World History Class December 5, 2008

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Transcript of World History Class December 5, 2008

December 5, 2008

Should cluster bombs be outlawed? They kill a lot of civilians. The United States

did not sign a treaty that would outlaw them.

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Capitalism meant economic power was in the hands of the people. Political power was


Empire:A country and the colonies it


For example, at one time Spain ruled a lot of the Western Hemisphere.

Spain mined a lot of gold in the new world.

Absolute Monarchs:A King who ruled with total authority. They were the law.

That is Louis XIV (the 14th)He was called the Sun King because he was the center of

the universe.

He built the palace of Versailles.

The hall of mirrors.

Divine Right of Kings:The idea that kings rule with authority given from God.

Do the Skillbuilders on p. 590 and 594.