WorkingWell - Logging In and Getting Started Word - WorkingWell - Logging In and Getting...

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Transcript of WorkingWell - Logging In and Getting Started Word - WorkingWell - Logging In and Getting...

Your  Wellness  Portal  

Simple  steps  for  Better  Health  Logging  In  and  Getting  Started  


Go  online  to  your  wellness  portal  @  

After  logging  in,  you  will  see  your  Dashboard.    Your  Dashboard  includes  your  HRA  Score,  a  Daily  Tip,  links  to  your    monthly  wellness  newsletter,  access  to  your  tracking  tools,  and  more.  

Your  Wellness  Portal  

Simple  steps  for  Better  Health  Setting  Up  an  Activity  

Select  My  Actions,  located  in  the  top  menu.    Choose  Activities.  

You  can  select  Activities  under  the  Fitness,  Nutrition,  and  Lifestyle  tabs  

Pick  an  Activity  and  choose  the  Select  button.  

Select  Dashboard  if  you  want  the  Activity  to  appear  on  your  Dashboard.  

The  points  listed  for  Activities  will  count  toward  your  Awards.    Update  Activities  weekly  to  see  progress.    You  can  see  your  progress  by  clicking  on  your  Award  icon  on  your  Dashboard.  

To  create  a  personal  activity,  select  the  Personal  tab.  Choose  Create  Personal  Activity.    Fill  in  the  pop-­‐up  window  with  your  information.    Select  OK.  

Simple  steps  for  Better  Health  Setting  Goals    

You  can  set  up  goals  by  either  choosing  Goals  located  in  the  middle  of  your  Dashboard  or  by  going  to  My  Actions  and  choosing  Goals.  

On  the  Goals  page,  you  will  see  buttons  for  New  Health  Goal  and  New  Activity  Goal.    Choose  which  type  of  Goal  you  want  to  set.  

Health  Goal:  Choose  a  name  for  your  Health  Goal.  Click  on  the  dropdown  window  to  choose  what  Health  Goal  you  want  to  choose.  

When  you  choose  your  Health  Goal,  the  system  will  provide  you  with  prompts  specific  to  that  goal.      

Decide  if  you  want  your  goal  to  be  met  when  the  amount  is  equal  or  greater  to  the  number  you  chose  OR  equal  or  less  than  the  number  you  chose.    Example:  You  want  your  weight  to  be  180.    You  select  Amount  is  less  than  or  equal  to  so  that  you’ve  met  your  goal  when  your  weight  is  180  or  less.  

Choose  a  start  date  and  complete  date.    Check  the  box  if  you  want  your  goal  to  appear  on  your  Dashboard.    When  done,  click  Save  and  Quit  button.  

Activity  Goal:  Choose  a  name  for  your  Fitness  Goal.  If  you  click  on  the  Question  Mark  [  ?  ],  you  will  see  that  you  can  link  activities  you  have  chosen  to  a  goal  and  it  will  be  calculated  for  you.    If  you  don’t  want  to  link  an  Activity,  do  not  fill  in  the  blank  next  to  “I  want  to.”  

If  you  want  to  link  Activities,  click  on  the  blank  next  “I  want  to.”    A  dropdown  menu  will  appear  of  Activities  you  have  already  selected.    Click  on  the  Activities  you  wish  to  link.    When  done,  click  Ok.  

Complete  how  often  you  wish  to  do  this  activity.    You  can  select  to  complete  this  activity  a  certain  number  of  times  a  day,  week,  month,  or  year.    Choose  a  start  date  and  a  completion  date.    Check  the  box  if  you  want  it  to  show  on  the  Dashboard.  Click  the  Save  and  Quit  button.  

You  can  monitor  your  Active  and  Completed  Goals  on  the  My  Goals  page.  


Simple  steps  for  Better  Health  Understanding  Your  Awards  

Log  in  to  your  wellness  portal  and  track  activities  to  earn  awards!  

 When  you  log  in  to  your  wellness  portal  and  choose  Activities  to  track,  you  will  see  point  values  listed.    By  selecting  Activities  and  tracking  them,  you  can  earn  points  each  day  toward  a  monthly  award.  

Log  in  to  your  wellness  portal  and  track  activities  to  earn  awards!  

 When  you  log  in  to  your  wellness  portal  and  choose  Activities  to  track,  you  will  see  point  values  listed.    By  selecting  Activities  and  tracking  them,  you  can  earn  points  each  day  toward  a  monthly  award.  

ü Choose  the  Activity  you  want  to  track.      ü Log  in  each  day  to  update  your  Activities.  ü Click  on  the  Awards  icon  on  your  Dashboard  or  go  to  Awards  under  the  

My  Actions  menu,  located  at  the  top  of  the  screen  to  view  your  Award  progress.