World Hunger Fundraising Ideas - Amazon...

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Transcript of World Hunger Fundraising Ideas - Amazon...

World HungerFundraising Ideas



Box Social .................................................................. page 3

Progressive Hunger Meals....................................... page 3

Hunger Meal ............................................................. page 5

Run for Their Lives (5K Fun Run)........................... page 9

Harvest Festival ...................................................... page 10

Parade for World Hunger ...................................... page 20


World Hunger Fund Raiser Ideas

Box Social: The social was a very common way to raise funds in pioneer days for churches. This is a great way to meet others!Cost: Minimal to none.Target Group: College Students, SinglesOrganization:

1. Need an outdoor area or a large indoor area for a picnic.2. Need to publicize in church bulletins, association of church-es, college campus.3. Need an auctioneer.4. Need a treasurer.

Instructions:1. Auction participants prepare a full meal (or buys one in a deli, etc.) for 2 people to share.2. Decorate a box and place the meal inside.3. At the appointed time, each participant brings the box of food and places it at a collection point.4. When all have arrived, an auctioneer auctions each box to someone in the audience.5. Whoever has the highest bid for the box being auctioned eats the meal with the preparer.

Progressive Hunger Meals: This progressive meal is to increase awareness of the needs of people all over the world. I our busy lives, we eat, run and never stop to think what it is like to not have a choice of food – if there is food available. In this exercise, each person will be able to come to grips with the losses many people deal with each day in our world.Organization: Three homes are suggested to host the parts of the meal. It is important for the group to meet at a church and carpool to each location. Each stop will emphasize a level of poverty and the losses it entails. House #1 needs to have a collection of old shirts for each participant.


Church: Loss of THINGS (Everyone not driving must leave all personal items at the church.)In the economic crunch today, many people have lost their homes and normal way of life. A person may lose all they possess in a fire, flood, or civil war. For instance, after Hurricane Katrina many people lost everything. Imagine losing all you possess. What if your family or friends could not help? What if you were alone in the world with no one except your children? How much value do you place on “things”? PROCEED TO HOUSE #1.House #1: Loss of IDENTITY (Everyone puts on an old shirt provided [other clothing items may also be used.] A bowl of rice with chopsticks will be served without napkins or other utensils with a small glass of water. Do not call anyone by name.)The poor are often just clumped in a category; no one cares to know their name. They begin to lose their own sense of self. The struggle to survive continues without relief, without a friend, without some-one to talk to. Why will someone not help? Many families in Asia only survive with a bowl of rice for the day.PROCEED TO HOUSE #2.House #2: Loss of INFLUENCE (A bowl of black beans will be served without utensils or napkins with a glass of water.)In the world today, if a person loses all they possess, their influence decreases. A once rich influential person now has no voice. All of their friends quickly leave their presence. Fear becomes real; no one cares at all. Despair begins as they watch their family strive to survive. Their families are pawns for the rich. Many poor have no conceivable idea what it is to be rich. They only know that they need to eat for one more day. Many of the poor in Central and South America only get a bowl of black beans to eat each day. No one even knows they are alive. PROCEED TO HOUSE #3.House #3: Loss of HOPE (In the background have a tape of a child softly cry-


ing. A corn tortilla will be served. No water.) Despair and hopelessness sets in. A child is dying with a bloated belly. Who will listen? 20% of the world lives in absolute poverty. (1 out of 5 people) 40% live in moderate poverty. 80% of those in absolute poverty live in Asia. Are you thirsty? Many in this world still do not have safe water to drink. Some walk miles to obtain a pot of dirty water to use. Dirty water alone causes illness and death. RETURN TO CHURCHChurch: Depend on God (Nothing is served)There is nowhere to turn. Death is imminent. What is left? God will listen. Read Psalm 142:1-6. An Old Testament definition of absolute poverty can be manifested as a total and complete trust in God. When all fails, God prevails. When the arm and might falter, God will fight for us. When all the resources are consumed, God becomes our potion. And when there is not hope of deliverance, there is God!

How do you view the poor? Are they real people with real faces? What can you do to help the poor?

At this time, Baptist Global Response is partnering with Southern Baptists to help meet the needs of those suffering around the world. Many are not only receiving food and water, but they are being taught life-skills to help them climb out of the pit of poverty. It is a long, aching process and cannot be reached without your assis-tance.

View the World Hunger video.

Read Matthew 25:31-46. What can you do? Fast, pray and ask God what He would have you specifically do to impact His hungry world.

Hunger Meal: The Hunger Meal is a large group activity that will focus on various lifestyles found around the world and will also highlight participant attitudes. Invite people to a meal, but prepare


using the guidelines below to promote world hunger awareness. If you like, at the end of the meal, you can take up an offering for the World Hunger Fund. A. Preparation for the meal:5% of the participants at Table of Wealth – use a tablecloth, china plates and silverware, centerpiece/candles; and cloth napkins. Menu should include meat, veggies, salad, choices of dressings, dessert, choices of drink, breads, and fruits. Someone should be assigned to wait on the table.

15% of the participants at Tables of the Middle Class – do not use tablecloth; plates with shreds of meat (chicken or pork), one veggie and one starch. Provide a fork, knife, and spoon and glasses of tap water (not hot, not cold) in a pitcher on the table. Seat 4-6 persons per table.

35% of the participants at Tables for the Lower Class – do not use tablecloth; plates with rice and beans only; or rice and corn. Pro-vide glasses of hot weak tea; only a fork and spoon for each plate. Seat 7-8 persons per table.

Arrangements for the Remainder (poverty stricken tables)10% at a table with bowls for everyone at the table, but only provide chairs for half of the people assigned to the table. Provide only rice in the bowls and spoons. No drink.

10% at a table with bowls for everyone at the table but don’t provide any chairs. Provide hot water in juice glasses and chopsticks.

25% at a table with one large servicing bowl of rice. All participants will use their fingers to eat from a common bowl. No chairs, no drinks.

Total of 100% (If the “poverty group” is small, it is better to have the poverty stricken table as one table only (vs. three). Use one large serving bowl of rice. All participants will use fingers to eat with.


Print guidelines for each table as follows:1. Table of Wealth

a. Your waitress/waiter is here to serve you. Feel free to ask for whatever you need. b. You may not leave your table.c. If others come to your table, you should consider it an intrusion and get rid of them as quickly as possible.d. You must have put in a full day’s work today, so eat heartily.

2. Table of the Middle Classa. You may not leave your table.b. You may not give any food away.c. If beggars ask for food send them away toward the wealthier table or deal with them in a Christian manner.

3. Table of the Lower Classa. You may share your food with others from different tables.b. You may ask for food from other tables that have more food than you do AFTER you have eaten what was provided at your table.

4. Table of Povertya. You should eat your rice quickly.b. You can leave your table after you have eaten a hand-ful of rice.c. You should ask others more fortunate to share.d. If you are refused, be persistent.

B. As participants come to the meal* As participants enter the eating area, give them a random seating assignment.* Instruct them to read and follow the guidelines found on the table knowing that this is a learning activity, eat what is provided, and do not use any snack or drink machines for the rest of the day. C. Meal organizers observe – during the meal* Who did not observe the guidelines?* Who did not eat?* Who were the most uncomfortable?* Who treated is as a game rather than seriously?


D. Meal organizers should debrief participants (best done at the tables)* How would you deal with what you were served day after day?* Who are we as Americans? (table of wealth)* What wealth or riches were overlooked? (the tables with shredded eat, rice and veggies)* How does one help the poor? E. Teach* Biblical basis for Helping the poor

1. In the Old Testament•Food was left for the gleaners•Tithes are in several levels. They were an alternative to taxation but also provided a security net for the disad-vantaged of society.• Jubilee – allowed the poor to start over

2. In the New Testament• Jesus commanded us to help the poor. Matthew 19:11, Mark 10:21, Luke 18:22

Variations on the Hunger Meal:Using Pizza for the Hunger Meal 1. Table of Wealth5% of participants will sit at a table of wealth. The table should have paper plates, paper salad bowls, and two choices of dressings. Napkins, cups with ice, and a choice of sodas should be on the table. Large suprepe type of pizza – the bigger the better will be the entrée. A large bowl of salad and a nice dessert finish off the menu. 2. Table of the Middle Class15% of participants; use paper towels or napkins instead of paper plates. Provide cups with no ice; a liter of soda on the table; and a medium, one topping pizza. 3. Table of the Lower Class35% of participants; place enough chairs for only half the partici-pants. Serve small cups of tap water for each participant; small cheese pizza; no napkins, etc. 4. Table of Extreme Poverty


45% of participants; set up a table with a paper towel with bread sticks cut in halves; one half breadstick per person; no chairs, no drinks.

Run for Their Lives (5 K World Hunger Fun Run): This is an ex-cellent idea for raising money and community awareness for World Hunger. The Entry fee would be according to the target audience. Each participant could receive either a T-shirt or something else, which could be included in the entry fee. Water and food stands could also be done. Children could be encouraged to walk or fun a “Mile Run” at the same time, perhaps the smaller children … in a more protected area with volunteers.

This could be done for the community, association of churches, colleges or as a competition between groups. This could be coor-dinated with a church/community ministry project during the day and/or a Harvest Festival at night.Suggestions for Organization

1. Organize a committee of 3-6 people. The chairman would coordinate all activities.

a. Public Relations Coordinator: Meet with the pastor, pastor group in community, association of churches (director of missions), ecumenical pastor’s group, com-munity leaders, Chamber of Commerce, etc.b. Publicity Coordinator: Make flyers for local business-es, etc., put announcements in bulletins, newspapers, radio, etc.c. Donations Coordinator: Talk to businesses and or-ganizations for donations for giveaways (sponsors for t-shirts, etc.) door prizes, and possible winner’s prizes. These donations must fit the target audience – that is, families may get certificates for toy stores (Home Depot, Wal-Mart, etc.), while college students may get certifi-cates to Old navy, Gap, etc.d. Food/Water Stands Coordinator: A food stand with hamburgers, hotdogs, or sandwiches would be a way to raise money for the World Hunger Fund. A water/Gato-


rade stand is a way to raise money for the World Hunger Fund. A water/Gatorade stand is needed for runners, especially on a hot day. Many companies will donate water and Gatorade; the result would be solid profit.

2. Other decisions for committee:a. Set date, time and place.b. Select target group, i.e. college, singles, family, com-munity or church.c. Type of fun run: competitive vs. fun. (one college against another for example)d. Decide on the cost of the entry fee. This fee should be affordable for your area.e. If it is a family run, a nursery needs to be provided. Also consider, for example, the Mile Run for smaller children along with other games. This is also a great learning opportunity for Mission Friends and Awanas.f. Need to obtain a list of volunteers to be stationed around the route for relief areas.g. Decide if there will be an entry gift: t-shirt, etc.h. Decide on Winner’s Prizes.i. Find adequate parking and rest areas with chairs. Parking attendants/volunteers may be necessary.j. Need sound system with music and announcer for door prizes, etc.k. Need an entry processing area. (A treasurer and vol-unteers to give out entry gifts).l. Notify local EMS and Police Departments of date, time of run.

Harvest Festival: These ideas can be used to educate children on World Hunger issues, raise money for the World Hunger Fund or to help stock the local food pantry. (For example, to stock the pantry, the entrance fee would be a nonperishable food item.)

At the festival entrance, provide each child with a passport that must be stamped at each activity/game. The activities and games can relate to particular countries or parts of the world. Once a


passport is filled with all the stamps, a special prize may be award-ed.

Petting Zoo: (according to space) – rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens, pigs, calf, lamb, goats, ducksInformation: Many poor people are taught to raise these animals for food.Preschool Area:

1. Fishing Gamea. Items Needed

• long string• stick• clothespin• a sheet• items to attach sheet to wall•prizes

b. Attach a long string to the end of a stick. Attach a clothespin to the opposite end of the string. Attach a sheet in the corner of the room to hide the prize giver. Each child throws the clothespin over the sheet to catch a “fish” or a prize.

Information: Many people in the world fish every day to get food for their family. Can you imagine eating fish every day?

2. Duck Gamea. Items needed

•plastic or rubber ducks•permanent marker• small plastic pool•prizes

b. Fill a small plastic pool with 2 inches of water. Write numbers on the bottom of plastic ducks. Place ducks in the pool. Each child picks a duck and gets a prize ac-cording to the number listed.

Information: Many people raise ducks for food Have you ever eaten a duck?


Possible games for all-aged children:1. Piñata

a. Items needed•Piñata•Safe candy•Prizes•Confetti•Rope•Stick for hitting piñata

Information: This game is a favorite for all children in Mexico, Cen-tral America and South America for birthdays. The piñatas are filled with prizes, candy and confetti.

2. Drop the Animala. Items needed for Preschoolers

•medium sized plastic animals• large plastic butter container• low back chair

b. Items needed for children•Small plastic animals, quart jar with regular mouth•High back chair

c. Place jar or container behind chair. To play the game, the child faces the back of the chair and places their arm on the chair back with an animal in hand. The child drops the animals into the container, which is placed, on the floor under the child’s arm. Do not allow the child to lower their arm.

Information: World Hunger funds provide food and animals for hurting families. The animals provide meant, milk, and eggs for their families. These families are taught how to care for their animals. Did you know in South America, some families raise guinea pigs and rab-bits to eat? In some areas, families have a room in their house that is filled with water to raise fish to eat!

3. Ring around the Roostera. Items needed


•Outdoor yard animal of hard plastic (found in garden stores)•Flying discs (rings)

b. According to ages, have the children stand far from the animal to “ring” its neck.

Information: This can be used to help teach children the kinds of ani-mals that are raised for food (cow/goats –milk, meat, cheese, etc.)

4. Bottle Top Game:a. Items Needed

•Tennis ball for older children•Larger ball for preschoolers•Bottle cap•Dowel rod•Hammer

b. Place dowel rod in the ground. Place cap on top of dowel rod. Object is to stand (according to ages) far away and knock off the cap.

Information: did you know that many people do not have water in their houses? Some have to walk miles and miles to a nasty river in order to have water…to drink, cook with, wash with and often this water is very dirty!

5. Cupcake Walka. Items needed:

•Contact paper•Permanent marker•Construction paper•Music from a foreign country•CD player•Cupcakes•White paper•Funny hat•Duct tape

b. On different colors of construction paper write the names of different countries. Cover with contact paper. Write the same names on regular small pieces of white


paper. Fold and place in the hat. Arrange the construc-tion paper in a circle or figure 8 on the floor. Tape the paper to the floor.c. To play: start music. When the music stops, a child draws on e of the papers from the hat. The child on the drawn country wins a cupcake.

Information: Did you know that many children have NEVER had or even seen a cupcake? In some languages, there is no word for cup-cake!

6. Pin the Continenta. Items needed

•2 large world maps•bulletin board pins•blindfolds• contact paper

b. Cut out Africa, Asia, Europe, South America from one of the large maps. Cover with contact paper.c. To play: Blindfold a child, turn child around and tell to pin the continent in the correct place.

Information: Did you know that many children in the world go to bed hungry each day? Have you ever been hungry?

7. Rim Racea. Items needed

•Bicycle rims or hula hoops•Sticks

b. To Paly: This can be a relay race. Each child needs a long stick and a bicycle rim. The object is to use the stick to roll the rim to the finish line without falling.

Information: Did you know that poor children in the countries of Central America will play this game with bicycle rims for hours – alone or with friends?


F30:Introduction:“Fasting for 30 Hours” is a fun way to enable people to become aware of world hunger and to get involved. This event is great for team building, prayer, fasting, outreach, missions, college campus-es, or weekend retreats. One way churches can impact world hun-ger is to spend time in fasting and prayer. That is what f30 is about!Testimony:“Our church has been doing an f30 for 7 years. Currently, South-ern Baptist members give an average of 50 cents per individual per year to support the World Hunger Fund. In 2009, our participants raised over $8,400 for World Hunger. That was $56 per participant in just one weekend! The first year we started with 13 participants and grew to 150 this year, many from different churches through-out our community! Our participants completed over 20 different mission projects. We try to make the event different every year.”Planning the Event:Tailor this event to the abilities and ministry purposes of your group or church. A lock-in format works great! However, you can adjust it to fit your needs; it can be a 2-day event or even more! Also be sure to provide print materials related to the World Hunger Fund to all participants. News articles are available on the Baptist Global Response website: You can also contact BGR for World Hunger Fund brochures.Children Ministry Option: (f15)You can also offer this program to your children’s ministry. Scale back the event to what is called an f15. The children will begin their fast at 8pm on Friday and conclude on Saturday at 11am. This means the children only miss breakfast but still get tot feel the hun-ger. The kids paly up the drama as well.

Lock-in Format:Friday

•Fast beings at 1pm on Friday (most of our group meets at a local restaurant to share in a lunch before we begin)•6pm: Doors open for Registration (All participants are regis-


tered for outreach purposes.)•7pm: Opening Rally (Show World Hunger DVD) Discuss what they are there for and give expectations for the weekend. If you can, provide some live music during the waiting time to start.

Note: One way to make the weekend fun is to add a com-petitive twist to the event. Try breaking the participants up on teams and let them compete for a prize. Check with a local restaurant about donating a meal to the winning team the following Saturday at your ending meal.

•7:30pm: Assign teams (Create teams of four to five members or according to number of participants.)•8pm: First Activity (Listed below)•9pm: Scavenger Hunt (Create your own from items big and small. Make sure it is a large list and impossible to find ev-erything within the time given. Give point for items received. Make some times worth more, but do not inform the partici-pants. Also make one item a “Body Snatch”, snatch a friend to come and be a part of the remaining weekend.

Note: This opportunity can be used to help other area ministries by collecting items they may need. For ex-ample, collect canned foods, canned meats, cereal, dry noodles, beans and toys for a local food bank. Some schools may collect box tops, ink cartridges, etc. for vari-ous programs.)

•10pm: Second Activity•11pm: Announce winner of Scavenger Hunt•11:30pm: Impact Statement (Come up with a way to reflect how many people will die from hunger during the 30 hour fast. Examples:

•31,250 stick people on large strips of paper •String 31,250 beads•Hands dipped in red paint, then place on paper, each hand representing 5 peopleThen place this statement in your sanctuary for everyone to see Sunday morning following the event.

•12:30am: Free Time


•1am: Lights OutSaturday

•8am: Rise, shine and clean up•8:30am: Serve Breakfast (Give them juice and no food! As they are enjoying their juice talk about big, delicious, hot breakfast items. This is cruel but will drive the next part of the day).•9am: Moring devotion, bible study, praise and worship time•9:45am: Give instructions for the day•10am: Third Activity (Make this a long activity, like a minis-try project they can do in the community).•2pm: Share time (Give teams time to share about what they did while out on their mission projects and how they saw God working. This can be a great time and opens people’s eyes to God’s hand at work.)•3pm: Game Stations (Develop 10 or so game stations for your teams/group as a competition. Examples

•Worm race•Target game•World puzzle• Jigsaw puzzle•World find

•4:30pm: Finish impact statement (During this time tally the points from the weekend to see which team wins the meal.)•5:30pm: Awards and team standings•6pm: Evening devotion, bible study, praise and worship time•7pm: Communion (Break your 30 hour fast with a time of the Lord’s Supper. Make it different. All on the floor in a circle or in a special setting if possible.)•7:30pm: Break Fast meal (Everyone comes together for a meal prepared by volunteers of the church.)

Some ideas for Activities:•Bigger and better: (Give each team a penny. Then instruct them to go out and turn that penny into something bigger and better. Trade their penny for a nickel; take that nickel and trade it for a dime. Then as your money grows split it and grow it again and again. We used this just before the scavenger hunt


and as soon as they got $150 they got their list of items before the 9pm start time. This way, some teams got a head start on the hunt. Last even, 27 cents was turned into $2700!!)•Amazing Race: (Set up tasks beforehand that the teams must complete. They are given clues to each stop along the way. When they complete the task, they get their net clue. The tasks are usually ministry projects. {Door to door surveys for a church plant, serve meals at a local ministry/mission, stock shelves at the food pantry, stack wood for a widow, take a local policemen/EMT/firefighter a hot meal, or any time you can think of to share the love of Christ.} This is all done in a race format and teams are awarded points on how they finish.)•Ministry Project Design: (Give each team time to design their own ministry project. Give very little guidelines other than the purpose is to provide info on world hunger. This can also be really fun when you tell them they will be awarded points on how creative and how successful they complete the task. Have a fake panel of judges to judge the teams during share time. Then when they all share what they have done, inform them that they cannot be judged by human standards. They will receive their prize from the Lord for whom it was done. This is a great chance to teach about storing up your treasure in heaven.)•Charity Design: (Have them design their own fund raiser for the day, then implement it. If you can’t do fund raisers, do acts of service with sponsored givers.)•Flamingos: (Get ahold of as many fake birds as possible and go around and place them in the yards of your church embers. Give them a form informing them of how to get rid of them. When you collect the birds allow that person to pick someone whom they think deserves them. You can also offer “Flamingo Insurance”. This is a set price that the homeowner can pay to make sure the birds do not return to their home.)•Concert: (If you have the opportunity or finances to do so, provide a free concert to the public and make it part of your event. Some bands will come as a charity or at a discounted price.)


Some ideas for Stations:•Maze: (Use the blue masking tape and tape off a maze on the floor of a large room. You can also use cardboard boxes to make walls so they can’t look too far ahead. Make the team walk single file with their hands on the shoulders in front of them at all times. This is timed and if the team crosses a line they get a time penalty.)•Swing Away: (Tie a string to a large ball, nerf ball works bets. Then anchor the other end of the string to the ceiling, creat-ing a large pendulum. Then place boxes along the floor labeled with points. Have the team swing the pendulum and try to knock over the box for the set points.)•Mine Field: (Set up a mine field using wooden blocks or even sheets of paper. Then blindfold one player and stand them at the starting line. Then the rest of the team must use verbal commands to guide the player through the mine field. This is timed and each mine they hit adds a penalty. It is neat to see if the team shouts all at one time or if they let just one person guide.)•Combination lock: (Place a combination lock on the table with the three numbers used to unlock it. Do not put the number sin any order so they must figure out the code. This is a timed event.)•Putt-Putt: (Set up holes of different point values and have the teams putt for points.)•Human sewing kit: (Have a long string tied to a spoon. The first person takes the spoon up through their sleeve, down a pant leg, up the other pant leg, then out the other sleeve to the next teammate who completes the same task. You do this until all team members are tied together. This is a timed event.)•Book find: (If your church has large library, you can have the title of one book and time the teams on how long it takes them to find it.)•Hoop toss: (Have the teams try and throw a hula hoop over a trash can from 10-15 feet away.)


Parade for World Hunger:Introduction:How would you like to have an incredible emphasis to get your church aware and focused on the problem of world hunger and the Southern Baptist World Hunger fund? The idea is simple and uses visual representation to get your church more aware and involved in doing something about world hunger. The truth is that Southern Baptists have a great tool to respond to hunger around the world and it is the World Hunger Fund. This fund helps hungry people in over 60 countries get access to more food or the ability to purchase/grow more food. A part of the fund also helps to fight hunger in the USA. 100% of the World Hunger fund goes to help meet hunger needs.The Basic Idea: This project idea will help educate and involve your church in ad-dressing world hunger issues. The idea is to get Sunday School/small groups in your church to begin talking and making pledges to “buy” something for a needy family in the world. They can pur-chase a water well for a community in Africa. They can “buy” a goat for a family in China. They can even provide a sewing machine for a widow in India.

The key is to early on get the information out to your small groups in your church. They will need a brochure/catalogue of things they can “buy”. You can make simple brochures. We have download-able copies on our BGR website. You can also download and print the whole BGR gift catalogue to use as well. The idea is to get your small groups excited and making pledges to fund a project or proj-ects.

The culmination of months of publicity and pledging will come together in a church service where you have a ‘parade’ of items that they purchase. You can have sewing machines, mosquito nets, water filters and blankets o hand for people to see examples of what their money would purchase. However, the thing that can generate the most excitement is to have live animals as well. All of these items are “paraded” down the main aisle of the church before


pledges/donations are made in a way that give the whole evening a festive atmosphere.

A Proposed Timeline:1. Six to eight months before the event, begin to publi-cize the “parade” for World Hunger.2. At eth same time, begin to pass out brochures/pledge cards for the parade night.3. Every month, have at least one service in which you promote a world hunger emphasis and reintroduce the idea/pledge cards. You can use World Hunger Videos from the BGR website as excellent resources. ( One month before, make sure that every Sunday School group/small group is following up on their pledge cards and promoting the project. Arrange for members to help you with getting the necessary “show and tell” items for the parade. You will probably need to tap the farmers in your church!5. On the day of the event, invite a missionary or BGR staff who is utilizing some of the items in a ministry overseas to tell about how a mosquito net, water filter, etc., helps them help people and share the gospel. This can be done in person or via Skype with someone on the field.6. During the service, after the interview/testimony, have festive music play and have members or mission partners bring the parade items down to the front of the church. One can bring a water filter. Another can bring mosquito nets. Another can bring a goat. Make it fun!7. Then have the church come up by small groups and individuals to make their pledges of what they are go-ing to purchase. Have some large chalk/white boards in front of the church to show tallies as people make pledges. Groups can pledge as well as individuals. Don’t measure the money given but measure how many goats, water systems, sewing machines, etc. are given.


Conclusion:This can be a fun and informative way to get your church involved with World Hunger needs around the world. It can also be a way to move your church in an outward direction – the world.


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