Workshop for 2nd tier leaders

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Presentation on how business association leaders can develop a vibrant organization

Transcript of Workshop for 2nd tier leaders

Workshop for 2nd Tier Leaders

Center for International Private Enterprise

November 2014

Lets test your reading skills

Understanding Chamber Business

A chamber is a voluntary membership based business organization that serves their member’s

collective interests

Generic Roles of a Chamber/Association

• Work proactively to improve the sector's / region’s profitability and competitiveness (R&D)

• Work effectively to represent the sector's interests at all levels of the legislative regulatory process (Policy Advocacy)

• Supply sound information and advice for members (PR & Communications)

• Promote exports and other market opportunities (Trade facilitation)

• Promote training and education (Training)

• Work to ensure practice of principals of good governance (Ethics)

21st Century Business Associations 1. Expectations - What our members expect from our association?

2. Vision – is our mission member driven or board driven?

3. Mission – is our mission aligned with our vision?

4. Communication with Board members – do we communicate vision/Mission with board members?

5. Trustworthiness – do we do what we say?

6. Communication – do we communicate effectively with our stakeholders?

7. Partners – are our partners satisfied?

8. Board members – Are our broad members credible?

9. Committees – how effective and empowered our committees are?

10. Performance – Do we have a performance review system?

11. Monitoring – Do we have an effective monitoring system?

12. Leadership Development – Do we have succession planning in place?

13. Financial Management – Do we have a financial management system?

14. Governance and Ethics – Do we have any codes and do we implement?

15. Appreciation – Do we rejoice success?

Congratulations!You all have been promoted as Secretary General

Your Challenges as Secretary General

• Remain ethical

• Improve Skills

• Hire quality HR

• Train and Retain

• Be creative

• Make Profits

• Build a professional organization

What are some key challenges while dealing with your


• Lack of clear direction

• Inability to communicate the message / task

• Compromises

• High Expectations

• Responsibility without Authority


Goals, objectives & strategies

Action Plans & Accountability

Strong and Vibrant Organization

As a Vibrant Leader…….

•What are 5 things that you will change immediately?

•What rules will you break?

•What rules will you make?

•What will be the hurdles?

Business Association Leaders are smart people!

Learn to Manage Upwards is the only Solution!

• Engage – Yes

• Collaborate – Yes

• Challenge – When needed (not in public)

• Advise – When he is stuck

• Object – Yes (not in public and in positive sense)

• Manage – YES (but he must not feel it)

• Understand Your Organization

• Understand Strengths and Weaknesses of your leader

• Clear any ambiguity about the tasks given

• Know your limitations (even admit mistakes)

• Build your credibility by continuous learning