Words of Wisdom 1 Lo

Post on 06-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Words of Wisdom 1 Lo

8/17/2019 Words of Wisdom 1 Lo

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♫ Turn on your speakers!



 A potpourri of inspirational

thoughts on several topics.

8/17/2019 Words of Wisdom 1 Lo

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If you worry… you didn’ pray

If you prayed… DON’T "O##$

As a %&i'd of (od) prayer is 'ike %a''in* &o+e e,ery day

 No one %an 'i,e in dou- w&en &e &as prayed in fai&To *row a'' spiriua''y) a +an +us firs 'earn o knee'

So+e peop'e a'k a-ou .ea,en -ein* so far away)

w&en i is wi&in speakin* disan%e of &ose

w&o -e'on* &ereNo&in* 'ies -eyond &e rea%& of prayer e/%ep &a

w&i%& 'ies ouside &e "i'' of (od

0os of us wou'd -e in +ore rou-'e &an we are if a''

our prayers &ad -een answered

“ “ If two of you shall agree on Earth asIf two of you shall agree on Earth as

touching any thing that they shall ask, ittouching any thing that they shall ask, it

shall be done for them of My Fathershall be done for them of My Father

which is in Heaven.which is in Heaven.

For where two or three are gatheredFor where two or three are gathered

together in My name, there am I in thetogether in My name, there am I in the

midst of them.” midst of them.” 

0a&ew 12314567

ON 8#A$E#3

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9ai& sees &e in,isi-'e) -e'ie,es &e in%redi-'e): re%ei,es &e i+possi-'e

9ai& is o a%%ep &e i+possi-'e) do wi&ou &e

indispensa-'e) : -ear &e ino'era-'e

9ai& is id'e w&en %ir%u+san%es are ri*&) on'y w&en&ey are ad,erse is one;s fai& in (od e/er%ised 9ai&)

'ike +us%'e) *rows sron* : supp'e wi& e/er%ise

 $ou wi'' ne,er 'earn fai& in %o+fora-'e surroundin*s

9ai& ends w&ere worry -e*ins): worry ends w&ere fai& -e*ins

T&e *reaes ,i%ories are &e ,i%ories of fai&

I is no so +u%& w&a we %an do &a %ouns)

-u w&a we %an rus (od o do

He staggered not at the romise of !odHe staggered not at the romise of !od

through unbelief" but was strong in faith,through unbelief" but was strong in faith,giving glory to !od"giving glory to !od"

 #nd being fully ersuaded that, what He #nd being fully ersuaded that, what He

had romised, He was able also tohad romised, He was able also to

 erform. erform.#o+ans <367561#o+ans <367561


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C&ara%er) 'ike e+-roidery) is +ade si%& -y si%&

For do I now ersuade men, or !od$ orFor do I now ersuade men, or !od$ ordo I seek to lease men$ for if I yetdo I seek to lease men$ for if I yet

 leased men, I should not be the servant leased men, I should not be the servant

of %hrist.of %hrist.

(a'aians 1317(a'aians 1317


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.appiness is nei&er wi&in us on'y) or wi&ou us=i is &e union of ourse',es wi& (od.

&&'laise (ascal 

To -e %onen wi& w&a we possess

is &e *reaes of a'' ri%&esT&ere is as +u%& differen%e -eween spiriua' >oys

: ear&'y as -eween a -an?ue &a is

eaen : one &a

is pained on &e wa''T&ere is no key o &appiness) &e door is a'ways open

T&ere are wo ways of -ein* ri%& One is o &a,e a'' you

wan) : &e o&er is o -e saisfied wi& w&a you &a,e

 $ou wi'' -e &appier if you wi'' *i,e peop'e a -i of your

If ye know these things,If ye know these things,hay are ye if ye dohay are ye if ye do


@o&n 131B@o&n 131B


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8ea%e is no +ade a &e %oun%i' a-'es) or -y reaies)-u in &e &ears of +en

&&Herbert Hoover 

8ea%e ru'es &e day) w&en C&ris ru'es &e +ind

T&e pea%e of (od rans%ends a'' undersandin* :+isundersandin*

If we &a,e no ?uie in our +inds) ouward %o+for wi''

do no +ore for us &an a *o'den s'ipper on a *ouy foo&&)ohn 'unyan

8ea%e is &e s+i'e of (od ref'e%ed in &e sou'of &e -e'ie,er

8ea%e is no &e a-sen%e of %onf'i%)

-u &e presen%e of (od no +aer w&a

&e %onf 'i%

(eace I leave with you, My eace I give to(eace I leave with you, My eace I give to

you" not as the world gives do I give toyou" not as the world gives do I give toyou. *et not your heart be troubled,you. *et not your heart be troubled,

neither let it be afraid.  neither let it be afraid.

@o&n 1<36B@o&n 1<36B



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