Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute — A Unique … Hole is the world’s largest private, nonprofit...

Post on 29-May-2018

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Transcript of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute — A Unique … Hole is the world’s largest private, nonprofit...


Chaminade’s 80th graduation exercises on June 5, 2011 bid farewell to the 433 members of the Class of 2011, the largest in our history. At left, Fr. James Williams ’87 presents the Chaminade Man Award to Eric Haslbauer. Dylan Scarpatto (right) presented the Valedictory ad-dress, while Ryan Brunetti (below) was class Salutatorian.

reshman Ian Miranda’s eyes widened as he walked within steps of the robotic submersible REMUS (Remote Environmental Monitoring Units), the device that helped scientists in their twenty-four-month quest to find the fuselage of Air France Flight

447 that crashed into the South Atlantic two years ago. Freshman Chris Johnston had a similar reaction as he and his classmates were treated to an up-close look at Alvin, one of the world’s first deep-ocean submergence vehicles, now being rebuilt and re-outfitted with state-of-the-art oceanographic research apparatus. The venerable submarine has already made over 4,400 dives, including its most illustrious mission – exploring the wreck-age of the RMS Titanic. During a “working lunch,” Ian, Chris, classmate Mike Black, and thirty-five other Chaminade freshmen listened intently to a lecture by Dr. Christo-pher Reddy, one of the lead scientists of a team that used underwater acoustics to detect and analyze subsurface oil plumes resulting from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill last year in the Gulf of Mexico. All of these activities – and more – were part of a high-powered and highly informative field trip for Bro. Benjamin Knapp’s freshman oceanog-raphy class to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), located on the coast of Massachusetts, on a narrow spit of land between Buzzards Bay and Nantucket Sound. Woods Hole is the world’s largest private, nonprofit oceanographic research, engineering, and educational facility, specializing in both marine biology and marine geology. Students spent a half day touring the facility, which marine scientists

consider the holy grail of their field. The freshman Flyers observed samples of the earth’s core taken from the ocean floor, saw the mass spectrometer that WHOI’S scientists employ in the carbon-dating of marine fossils, and even walked through WHOI’s necropsy lab for marine-mammal autopsies. Coming as a bit of a surprise to any student who has ever visited his local fish market, WHOI’s necropsy lab has no stench whatsoever. Odor vacuums and a powerful ventilation system allow WHOI’s marine biologists to do their research for hours on end without experiencing any deleterious side effects. In addition to their half-day tour of the Woods Hole facilities, the students spent a half day aboard a boat trolling through Vineyard Sound. The students collected water samples from the surface and, with the help of a drag-net, samples of marine life from Vineyard Sound’s floor. Mr. Salvatore Trentacoste (CHS’s assistant principal and science-depart-ment chair), Bro. Karl Hornberger ’77, and Mr. Casey Giordano ’93 accom-panied Bro. Benjamin ’93 and his oceanography class on their trip to Woods Hole. The group left for Massachusetts on Thursday, May 19 and returned to Long Island on Friday, May 20. The trip itself represents the culmination of a year-long relationship between Chaminade and Woods Hole, all made possible through efforts of Chaminade alumnus Mr. Joseph Roxe ’54, who is involved with the Board at Woods Hole. This cooperative venture between Woods Hole and Chaminade is unique. Lectures at Chaminade given by visiting professors from Woods Hole and now this trip to the esteemed Massachusetts facility highlight the intellec-tual rigor of the freshman oceanography program, which is offered to a select few who test out of freshman earth science. As Bro. Benjamin remarked, “The trip to Woods Hole was a wonderful experience for all of us because it allowed us to witness firsthand the most cur-rent areas of oceanographic research. I think it’s safe to say that the trip made the oceanography course come to life for our students.” q

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute— A Unique Opportunity

Other photos of the graduates and the Principal’s gradu-ation address are on pages 2 and 3. A listing of the graduates’ colleges can be found on pages 4 and 5.


Bro. Benjamin Knapp ’93 and his group view a RE-MUS vehicle. This is an autonomous device controlled by a laptop computer to survey the ocean floor.

Chaminade ocean-ographers gather around the original shell of the Alvin Deep Submergence Vehicle.


“It is for us an infinite honor to be like Him by being a living expression

of the life that He led when He was among men. We can have life only by Jesus Christ and in Jesus

Christ. Now it is through Mary that this life is communicated to us.”

Blessed William Joseph Chaminade

Graduates of the Class of 2011,

These words are boldly displayed on the tabernacle wall in the Chapel at Chaminade. I offer them to you as

a final reflection on your years at Chaminade and as a paradigm for your future as we celebrate and recognize your commencement today. When you entered Chaminade High School four years ago, you were introduced to the concept of the Chaminade Man, someone who “does the right thing at the right time because it is the right thing to do, regardless of who is watching.” For the past four years you have learned what is the right thing to do. You have been challenged to do the right thing. You have received guidance about when to do it. Yet, that is not the whole picture, is it? True, faculty, coaches, activity moderators, and staff have sought to educate your mind, heart, soul, and body; the whole man. But we have sought to do more than that. We hope to have instilled in you a desire to be a man who follows Jesus Christ. The Chaminade Man is one who imitates Jesus Christ. I invite you today and always to reflect on those words of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade: it is indeed “an infinite honor to be like

Principal’s Graduation Address

Bro. Joseph Bellizzi ’78

On June 17, 2011 the CHS faculty and staff honored four colleagues who retired this year; they are shown at left with Fr. James ’87 and Bro. Joseph ’78. From l.-r. are Mr. Nathaniel Russo-Alesi (23 years in the Foreign Language Department), Mr. Andrew Haber-man (34 years in the Math Department), Mrs. Ellen Donnelly (Guidance Secretary for 23 years) and Mr. Robert Huemmer (37 years in the Math Department).

Marianist Provincial Bro. Thomas Cleary ’81 is pic-tured at right (l.) as he congratulates (l.-r.) Bro. David Bruner (KMHS), Fr. Albert Bertoni (KMHS), and Bro. Robert Fachet on the occasion of the 50th Jubilee celebration of their profession of vows. The celebra-tion took place at Kellenberg Memorial H.S. on April 30, 2011

At right are special award winners of the Class of 2011; front row (l.-r.) Ryan Brunetti (Chaminade Academic Excellence Award, Salutatorian), Patrick Mc-Gonigle (Bro. Louis Faerber, S.M. Service Award), Daniel Haslbauer (Fr. Philip Eichner, S.M. Award), Eric Haslbauer (Chaminade Man Award, Nassau County Award, and Town of Hempstead Award), Patrick McBride (John R. Lenz “Semper Fidelis” Award), John Halloran (Frank “Boiler” Burns Student-Athlete Award), Daniel Stracquadanio (Alexander Ott Glee Club Award), Thomas Roulis (Joseph F. Thomas Student-Athlete Award) and Patrick Cahill (Bro. Joseph Fox, S.M. Service Award); back row (l.-r.) Dylan Scarpato (Valedictorian), Robert Raffaele (Albert Kozar Drama Club Award), Robert Gaglione (String Orchestra Award), Michael Adam (NYS Attorney General Triple “C” Award), Richard Barakat (NYS Attorney General Triple “C” Award), John Vermaelen (Angelo Ferdinando Band Award), Kevin McGill (Parish Religious Education Award), and Justin Maloney (Robert C. Wright Speech and Debate Award).

Him.” It is indeed an infinite privilege to be like Him. It is indeed an infinite responsibility to go out into the world and be like Him. In whatever you do or say, always strive to be “a living expression of the life that He led when He was among us.” Imitate the love of Jesus. Imitate the forgiveness and mercy of Jesus. Imitate the compassion of Jesus. While you may forget many lessons that you have been taught, let this be a lesson that you always remember: “Be like Him.” As you look back over your four years at Chaminade and reflect on all that you have learned, it is our hope that each one of you will say that you have learned how to be like Jesus, “to be like Him.” As graduates of a Marianist school, remember also the role that Mary plays in your life. Blessed William Joseph Chaminade reminds us that the life of Jesus Christ is communicated to us through Mary. We can learn so much from our Blessed Mother. Be true Sons of Mary, and she will show you how to be like her son. We are in the midst of a year-long celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the birth of our Founder, Blessed William Joseph Chaminade. As graduates of the school which bears his name, it is only fitting that we remind ourselves of his call to imitate Jesus Christ in all that we do and say. While our culture promotes many alternative measures of success, we know that the only true measure is the measure of a life led in the image and imitation of Jesus Christ. Over the past four years, we have often called on you to be leaders. But today, I ask something different. Be a follower. Be like Him. Follow Him. May God bless you as you seek to live your life in imitation of His Son Jesus Christ.

Good luck and God bless,

Bro. Joseph Dominick Bellizzi, S.M. ’78 Principal

CAPA’s year ended with a bar-becue in Our Lady’s courtyard on June 25, 2011. Above l. are (l.-r.) Jim Locke, Pat Ford, Alice Locke, Larry and Fran Werther. At far l. are Fred Weiss (l.) and Bob Atkins. The chefs below are (l.-r.) Pete Cior-ciari, Steve Melley, Bro. Robert Lahey ’65 and Ed Ronan.

Parents of the Class of 2011 attended a special cocktail party in the AAC on the Friday after graduation. From l.-r. above are Scott and Bar-bara Greene with Fr. Garrett Long ’62, Matt and Evangeline Calamari with Mr. John Kirrane ’01, and Bro. Karl Hornberger ’77 with Peter and Jean Vermaelen. Below l.-r. are Mr. Sal Trentacoste, Phil and Kathleen Cimmino, Anthony and Laura Posillico ’78 and Mr. George Dlugolonski.

Fr. James ’87 is above with CAPA presidents Debbie and John Stellakis. At left are (l.-r.) Ann and Jim Garvey and Judy and Walter Malloy.

From. l-r. above are Tricia and Rob Vassallo ’79 with John and Suzanne D’Angelo ’82.

Concluding Four Great Years

Besides the rigors of final classes and six days of comprehensive examinations, the Class of 2011 concluded the Senior year with a host of other activities. Beginning with the trip to Disneyworld, the class then enjoyed a final lunch with faculty members on the last day of class; they rejoiced as they received special T-shirts after the final comprehensive exam and then took a nighttime cruise around Manhattan. It all culminated in graduation on June 5, 2011. Congratulations to the Class of 2011!

Grads, Dads and GranddadsOf the 433 members of the Class of 2011, three dozen are sons of alumni, grandsons of alumni, or both – and most of them are pictured here. Directly above is one of the two three-generational families, namely the Clarksons: (from l.-r.) Rich ’80, Matt ’11, and Richard ’55. The other was the Goldens (Gene ’74 and Conor ’11 are pictured at far rt.); the late Robert Golden ’38 was Conor’s grandfather. Directly below is Dylan O’Shaughnessy ’11 with his grandfather Jack McFeely ’54. Continuing a tradition begun last year, these fathers, sons and grandfathers were all invited to assist with the Offertory procession during the Baccalaureate Mass; from l.-r. at the bottom of this column are Ken Mahon ’79, Sean Mahon ’11, and Joe Spinosa ’75.

Adelphi UniversityAnthony AffruntiBryan CastilloJoseph EspositoDeclan HartDaniel HaslbauerLouis MarinoMichael McDade

Amherst CollegeMatthew ConwayEric GreinMatthew Virgilio Auburn UniversityHarold Hadlock

Babson CollegeNicholas DeMartino

Bentley UniversityGiovanni LoMonacoJay Valentine Ryan Vaneck

Boston CollegeGaetan CivilChristian ColettaTimothy DenihanSean DvorakNicholas GriecoRyan HopkeDaniel MillerRaphael PosadasGriffith RoganIan Serko

Boston UniversityRyan CecchiBrian Curcio

Carnegie-Mellon UniversityKevin DonohueNathaniel Joseph Catholic University of AmericaKevin ConnorsWilliam FerraroJoseph JablonskiConor O’DonnellSteven PalonePeter Sennert

Centre CollegeEamon DeLay

Colby CollegeScott Goldberg

Colgate UniversityAndrew BilelloMatthew ClarksonSalvatore CurasiDavid GoldMiles Ronbeck

College of New JerseySean Garfield

College of St. RoseJoseph Laino

College of the Holy CrossRyan Arning

Robert BuettiRyan BuserJayson CabildoSean CallahanKevin CruseJames D’AngeloZachary DiehlGregory DunnPatrick EnrightMartin FlorimonAndrew McAwardJohn O’HanlonJohn RealiMarcello SantoroRobert Wallace

College of William and MaryKyle JohnsonMichael Paniccia

Columbia U.: Co- lumbia CollegeMatthew BellesheimConnor Murphy

Cooper UnionMichael Hirschberger

Cornell UniversityRichard Barakat David DiazGilbert HegermillerPatrick MonahanRobert Pena CUNY: City College of New YorkMatthew Lazo

CUNY: John Jay Coll. of Criminal JusticeMichael AbrusciDaniel Minervini

CUNY: Queens CollegeCharles ManiegoJohn Sikula

Dartmouth CollegeMichael RiordanBryan RogersThomas Roulis

Drexel UniversityDaniel Pinto

Elon UniversityMichael Jones

Emory UniversityThomas Cassaro

Fairfield UniversityMichael AliJason AlvesAndrew GallagherBrendan HenryThomas LeighThomas LukacovicKevin Weissheier

Fairleigh Dickinson U.: MadisonIan O’Connor

Fordham UniversityMarc AlibrandiMark AttanasioRichard Berotti Michael BillottiDavid BirkdaleJeffrey BoltePatrick CahillRichard CallahanNicholas CapozziJoseph CasanovaJames ConroyWilliam DiBugnoStephen FalzoneJoseph FerraraDaniel FinneganAntonio GuzmanKevin HealyBenjamin HesseRobert LandhauserRobert LuceyJohn MagovernMichael MarronTheodore MelittasJoseph NardiMark PallaiMichael PescumaRobert RaffaeleThomas SimmonsWilliam SlatteryMarc SolinasDaniel StracquadanioEric Walpole

Furman UniversityThomas Reynolds

George Washington UniversityMichael AdamAlexander BaydarRyan BrunettiBrian McGannNicholas Rosato

Georgetown Univ.Brian CunninghamWilliam KerrJohn LampasiJohn ManningTyler Pierce

Gettysburg CollegeMichael ArnoneDaniel BreenMatthew Gentile

Hamilton CollegeKevin Welsh

Harvard UniversitySean MahonJames McCaffrey

Haverford CollegeLucas Colombo

High Point Univ.Nicholas Lieberz

Hofstra UniversityThomas CasseseTaylor ContiMichael FerrantiBrendan MorrowBrendan MulliganPedro Vilaca

James Madison UniversityMatthew Feimer

Johns Hopkins UniversityMichael Rizzo

Johnson and Wales CollegeHenry McKenna

Lafayette CollegeAloysius Posillico

Lehigh UniversityLuke BeilRobert LindDylan O’Shaughnessy

LIU: C.W. Post CampusJames GradyThomas Mozer

Loyola University MarylandDouglas AaronKevin DaleyMichael DeRosaConor GoldenPhilip LoPrestiThomas MurphyMatthew Scarpato

Manhattan CollegeStephen AntakiJohn AtwellPaul JanJoseph KatzRyan KlagesErik PepeJohn TudiscoJohn VermaelenGerald WeaverRaymond Wrobleski

Marist CollegeBrandon CraigThomas DorseyCole DowlingConor FerroSean FoleyMatthew KhazzamDonald McCabe Conor ProceDavid Schneider

Marywood CollegeGianni Monteleone

MA College of Phar- macy & Health SciencesJonathan Sunny

MA Institute of TechnologyJohn Halloran

Middlebury CollegeEric Truss

Molloy CollegeAnthony DeStefanoMatthew GonyonEric HaslbauerMichael O’SullivanRichard Zoller

Mount St. Mary’s University (MD)Christian Bleck

Nassau Community CollegeJoseph ConnorsMichael McIntyreConor McQuadeMatthew Smith

Nazareth College of RochesterKory Seibt

New York Institute of TechnologyJames KaminskiAndrew Pohalski

New York UniversityTorrence BrowneGeorge GeorgiadisCasey McGinley

Thomas WerringAnthony Zangrillo Northeastern Univ.John CapanoJonathan FaglioneJames KilduffRyan LeeMichael LobbenFrancesco MarinoMichael MurphyNorman Riker

Northwestern Univ.Albert Heuser

Ohio State Univ.Nicholas Blaine Oxford College of Emory Univ.Michael Lem

Pace University: NYCFred Cucciniello

Pace University: PleasantvilleRobert Vassallo

Pennsylvania State UniversityEdward ClarkRobert KerningRyan Krumholz

Ryan McGintyZachary OgilvieChristopher O’HanlonKieran O’LearyJohn RedaThomas Smithwick

Philadelipia Univ.Michael Duvally

Princeton UniversityBrendan DeTommasoDaniel EbanksPatrick Valent Providence CollegeMichael BolandThomas DoughertyMichael HanleyDaniel KellyJustin MaloneyKevin MarkusPatrick O’HaraKevin PetskyPaul RooneyJohn Ruhl

Quinnipiac Univ.Kevin CalcadoChristian Hensen

Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteSamuel BrownGregory Hadjiyane

Rochester Institute of TechnologyTravis CunninghamAndrew Drogalis

Rutgers U.: New Brunswick Regional CampusRichard FischerSherill Shilly

Sacred Heart Univ.Sean KelleherRichard Stewart

Salve Regina Univ.Patrick Flynn

Sewanee: The Univ. of the SouthAdam Schmidt

Siena CollegeKevin CruzAndrew DiFrancoMichael Gallagher

Skidmore CollegeKevin Berry

St. Bonaventure Univ. Joseph Cimmino

St. John’s UniversityNicholas Amster

Andrew BuonincontriAlexander DeMarchenaChristian FelicianoBryan McElwainJonathan RogerWalter RooneyDavid Werner

St. Joseph’s Univ.William Gammel

Stanford UniversityLouis Lagalante

Stevens Institute of TechnologyMatthew AlessandriRichard CanterAndrew MinarikJonathan Stallone

Stonehill CollegeJoseph McCabe

SUNY AlbanyMichael CapriottiZachary CarciuMichael LoRussoKevin McMurtryKevin MillerMatthew Wunsch

SUNY BinghamtonPatrick CarlinoJohn Condoluci

Alexander HalikiasVincent McHenryDillon SchwartzMichael TaglientiJoel Thomas

SUNY BuffaloMatthew Tolentino SUNY Stony BrookDaniel CaligiuriThomas FasanoAlexander FlasinskiTimothy MagalonaSpencer Powers

SUNY College at CortlandGavin Gonzalez

SUNY College at GeneseoJames BilelloJohn CroninJames DuignanRobert GaglioneAndrew KirkBrian MartinBrendan McFaddenBryan PiligraFranco Spadafora

SUNY College at New PaltzJohn Benigno

THE CLASS OF 2011 Colleges new alumni will attend

Paul Affronti ’82 and Anthony ’11

Patrick FordWilliam McArdleKevin McGillGeorge Starkie

SUNY College at Old WestburyAlejandro Bejarano

SUNY College at OswegoJoseph Wilcox

SUNY Maritime CollegeJoseph SteckmeisterNicolaus Thill

Syracuse UniversityNicholas Ferreiro

The Hill SchoolMatthew Calamari

The Hotchkiss SchoolMatthew KavanaghMichael Quinn

Trinity CollegeJoseph Duarte

Tufts UniversityChristopher Schoenhut

US Coast Guard AcademyLouis Simione

US Merchant Marine AcademySean AndrewsVincent FedorczykAntonio MistronJames Raphael

US Military AcademyChristopher Emerson

US Naval AcademyDominic Bellissimo

US Naval Academy Prep SchoolJohn Connors

Univ. of AlabamaTerence Greene

University of Califor nia: Santa BarbaraTimothy Suozzi

Univ. of ChicagoNicholas Codispoti

Univ. of ColoradoChristopher Bendel

Univ. of ConnecticutStephen BirbigliaChristopher SpinosaMatthew Woop

Univ. of DaytonJoseph HoranBrendan MichaelisKeith Raad

Univ. of DelawareSamuel DeLucaAlexander GaffneyHenry GeminoAlexander GirasoleJaghab HishmehChristian HollowaySean JohannsenConnor McCormackPatrick McCormickJames MilanoBrian O’ConnorNicolas PrevitiKevin SchmitzOwen SchroederKevin SegerJoseph SpinaRichard ThorntonMichael ToddPatrick Toher

University of Mary- land: College ParkJohn KrstacicMichael Starsia

University of MA: AmherstBrian HallAndrew MackJoseph Tucciarone

Univ. of MiamiJohn BuonocoreMichael MaroldaThomas MurphyMichael Walsh

Univ. of MichiganRyan Lanigan

Univ. of Notre DamePatrick ButlerTimothy ColeMichael DorritieMark GianfallaMichael PolignaniDylan ScarpatoDaniel SullivanNicholas Troetti

Univ. of PennsylvaniaMark DignamMarco GuevaraConor Hails

Univ. of Rhode IslandAnthony AmbrosinoDaniel Oill

Univ. of RichmondAndrew CheccaTravis CuddyZachary GrossfeldPatrick McBride

Univ. of RochesterShaun CaulfieldThomas PerrottaKenneth RitchieKevin Sheehy

Univ. of San DiegoThomas Gil

Univ. of ScrantonFernando BorregoJoseph BrennanRyan FitzsimonsDaniel Flynn

Vincent GentileThomas KirschbaumRobert KuehnChristopher KusteraJames MonahanJohn MoranMichael OrrThomas St. JeanosSean Suydam

Univ. of South CarolinaTimothy Kenny

Univ. of St. An- drews: ScotlandDavid Matusiak

Univ. of TexasBryan GriffithDylan Hamer

Univ. of VermontNicholas Walborn

Univ. of VirginiaBryan BeaubrunMatthew DorritieDouglas Etts

Univ. of Wisconsin - MadisonJohn Riggs

Vanderbilt Univ.Christophe Juul-NielsenChristopher RizzoLuke Torre-HealyAnthony Tripodoro

Villanova UniversityLuke BonomoVincent CiuffoPatrick DePippoAnthony DiCanioMichael FalcoNicholas FalcoDavid FerroPatrick McGonigleDaniel MichelRichard PetekaKieran RogersMichael RomanoSteven TeixeiraAlvin VargheseRobert Verrone

Virginia Polytechnic InstituteDonald Feimer

Wake Forest Univ.Timothy AntchoutineDean LibermanGriffin McQuillingJames Schuster

Washington & Lee UniversityColin Fraser

West Virginia Univ.Connor McGrath

Yale UniversityShane Thornton

Nick Blaine ’86and Nick ’11

Paul Callahan ’72and Sean ’11

Jacques Casanova ’75and Joe ’11

Kevin Conway ’76and Matt ’11

Gerry Cruse ’81 and Kevin ’11

John D’Angelo ’82and James ’11

Doug Drogalis ’82 and Andrew ’11

Tom Fasano ’85and Tom ’11

John Fischer ’84 and Rich ’11

Kevin Flynn ’82 and Dan ’11

Emmett Ford ’75 and Pat ’11

Mike Gaffney ’80and Alex ’11

Gene Golden ’74and Conor ’11

Kevin Hanley ’75 and Mike ’11

Jim Hart ’ 78 andDeclan ’11

Joe Horan ’84 andJoe ’11

Ken Mahon ’79and Sean ’11

Pat McAward ’75and Drew ’11

Tom McGann ’74and Brian ’11

Bob Michaelis ’82and Brendan ’11

Denis O’Leary ’87 and Kieran ’11

Anthony Posillico ’78and Aloysius ’11

Joe Spinosa ’78and Chris ’11

Rich Stewart ’81 and Rich ’11

Tom Werring ’67 and Tom ’11

Brian Schwartz ’75and Dillon ’11

Bill Slattery ’78and Will ’11


Alumnus: If you have news about your family or your job, please let us know. If you are moving, please let us know your new address.

Parents: If your son no longer main-tains a permanent residence at your home, please send us his new address.We would like to keep both parents and sons in touch with Chaminade. Please check below to continue receiv-ing the Chaminade News.

q Please keep me on the mailing list. My son’s new address is listed to the right.NameChaminade Fax (516) 742-1989www.chaminade-hs.org

Do you have news? Are you moving to a new address? Let us know!Name Class

Address Apt.

Town, State Zip

Home Phone ( ) Office Phone ( )

e-mail Address


q Please check this box if this class note information is intended only for Chaminade’s records and not for publication.

Consider remembering Chaminade in your will or trust. Gift planning benefits you today and Chaminade forever. For more information visit our website at


Keep the TORCH burning . . . eternally.

Celebrating the 250th Anniversary

Of the Birth of Our Founder1761 – 2011

“ What a powerful means it is for arriving at likeness to Jesus Christ to have for our

Mother the very Mother of God.”Blessed William Joseph Chaminade


Bro. Timothy Driscoll, S.M. Vocation Outreach

Kellenberg Memorial High School1400 Glenn Curtiss Blvd.

Uniondale, NY 11553(516) 292-0200 ext. 376


Alumni Association Coming Events

Wednesday, July 27, 2011Real Estate Association Cocktail

& Networking ReceptionNew York Athletic Club, 6:00-9:00 p.m.

Friday, August 5, 2011Yearbook Distribution Barbecue for the Class of

2011, Courtyard, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Sunday, September 11, 2011California Alumni Reception,

Grassini Family Winery, 5775 Genuine Risk Road, Santa Ynez, CA,

12:30-5:00 p.m.

Saturday, September 17, 2011Football Reunion & Combined 5-yr. Reunions:

Barbecue, Faerber Field, 11:30 a.m. Varsity Football game, Ott Field, 1:30 p.m.

Mass, Darby Auditorium, 4:00 p.m.Cocktails and Dinner, AAC 6:00 p.m.

September 29 - October 2, 201150th Reunion, Class of 1961

Thursday, October 27, 2011Alumni Association Job Search Seminar andCombined Professional Associations Event.

Approximately 90 young alumni of both Chaminade and Sacred Heart Academy in Hempstead gathered for a joint cocktail party at Stout’s Restaurant in Manhattan on the eve-ning of June 9, 2011. Fr. James ’87 and Sr. Jean Ross, CSJ (president of Sacred Heart) are shown above with some of the par-ticipants.

Thanks to Pat Zac-chea ’79 for hosting the Chicago Chapter at South Branch Restaurant on May 4, 2011. He is shown below (center) with Joe Pulichene ’74 (l.) and Stan Malinowski ’71, Below them are Dan Zenker ’02 and Bryan Forero ’01 .

Pictured above with Fr. James ’87 are chapter president Bill Barbino ’85 (2nd from r.) and Maureen and Bill Hickey ’79. Below are Kevin Kelly ’98 and Greg Murphy ’95.

Almost 40 alumni, representing some 33 different careers assisted with this year’s CAREER NIGHT program for the Class of 2012 on the evening of May 11, 2011. As he has done for several years, Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly ’67 (shown below center with chiropractor Dion Visconti ’91) gave a special address at the end of the program. Among the other speakers on hand for the event were (l.-r. above) DJ Barry ’01 (Stocks and Securities), Pat Bowe ’03 (Engineering), CHS Director of Guidance Mr. Dan Petruccio, Bro. Patrick Sarsfield ’86, and Rich Comuniello ’06 (Film/TV Production). At right is Tom Rollauer ’65 (Corporate Management) and below him is John Crowley ’94 (Insurance); Brian Kearns ’91 (Accounting) is at left below.

This year’s event, which was held at Manhattan’s Penn Club, was attended by some 200 alumni, par-ents and friends. Dan Friel ’82, chairman of the Distinguished Alumnus Award selection commit-tee is pictured in the center photo below (r.) with Jim Herschlein ’79. Geoff ’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boisi are at left below with Fr. James ’87. At right below is Geoff with Kevin Conway ’76.

Our Lady’s courtyard was the site of the Eucharistic Rosary service on May 1st; guests included numerous CHS Legacy Circle members. At left from l.-. are Bro. Robert Fachet, Catherine and Michael O’Sullivan, Peggy Clores, and Bro. Timothy Driscoll ’76. Below are (l.-r.) Terry and Fred Hess, Audrey Gillen, Eleanor Ruchalski, Dick and Jackie Klimkowski, Richard and Maria Adamski, and Paul and Susan Schott with Bro. Peter Heiskell ’86.

Geoff Boisi ’65 (shown below with his wife Rene and son Peter ’05) was the recipient of the Alumni Association’s Distinguished Alumnus Award at the NYC Cocktail Party on April 18, 2011.

At left, Alumni President Dan Landolphi ’82 and Fr. James ’87 present Geoff Boisi ’65 with the Distin-guished Alumnus Award. Joe Pollaci ’99 (below) served as this year’s cocktail party chairman.

At left are (l.-r.) Colin Tuffy ’06 and Tim Bowe ’06 with Bro. Benjamin Knapp ’93. Assistant Alumni Association Mod-erator Bro. John McGrory ’84 is shown at right (cen-ter) with Larry Cassar ’84 and Sean Tahany ’87.

Remembering our FounderEucharistic Rosary

May 1, 2011


Above: Chaminade’s Capital Campaign to finance the Activity-Athletic Center has $1 million to go to complete the goal of $20 million. The above donor recognition board was recently hung in the vestibule of the building and there are still some blank spaces yet to be filled in.

Below: During the spring, the track around Ott Field was completely removed, repaved, resurfaced and relined. It is now ready for a new fall season.

Crew (Scholastic National Champions)Varsity B – 1st Place National Champs

Varsity A 4th PlaceJV- 5th Place

BaseballVarsity Tie 1st Place Regular Season

Champions (NSCHSAA)Varsity NSCHSAA League Champs

Mike Pienkos: Nassau Coach of the YearJV- NSCHSAA Team Sportsmanship AwardFR- NSCHSAA Team Sportsmanship Award

and League Champions

Non-profitOrganizationUS Postage

P A I D Permit #60

Farmingdale, NY




Spring Sports Championships

GolfNSCHSAA League Champs (Undefeated)

NSCHSAA Team Champs (5-man-73.8 Avg.)Jim Hock named

All Island Coach of the Year

VolleyballNSCHSAA Team Sportsmanship Award

LacrosseNSCHSAA 1st Place Regular Season Champs

Jack Moran Coach of the Year


JV NSCHSAA 1st Place regular season Champs

NSCHSAA Team Sportsmanship Award

FRESHMAN 1st Place League Champs

NSCHSAA Team Sportsmanship Award