WJEC A level SPANISH Unit 4

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Transcript of WJEC A level SPANISH Unit 4

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4




Unit 4 Listening, Reading and Translation

Teaching and Learning Resources

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Unit 4

Listening, Reading and Translation

In Unit 4, candidates will be accessed on their skills in AO1, AO2 and AO3. For AO1, candidates must be able to understand and respond in writing to spoken language drawn from a variety of sources. For AO2, candidates need to show that they can understand and respond in writing to written language drawn from a variety of sources. For AO3, candidates need to show that they can manipulate the language accurately in the written form, using a range of lexis and structure.

In Unit 4, candidates will be expected to demonstrate competence in the following skills:

• listening and responding to spoken passages including some extended passages from a range of different contexts and sources.

• reading and responding to a variety of texts including some extended texts written for different purposes and audiences drawn from a range of authentic sources.

• understanding the main points, gist and detail from spoken and written material.

• inferring meaning from complex spoken and written material. • assimilating and using information from spoken and written sources. • summarising information from spoken and written sources. • translating an unseen passage from the language of study into English

and from English into the language of study.

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Unit 4 is made up of three sections. Stimulus material is in Spanish, based on the four themes from the areas of interest: social issues and trends and political, intellectual and artistic culture. Section A: Listening Candidates will be issued with a recording which they can access individually. They will have to respond to a variety of question types, such as gap-fill answers, multiple-choice and comprehension questions in the language of study. There will also be a summary /assimilation-style question. Section B: Reading Candidates will answer questions based on texts provided in a supplementary reading folder which may include true/false statements, multiple choice, gap-fill answers, and comprehension questions in the language of study. There will also be a summary/assimilation style question. Section C: Translation Candidates will be required to translate an unseen passage (of a minimum of 100 words) from English/Welsh into Spanish.

Unit 4

Listening, reading and translation – mark allocation

Marks AO1 AO2 AO3 Trans

Total marks

Section A - Listening 30 30 Section B - Reading 50 50 Section C - Translation 20 20 Total 30 50 20 100

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Section A: Listening 2019

Question 1: This is a multiple-choice question. Listen to the recording of No hablarás con acento andaluz en el telediario de las 9 and ask students to select an answer for each sentence. Then look at the mark scheme and transcript and analyse how students have made their choices. There are ten marks available.

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Tapescript: Question 1

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Mark scheme: Question 1

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Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


The Principal says: “This was well done on the whole, with stronger candidates often scoring full marks.”

Question 2: This is a sentence-matching question. Listen to the recording ¿Quiénes son los franquistas de hoy? and ask students to select a matching sentence from Lista B for each sentence in Lista A. Students must answer by writing the appropriate letter in each box. Then look at the mark scheme and transcript and analyse how students have made their choices. There are ten marks available.

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Tapescript: Question 2

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Mark Scheme: Question 2

The Principal says: “Question 2 proved more difficult for candidates, especially the latter questions. They must bear in mind that an answer is not necessarily correct solely if it makes sense grammatically. It must also be based on the information included in the recording.”

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Question 3: This question requires candidates to answer questions in the language of study. Listen to the recording El matrimonio homosexual en España and ask students to give their answers. Then look at the mark scheme and transcript and analyse how students have responded. There are ten marks available.

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Tapescript: Question 3

Mark Scheme: Question 3

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The Principal says: “In this type of exercise, complete sentences are not always required; for example, in (b), como delincuentes is acceptable. However, a response to (e) is more likely to require a verb: al principio la gente las miraba raro, ahora las ve como normales.

It was noticeable that some candidates did not finish the listening section; candidates are encouraged to manage their time carefully, leaving themselves time at the end of the exam to return to unfinished questions.”

Principal Examiner Top Tip for Listening:

• In questions where candidates have to reply in the language of study, concise answers should be given. Too much irrelevant material can cause the marks to be lost.

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Section B: Reading 2019

Question 4: This is a gap-filling question. The student must read the extracts from the text España – una identitad cultural en constante evolución and select an answer for each gap. Then look at the mark scheme and analyse how students have made their choices. There are fifteen marks available.

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Mark Scheme: Question 4

The Principal says: “Although there was a variation of marks, most candidates managed to pick up a reasonable score here. Numbers 5, 10, 12 and 15 proved to be problematic for some.”

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Question 5(a): This is a sentence-matching question. Students should read the first part of the text La represión de las mujeres bajo la dictadura de Franco and complete the sentences by choosing the correct sentence from Lista B. Students must answer by writing the appropriate letter in each box. Then look at the mark scheme and text and analyse how students have made their choices. There are five marks available.

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Text : Question 5(a) - La represión de las mujeres bajo la dictadura de Franco [Primera parte]

Mark Scheme: Question 5(a)

Question 5(b): This is a synonym question. Students should read the second part of the text La represión de las mujeres bajo la dictadura de Franco and answer by giving a synonym from the text for the word(s) in the question. Then look at the mark scheme and text and analyse how students have made their choices. There are five marks available.

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Text : Question 5(b) - La represión de las mujeres bajo la dictadura de Franco [Segunda parte]

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Mark Scheme: Question 5(b)

Question 5(c): This is a multiple-choice question. Students should read the third part of the text La represión de las mujeres bajo la dictadura de Franco and answer by putting a cross in the box for the correct answer in each sentence. Then look at the mark scheme and text and analyse how students have made their choices. There are five marks available.

Text : Question 5(c) - La represión de las mujeres bajo la dictadura de Franco [Tercera parte]

Mark Scheme: Question 5(c)

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


The Principal says: “In Section (a), strong candidates often achieved full marks. Weaker candidates seemed to hazard a guess at any possible answer. Again, candidates must refer to the information given in the text when answering the questions. Sections (b) and (c) were well answered overall, though questions 3 and 5 in section (c) proved difficult for some candidates.”

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Question 6: This question requires the candidate to answer questions in the language of study. Students are not required to answer in full sentences; they can use vocabulary from the text but should not copy exact wording from the passage. Ask students to read the text Los latinoamericanos que buscan a sus familiares desaparecidos durante la Guerra Civil española and give their answers. Then look at the mark scheme and text and analyse how students have responded. There are twenty marks available.

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Text (Los latinoamericanos que buscan a sus familiares desaparecidos durante la Guerra Civil Española): Question 6

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Mark Scheme: Question 6

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


The Principal says: “The strong candidates did very well in Question 6. However, candidates who performed reasonably well in other sections often scored very low marks. The most salient point again though was that many attempted very few questions. Possibly due to a lack of time, many candidates decided to go straight onto the translation. Candidates are reminded of the importance of effective time management.”

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Section C: Translation 2019

Question 7: This question requires candidates to translate an unseen passage from English/Welsh into Spanish. Ask students to read and translate the text. Then look at the mark scheme and discuss how best to translate the text into good Spanish. Consider the exemplars given. There are twenty marks available.

Mark Scheme: Question 7

The translation from English/Welsh into Spanish is marked according to AO3. The translation is divided into 4 parts of similar complexity. Each of the 4 parts is marked on a scale of 0-5 using the descriptors below as a guide to determine which mark should be awarded for each section. The examiner will mark positively. The overall mark will be the addition of the total marks for each of the 4 parts to give a total out of 20.

To gain the top band the response does not have to be perfect. A minor slip in gender is acceptable but mistakes with common verbs are not. This will be discussed at the marking conference.

Principal Examiner Top Tip for Reading:

• In comprehension questions, keep answers concise; complete sentences are not always required. Candidates may be penalised if they include too much irrelevant information.

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Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


Question 7: Candidate A

This candidate scored 6 out of a possible 20 marks.

The Principal says: “For Candidate A, the translation does not flow. The candidate has approached it as a list of words rather than a prose translation. Grammatical errors and a lack of vocabulary result in parts of it being unintelligible to a ‘sympathetic native speaker’.

In line 1 (The transition to democracy is the period which ran between), the candidate correctly uses the present in the first verb but does not produce a preterite in the second verb. In fact, the verb ‘ran’ does not even need to be translated here and the meaning would remain the same. In line 2, (Events took place in a very different way from what had been imagined), the candidate is unable to distinguish between the preterite tense in the first verb and the pluperfect in the second Los eventos ocurré en una manera muy diferente que les imagen [sic]. In line 2, (after the death of the dictator), the candidate offers antes del murió de la dictadura; a common error is the incorrect gender of muerte or the use of the adjective muerto instead of the noun. In this case, the candidate has used a verb/noun hybrid el murió. The candidate also confuses el dictador and la dictadura, a common error in the 2019 exam.

In line 5, (politicians in charge), the candidate does not attempt to translate ‘in charge’; he could perhaps have thought of a synonym in English, such as responsible. Políticos responsables would have been acceptable in this context. In lines 5-6, (thanks to the Spanish people who were demanding), the candidate translates the verb as two separate words, instead of looking at it as a whole i.e. requiring the imperfect tense. Gracias al gente español

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quien fue demandió therefore makes no sense (the verb exigir is best in this context). There is also a gender error with a very basic word, la gente.”

Question 7: Candidate B

This candidate scored 19 out of a possible 20 marks.

The Principal says: “For Candidate B, the translation runs naturally and, although there are a few minor errors, it would be intelligible to a ‘sympathetic native speaker’. The candidate has looked at the translation as a whole and, where vocabulary may not have been known, he has paraphrased and succeeded in conveying the overall meaning of the text.

In line 1 (The transition to democracy is the period which ran between), the candidate has used both tenses correctly, la transición a la democracia es el periodo que corrió. He uses an acceptable word for time; el tiempo is not appropriate in this context. In line 2, (Events took place in a very different way from what had been imagined), the candidate does distinguish

Teaching and Learning Resources WJEC A Level Spanish Unit 4


between the two tenses although there is an error in the person of the verb in the pluperfect tense, los eventos tuvieron lugar de una forma muy diferente de lo que se había imaginado. This candidate correctly translates after the death of the dictator as después de la muerte del dictador.

In line 5, (politicians in charge), Candidate B uses politicos encargados which is a good translation. In lines 5-6, (thanks to the Spanish people who were demanding), he does not use exigir but it was felt that pedir was acceptable in this context (gracias a la gente española que estaba pidiendo).

Overall, this translation is natural with a few minor errors.

Principal Examiner Top Tips for Translation:

• When translating, candidates must think about the passage as a whole.

• Candidates should be prepared to express an idea in a different, linguistically intelligible way; rephrasing parts of the translation may help to convey the meaning. This exercise is marked positively and marks will be awarded for a valid alternative translation.

• Care must be taken to distinguish between tenses and to add correct endings to verb stems. They should also aim to have a secure knowledge of common irregular verbs (such as poner).

• It is important to check basic grammar, such as adjectival agreements and subject/verb accord.

• Candidates should consider whether the vocabulary in the translation may have been used in other questions. For example, in the 2019 examination, the words la aprobación, franquistas and la dictadura appear in the text of Question 6.

• Once again, candidates are reminded of the importance of time management ; they need to ensure they have adequate time to complete the translation without rushing it.