battle of frontiers

• At Mons Britian met with German army.But the allies decided to retreat after the huge toll of death

• Battle of frontiers:– the intrusion attack of france to Germany,by

getting into it’s territory—200,000 men lost to men—French disaster Germany advance

Battle of Marne;the miracle

• Combined attack of Britain+ France towards Germany; French saved by a miracle

• IN THE EAST• Russia well advanced into Austria; Austria lost

Battle of Tannenberg

• Whr Russian and German Army collided; Victory for Germany

• Battle of Yrpes• Germany’s last chance of oppurtunity to

intrude West

Schlieffen Plan Alfred von Schlieffen, German Army Chief of Staff

(Plan: Attack and Defeat France 1st,before Russia could awake)

Defeat of Schlieffen Plan

• 65 million particiapted• 10 million died• 20 million wounded phsically or mentally• Destroyed the very lands: not a tree stand; full

of deadbodies • Germany Responsible for War• Reconstruction of Villages and Urban

14 Points of Wilson

• Fullfilled 3 out of 14• 1.Evacuation and restoration of Belgium• 2.Evacuation and restoration of all French

lands;return of Alsace-Lorain to France• 3.Establishment of an independent

Poland,with free and secure access to the sea.

League of Nations

• The members were those countries victorius on war.Germany & Austria Hungary excluded

• USA stayed away.Russia was not allowed to join

The war Ended in books, but not in real terms

byAkhil Krishnan