World religions pp-ch11

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Transcript of World religions pp-ch11


The Israelites began worshipping their God in the First Temple when ___.

a. Moses led them out of Egypt

b. Solomon was the king

c. Judas Maccabaeus fought the Greeks

d. Theodor Herzl taught them to believe in Zionism


The Israelites began worshipping their God in the First Temple when ___.

a. Moses led them out of Egypt

b. Solomon was the king

c. Judas Maccabaeus fought the Greeks

d. Theodor Herzl taught them to believe in Zionism


The First Temple was destroyed in 586 B.C.E. when the Jews ___.

a. rebelled against God and God lashed out in anger against them

b. lost a war to the Assyrian Empire

c. the Romans invaded and besieged Jerusalem

d. the Babylonians invaded and carried them off into the Exile


The First Temple was destroyed in 586 B.C.E. when the Jews ___.

a. rebelled against God and God lashed out in anger against them

b. lost a war to the Assyrian Empire

c. the Romans invaded and besieged Jerusalem

d. the Babylonians invaded and carried them off into the Exile


Jews in ___ became leaders of worldwide Judaism during the Middle Ages.

a. Babylon

b. Jerusalem

c. Spain

d. Poland


Jews in ___ became leaders of worldwide Judaism during the Middle Ages.

a. Babylon

b. Jerusalem

c. Spain

d. Poland


Ghettoes were first formed during the:

a. seventeenth century in Germany.

b. Crusades in the Rhineland.

c. Counter-Reformation in Rome.

d. Ottoman Empire in Turkey.


Ghettoes were first formed during the:

a. seventeenth century in Germany.

b. Crusades in the Rhineland.

c. Counter-Reformation in Rome.

d. Ottoman Empire in Turkey.


Today the largest group within Judaism is:

a. Orthodox.

b. Reformed.

c. Conservative.

d. Reconstructionist.


Today the largest group within Judaism is:

a. Orthodox.

b. Reformed.

c. Conservative.

d. Reconstructionist.


Today the largest population of Jews in the world is found in:

a. Poland.

b. Ethiopia.

c. New York City.

d. Paris.


Today the largest population of Jews in the world is found in:

a. Poland.

b. Ethiopia.

c. New York City.

d. Paris.


This Jewish thinker advocated that modern Jews enter the European mainstream:

a. Isaac Luria.

b. Moses Mendelssohn.

c. Shabbatai Zevi.

d. Baal Shem Tov.


This Jewish thinker advocated that modern Jews enter the European mainstream:

a. Isaac Luria.

b. Moses Mendelssohn.

c. Shabbatai Zevi.

d. Baal Shem Tov.


The Ten Commandments were given to ___ on ___.

a. Jeremiah; Passover

b. Moses; Sinai

c. Solomon; Purim

d. Ezekiel; Chanukah


The Ten Commandments were given to ___ on ___.

a. Jeremiah; Passover

b. Moses; Sinai

c. Solomon; Purim

d. Ezekiel; Chanukah


The Balfour Declaration:

a. limited Jewish migration to Palestine.

b. declared Britain supported creation of Jewish homeland in Palestine.

c. made it illegal for Jews to own business in Britain during WWII.

d. was a United Nations document partitioning Palestine into two parts.


The Balfour Declaration:

a. limited Jewish migration to Palestine.

b. declared Britain supported creation of Jewish homeland in Palestine.

c. made it illegal for Jews to own business in Britain during WWII.

d. was a United Nations document partitioning Palestine into two parts.


The Talmud is:

a. a book about the prophets in the Hebrew Scriptures.

b. a book of mystical Judaic beliefs and prayers in the Middle Ages.

c. a combination of the Gemara and the Mishnah.

d. a combination of the Torah and the Kabbalah.


The Talmud is:

a. a book about the prophets in the Hebrew Scriptures.

b. a book of mystical Judaic beliefs and prayers in the Middle Ages.

c. a combination of the Gemara and the Mishnah.

d. a combination of the Torah and the Kabbalah.


The first set of books of the Hebrew Scriptures are called the Pentateuch.

a. True

b. False


The first set of books of the Hebrew Scriptures are called the Pentateuch.

a. True

b. False


Ezra was an influential Jew who returned from the Babylonian Exile and probably began the process of collecting the books that make up the Jewish Bible.

a. True

b. False


Ezra was an influential Jew who returned from the Babylonian Exile and probably began the process of collecting the books that make up the Jewish Bible.

a. True

b. False


The synagogue – rabbinical system develops in Judaism because of the Diaspora.

a. True

b. False


The synagogue – rabbinical system develops in Judaism because of the Diaspora.

a. True

b. False


The Muslim rulers of Spain in the Middle Ages were extremely brutal in their suppression and persecution of Jews.

a. True

b. False


The Muslim rulers of Spain in the Middle Ages were extremely brutal in their suppression and persecution of Jews.

a. True

b. False


The Kabbalahists were deeply concerned with the theological question of how a good God could allow so much evil in the world.

a. True

b. False


The Kabbalahists were deeply concerned with the theological question of how a good God could allow so much evil in the world.

a. True

b. False