Working title independent

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Working title independent

Working titleWorking title is a British film production company that is owned by universal remote. If universal remote don’t wont to make a film they will pass it on to working title they will also fund the film/project. The funders of working title are Tim Bevan and Sarah radclyffe

Working title is a British film production company that is owned by universal remote. Universal remote allowed working title access to produce the film les miserables as universal remote did not wont to make it so they passed it down to working title they then gave them the funding’s and the projects. The film les miserables is a film about French revolution. This means that universal remote get back a % of the profit and also get their company advertised universal get working titles to make the small films were as universal when making films take on the big projects which they make in Hollywood they do this as they make the biggest profit. Also getting working title to make the film means its more appealing to the British meaning they get a wider range of audience.

FundingDifferent company’s get funds in different ways such as working title they get given funding’s by their co company they also have other ways such as people investing money as they get so much back bigger company’s also do this as they get advertised in the film e.g. credits and so on. There is also UK Film council as they only invest small amounts as they can double it such as £25,000 this isn’t much compered to the 10million that it cost to make the film but the investor dose this to make a profit for them selves. Some company’s get funding’s from showing other company’s advertisements such as using their company brand on a bottle and so on this promotes the film.

BFIUK Film foundingCreative England – film Birmingham/London helps to get film permits and funding’s.IT grantUK Film council started the UK film boom spend little make big.King speech 36mil – 112milPrivate investors TAX breaks from the governmentChannel 4 fund films through adverts