Wokai gift cards

Post on 29-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Wokai gift cards


Cards This year, give a gift that has


Wokai Gift Card Campaign

November 29– December 25

Presentation to Chapter Reps

The Idea

Sell Wokai Gift Cards during the Holiday Season

Encourage friends and family to give a gift that helps alleviate poverty in a sustainable, effective manner

“Season of Giving” is the perfect time to help out those in need

Gift Cards can be “redeemed” on Wokai’s website and donated to an entrepreneur of the user’s choice

HQ Led, Centralized Campaign

▫700 Sales ▫ Gift card Sales- Doubling Wokai’s Contributor Base

Objective:Raise awareness of Wokai around the


Reach new contributors and potential


Motivate volunteers going into 2010

Goals and Objectives 2009:

Sell Gift Cards


Choose a Chapter Lead

HQ Provides Template Emails

Personalize and Send


1. 3.2.

The Campaign

Step 1:

Each Chapter designates a lead to Coordinate the Campaign on a local level.

Suggestion: VP of Online Marketing

Step 2:

HQ Team Will Provide Chapters With Email Templates:

• Theme/message• Template for solicitation email• Template follow-up emails

Step 3:

A) Chapter Lead introduces campaign to Chapter Representatives. B) Chapter Reps• Personalize the templates- quality is more important than quantity• Send four emails over a 5-week period1.Initial email2.Reminder email describing

how much has been raising thus far and the time remaining in the campaign

3.A second reminder email4.Final personal thank-you

Campaign Timeline

Nov 29 Campaign

begins/Introduction Email

Dec 7 First reminder Email

Dec 14 Second reminder Email

Dec 21 Third reminder Email

Dec 24 End of campaign

Two-Level Outreach

• Chapter Reps sell Gift Cards within their personal networks (including local companies who can buy these cards as holiday gifts to employees or clients)

• HQ will also look for companies that would consider giving Wokai gift cards as employee presents this year. HQ will contact current contributor/user base.

Prize! The highe


selling chapter


get a Pizza Part


Overview of Team Responsibilities

• HQ: Create and Distribute email templates

and marketing media• Chapter Leads:

Educate and Motivate representatives about Wokai Gift Cards

Distribute materials from HQ to repsFollow-up and answer questionsIdentify and reach out to local

companies and organizations• Representatives

Tailor the template emails (or create own)

Reach out to friends and familySend out reminder (2) and thank you


3) Gift Cards come in $5, $10, $20, $50, $80, and $100 increments

6) Buy another card or Check out

4) Fill out personal information

5) Donors have the option of emailing their gift or printing and personally delivering their present

How the Gift Card System Works:

1) Go to www.wokai.org

2) Go to “Contribute” Tab and choose to contribute by buying a gift card

Buying a Gift Card:

• Recipients can then choose an entrepreneur and donate their gift in an effective and sustainable way

How the Gift Card System Works:

Kiva’s Website- an ExampleRedeeming a Gift Card:

Recipient goes online to www.wokai.org to redeem their gift

Expiration Dates

• Expiration Dates (12 Months after Purchase)

• Wokai will send reminder emails to Gift Card Recipients 30 and 7 days prior to expiration date

• If the gift card is not redeemed before the expiration date, those funds will be converted automatically to a donation to Wokai

Time to Start!

• 1) Designate Chapter Lead

• 2) Representatives use personal networks

(friends, family, businesses) and find

people interested in helping out others

during the Holiday Season.

• 3) Personalize template emails (from HQ)

• 4) Send out series of 4 emails over the

next few weeks to encourage and remind

about purchasing Wokai gift cards

• 5) Help Wokai reach its goal of 700 cards


Campaign Timeline

Nov 29 Campaign

begins/Introduction Email

Dec 7 First reminder Email

Dec 14 Second reminder Email

Dec 21 Third reminder Email

Dec 24 End of campaign


Cards This year, give a gift that has
