Women With Know How May 2013 Issue

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  • 7/30/2019 Women With Know How May 2013 Issue




    $2000 FORA $2 IMAGE




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    Mimi Zelman


    Dear Readers,We are now planning our 2nd annual Making An Impact Fora Cause and part o the proceeds this year will benet TheSandbox! Save the date. It will be held on Friday November1, 2013. This issue is dedicated to all mothers! I want to wishall mothers a very Happy Mothers Day! Mothers Day is a dayto celebrate motherhood. In this day, we show our love andgrateulness to our mothers. In closing I eel this poem says it best:

    More Than A Mother

    When God set the world in place, when He hung the stars up inspace, when He made the land and the sea, then He made youand me. He sat back and saw all that was good; He saw thingsto be as they should. Just one more blessing He had in store; Hecreated a mother, but whatever or? He knew a mother wouldhave a special place to shine His reection on her childs ace. Amother will walk the extra mile just to see her children smile.Shell work her ngers to the bone to make a house into a home.A mother is there to teach and guide, a mother will stay right byyour side. Shell be there through your pain and strie; shell stayconstant in your lie. A mother will lend a helping hand until you

    have the strength to stand. Shell pick you up when you are down;when you need a riend shell stick around. A mother is one wholistens well, will keep her word; will never tell. A mother neverpokes or pries but stands quietly by your side, giving you thestrength you need, encouraging you to succeed. A mother is onewho can be strong when you need someone to lean on. Youremore than a mother to me; a reection o Him in your ace I see, alove that knows no boundaries.

    Im glad that you chose to be all this and more to me.You share a love that knows no end, youre more than my mother,

    and you are my riend.

    Kari Keshmiry

    Have a great month!Mimi

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    C o n t e n t sPublisher/President

    Mimi L. Zelman


    Creative Director

    Juliana Lievano


    Contributing Writers

    Terri BennettElyshia Brook

    Cover Photography

    Cover Photoghraphy by BennyDawkins o New Day Productions

    For more advertising inormationcall Mimi at 704-491-1207

    or email her at:mimi@womenwithknowhow.com

    Copyright 2013



    8Change YourThoughtsSharpen YourBusiness...Shit Your Lie!

    16 Dont Get StuckPaying $2000 ForA $2 Image

    22 Can We Talk...About Chronic Illnessin the Work Place?

    48 Making animpact around townOn the





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    How did you get started in thisbusiness? What is your back-

    ground-what were you doing

    beore this business?

    I was born in Caracas, Venezuela andwhen I nished my elementary schoolmy parents decided that it would bebest o me to learn another languageand decided to relocate to Miami,

    Florida. That is where I completedmy high school and subsequentlyattended Nova Southeastern Uni-versity where I obtained a Bachelorsdegree in Business Managementwith a minor in accounting. Prior toattending Nova Southeastern Univer-

    sity I worked as a receptionist whereI learned how to do Bookkeeping onmanual ledgers, yes, it was a long timeago! That is when I realized I had aknack or numbers and order and thatAccounting would be my proession.

    What is a good early story

    about your business?

    When I rst started my business, Iknew probably all but 5 people intown, so I knew I had to work hardat getting the word out that I was inbusiness and ready to serve clients.Without a real budget or advertise-ment, I just went to town and started

    AponteBy Mimi Zelman



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    participating in networking eventsin hopes o meeting people that

    needed my services. Long story short,I opted or bartering my services inexchange o publicity. That was myrst big deal! My phone started ring-ing and now I know a lot more than 5people in town!

    What is unusual or unique about

    your business, in comparison to your

    competitors or similar businesses?Even though I am in the accountingbusiness and there are many book-keepers, accountants and CPAs in themarket, our accounting managementapproach and the use o technologysets us apart. We are an outsource rmthat is totally engaged with its clients

    and use the analytical skills o our teamto provide our clients with not justacts but simple solutions to everydaybusiness management problems.

    Is there a customer experience

    you are most proud o?

    We are our clients best cheerlead-ers. We get excited about each o our

    clients successes and achievements.In January o this year we met withone o clients to review their 2012 -nancials beore turning it over to theirCPA or taxes and we had the pleasantexperience o telling our client thatthey had reached their rst $1 Million

    dollars in sales. That was special be-cause we elt part o that success as we

    helped our client clean up the booksand get on a monthly plan to managetheir nancial aspect o the business.

    Do you do any charity

    or non prot work?

    Yes, I work closely with the LatinAmerican Chamber o commerce pro-viding workshops in Spanish or the

    new Latin American business ownersand or the ones that want to start abusiness in Charlotte to help themnavigate through the local require-ments as well as the IRS requirementsto keep in compliance and ready orbusiness. I also work with the IRS asa volunteer instructor or small busi-

    nesses to teach them the tax implica-tions o owning a small business andall o the resources available to them.

    Who are some o your

    most notable clients?

    The list can get pretty large as we haveinteresting clients all around, we catersbusinesses rom beauty shops, chiro-

    practors, marketing rms, restaurants,gaming, consultants to Non-protsand they are all unique and interesting.

    What is an interesting story about

    a client interaction you had?

    All o our interactions are interesting

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    because by nature entrepreneurs arecreative people who do not necessar-ily conorm to order which is the maincore o our business, to organize andprovide a solid accounting oundationor our clients to succeed. So needlessto say, getting any o our clients into ourorganized system is always interestingand challenging but they all eventuallyollow the system and appreciate theorder and structure we provide to them.

    What are some o your greatest

    challenges in your business?

    The greatest challenge is getting pros-

    pects to understand the value webring to their organization, that oncewe become an extension o their busi-ness, they really cannot rememberhow they survived or so long! Smallbusiness owners are very cost con-sciences so when they think they cando it themselves and save money it isvery hard to turn them into customers.The ones that are willing to give it a try,will not have it any other way now!

    What would you most like

    our readers to know about

    your journey in business?

    I would love your readers to knowthat even though the business jour-ney o owning a business is at timesstressul, challenging and exhausting,i you are doing what you are meantto do and you are using your talentsto better other peoples lie then it is allworth it. It is never too late to pursueyour dreams, I started late but I am ona wonderul journey that makes mehappy beyond my dreams!

    Carolina AponteOce 704-951-4126Fax 704-665-5707www.cajaholdings.com

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    by Terri Bennett




    Change Your ToughtsSharpenYour Business...Shif Your Lie!


    hat are you thoughtssaying? Are you pay-ing attention to your

    thoughts and i so whatare they saying about you, your businessand ultimately your lie? Your thoughtsare powerul and what you say aboutyoursel, your business and your lie areall related back to your thoughts in re-gards whether you are successul or youail at some things.

    Your thoughts are truly dominating yourlie and when you are an entrepreneuror business owner you must understandthat what you speak and how you eelabout what you do plays a huge part inthe lie o your business and how youattract and interact with your clients. SoI ask you again, what are you thinking

    about when it comes to your businessand lie as a whole?

    When you rst started your business oreven came up with your business idea,you were so excited and thought all othese positive thoughts that no one can

    speak negative about what you want todo; nor did you want to think negativelyabout anything that you were going to

    do. You had it in your mind that Thisis what I am going to do and no one isgoing to stop me, attitude.

    You had thoughts o thinking andplaying BIG and you were on the topo the clouds because you knew whatyou were called to do. Now! Is thetime to look at your business again

    and reshape, regroup, or rewind yourthoughts about your business to thosedays so that you can not only to dowhat you said you were going to do,but because it is your desire to do yourlies work.

    It is the second quarter now already o

    2013 and have you began to start whatyou stated you wanted to do this year?How much o your thoughts have keptyou back rom playing BIG in your busi-ness and in lie? To change your busi-ness and or you to shit your lie, youhave to change some things i you are

    By Elyshia Brooks

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    going to succeed in business and in liebecause they all are connected. So letslook at some things that you can do tochannel your thoughts or a success-ul business and lie:

    1.What You Think Spills Over in YourBusiness & Liestyle Brand: It is truethat what you think and eel shouldbe included and exude out into yourmarketing materials and website.

    When your divine clients encounteryou, they should know what they aregoing to receive based on the con-nection that had with you either onyour website or through your market-ing materials. What you are thinkingand what energy you put out thereshould line up with how you do busi-ness and live your lie; being totallyauthentic as you can. So what are yourdivine clients receiving rom you thatspeaks volumes about who you are?

    2. Your Message To The World SaysWhat: When you have a clear andconcise message that speaks directly

    to your divine clients exactly who youare, then you are able to do businesswith those that need you and can payyou what you are worth so that youcan live the liestyle that you deserve.However, that is because you are clearon your thoughts about what it is you

    are doing. Your message is what youshare with the world that comes romdeep within your soul and puts youon the path to purpose.

    3.Your Business Model Speaks: Whenyou designed your business model,you designed it so that you can havevarious streams o income hopeully,but what do you tell yoursel aboutyour business model? Are you a per-

    ectionist and your thoughts keep yougoing to the point where you keepchanging your model because yousee another shiny object? I have hadclients and even mysel continue torecreate my business model because Isaw what others were doing and I eltthat I had to be doing the same thingand that is simply not the case.

    When you have clarity about yourpurpose, passion and business model,you are able to work rom that pointand not look at what others are doingbecause you are special and unique inyour own way.

    When you not grounded in yourthoughts and purpose, your thoughtswill have you all over the place and yourbusiness would not have a oundation.Thereore, you see why it is so impor-tant to mind your thoughts and to stayocused on what your business is and

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    not where your thoughts can drit you.Your thoughts play a major role in vari-

    ous aspects o your business and lie;thereore, you have to mind and con-trol your thoughts so that they wontget out alignment to where you wantto go in your business and in lie.

    Some things that you can do to keeptrack o your thoughts and stay o-

    cused are:

    1. Journal your thoughts daily when-ever is a good time or you. Be in aquiet space that you can allow yourthoughts to ow.

    2. Keep a voice recorder around sothat you can speak them so that

    you can go back to record them topaper. There is something aboutputting your thoughts to paperthat keeps you ocused.

    3. Put them to a vision board, reminder

    list or whatever you have that youcan remember to read on a daily or

    weekly basis.

    When you are have your thoughts andgoals in ront o you and you and goback to them and put action to them,then you are holding yoursel to a levelo commitment that you can bring topass in your business and also create a

    liestyle that speaks to your destiny andpurpose or your lie.

    So again, I ask you what you are think-ing? What are your thoughts creating inyour business and in your lie? Are yourthoughts holding you back or pushingyou orward into the best lie that youdesire and living on purpose? I not,

    then you need to do an assessment oyour thoughts and change what needsto be changed so that you can get towhere you want to be. Make TodayBe That Day That You Change YourThoughts For Your Business and LieSake! You Deserve It!

    Elyshia Brooks, MBACEO/PresidentElyshia Brooks International, Inc.Personal Authentic Branding CoachsultantElyhiaBrooks.comT: 800.511.5410Author Branding The Authentic YouTwitter: @ElyshiaInc

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  • 7/30/2019 Women With Know How May 2013 Issue






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    ts the nightmare o every busi-ness with an online presence; youget a letter in the mail. Its a lawyer

    letter. It says you have been us-ing a pirated image somewhere in yourbusiness and you are being sued....

    This actually happens to businesses. Inact, it happened to a riend o mine. Heborrowed an image he ound on Googleimages, assuming it was sae to use. Itwasnt. Beore long, he received such a

    letter rom a lawyer. The image that hethought was sae was actually ownedby one o the biggest stock photo com-panies on the web. They threatened totake him to court and sue or copyrightinringement. They settled the case outo court or around $2000.

    The ironic thing was that i he had pur-chased the image directly rom them,he couldve used it legally and it wouldonly have cost him two dollars, insteado two thousand. So how can you besure that the image youre about to useon your website, your yer or your

    book is 100% legal and will keep youout o trouble?

    The answer to that question is easy, iyou know where to look. There are manysites that people think are sae to useor business images, but arent. Likewise,there are many sites that ofer wonder-ul royalty-ree or public domain images,that most people have never heard o.

    Google Images

    This is where most businesses startlooking or images. Its easy enough todo, you go into Googles image eature,type in what youre looking or, and a mil-lion images populate your screen. Its astand its convenient. However, there is oneslight problem. Most o the images onGoogle images are actually copyrighted.

    Though Google does have a royaltyree image unction, it is not 100%oolproo. Sometimes, the imagemeans royalty ree ater you pay or it.The best advice or Google images is notto use Google to nd your images at all.

    Dont Get Stuck Paying$2000 For A $2 Image



    gy by Mercedes Tabano

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    Facebook comes with a built-in Cre-

    ative Commons license. Creative Com-mons means you can share and usuallyremix the image. Because o that, peo-ple think taking images of Facebook issae. The problem comes in becausesome people actually upload copy-righted images onto Facebook. Theway Facebooks terms o service is setup, they are not responsible or copy-

    righted images on their site. However,i you borrow an image of o Facebookthat turns out to be copyrighted, theirterms o service will not protect you.Thats why its best to look elsewhere orimages to use in your business.


    Flickr is one o the best places to startlooking or royalty-ree images. LikeFacebook, Flickr has a Creative Com-mons license. However, unlike Face-book they do not encourage the useo pictures you did not take yoursel.Thats not to say no one will ever up-load copyrighted images, but theyredenitely going against Flickrs terms

    o service i they do. Most pictureson Flickr are sae to use. However, itshould be mentioned that i the imag-es are o people, pets or inside amousplaces they do need a model release.Without one, you could still get suedor using the likeness.

    Stock Image Sites

    Stock image sites are sites that make

    money through the licensing pictures.These images already come with amodel release or all people, places andpets. Usually, an image rom one othese sites ranges anywhere rom $1-$5.However i youre using it in a book orsomething else that you plan to sell, anextended license is required. Extendedlicenses usually cost between $50-$100.


    One o the most popular places to ndree legal pictures is morguele.com.Morguele is a site that ofers ree im-ages that you can use or almost anypurpose. These images can be used oryour websites, yers and more. One o

    the best things about using morgelesis that they state i a model release isrequired and i they have it. The major-ity o pictures have one. There are veryew restrictions on mourgele images.

    Public Domain Sites

    I you enjoy creating with images andwant an image you can use as raw

    material to create a new image, con-sider looking into true public domainsites. True public domain sites are ullo images. Usually, these images aregovernment photographs or imageswith expired copyrights. Because theyarent protected by copyright, you can

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    use these images either as is or turnthem into something new.

    Using images rom these sites in-volves a great deal o research andusually some photo editing. However,not only can you nd spectacular art-work, you can also use this artwork oranything you want, including makingmoney. Here are three o the best sitesor nding public domain artwork.

    Wikimedia Commons

    Part o the Wikimedia group that ownsWikipedia, Wikimedia Commons hastens o thousands o public domainpictures and illustrations o peoples,places, things and historical events. Thegovernment oten releases their publicdomain pictures here. Read the licensecareully. Sometimes the image issimply Creative Commons, not publicdomain. While you can still use Cre-ative Commons on your site, you cantdo anything with it that involves mak-ing money, (like putting it in a book.)


    A site that prides itsel on trying toarchive all o human history or uturegenerations, archive.org is home toan unbelievable number o books,magazines, music, movies and more.Most o these items are in the publicdomain. When using archive.org, lookor the word public domain or publicdomain mark to veriy this is true othe item in question.

    Digital Comic Museum .com

    Dedicated to preserving comics romthe Golden Age o comics, everythingon this site is public domain. I yourelooking or comic book art or retroillustrations, then Digital Comic Mu-seum is the place to go.Even though it can be tempting to useGoogle or images, it can also be veryexpensive. I you borrow the wrongimage, you could end up paying thou-sands o dollars. Thankully, there areplenty o places online where you cannd inexpensive or even ree images.You just have to know where to look.

    Mercedes Tabanomercedestabanoii.com/www.acebook.com/DynamicDimensionsMar-keting \t _blank https://www.acebook.com/DynamicDimensionsMarketingLinkedIn: Mercedes Tabano IILION mt@mtddm.com

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    hronic disease in the workplace is a critical issue. Itafects our businesses; i

    not today, it will tomor-row. Whether it is you, the businessowner, or whether it is an employee oyours, it is really a very important issue,stated Barbara Kasof, President andCEO o Women Impacting Public Pol-icy (www.WIPP.org) as she started theconversation about the various chronic

    illnesses and its efects on small busi-nesses. She continued, it afects yourrevenues and it afects the morale oyour employees.whether it is mi-graines, rheumatoid arthritis, canceror stroke, chronic disease can afect usall. None o us are immuneit is animportant business issue and it is (also)an economic issue.

    Introducing Working Women Rheuma-toid Arthritis Project a.k.a. WRAP 2013(www.wrap2013.org), a joint efortbetween Women Impacting PublicPolicy (www.WIPP.org) and the Busi-ness and Proessional Womens Foun-

    dation (www.bpwoundation.org), anawareness project or working womenand employers.

    WIPP and BPW, sponsored a luncheonheld at the Oce Depot Headquartersin Boca Raton, Florida, on April 3, 2013,as part o the Enterprising WomenConerence. A panel was moderatedby Ann Sullivan, President o MadisonServices Group, Inc. (www.madison-

    servicesgroup.com) and who leads thelegislative eforts or WIPP.

    Chronic Disease also includes arthritis,asthma, diabetes, COPD, heart diseaseand HIV/AIDS. There is a ne linebetween knowing what you shouldknow about your employees and theirhealth, and what you are allowed to

    ask them. This topic is very pertinentto most small businesses because wedont have Human Resources depart-ments, stated Ms. Sullivan. She sharedwith us that in the United States: It is the leading cause of death

    (70%) in US;

    Can We Talk... AboutChronic Illness in the Work Place?

    by Vilma Betancourt-ODay

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    1 in 2 adults has had at least onechronic illness;

    Employees aected by chronic illnessspend about 48 minutes out o eachwork day dealing with their condition;

    The US spent $2.5 trillion on healthcare, a lot o which is chronic illnesses.

    Panel members represented the viewpoints o: A doctor (Dr. Yvonne Sherrer, Rheu-

    matologist and Medical Director othe Centre or Rheumatology, Immu-nology and Arthritis);

    A Rheumatoid Arthritis patient (KellySkidmore, Vice President o Commu-nity Relations or United Healthcare

    Community Plan o Florida) and An employer (Shelli Dallacqua, owner

    o Shelten Media, LLC, a Woman-Owned Small Business).

    Dr. Sherrer pointed out, based on herextensive experience with emalepatients who sufer rom chronicillnesses, that: Women are disproportionately aected; First occurs during the ages of 20-50;

    Many women with chronic diseasework because 1) they have a sense osel-worth and value, they dont wantto give up the opportunity to be aproductive employee and/orcitizen and 2) they need health



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    insurance coverage; Patients/employees are perceived dif-

    erently once the employer and otheremployees are made aware o theirmedical issues;

    Make adjustments to employees sched-ule based on their physical challenges;

    Allow the employee to have breaks,as needed, throughout the work day;

    Determine any work/disease mismatchand work with your employee based on

    their limitations and disabilities; The employees doctor needs to as-sess 1) risk i.e. is the job at risk, canthe employee carry heavy boxes? 2)capacity can they do the job saely?and 3) tolerance (mismatch) howcan employee do the job so they cantolerate it and in a way that they arestill productive.

    Ms. Skidmore, who sufers rom Rheu-matoid Arthritis since the age o our,said that individuals with chronicillnesses do not want to be treateddiferently (dont eel sorry or me)and they need to have a conversationwith their employer about any physi-

    cal limitations and special accom-modations required. For example,she has a small space heater at herdesk because she is usually cold dueto RA. She also shared with us that inDecember she sufered a heart attackthat her cardiologist believes was due

    to the massive doses o cortisone shehas received throughout her lietime.

    Ms. Dallacqua, the Small Business employ-er, recently had an employee (Ian Peter-son, 21 years old) with a chronic disease(leukemia). Mr. Peterson was an integralpart o the team at Shelten Media. Hewanted to continue working and chang-es were made in order to accommodatehim during his radiation treatments:

    Restructured work load;Provided thetools he needed (a laptop with appropri-ate sotware/internet connection);Did not give him projects with short termdeadlines because o the unpredictabilityo how he would eel rom one day toanother; She suggested that as a busi-ness owner, you should consider buyingDisability Insurance in case in the utureyou are incapacitated due to an illness.

    Sadly, Mr. Peterson passed away onFebruary 27, 2013. To read more abouthis story, you may visit http://www.technicianonline.com/eatures/cam-pus_and_capitol/article_3bc30ec8-


    What i an employees misses work tocare or a spouse that has a chronicillness? Should the employer providea exible schedule or them? Yes! Yesthey should!

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    According to the EEOC website, Oncea person is hired and has started work,an employer generally can only askmedical questions or require a medicalexam i the employer needs medicaldocumentation to support an employ-ees request or an accommodation ori the employer has reason to believean employee would not be able toperorm a job successully or saely

    because o a medical condition.

    The Department o Labor and the U.S.Equal Employment Opportunity Com-mission government websites outlinethe various rules and regulations afect-ing the employer and employees rights.

    Thank you or starting the conversationabout Chronic Illnesses in the Workplace- Women Impacting Public Policy (@WIP-PWeDecide), Business and ProessionalWomen Foundation (@WomenMisbe-havin, Oce Depot (@ocedepot) andMonica Smiley (@EWMagazine).

    Websites available or

    urther inormation: WRAP 2013: www.wrap2013.org WIPP: http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.wipp.org/resource/resmgr/Health-care/WRAP_2013.pd

    Rheumatoid Patient Foundation:http://rheum4us.org/

    Centers for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC) Chronic DiseasePrevention and Health Promotion:http://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/index.htm

    U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity

    Commission (EEOC): http://www.eeoc.


    United States Department of Labor:


    Vilma Betancourt ODayWomen Wrulewomenwrule@gmail.comwww.linkedin.com/in/vilmabetancourtoday-womenwrule



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    Timely TipsSwimsuitSeason


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    Getting ready or swimsuit season is

    easy with a ew small changes to your

    routine, along with some satisying and

    avorul snacks. By ollowing a ew sim-

    ple habits, youll be stepping into that

    swimsuit with a smile on your ace. Here

    are 5 easy tips to reshape your swimsuit

    season mindset:

    Snack smart - When snacking on-the-

    go, pack a couple o The Laughing CowLight Cheese Wedges with baby carrots

    or whole wheat crackers. This satisy-

    ing snack will combat hunger without

    impacting the results o your hard work.

    Think 50/50 - When making a meal,

    aim to have ruits and veggies make up

    about hal o your plate. All o the bright-

    ly colored produce lls you up and packstons o nutrients into your diet!

    Get inspired - Create an online inspiration

    board with workouts, healthy recipes, and

    your summer wardrobe wish list. This is a

    great source o motivation, which will keep

    you on track towards a healthier liestyle,

    and may even inspire riends and amily.

    Stay hydrated - Aim to drink one gal-

    lon o water each day. This will help pre-

    vent dehydration while youre out play-

    ing in the sun, plus itll keep you eeling

    ull and keep those junk ood cravings

    to a minimum.

    Mix it up - Try adding a un, new work-

    out class to your routine, like kickbox-

    ing. Or when its nice outside, take a

    walk around your neighborhood and

    soak up some sun! Trying new and

    exciting things will bring a smile to your

    ace while tting in a workout.

    Find more activities, snacks and swim-

    suit season tips at www.thelaughing-


    Need a crunchy cool-down? Try this

    simple recipe which combines the

    reshness o cucumber and sweet cran-

    berries, along with rich and creamy

    wedges o The Laughing Cow Light

    Creamy Swiss.

    Cranberry Topped Cheese andCucumber Crackers Yields 10 crackers

    1 wedge of The Laughing

    Cow Light Creamy Swiss

    1/2 fresh cucumber sliced

    (about 10 slices)

    20 dried cranberries

    Spread one wedge o The Laughing

    Cow Light Creamy Swiss cheese evenlyon the cucumber slices. Top each with

    about 2 dried cranberries.

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    f-i^-BS-.S-V-, s-.5-,-,'Sf -

    Status of Women in ^ortfi CciroRnaWomen in North Carolina have made remarkable social, economic, and political progress in recent

    decades, but the need for further improvements remains. Many women in the state are vulnerable tochallenges such as unemployment, the gender wage gap, poverty, limited access to affordable child

    care, and specific adverse health conditions. Addressing these challenges and disparities is essential topromoting the well-being and vibrancy of North Carolina's many communities.

    Wbenwomen thrive, families thrive, communities thrive and North Carolina thrives. ,

    51.3% 47% 17.5% 69%

    of N,C. Population of N.C. workforce Gender Wage Gap Women Voter Turnout


    The percentage of N.C. women Women in N.C. earn an More than 4 in 5 of clientswith a high school diploma median income of $33,000 served by N.C. domestichas increased from 70% in

    and an average of $7,000 less violence response centers are1990to87%in2010. than men women

    The percentage of N.C. women The annual income of N.C. Nearly 9 in 10 of clientswith bachelor's degrees has women with at least a served by N.C. sexual assaultincreased from 16% in 1990 bachelor's degree is 29% response centers are womento 27% in 2010 less than NC men with equal

    education In a 2010 national survey, overThe percentage of women- 1 in 5 of female respondentsowned N.C. businesses 17 percent of N.C. women live in N.C. reported havingincreased by 30% between in poverty or near poverty experienced a rape in her2002 and 2007, and women lifetime

    currently own 28% of N.C. Single vwjmen with childrenbusinesses have the lowest median In that same survey, 51% of

    annual income of all family female respondents in N.C.7 in 10 of eligible female types, $20,393 reported experiencing avoters cast a ballot in 2012* sexual assault other than

    NC ranks 37th in the nation rape in her lifetimeWomen held 6 of the 10 for percentage of women withelective executive state health insurance coverage Teen girls aged 15-19offices in 2012, including the account for 29% of newgovernorship Only4of ISN.C.seatsinUS chlamydia infections and 19%

    Congress were held by women of new gonorrhea infectionsin 2012, and no NC seats were in N.C; N.C. ranks 8th in the

    held by women of color nation for reported gonorrheacases


    lh^'S^,l!(;^oJ^V,mK l it! Norlii ('. V\;)hhiiit;ion, '.)( : In^tiluK' Un Wo


    7/ii' SttUui of Wtniicn in Nortli (.itrolimi 20Li ivpoFi wu< linfntvcl by liu- Inililtilf!or Wamcn'i I'aluy Rcsccitil! in WttshiHi^lmi, /).(... atiJ (,s spunyurcii hy 7/it' Sortlii.iiiitlimi (MmLilftw Women iinii ihc Wcitt Fmp.i VauniiiUimi, Ihwllw fnllri'pmt,vi>il wwiv.i'ouni'ilfonx'omcn.fu',go\'


  • 7/30/2019 Women With Know How May 2013 Issue


  • 7/30/2019 Women With Know How May 2013 Issue


  • 7/30/2019 Women With Know How May 2013 Issue

    34/5234 by Vilma Betancourt-ODa

    ChristineKaneHelping WomenUPLEVEL Their Lives

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    At rst glance, I wondered who wasthe young woman dressed in black,but with a radiating bright light aroundher, working very intently, using hercell phone (she was working on web-site issues). With a welcoming smileon her ace, she walked over to whereMimi Zelman and I were standing. Hername, handwritten on the tag, saidChristine Kane, UpLevelYou and at

    that point I knew who she was. I toldher that I own one o her UpLevelYouDVDs and was amiliar with the trans-ormational work that she is known or.WE WERE IN REALLY GOOD COMPANY.

    Imagine witnessing the positive trans-ormational changes that, as a Mentorto Women, thought leader and teach-er, Christine Kane has experienced.

    Helping women ace their ears andovercome them, removing mental andphysical clutter and bringing holisticchanges that lead to abulous, produc-tive lives. By guiding women through

    a dened multi-step process that leadsto being deliberate about their actions,trusting their intuition and eeling onpurpose, she enhances their lives. But,how did she begin her own journey oenlightenment and intention?

  • 7/30/2019 Women With Know How May 2013 Issue


    HotWorks.org Presents 5th Annual

    Charlotte Fine Art Show

    Bill Turner, Painting

    May 10-12, 2013Charlotte Convention Center

    Juried Fine Art & Craft ShowCharlotte Convention Center 501 S College St., Charlotte, NC 28202

    Fri, May 10, 11am-7pm ~ Sat, May 11, 10am-5pm ~ Sun, May 12, 10am-5pm

    $10 3 Day Pass; 12 & Under FreeDiscounted Patron Parking $6 or $3 First Hour at LAZ Parking/Charlotte Westin Parking CenterMust Show Art Show Ticket Stub Upon Departure

    www.HotWorks.org proud sponsor of the Institute for the Arts & Education, Inc.

    Charlotte Art Guide

    promoting the fine arts

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    The Journey Begins

    One year out o college Christinemoved to Asheville, North Carolina. Asher popularity grew and she becamea successul musician, songwriter andentrepreneur who owned her ownrecord label, Christine was requentlyapproached or advice on how to runa protable business. She had mas-tered the skills o providing her answith a great musical perormance

    while also providing nancial securityor hersel and her crew.

    As a perormer, she worked closely withher team to make sure that all the equip-ment and other technical matters werein place and working properly (back-stage: behind the scenes tedious work).When she switched hats and worked onthe business, her let brain took over asshe managed the business which includ-ed analyzing the nancial reports andcash ow (backstage: also behind thescenes tedious work). And then therewas the marketing that would createmore opportunities or her.

    When running a successul business,Christine believes that there must besystems in place. As a musician, shehad a system which included, amongother things, having sound checksbeore each perormance. In her busi-ness, she has systems in place to make

    sure that marketing, administrative andnancial matters are handled accord-ingly and on a timely basis. By bring-ing her own experiences into her men-toring business, she is able to provideto her clients the tools and strategiesthey need to create an empire.

    Trial by Fire

    Christine has acquired the knowledgeshe possesses today, as she says, in a

    trial by re method. Throughout herjourney rom musician, songwriter,entrepreneur and mentor to women,she has learned many lessons. She be-lieves that your lies purpose is biggerthan the road youre on, and with herUpLevelYourLie Academy (uplevely-ourlie.com), she guides her studentson what might be a very challenging,yet incredibly rewarding process. Theprogram is ocused on AUTHENTIClearning, pushes participants to beREAL and to take ACTION which willcreate positive RESULTS. Making aninvestment in yoursel by participatingin the various programs that Christine


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    ofers has been a very wise decisionor business women like Lisa Larter olisalarter.com, as mentioned in theSuccess Story section o UplevelYOUNewsletter Volume Six, Issue 15 -#womenhelpingwomen!

    A rm believer that there is a betterway to create the lie that you loveand that your habits create your des-tiny, Christine teaches her pupils that

    by making the decision to eliminatethings that are not aligned with theirintentions, taking the appropriatesteps and being deliberate with theiractions, they can break through theirmental barriers and achieve the clarityneeded to live an authentic lie.

    Are you prepared to begin the arduousjourney o discovering who you reallyare and begin living an authentic lie?To be in love with the lie you have? Topeel back the many layers o your liesexperiences, like an onion, in order tond clarity, dene your intentions andrelease all energy blocks? It takes in-ner strength and daily practice in order

    to make the required cellular changes.There will be inner changes on a cel-lular level. Change your thoughts (andhabits) and your lie will change.

    Inuential People

    Sal, a Programmer (and mentor) that

    worked with Christine, was inuen-tial in her lie. He believed in her andknew that she was very talented andpossessed the qualities o a true leader.An authentic leader in the world obusiness coaching, she denitely is.

    Dan Sullivan, the Strategic Coach(The 10X Coach or Entrepreneurs)was hired by Christine. Mr. Sullivan isknown or working with entrepreneurs

    and helping them become more pro-ductive and build protable business-es. She has learned rom the very best.Women who have been inuentialin her lie include Mary Chapin Car-penter, an American olk and countrymusic singer, songwriter and musicianand Oprah Winrey, the well knowntalk show host, actress, producer, andphilanthropist. Both o these womenproject an aura o authenticity, which isvery important in Christines lie.

    Her Role as a Mentor,

    Thought Leader, Teacher

    Christine not only helps her studentsbreak through the internal blocks that

    drain their energy and keep them romliving a happy lie, but she also teachesthem the basics o running a business.She works with most clients or abouta year and ofers them a structuredplan o action. There are various Up-Level programs available.


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    For more information, call 704.560.6788 or visit


    Join today to receive membership privileges and discountswhile building your customer base.

    The Best Way for Charlotte Region

    Businesswomen to Do Business!eWomenNetwork connects women and their businesses worldwide

    with a Give First, Share Always philosophy. The Greater Charlotte

    Region chapter oers the opportunity for women to make

    empowering connections through monthly Accelerated Networking

    Events, Strategic Business Introductions and members-only events.

    Upcoming Monthly Events

    May 2, 2013

    Energy for Working Women: Three Keys to Restore the

    Energy, Joy and Balance in Your Life

    Speaker: Ruth Gordon Howard

    Networking 10:30 am; Program 11:30 am - 1:30 pm

    Hilton Charlotte University Place

    June 6, 2013

    Real Talk for Real Business

    Speaker: Brenda AndersonNetworking 10:30 am; Program 11:30 am - 1:30 pm

    Hilton Charlotte Executive Park

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    She provides the ramework or her clients

    to grow and run a successul business.When you master the marketing and

    the mindset, she says, you will succeed.

    Many women entrepreneurs do not ocusenough attention on marketing their busi-

    nesses and this is a very big mistake.

    Dont be a victim o the universe, shecounsels. Dont let ear block and drainyour energy. Give yoursel permission to

    live an authentic lie. Looking back intoher youth, she wishes she had not beenas sensitive and to have ound her voiceearlier and to have owned it. But wis-dom comes with time and her youngersel had much growing to do. Today shelives in a constant state o authenticity.

    Living an Authentic

    Lie and the Bucket List

    She has lived a very ullling lie andchooses to be present at every mo-ment. Her work and seeing her clientsmake breakthroughs brings her truejoy. Spending time with her husbandis a top priority. On her bucket listare visiting the Grand Canyon and

    spending time in Latin America soshe can immerse hersel in the cul-ture and learn how to speak Spanish.I ofered my parents house in LittleHavana/Miami, Florida where she canbe immersed in a variety o Latinocultures and diferent dialects and she

    doesnt need a Passport. The oferremains on the table.

    Stands up or Mother Earth

    In Christines world, Mother Earth isvery important and she has immenserespect or our eco system. She wantsothers to learn about how importantnature is and that we need to workwith our natural resources, like the in-sect world. Every creature, big or small,

    plays an important role. She would liketo see us creating time travel whatan experience that would be.

    Her journey in lie has been very mean-ingul and ullling, she has learnedrom her mistakes and shares with herclients the secrets to wealth creation byremoving energy blocks, challengingthem and teaching them the basics tobuilding successul small businesses.

    You can nd more inormation aboutChristine and the programs she ofersby visiting: www.christinekane.com,www.upleverlyourlie.com,www.uplevelyou.com

    Christine Kane(800) 837-1332ino@christinekane.comwww.cristanekane.comwww.UplevelYourLie.com

  • 7/30/2019 Women With Know How May 2013 Issue


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  • 7/30/2019 Women With Know How May 2013 Issue


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    For More informationor to receive a Media Kit

    contact us at:


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    GrillersPotatoes MakeHealthy Mealsin Minutes


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    Few things in lie are harder to resist thanthe delicious aroma o a backyard barbe-cue. There is just something about thesizzle and smells o grilled are that bringsolks together.

    The arm amilies who grow Wiscon-sin potatoes know how to please thepalates o hungry crowds. The naturalavors ound in the many varieties o

    Wisconsin potatoes are easy to en-hance with the addition o a ew reshingredients and a little bit o smoke.

    The Wisconsin russet potato makesor a great tasting baked potato, butits light and ufy interior also holdsup well when seared on the grill. Alsogreat on the grill are Wisconsin yellowesh potatoes, which have a just-but-tered appearance.

    The appearance o the trendy new blueand purple potatoes will certainly getguests talking. They add color and asubtle nutty avor to your avorite dish.Everyones avorite dish at an outdoor

    barbecue is oten the potato salad. Wis-consin round red or white potatoes areboth well-suited or salads as well asroasting, boiling, and steaming.Potatoes are an extremely versatile andhearty vegetable. But the one thing allpotatoes have in common is nutrition.

    Just what can Wisconsin potatoes do oryou? Well, potatoes are:Nutritional powerhouses. In additionto being at-ree, cholesterol-ree, sodiumree and gluten-ree, a medium potatohas just 110 calories.

    Rich in potassium. According to theUSDA, diets rich in potassium may helpto maintain healthy blood pressure. The

    potato is second only to the banana inthe amount o potassium it contains.

    Packed with Vitamin C. A mediumpotato contains 45 percent o the dailyrecommended amount o Vitamin C.

    Great source o ber. The USDA re-ports that ber helps reduce blood cho-lesterol levels and may lower your risko heart disease. Potatoes can also helpmake you eel uller with ewer calories.

    Grilled, ried, baked, roasted or boiled,ew ingredients get every guestasking or second helpings like theversatile potato.

    Find more health inormation, as wellas recipes and purchasing tips, at www.EatWisconsinPotatoes.com.

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    Chicken and Potato Fiesta GrillServings: 4/ Ready time: 60 Minutes

    1/2 cup prepared Italian dressing2 tablespoons lime juice1 tablespoon chili powder

    4 whole chicken legs with thighs, skin on

    1 1/3 pounds (4 medium) red Wisconsin

    potatoes, cut into 1 1/4-inch cubes

    2 tablespoons water

    1 red bell pepper,

    cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces

    2 medium zucchini,

    cut into 3/4-inch-thick slices4 to 8 our or corn tortillas, warmed

    Prepared salsa (optional)

    In small bowl, combine marinade ingredi-

    ents; remove 1/4 cup and combine with

    chicken in resealable plastic bag. Turn to

    coat; marinate in rerigerator 30 minutes or

    up to 2 hours, turning occasionally.

    Meanwhile, in microwave-sae dish, combinepotatoes and water. Cover and microwave on

    high 9 to 10 minutes or until just tender; cool.

    When potatoes are cool enough to handle,

    alternately thread with bell pepper and zucchini

    onto eight 10 to 12-inch skewers; brush with re-

    maining marinade. Remove chicken rom plastic

    bag; discard marinade rom chicken.

    Grill chicken over medium to medium-low coals

    30 to 40 minutes or until juices run clear, turning

    occasionally. About 10 minutes beore chicken is

    done, add vegetables to grid; reserve marinade.

    Grill until tender and lightly browned, turning

    and basting occasionally with reserved veg-

    etable marinade. Serve chicken and vegetables

    with tortillas and salsa, i desired.

    Roasted Red Potatoes with PesServings: 8/ Ready time: 40 Minu

    3 pounds medium-s

    red Wisconsin potato

    1/3 cup white or golden balsamic vineg

    1/4 cup extra virgin olive

    1/2 teaspoon sea s3 cloves garlic, minc

    Freshly ground pepper to ta

    1/3 cup shredded Parmesan chee1/4 cup nely minced resh b

    1/4 cup toasted pine n

    Olive oil cooking sp

    Place potatoes in a large microwave-sae bo

    cover with lid or plastic wrap. Note: I using pl

    tic wrap, make sure plastic wrap is not touchi

    any ingredients and poke one small hole

    cover to vent. Microwave on high or 10 to

    minutes or until potatoes are tender (cookitime may vary depending on microwave). U

    oven mitts to careully remove rom microwa

    When cool enough to handle, cut potatoes

    hal or quarters and spray liberally with ol

    oil spray. Grill over high heat or 5 to 7 minut

    turning occasionally, until grill lines are appare

    Remove rom grill and let co

    Cut into bite-size pieces and place in a lar

    bowl. Whisk together vinegar, oil, salt and glic; pour over potatoes and toss lightly to co

    Season with pepper, then cover and rerigate until ready to serve. Just beore servin

    toss with Parmesan cheese and basil, th

    sprinkle with pine nu

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    Around TownMaking An ImpactNews about Awards, Events, Promotions and Business Meetings

    Local Artist And ActivistMaking A Diference

    From Protest Marches toChamber o Commerce Meetings,Liz Gray is Changing the WorldOne Piece o Art at a TimeHer ace has been everywhere lately.

    On the ront lines o a Planned Parent-hood March in Charlotte during the Dem-ocratic National Convention; at the tablewith community leaders charged with revi-talizing old neighborhoods; in the publicschools, pushing or stronger art educationprograms; in Latin communities, champi-oning or updated immigration laws.

    At 29, Liz Gray an artist, advocate, and moth-

    er o two school-age sons is making a difer-ence in the communities around Charlotte.

    I grew up in a amily where people spokeout against wrongs. They spoke up orpeoples rights, said Gray. Im just carryingon that tradition.

    She does so, not with words, but throughpaint and brush.

    Residents in the GibsonVillage community,where Gray lives, knowher well. Her public armurals oten repre-

    senting the ethnic cul-

    tures o the storeownerswho run them have not on

    weaved the threads o the multi-culturalcommunity even tighter, but have begunto sew newcomers into the abric as well.

    The works, which scale the sides o 10 bricdiferent buildings, have reinvigorated apride, long aded in the old mill communit

    Art has the power to inspire. It is an enginto create change, said Gray, who uses hertalents to champion other causes close toher heart, like immigration rights. This yeaalong with several other emale artists,Gray joined the OBRA Collective, an advo-

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    The 5th annual Charlotte Fine Art

    Show, Mothers Day weekend May 10, 11,and 12 located Uptown at the ConventionCenter, brings together the highest qual-ity art and artists rom around the nationin one, spectacular exhibition and art sale!Artists normally seen in the Miami, Chicago,New York, and Atlanta shows will be on siteto personally discuss their work with you.Juried by a panel o art proessionals, these

    artists represent the nations nest in alldisciplines: sculpture, painting, ber, clay,wood, jewelry, photography, and more.Sponsored in part by the non-prot Insti-tute or the Arts & Education, and by Hot-Works Fine Art Shows, the Charlotte FineArt Show promises to be the citys pre-mier art event. With a price range startingat the very afordable, theres something

    or every pocketbook and something orevery home and oce.

    HotWorks Executive Director PattyNarozny brings to Charlotte over 25 yearso producing some o Americas nestart airs, including Michigans acclaimed

    Orchard Lake Fine Art Show, voted in the

    top 100 art shows in the country or sixyears running. With a national standingand reputation or extensive pre-screen-ing o all exhibitors, only the nest, originalhand-made works o art will be availableor purchase.

    Event hours:

    Friday, 11am-7pm

    Saturday, 10am-5pmSunday, 10am-5pm

    Admission: $10 for a 3-day pass;

    children 12 and under, free.

    Discounted Parking is available nearby atLAZ Parking/Westin Hotel ($6/day) andthe NASCAR Parking Garage ($7/day).Both require your ticket stub rom the art

    show to receive discounted rate. For moreinormation about the event, please logon to www.HotWorks.org, email Ino@HotWorks.org, or call (248) 684-2613.

    See art. Love art. Buy art. Bring Mom or a

    very special Mothers Day. See you there!

    Charlotte FineArt ShowBy Patty Narozny

    Jennifer Ardolino, Painting Marilee Hall, Clay Elizabeth Smathers, Basketry Kathleen Weir West, Fiber

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    Our Farmers

    Thank You


    Some of the 1,200 farm familieswho own Cabot.

  • 7/30/2019 Women With Know How May 2013 Issue


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