Women in islam

Post on 27-Nov-2014

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About women in Islam in comparison with other relegions

Transcript of Women in islam

Women in IslamWomen in Islam

ByMaram Mohammad Hasan


Almost all Moslim societies have

deviated from the ideals of Islam with

respect to the status of women , also some people

mix Islam with traditions,

therefore the behavior of some nominal followers

of Islam is misleading.

This presentation is dedicated to declare what is stated in Quraan about women in comparison with the vision of the followers of both Judaism and Christianity , as we -as muslims- believe that the original books of both relegions are distorted , and of course we do believe that all religions stem

from one source .

In Judaism and Christianity , when god rebuked Adam for what he did , Adam puts all his blame on Hawwaa .

He said:

"The woman you put here with me , .....she gave me some fruit from the tree and I ate


2 -Eve's Fault?

God created both Adam and Hawwaa (Eve) . All religions agree for that , but after that , we

have some difference:

In Quraan we find another concept , in several places , for

example: 23االعراف اية

7:23 They said, "Our Lord, we

have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers."

The Quraan , contrary to the The Quraan , contrary to the bible , places equal blame on bible , places equal blame on both Adam and Eve for their both Adam and Eve for their mistake , there is not even mistake , there is not even the slightest hint that Eve the slightest hint that Eve tempted Adam to eat from tempted Adam to eat from the tree or ate before him , the tree or ate before him , so in Quraan , Eve is not a so in Quraan , Eve is not a deceiverdeceiver. .

In the Old Testament we find:

"While I was still searching but not finding , I found one upright man among a thousand , but not one upright woman among

them all." )Ecclesiastes 7:28(

3-Eve's Legacy

The image of Eve as temptress in the written Bible has resulted in an extremely negative impact on women thoughout the Judio-Christian tradition . All women were believed to have inherited from their mother , Eve , her guilt.

While we find in


And Allah presents an example of those who believed: the wife of Pharaoh, when she said, "My Lord, build for me near You a house in Paradise and save me from Pharaoh and his deeds and save me from the wrongdoing people.“

And [the example of] Mary, the daughter of 'Imran, who guarded her chastity, so We blew into [her garment] through Our angel, and she believed in the words of her Lord and His scriptures and was of the devoutly obedient.

12,13التحريم اية

The Quraan never says that The Quraan never says that no upright woman have ever no upright woman have ever existed , to the contrary , the existed , to the contrary , the Quraan has instructed all the Quraan has instructed all the believers , woman as well as believers , woman as well as men , to follow the example men , to follow the example of those ideal women such of those ideal women such as Virgin Mary and the as Virgin Mary and the

Pharaoh's wifePharaoh's wife . .

Catholic Bible states:

"The birth of a daughter is a loss"

4 -Shameful Daughters?

In the written Bible , a daughter is considered a painful burden.

While the Quraan makes no distinction between boys and girls .The Quraan considers the birth of a female as a gift and a blessing from God , the same as the birth of a male . The Quraan even mentions the gift of a female

birth first:

To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth; He creates what he wills. He gives to whom He wills female [children], and He gives to whom He wills males.

49الشورى اية

We find in the New Testament:

"Women should remain silent in the churches , they are not allowed to speak , but must be in submission as the law says . If they want to inquire about something , they should ask their own

husbands at home."

5-Female Education

The Bible and the Quraan have extremely different attitudes to female who tries to learn her religion.

In Quraan , one short story narrated sums up the position of the woman in Islam

concisely: When Khawla , the Muslim woman , came to the prophet to plead her case in (Al Zihar accident ) she kept arguing with the prophet until her plea was accepted , the devine verdict abolished this pagan custom , and the chapter revealed on the prophet was named after her " Al Mujadala " means " the

woman who is arguing. "

Certainly has Allah heard the speech of the one who argues with you, [O Muhammad], concerning her husband and directs her complaint to Allah . And Allah hears your dialogue; indeed, Allah is Hearing and Seeing.

1المجادلة اية

How can a woman grow intellectually if she is obliged to be in a state of full submission?

So , the woman in the So , the woman in the Quranic conception has the Quranic conception has the right to argue and no one right to argue and no one has the right to instruct her has the right to instruct her to keep silent or to ask her to keep silent or to ask her husband instead of asking husband instead of asking the jurist , and this the jurist , and this considered to be the way for considered to be the way for learninglearning. .

The Rabbis justify why women cannot bear witness by citing Genesis 18:9-16

where it is stated that Sara (may Allah be pleased with her ) , wife of Abraham (peace and blessing may be upon

him ) had lied.

6 -Bearing Witness

It is true that the Quraan has instructed the believers dealing in financial transaction to get two male witnesses or one male and two females ,on the other hand , women were not allowed to bear witness in early Jewish society

In contrast to this accusation , the Quraan

praises Sara: They said, "Are you amazed at the decree of Allah ? May the mercy of Allah and His blessings be upon you, people of the house. Indeed, He is Praiseworthy and Honorable."

73هود اية

It should be noted here that a similar story mentioned in Quraan without any hint of any lies by

Sara (AP) .

The Talmud describes the financial situation of

a wife as follows:

"How can a woman have anything whatever it hers belong to her husband ? , what is his is his and what is hers is

also his."

7-Wife's Property

The three religions share a belief in the importance of marriage and family life , and agree on the leadership of the husband over his family . Nonetheless , differences do appear among Judio-Christianity and Islam about the limits of this

leadership .

But Islam , since the seventh century , has granted married woman the independent personality . The gift from the groom to the bride is considered her property and neither the groom nor her family have a control over

it ,the Quraan states:

And give the women [upon marriage] their [bridal] gifts graciously. But if they give up willingly to you anything of it, then take it in satisfaction and ease.

4النساء اية

Also , the woman is not a property to Also , the woman is not a property to be inherited , as stated in Quraanbe inherited , as stated in Quraan: :

O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion. And do not make difficulties for them in order to take [back] part of what you gave them unless they commit a clear immorality. And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good.

19النساء اية

to the contrary , the Old Testament frequently attest to the legality of


King Solomon-whose said to be a prophet in Quraan- said to have 700 wives , also king Dawood-whose also a prophet- is said to have too many wives (Samuel 5:13)

8 -Polygamy

Polygamy is a very ancient practice found in many human societies .The Bible did not condemn

polygamy .

Father Eugene Hillman in his insightful book


"Nowhere in the New Testament is there any explicit commandment that marriage should be monogamous or any explicit commandment

forbidden polygamy."

What about polygamy in the new testament?

In the Quraan we find this verse:

And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then [marry only] one or those your right hand possesses. That is more suitable that you may not incline [to injustice].

3النساء اية

The Quraan too , allowed polygamy , but The Quraan too , allowed polygamy , but not without restrictionsnot without restrictions . The Quraan limits . The Quraan limits the maximum number of wives to the maximum number of wives to fourfour under the strict condition of treating the under the strict condition of treating the wives equally and justlywives equally and justly..

It should be understood that the Quraan is It should be understood that the Quraan is not exhortingnot exhorting the believers to practice the believers to practice polygamy or that polygamy is considered polygamy or that polygamy is considered as an ideal , in other words , the Quraan as an ideal , in other words , the Quraan allowedallowed polygamy in polygamy in certaincertain conditions conditions. .


Do Muslim women in the Muslim world today receive

this noble treatment as what is stated about them in Islam?

The fact is that there are two directions The fact is that there are two directions in muslim society :in muslim society :The first is too restrictive and tradition The first is too restrictive and tradition oriented . The second is more liberal and oriented . The second is more liberal and western oriented , both of them deprive western oriented , both of them deprive women of many of her rights granted by women of many of her rights granted by Islam whether it is by depriving of going Islam whether it is by depriving of going to school or by losing her name by to school or by losing her name by

marriagemarriage. .

Furthermore , Furthermore , the problem is that the problem is that Muslim society today is far from Islam in Muslim society today is far from Islam in many aspects of life , therefore , many aspects of life , therefore , reforming the look to the women should reforming the look to the women should be joined with reforming of the Muslim be joined with reforming of the Muslim society .society .IslamIslam should be viewed by us not as a should be viewed by us not as a rivalrival to Judio-Christianity but as a to Judio-Christianity but as a perfectionperfection of the divine message . If we of the divine message . If we have this point of view , we will correct have this point of view , we will correct any misconception about Islamic any misconception about Islamic women consideration and we will women consideration and we will develop women's position in Islamic develop women's position in Islamic

societysociety. .

At last , the Quraan states this vision At last , the Quraan states this vision about all humans whom are created by about all humans whom are created by

AllahAllah: :

Sahih InternationalO mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.

13الحجرات اية


Women in IslamWomen in IslamBy

Dr. Sherif Abdel AzimDr. Sherif Abdel Azim

Thank youThank you