Working Paper No. 23 · Jean Cartelier* Working Paper No. 23 May 1989 Submitted to The Jerome Levy...

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Transcript of Working Paper No. 23 · Jean Cartelier* Working Paper No. 23 May 1989 Submitted to The Jerome Levy...

Viability and Equilibrium: ISLM Revisited


Jean Cartelier*

Working Paper No. 23

May 1989

Submitted to The Jerome Levy Economics Institute

Bard College

*Universite de Picardie, France

I would like to thank The Levy Economics Institute for its hospitality and NATO for its financial support. I acknowledge my debt to the fellows of The Levy Institute (in particular to Marc Jarsulic and Anwar Shaikh) and to Bill Gaynor of Bard College for their helpful suggestions. I am grateful to Jean French who made my English much more readable.

More than fifty years after the publication of Keynes' General

Theorv and of the review article by Hicks, ISLM remains the basic

model for teaching Keynesian macroeconomics. Some Keynesians 'have

rightly insisted on the inadequacies of ISLM in capturing Keynes'

thought but have not converted the profession to their views. The

same fate may befall this paper whose aim is to suggest an

alternative class-room model in the Keynesian and Kaleckian

tradition. Nevertheless, in accordance with Orange's lucid

motto,ttil n'est pas necessaire d'esperer pour entreprendre ni de

reussir pour perseverertt...

The main thesis is that the concept of static equilibrium,

central to ISLM, is not adequate to express the most fundamental

aspect of the Keynesian revolution. The first section of the

paper is devoted to a defense of the more general concept of

viability. Static equilibrium will appear as but one particular

example of this larger notion.

A very simple model is presented in the second section. Its

distinctive feature, aside from its inclusion of the ISLM

equations, is to make a clear distinction between the macroeconomic

relations exhibiting the consequences of the decisions of the

aqents on the one hand and the principles according to which these

decisions are taken and carried out on the other. The concept of

static equilibrium,by contrast, is founded on the confusion of the

two: a necessary condition for individual actions to be effective

is their mutual compatibility.


The third section deals very briefly with the implications of

the model for the analysis of macroeconomic policy.



Static equilibrium refers to a situation of mutual

compatibility of individual economic actions. The solution of the

system of equations determines the prices and quantities\so that

the desired actions of a agents can be simultaneously realized.

Within this framework, it is impossible to think of economic mag-

nitudes being effective outside equilibrium (not being the solution

of the system of equations). An instantaneous mechanism of

adjustment is thus supposed to drive the economy towards the point

of rest (if unique). The infinite velocity of this adjustment is

a necessary hypothesis if one does not wish to elucidate the dynam-

ic process and deal with transitory situations.

The clear awareness of the self-contradictory character of

speaking of effective non-equilibrium magnitudes is the positive

outcome of the rational expectations school and of its critics of

traditional dynamic modelling. It is equally a justification ex

post facto of the growing variety of equilibria (temporary, K,

Nash-, conjectural equilibria etc.) economic theory creates in

order to keep up with new problems.

Keynesians (or Kaleckians) refuse the methodology of static

equilibrium and its implications. Two good general reasons may be

invoked for that rebuttal. The first is that the economy is

monetary in essence. The second is the asymmetry of the relations

between entrepreneurs and other people (wage-earners typically).

That economy be monetary in essence does not essentially mean

there exists a link between present and future (as so often

Keynesians maintain)'. More decisive is that each agent has at his

disposal a means of making effective his planned actions more or


less independently of their compatibility with those of all others.

BY contrast, the traditional view of the feasibility of

transactions requires, as in the Walrasian tatonnement, a general

coordination of u agents. The mere existence of money reveals

that a different coordination prevails in the economy.

In that sense, money and equilibrium can be viewed as two

substitutable notions each expressing a particular organization of

economic relations. Being accepted by all agents, money is

equivalent to the consent of the economy as a whole to the action

of its possessor. It allows him, to a certain extent, to transform

a private and subjective project into a social and objective


On a very different plane, the asymmetry between entrepreneurs

and the other agents leads one to discard the tool of static

equilibrium as well.

According to Keynes and Kalecki, only entrepreneurs have the

capacity to determine the level of the economic activity through

their expenditures. Other agents can react but they cannot make

this level change for the period under consideration. The economic

hierarchy (we shall see that it is founded on monetary

considerations) is formally expressed by the recursivitv of the

model. For every given period entrepreneurs' decisions influence

non-entrepreneurs and the reverse is not true. General

interdependence and mutual compatibility and thus static

equilibrium cease to be relevant in this context.

However, individual decisions are still voluntary ones.

Economic agents act freely under general constraints and aim to

maximize their advantage (profit or welfare). The point raised in

this paper does not concern so much the rationality of the

behaviour of entrepreneurs or wage-earners but the way their

actions are coordinated.

Let us see more precisely what is meant by that in a very

simple macroeconomic framework.


<a> Entrepreneurs come first. They fix the amount of their

desired level of activity on the basis of their expectations or,

what amounts to the same, they determine a desired level of


Two sorts of expenditures have to be distinguished. The first

ones are directed towards other entrepreneurs (Keynes calls them

investment in Chapter 6 of General Theory) and the second towards

non-entrepreneurs (factor cost according to Keynes). For the sake

of simplicity we shall suppose that these factor costs are the sole

costs incurred by entrepreneurs. Thus the expenditures.between

entrepreneurs represent the expenditure of expected profits.

But deciding a given amount of planned expenditures (according

to the effective demand principle) is not sufficient to make them

effective. Two additional conditions have to be fulfilled.

The first one has been recently intensively studied under the

heading of finance motive. Entrepreneurs have to raise funds in

order to execute their plans. Here enters the banking and

financial system. In accepting or refusing to finance the projects

of the entrepreneurs, the banking system acts as a coordinator

which selects according to different criteria (prudential ratios

or agreement on the state of expectations) the socially acceptable

commitments of the entrepreneurs.

The second condition, far more neglected, is that people to

whom expenditures are directed accept the operation. Though a

general compatibility is not required, obviously no economictrans-

action can take place without the aqreement of people who are

party to it (unless we are able to explain why this condition is

not necessary as will be the case for the workers).

Concerning expenditures between entrepreneurs, Keynes himself

proposes a solution when he makes the hypothesis that entrepreneurs

in the equipment goods sector work on order. In a sense this

VVsolutionl'is not satisfactory since the traditional problem of

mutual compatibility (restricted to the equipment sector goods)

seems to be left unsolved. However, the mode of coordination due


to the presence of money modifies the terms of the problem.

As a consequence of the monetary character of the economy,

entrepreneurs have to execute their plans without knowing their

immediate consequences. That means, in contrast with an economy

driven by the auctioneer, that a considerable amount of information

is not available. Carrying out their decisions, entrepreneurs are

looking for information. The relevant information is determined

by their first intentions. With an auctioneer each entrepreneur

knows all the prices. In a monetary economy each entrepreneur

looks for the prices of the sole commodities in which he is

interested. The entrepreneur acquires certain information'on the

conditions of realization of project A because he plans to realize

this project A. Some information relating to another project (B)

could, if available, make him switch to B. But the information

will never come to him because he does not have the opportunity to

try to carry out project B.

Moreover, the investment decisions of the entrepreneurs (in

fact the expenditure of current expected profits) are made, not on

the basis of the current profitability, but on that of the prospect

of future profits. "We must not forget that, in the case of

durable goods, the producer's short-term expectations are based on

the current long-term expectations of the investor; and it is of

the nature of long-term expectations that they cannot be checked

at short intervals in the light of realised results" (Keynes

General Theory p. 51). In other terms, the investment is not

related to other decisions for the current period (nor are the

receipts of the entrepreneurs in the equipment sector).

To sum up, the coordination relating to the investment

expenditures, which gives sense to Keynes' hypothesis, is quite

different from that attached to the notion of equilibrium and

reminds us that the market does not exist but as a consequence of

the impossibility of coordinating a priori the actions of the



Concerning the factor costs expenditures, the argument is

quite different. We shall limit ourselves to the case of wages

(interest payments are the consequence of prior commitments and do

not raise any problems of mutual acceptance) which are the main

factor cost (the sole considered in the model below).

It must be emphasized that nominal wage is not determined on a

market in the ordinary sense of the term. The collective

bargaining between entrepreneurs and wage-earners may bring about

a wage-scale, a wage level or some kind of price-indexation but

never a determined level of employment! 18Price'V is determined not

ttquantityV8. Trying to save the idea of a labor market by 'saying

that labor supply is infinitely inelastic in relation to nominal

wage is not the best way to take into account the fundamental

asymmetry between entrepreneurs and wage-earners.

We must recall here our central theme, namely the executa-

bility of economic plans or decisions. The possession of money or

the access to credit is the general prerequisite for being able to

undertake economic actions. Now wage-earners are such precisely

because they are not able to work on their own account and to be

autonomous agents carrying out their own plans. They cannot

benefit from credit creation*. They need money and the only way

of getting it is to be waged.

The payment of the wages in this sense does not require a

mutual acceptance since people are not on the same footing. In

order to capture this idea the term of ranport salarial has been

coined and elucidated in different ways3.

Thus, a central feature of the economy is the working of a

banking system. Whether people have, or have not, access to money

created by credit they are, or are not, affected by the effective

demand principle. The banking system plays part of the role of the

Walrasian auctioneer, allowing the entrepreneurs to make their

decisions effective. However, in sharp contrast with the Walrasian

system, this coordination is independent from the general mutual

compatibility of actions and from the existence of equilibrium.


<b> Now come the wage-earners. Once wage and employment have

been determined they are free to use the money as they wi114.

According to the traditional maximization of a utility function

under the budgetary constraint of the wage or according to whatever

other principle, they fix their consumption and their saving, the

latter taking the form of the variation of the amount of bonds

(supposed to be perpetuities) owned or of the variation of their

current account at the banks.

Here too we have to inquire into the conditions of execution

of these plans. .

Obviously, there is no problem for the bank deposits since

workers perceive their revenue under this form. It is always

possible, in principle, to accumulate all the wage in deposits.

For consumption things run differently. Even if

entrepreneurs are price-setters and workers price-takers, it may

happen that some desired transactions are actually impossible,

supply being short. More generally, we have to make clear whether

some adjustments on the market may or may not take place. These

adjustments consist of prices or inventories variations. In the

model below these difficulties will be overlooked in order not to

obscure the main point: in any case, whatever these secondary

adjustments may be, they do not modify the current level of

employment nor the amount of investment. Here again we find the

recursivity of the system.

For the sake of simplicity we shall suppose that entrepreneurs

issue perpetuities "on tap". The idea is that long term

indebtedness is always preferable to short term indebtedness to

banks. Workers can thus always realize their desired transactions

in bonds.

CC> It must now be emphasized that the realization of desired

actions more or less independently of their mutual compatibility

has a counterpart: the final outcome mav be hishlv undesirable and,

at least, involuntary. This is, of course, a marked contrast to



In a monetary economy the form taken by this is very clear and

precise: some of the entrepreneurs (or all) experience a deficit.

Others may realize positive balances. Some cannot repay to the

banking system the money they had raised for financing their

expenditures. They may incur bankruptcy. The theoretical problems

raised by the settlement of the balances are too complex to be

discussed here5. We shall suppose instead that, within certain

limits, it is always possible to make the excess agents finance,

directly or indirectly, the deficit agents. Whenever such a

spontaneous finance cannot take place a lender of last resort has

the option to solve or not to solve the problem. In the‘latter

case it is possible to speak of a major crisis, in that some

fundamental rules of the game have to be changed (think of the Gold

Standard for instance or of the entire structure of the financial

system). In the former case, that of spontaneous finance, the

system may be in a state of viability, which means that the current

rules of the game are not put into danger'.

We have seen that the banking and financial system plays a

central role at the two ends of the economic process. First it

allows entrepreneurs to make their projects effective (or not if

they are too far from prevalent conventions). Second it more or

less guarantees that the unforeseen consequences of these actions

are not too damageable for the economy as a whole. But this is less

the effect of Providence or of a clear-cut perception of the system

by the monetary authority than the involuntary consequence of the

adoption of certain rules or conventions. BY viabilitv we mean

here the set of all the possible situations of the economy which

do not violate these rules.

Each element of this set is potentially observable and

measurable since its realization is possible. Equilibrium is then

no more the condition of the effectiveness of an economic

situation. In a monetary economy the coordination works in such

a way that equilibrium is only a particular case among all the

viable positions, where all the entrepreneurs' balances are spon-


taneously equal to zero.

cd> The preceding developments enable us to do the following:

(i) To elaborate effective dynamic processes which are

not simple virtual paths towards static equilibrium (see the

Walrasian tatonnement). All the points of these effective paths

will be observable situations (if included in the viability set)

interesting for their own sake: if stable, these paths will lead

the economy towards an equilibrium. Equilibrium is then defined

in a dynamic sense as the limit point of an orbit. It may or may

not coincide with the static one according to the shape>of the

dynamic system (path effects are the rule in non linear models).

(ii) To examine anew the problem of the relation between

investment and saving.

Two points are well-known: the equality between saving and

investment is an equilibrium condition for both orthodox theory and

ISLE model, whereas for Keynes and Kalecki saving and investment

are two different names for the same thing. From this one may

conclude either that Keynes and Kalecki are wrong or that ISL&I is

not a correct expression of their ideas. Mainstream economists

maintain that both hold. They have accredited the opinion that

ISLM was a correct formulation because Keynes' theory was not

correct in its original terms .

In the framework sketched above, it is perfectly clear that

investment and saving are "merely different aspects of the same

thing" (Keynes General Theory p.74) even in effective situations

out of equilibrium (that is to say viable).

If p1 and wN are, respectively, the investment and the factor

cost, pC the consumption expenditures, saving, defined as the

excess of income over consumption is another name for investment.

Profits are equal to the excess of receipts (pI+pC) over the costs

(wN) and are the saving of the entrepreneurs (by definition they

do not consume). If we add to this saving that of wage-earners

(equal to wN-pC) we find the investment.


This identity is impossible to fit into a theory dominated

by the notion of equilibrium. There is a natural room for it as

soon as the concept of viability has been substituted for

equilibrium. But this implies not only a change in words but a

change in theory, namely the elucidation of the coordination of

individual actions in a monetary economy with a raooort salarial.



Let us assume an oversimplified one-good economy with two

groups of agents, entrepreneurs and workers, and a banking and

financial system. The latter is reduced to a lender of last resort

which fixes exogeneously the rate of interest and provides

entrepreneurs with the quantity of the means of payment they need

through credit creation. Entrepreneurs have to repay the credit

at the end of the period.

Entrepreneurs determine their investment expenditures for the

period according to the familiar equation:

(1) p1 = LT - er

where LT is the state of long term expectations exogeneously given

and r the rate of the interest depending on the banking system.

They settle their current level of activity wN on the basis

of their short term expectations. As we know part of these are the

consequence of (1) since entrepreneurs of the equipment sector7

work on order. Other elements are the anticipation of the extent

of the market for consumption and the general conditions made by

the Bank. The value of the expected proceeds R being fixed, the

amount of wages is deduced through the predetermined mark up m:

(2) wN = R/m

As a matter of fact, it is possible to show that m is

determined by microeconomic considerations as shown in the



If p1 and wN are such that the banking system provides funds

for their realization, entrepreneurs can execute their plans

independently of their conseauences upon other people. It is then

possible to study the macroeconomic relations showing the effects

of these decisions (on the entrepreneurs themselves through the

reactions of workers) without making any implication regarding the

effective levels of investment and employment. Clearly this would

be nonsense in a model like ISIJ4 where the sole effective

quantities are equilibrium ones.

The reactions of wage-earners are given by the consumption

function and that of hoarding. The former is very simple indeed:

(3) pC = b wN

If we introduce a public sector, we have to add the public

expenditure (exogeneously determined):

(3a) pC = b wN + pG

The saving of workers takes the form of a variation in their

deposit accounts M or in their bonds portfolio T. The former is

given by:

(4) M = f wN - g r

the latter by difference (T=wN-PC-M):

(4a) T = (l-b-f) wN + g r

Taking into account the way wage-earners react to

entrepreneurs' decisions, it is possible to show some fundamental

macroeconomic relations.

The effective profit of the entrepreneurs is the excess of

receipts over the costs:

(5) P = pC + p1 + pG - wN


(5a) P = p1 + pG - (l-b) wN

Equation (5a) is the simplest expression of Kalecki's principle.

Entrepreneurs as a whole earn what they spend because they

determine, to a certain point, the level of their "budgetary

constrainttl. There is in fact no constraint at all: by pushing up

the amount of their investment expenditure, they increase at the


same time the amount of their receipts. If it were not possible

for them to fix the level of their expenditures (which in turn

implies a determinate relation to the banking system) there would

be no room for Kalecki's principle.

The effective profit may differ from the expected one, which

is equal, by definition, to:

(6) Pe = (m-l) wN

The equality between expected and realized profit is obtained


(R) wN = (pI+pG)/(m-b) .

It is easy to verify that the condition (R) is equivalent to

the IS curve of the ISLE model. It is the consequence of the

equality R = pQ = pC + p1 + pG. Using (1) for expressing p1 in

function of r we get from (R):

(IS) wN = (LT + pG)/(m-b) - (e/m-b) r

On the other hand, the difference between total receipts and total

expenditures gives the amount of additional indebtedness D that

entrepreneurs must accept':

(7) D = p1 + wN - p1 - pC - pG

The deficit is equal to workers' saving minus public deficit.

If we suppose that entrepreneurs do not wish to be indebted to the

banking system, the condition of not incurring insolvency is that

the deficit be totally financed through the perpetuities issues.

Assuming public deficit pG is always financed by bonds, it is easy

to check that the condition of solvency of the entrepreneurs is

given by the constancy of the deposits of the workers, that is:

(W wN = (g/f)r

Using (l), this condition may be expressed as a relation

between wN and p1:

(S) wN = (gLT/ef) - (g/ef) p1

One is tempted to solve the system ISLM or the system RS.

Doing so, one finds the set of values for r, wN and p1 which are

compatible with the simultaneous fulfillment of the two conditions,

relating respectively to the rentability (R) and to the solvency


(S) - These values are:

r+ = [f(LT+pG)]/[g(m-b)+ef]

(8) wN+= [g(LT+pG)J/[g(m-b)+ef]

PI+= [g(m-b)LT-efpG]/[g(m-b)+ef]

In the traditional methodology of static equilibrium the

meaning of (8) is very clear: they are the sole values which could

be effective because they define the equilibrium situation. Here

the story is not the same. The relations (R) and (S) [or (IS) and

(LM)] tell us nothing about the effective values of p1 and wN which

depend only on LT, r and R (and not on f, g or b). The interest

of (R) and (S) is they allow us to characterize the effective

situation of the economy given from outside the system ISLE [or


Putting aside for the moment the question of the limits due

to the banking system, an effective situation is any point [wN>O,

pI>O] of the schema la (or any point [wN>O, r>O] of schema lb).

If such a point lies to the right (to the left) of (R) r entrepreneurs would experience a rentability inferior (superior)

to what they expected. Conversely if the point is situated to the

right (left) of (S), entrepreneurs would be, from the point of view

of solvency, in a worse (better) situation.

The plane is thus divided into four regions dependent upon

the signs of the unexpected differences in rentability and

solvency. These differences have no effect during the period on

the value of p1 and wN. It is, however, quite natural to think

that they have an influence on the decisions of entrepreneurs in

future periods. It is on such basic considerations that a very

simple dynamic model may be built.

In regions 1 and 3 rentability and solvency considerations

are acting in the same direction: the change of the current

activity will be unambiguously positive (region 1) or negative

(region 3). In regions 2 and 4 the two influences are of opposing

signs and the outcome will depend on the relative strength of the

influence of rentability and solvency: the current activity may

ch .ange positively or negatively according to the weight of the two



In order to formalize very simply this idea, we shall assume

that the change in the state of short term expectations of the

entrepreneurs depends on the observations of unexpected results in

the following way:

(9) dR/dt = k,(P-Pe) - k,B

where B is the variation of the indebtedness with the banking

system, equal to M.

The form adopted in (9) is very simple. It guarantees+owever

that, even if P = Pe, the financial position of entrepreneurs piays

a role in the motion of the economy over time (this would not be

the case if the two factors were combined in a multiplicative


Since dwN/dt = (l/m) dR/dt we get, substituting P, Pe and B

for their values in (5a), (6) and (4):

(10) dwN/dt = (k,/m)pI-(l/m) [k, (m-W+k,flwN

+ (l/m) (k,pG+k,gr) The general solution of (10) is:

(*) wN(,, = wN* + wN,,, e -(l/m)[kl(m-b)+k2flt

where wN* is the stationary solution of (10) and wN,,, an initial

condition. wN* will indicate the limit point of (lo), if stable.

It will be an equilibrium situation in the dynamic sense. The

stationary solution is:

(11) wN* = [k,(pI+pG)+k,gr]/[k,(m-b)+k2f]

It is easy to check that the path generated by (*) is stable:

when t tends to infinity, wN(t) tends to wN*.

It is worth noticing that wN* will differ in general from the

wN+ solution of the ISLE model. The economy will not tend towards

the static equilibrium E but towards one of the noints of the line

ST which depends on the value of the exoqeneous rate of interest.

The shape of ST is positive if we suppose that the rentability

motive acts stronger than the solvency motive, as is done in schema

1. wN* is a weighted average of wN given by (R) and wN given by


(S) - For example, if the lender of last resort pegs the rate of

interest at r+, wN* will coincide with wN+".

This very simple proposition is obviously dependent upon the

ability of the banking system to alleviate the unexpected outcomes

of the voluntary decisions of agents. It is not unreasonable to

think there are some limits to the willingness of the bank to allow

entrepreneurs to execute all their decisions (with the risk of

experiencing bankruptcy). More generally, the rules of the game

are such that all the points of the plane (wn,pI) are not possible.

For the sake of illustration we shall take very simple and crude

rules specifying maximum levels for tolerable differences 'either

in rentability (MR) or in solvency (MS). These limits are

represented on the schema by the straight lines MR and MS


The model is now completed with the delimitation of a

viability set V which contains all the allowed effective

situations. These can be classified in three classes:

(a) the static equilibrium E (the ISLE solution)

(b) the points of ST (being in V) which are dynamic

equilibria reflecting the existence of a special mode of

coordination between agents

(c) the points of V which are effective outside

equilibrium situations (this sounds self-contradictory

in static equilibrium methodology).

Properties of the dynamic equilibria (ST) are obviously those

acknowledged by Keynes and Keynesian "Fundamentalistsl'. Two of

them are to be emphasized.

The equilibrium is restricted to entrepreneurs (effective

demand principle) so that nothing is implied for the workers

(except that N =< E where E is the amount of labour). The

asymmetry between workers and entrepreneurs has as a consequence

the incapacity of the workers to effect a change in such situations

(through purely economic actions). If the level of activity wN*

is such that, at the current level of wage w, more than N* workers


are willing to be waged there will be involuntarv unemplovment.

Nothing can cure that unemployment (the price is endogeneous as

shown in the appendix) except a public policy (either by changing

the rate of interest or by augmenting pG).

There is no monetarv neutrality in the economy. A change in

the rate of interest (the only monetary exogeneous variable) alters

the current level of economic activity and the investment (and

their equilibrium level as well) as it is easy to see on schema

1 or by looking at equation (10).




Economic policy analysis in text-books is confined to

comparative statics. It is the direct consequence of reasoning

along the static equilibrium approach. The successive steps of the

reasoning are well-known: put the model in reduced form, take the

partial derivatives for economic policy exogeneous variables and

comment on the values thus obtained. This leads to conclusions

about the comparative efficiency of alternative economic policies

according to the value of the different policy multipiers.

The legitimacy of this approach is beyond doubt, but the

validity of its conclusions depends heavily upon a proof of the

stability of the equilibria compared. This proof is so rarely

supplied that one may think it is not even necessary...

In the framework proposed here there is no danger of

overlooking the point since the stationary state wN* cannot be

reckoned independently of the dynamic system and of the intensity

of the different forces at work (k, and k2).

It is beyond the scope of this paper to deal with economic

policy issues. What follows is just for the sake of methodological

purpose. Two cases will be examined which differ according to



the rule adopted by the lender of last resort.Let us suppose first that the lender of last resort is

concerned with the solvency of the banking system. If we admit

that the normal activity of the banks is to provide entrepreneurswith a sufficient quantity of means of payment" and not to financeunexpected deficits, every increase in the loans to entregreneurs

(at the end of the period) not only diminishes the solvency of theentrepreneurs but that of the banks as well. In that case the

lender of last resort has to raise the rate of interest in orderto prevent a further decrease,in the solvency of the banks. This

rule is reversible and the rate of interest would be lowered ifentrepreneurs were able to be creditors of the banking system(whenever they experience high levels of bonds subscription).

Formally:(11) dr/dt = k, B = k, (fwN-gr)

As dpI/dt = -e dr/dt [see equation (l)], the system whichdescribes the path of the economy is:

dpI/dt = -k,efwN + k,egr(Sl)

dwN/dt =(k,/m)pI-(l/m)[k,(mb)+k2f]wN

+ (l/m) (k,pG+k,gr)The stationary solution of (Sl) is nothing but the wN+ and pI+

which is the same as the static equilibrium of the ISLM model.

This conclusion is quite natural since the rule followed by themonetary authority is congruent with the satisfaction of condition

(S) lThe rate of interest ceases to vary when the solvency of the

entrepreneurs is granted. As (10) is stable and under theinfluence of the rentability motive, wN* will be equal to wN+.Moreover, it appears that (Sl) is stable12. A comparative statics

analysis would have given the same result: replacing r by r+ in thestatic system formed by (R) and (S) would obviously give wN+ andpI+.

Incidentally, it should be noticed that no stationary solutionof (lo), except for r=r+, makes the long term expectationscompatible with the short term ones. It is therefore necessary


that the monetary authority intervene by adjusting the rate of

interest. Without this action the rate of interest has no

equilibrium value from a Keynesian point of view13.

A second example can be studied wherein the lender of last

resort attempts now to drive the economy towards a predeterminate

financial structure, say a fixed profits/investment ratio a*. It

will raise (decrease) the rate of interest if the observed P/p1 is

below (above) a*. Formally, the economic policy is:

(12) dr/dt = - k,(P - a*pI)

Accordingly, the dynamic system is now, (replacing P$ by its \


dpI/dt = ek,(l-a*)pI - ek,(l-b)wN+ek,pG (S2)

dwN/dt=(k,/m)pI -(l/m)[k,(m-b)+k,f]wN

+(1/m) (k,pG+k,gr)

In general the stationary solution of (S2) will differ from ,

(Sl) since the stationary rate corresponding to rule (12) is not

equal to r+ except by chance for a particular value of a*14. It

appears here that economic policy aims cannot be determined on

purely normative grounds. The rule (12) fails because it is not

relevant for entrepreneurs. They do not take, in this model, the

P/p1 ratio into consideration. This simple case is an illustration

of the difficulties of shaping a "structuraltt economic policy.

Furthermore system (S2) is stable or unstable depending on the

value of the parameters. All things being equal, the stronger the

action of implementing a * (that means k4 high) the greater the risk

of instability15. It is the same for the intensity of the

entrepreneurs' reaction to variations in the rate of interest.

This second example shows how irrelevant it may be to study

economic policy with comparative statics only.



On some microeconomic foundations of the model

Assumptions made in the text are rather crude. The

pedagogical purpose cannot account for all the oversimplifications

of the model. One assumption is crucial which states that

entrepreneurs fix their price according to a predetermined mark-up

pricing rule. As nominal wage and technology are supposed to be

constant, this assumption amounts to that of exogeneous fixed

price. .

Kalecki's degree of monopoly theory is not very satisfactory

since, according to its author, it seems independent of any

maximizing behavior of the entrepreneur. "In view of the

uncertainties faced in the process of price fixing it will not be

assumed that the firm attempts to maximize its profits in any

precise sort of mannert116.

However, it is well known that it is possible to make the

determination of the mark up the outcome of the maximization of


Let us consider the entrepreneur i. He has to decide the

price pi and the current level of the activity wNi. His constraints

are the technique of production,given by:

(a) qi = xiNi

and the proceeds he expects to get from his decisions. It seems

sensible to assume that the share yei of the anticipated market Rei

the entrepreneur expects to get depends on the price pi as compared

with the average price pei he thinks the market will exhibit. The

higher the ratio pi/pei the smaller his market share. Note that

pei may differ from one entrepreneur to another. For the sake of

simplicity we shall retain a linear negative relationship between

yei and the ratio (pi/pei):

(b) Yei= ui - '(Pi/P",) with 0 < z -C ui < 1

The expected profits of entrepreneur i are then:

(c) Pei = [Ui - z (Pi/P'i) lRei-(qi/xi)w


Since qi=(Rei/pi)yei, (c) may be written:

(d) Pei = [ui - z (Pi/P'i) IReiLl- (W/XiPi) 1 The price pi which corresponds to the maximization of expected

profits is given by making the partial derivative (u~w/x~P~~) -

(z/pei) equal to zero - the second order derivative is negative.

We get:

(e) Pan = (~~/z)~~(w/x~)~~(p~~)~~

The expression (e) conforms to Kalecki's result except for the

linearity. The price is a function of the cost of production

(w/xi) and of the expected average price of the sector(pei):

If entrepreneurs expect the average price to be related to

average cost by a mark-up reflecting average conditions of

production and market, say:

(f) Pei = (u/z) (w/x)

where u and x are the corresponding macroeconomic counterparts of

ui and xi (for the sake of simplicity u and x are supposed to be

known by entrepreneurs), the equation (e) becomes:

(9) P*i = (h/j) (Ui/Z) (W/Xi)

where h and j indicate the relative position of entrepreneur i as

compared with the economy as a whole [ u =h2 ui and x = j2 xi).

In the case of the representative entrepreneur, the price is

given by

(h) P* = (u/z) (w/x)

with (u/z)=m (see text).

From Pan it is possible to deduce q*i and Ni:

(i) q*i =yeiRei/p*i = ( ji ZXi/hiUiW) [(hiUi-

Zij)/hi IRei

0) wN*~ = wq*Jxi = (jiz/hiui) [(hiui-zji)/hi]Rei

Consequently, we have all the elements necessary to determine

from individual entrepreneurs' decisions not only the aggregate

level of the activity wN but the feed back effects upon the

rentability and the solvency of entrepreneurs (if we add an

assumption on the distribution of the bonds subscription between




1. In orthodox theory this link (store of value) is the unique attribute of money which allows the price of money to be positive at equilibrium (see the overlapping generations models). Far from being a specific feature of Keynes I thought (or its main interest), the weight attached to this alleged function of money constitutes the main common point with orthodoxy! Moreover it prevents the investigation of other directions.

2. The consumption credit ought not to be confused with credit. Briefly: consumption credit is reimbursed through future wages (intertemporal allocation of income) whereas production credit is repaid with sales.

3. C. Benetti and J. Cartelier (Marchands, salariat et capitalistes Paris 1980 Maspero) characterize the wage relationship as monetary submission. Generally it has been argued that the payment of the wage does not imply the delivery of a determinate quantity of labor. The execution of the ttcontractVV requires thus particular procedures more or less related to production. This has been extensively studied by orthodox (Stiglitz) or heterodox authors (S.Bowles,R.Boyer etc.).

4. Incidentally, it is worth recalling that this is a very important difference from classical economics where the asymmetry between entrepreneurs and workers is expressed by making the real wage part of the means of production.

5. See C. Benetti and J. Cartelier "Monnaie et formation des grandeurs economiques" in La formation des srandeurs economioues Encyclopedic Diderot PUF Paris forthcoming 1989

6. The term renroduction might be more appropriate with the obvious advantage that it refers to a respectable tradition. But Classical economists and modern Neoricardians seem to have not had much to say about the executability of transactions out of equilibrium. Their neglect for money is obviously at the heart of this gap.


7. One may find it useless to speak of an equipment goods sector in a one-good economy. This is, however, correct if it is recalled that investment is not defined by the use value of the goods but only by the nature of the agents doing the transaction. As Keynes put it: 'IThe criterion [between consumption and investment] must obviously correspond to where we draw the line between the consumer and the entrepreneur"(GT p.62)

8. It is assumed that the economy is described ab ovo without any accumulated financial assets. This hypothesis is obviously inessential and, in any case, the reasoning could be adapted to more realistic assumptions.

9. A different assumption could be made to take into consideration an idea advocated by H. Minsky: entrepreneurs'are not very aware of their financial position until it reaches a critical level, say B*. Equation (9) would be:

(9a) dR/dt = k,(P-Pe) - k,(B - B*) Under this assumption, the equilibrium locus would be:

(lla) wN* = [k,(pI+pG)+kz(gr+B*)]/[k,(m-b)+k2f] The locus would not even contain E!

10. It must be recalled that in this model r, as an exogeneous variable, replaces the money supply of the ISLM model. It does not sound unreasonable to say that r is fixed conventionally (see General Theory chapter 15). In the ISLM framework r is endogeneously determined; in the model presented it is the degree of solvency of entrepreneurs which is endogeneously determined. This (sole) departure from ISLE theory is the straight consequence of having assumed a monetary coordination of the actions of entrepreneurs.

11. It would be very easy to take into account the interest paid by the entrepreneurs; it would be part of the factor costs. The banks would spend these receipts either in investment or in wages.

12. Determinant of the matrix of the homogeneous system is positive [k,k,ef/m > 0] and the trace is negative (-(l/m)[k,(m- b)+k,f).

13. The same is true for the Classics and for Marx.

14. It would be the case only if a*= [g(m-l)(LT+pG)]/[g(m-b)LT- efpG].

15. The trace of the coefficients matrix of the homogeneous system is positive or negative according to whether mek4 is greater or less than k,(m-b)+kzf. The determinant is positive (negative) if (1-b)/(l-a*) is greater (less) than k,(m-b)+k,f.


16. M.Kalecki 8'Costs and prices" in Selected essays on the dvnamics of the capitalist economy Cambridge University Press 1971
