WOL Flyer 031919b - Augustine Institute

Post on 25-Jan-2022

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Transcript of WOL Flyer 031919b - Augustine Institute

Join our Pilot Year CohortWe are currently partnering with Catholic schools to pilot a new catechetical curriculum – with plans over the next few yearsto produce PK-8th parish and school editions. You are invited to be a part of shaping the development of a new standard in catechetical curriculum.

Current Features Everything you need to teach • Student Textbook (Catholic School edition) • Teacher’s Manual (Catholic School edition) • New features added regularly

Upcoming Features (Launching Fall 2019) To enhance the learning experience • Teacher Preparation Videos • Student Enhancement Videos • Parent Engagement Videos (through FORMED)

Participating in the Pilot Year Cohort is easy: Simply order the quantity of books needed at a discounted price and agreeto participate in the program by providing your feedback through our short online surveys. Your collaboration can shape the future of catechesis!

$15 per student book (List price of $19.95) $37.50 per teacher manual (List price of $49.95)

To Get Started Please contact us at 844-757-8833 to speak with a Subject Matter Expert that can assist you in placing your order andanswering any questions. You can also visit WordofLifeSeries.org

Kindergarten | Catholic School Education

Launching SoonAn Exciting Partnership BetweenThe Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press

Who Do You Say That I Am?”A New Vision for Catechesis Answering Jesus’s question “Who do you say that I am?” (Mt 16:15) has often been the starting point for many catecheticalmaterials. Yet, given the cataclysmic societal shifts we are witnessing and the rapid decline of Christianity and Judeo-Christian ethics in our culture, fewer and fewer people are finding the answer to this question. Further, when we ask thisquestion of ourselves (“Who am I?”), the rampant misconceptions and ideologies of our time often send us down manydead-end roads in search of an answer.

The Word of Life series shows that it is only in Jesus Christ, the Word of life, that we can find the true answer to these questions.

We are created to be beloved sons and daughters of God, and it is from this truth that we find our purposeand happiness in life.

Ignatius Press and the Augustine Institute have partnered for anunprecedented initiative between two Catholic apostolates devotedto Catholic education to respond to today’s catechetical needs. The Word of Life series by Ignatius Press and Augustine Institute provides accessible orthodoxy to reach our studentsand their families. Through a rich kerygmatic catechesis that both evangelizes and catechizes, the Word of Life seriesteaches students the truth about who they were created to be. Using a salvation history catechetical model, the seriesfollows God’s own pedagogy of how he revealed himself to man, created us as man and woman in his own image, andcontinually calls us to live in close relationship with him.

Students will come to understand their place in the story of salvation with both the eyes of faith and reason. Throughboth the narratio of salvation history and a rich systematic catechesis, students will understand why we need a Savior, howJesus came to fulfill the promises of the Old Testament, and why Jesus gave the Church and sacraments to his people—todraw us into a loving communion with him and each other.

The Word of Life series is a strongly Scripture-based curriculum. In addition to learning the Faith through Scripture, theWord of Life series actively teaches students di�erent ways to pray with Scripture where they come to know and love God.By introducing lectio divina to children, they begin at a young age to have a personal experience of reading, meditating, andpraying with Scripture.

The Word of Life series provides the proper understanding of God, the Church, and the sacraments within the contextof who we were created to be. Using a rich liturgical catechesis, the Word of Life series helps students to appreciate thegreat gift of the sacraments and how they help us to more fully become the person that God created us to be. Students learnthat it is by cooperating with God’s plan for us that we will find our greatest happiness here on earth and in eternity.

The Word of Life series fosters ongoing conversion of the students and families. The Word of Life series is designed toaddress the needs of generations of poorly formed Catholics. The lessons are written to form not only students, but teachers,catechists, and parents all in one process and encourage life application in all the lessons. In addition to the resources in theprinted curriculum, students, teachers, and families will have access to many of the dynamic resources on the FORMED digitalmedia library.

Kindergarten School Edition available in the Summer of 2019Student Text $ 19.95 ea.Teacher’s Manual $ 59.95 ea.

Go to WordofLifeSeries.org for more information.

“That you may...shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life.”

—Philippians 2:15—16