World environment day 2014- what Ayurveda doctors must do?????

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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What Ayurveda doctors must do to sustain the medicinal plants ?????

Transcript of World environment day 2014- what Ayurveda doctors must do?????


Dr.Remya Krishnan MD(Ay) , PhD ,

Associate Professor & HOD,

Dept of Dravya guna Vijnan

World Environment day

The world has become environment conscious.

The world leaders are scared about the climate change.

The motto of this year is “Raise your voice , not the sea level “

My talk

• Here Iam not talking about the green house gas emissions or global warming .

• I am also not talking about cooling the planet or putting biomass into the soil.

• Rather I am talking about a crucial issue in Ayurveda affecting the environment ,which is currently not even in the farthest imagination of Doctors of Ayurveda.


• Ayurveda is the Science of man in relation to environment .

• Ayurveda incorporates the science of interaction between man and environment .

• More precisely Ayurveda incorporates the science of nature of response of internal environment of man to constantly changing external environment .

Some Facts which we know

• India is the richest source of biodiversity .

• Sixth among 12 megadiversity countries.

• Among 17, 000 species of identified flowering plants, 2000 species are used in Ayurveda.

• According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 80 percent of the population depend on plant based drugs for their health care .


• Medicinal plants face extreme threat of distinction .The chief reasons are :

a. Expanding domestic and global demand

of herbal products.

b. Depletion of forests .

c. Indiscriminate exploitation of raw drugs .Medicinal plant conservation is vital for the health of all ecosystems.

Plant conservation

• Plant conservation is considered a part of conservation biology, a relatively young field that emphasizes the conservation of biodiversity and whole ecosystems, as opposed to the conservation of individual species (Soulé 1985).


• Forest conservation: Conservation studies and practices involving whole forests, as opposed to specific species

• Wild plant conservation: Conservation of plants that are not cultivated by humans for agriculture or other purposes

• Invasive species study and control: The study and control of species that have spread beyond their native area. Such species pose a significant threat for the conservation of native plants.

• Medicinal plant conservation: Study and conservation of plants with medicinal properties• Crop diversity studies: Preservation of crop species, especially those of indigenous cultures• Conservation methods/techniques/management: Study and practice of the techniques

involved in plant conservation including:

– ex situ conservation, the propagation of endangered species outside of their native habitat, with hope of reintroducing them;

– in situ conservation, the conservation of endangered species within their natural habitat as opposed to artificial conditions such as greenhouses or zoos;

– reintroductions/habitat restoration, the study and practice of restoring an endangered species to its native lands.(Heywood & Iriondo 2003; Krupnick & Kress 2005)

What “we” can do ??

We doctors of Ayurveda have a major role in conservation of medicinal plants :

a. Promoting cultivation and sensible use of

medicinal plants by the public .

b. Check indiscriminate exploitation of medicinal plant resources.

c. Check indiscriminate marketing and

usage of drugs .


• Promoting public awareness about not only growing medicinal plants but also sensibly using them.

• Public lack proper scientific awareness of use of medicinal plants as First Aid .

• They blindly depend on tradition and not on science . ( They are confused between what is tradition and science of Medicine of Ayurveda )


• Many raw drug resources are indiscriminately used in various parts of South India for manufacturing various empirical formulations in pregnancy ,post partum care, disease care and health care .

• This can cause potent threat to healthy survival of humans as well as survival of medicinal plants .

• Proper awareness for public by physicians will create a big change in the scenario .

Irrational prescribing

• Irrational prescribing exists in Ayurveda which leads to extensive misuse of raw drug resoursces. .

• Polytherapy is on rampage in Ayurveda.

• This could be well prevented when “Maximum Medicine For More Benefits(MMFMB) “approach is replaced by “ Accurate Medicine For Intended Effect(AMFIE) by the physicians. “

Science Based Evidence Based Medicine

• Medicines should be selected with due regard : a. Disease prevalence .

b. Science based evidences

c. Cost effectiveness.

Selected Science based evidence based medicines which can meet multiple health care needs could be shortlisted, manufactured and dispensed at an affordable price .

Need of Essential Medicine list

• Ayurveda critically requires an essential medicine list .

• Essential medicines are the limited number of medicines which can be manufactured and distributed in an economic and efficient manner for effectively treating numerous multiple ailments at minimum cost.

• Essential drugs in Ayurveda should be standardised and used .

Essential drugs • Essential drugs are “on the target therapeutic


• Physicians in Ayurveda should be appropriately trained regarding the mode of selection and application of essential drugs pertinent to the clinical situation.

• Minimum Essential drugs would successfully manage maximum variable clinical situations, even emergencies .

• Health care professionals must educate the public also regarding the First Aid use of Essential drugs .


• The discriminate use of essential drugs considerably check the indiscriminate empirical use of multiple unessential drugs and formulations.

• Essential drugs are the best scientific way to check polytherapy and its hazards.

• The acceptance of essential drugs do not mean that the drugs which do not find in the list are not useful at all.

“Doctor’s” role in conservation

• Promote cultivation .

• Promote and propagate the need of sensible use of medicinal plants .

• Regular prescription audit in all Ayurvedamedical colleges and hospitals to ensure the optimised use of medicines and formulations.

• Development, implementation and updating of Essential drugs list in Ayurveda.

Medicinal plants are precious !!

• Check the indiscriminate and inappropriate use of medicinal plant resources under the label Ayurvedic tourism by accurate Government initiated laws and policies.

• Medical camps for public awareness regarding the importance of scientific use of medicinal plants in place of cook book medicine and tradition.

This will significantly ensure

a. The best quality and sufficient quantity of herbal resources required for medicines.

b. Improved quality of medical practice and health care in Ayurveda.

c. Prudent use of standardised guidelines ensure the optimised use of medicinal plant resources in health care.


Misuse ( empirical use) of medicinal plants which save millions of lives by a a Doctor is crime !


Scientifically optimiseduse of medicinal plants is the prime responsibility of every Ayurvedic physician .

Best initiative

Thus scientific prescribing requires to be the first and the best initiative for a physician of Ayurveda to save the environment !

Anybody …

• Anybody can plant medicinal trees.

• Anybody can nurture medicinal herbs.

• Anybody can use /misuse medicinal herbs .

• Anybody can praise the value of medicinal plants .

• Anybody can do trade with medicinal plants .

But ………….


Only a true “Bhishak “ could transform

it into a “Bheshaja” (Medicine)

“Tadeva yuktam bhaishajyam yadaarogyaaya kalpate ,

Sa chaiva bhishajaam shreshto rogebhyo ya: pramochayet “

( Charaka)


• It is not too late to act and need to get really serious about this !

• Without appropriate initiative, the current pathetic scenario would continue!

• Ayurveda doctors have a great opportunity to shape the future health and wellbeing of our planet by discriminate optimised use of drugs.

• The ultimate objective of Ayurveda is “ Lokasangraha “(universal wellbeing)



Raise your voice for Science Based Practice instead of Medicine Based Practice ,

Save Medicinal plants !!