With Me - Ana Cheri · I’m Ana Cheri, thank you for purchasing my E-book, I’m super excited to...

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Transcript of With Me - Ana Cheri · I’m Ana Cheri, thank you for purchasing my E-book, I’m super excited to...

With Me


Ebook 1: Foundation

© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved


04 IntRoDuCtIon


06 DIEt tIpS

07 RESt/RECovERy


09 pLAy DAyS / WARM upS

11-18 WoRkout pLAn



© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved


Ana Cheri strongly recommends that you consult with your

physician before beginning any exercise program. Not all

exercises are suitable for different individuals or different

levels of fitness. You should be in healthy physical condition

and able to participate in exercise to begin this program.

Ana Cheri is not a licensed medical care provider and

represents that she has no expertise in diagnosing, examining,

or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining

the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition. This

program is for educational purposes only and should not be

used as a substitute for professional medical advice.

You should understand that when participating in any exercise

or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury.

If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree

that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating

in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and

agree to release and discharge Ana Cheri from any and all

claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of

Ana Cheri’s negligence.


Hi there!

I’m Ana Cheri, thank you for purchasing my E-book, I’m super

excited to be a part of your fitness journey!

This book series is filled with some of my favorite workouts

that I have actually done for the last 2 years.

In book #1 Get Fit with Ana Cheri, I will be teaching you proper form

and the importance of pushing yourself to see results, embrace

the BURN!!!My program involves strength

training to build lean muscle

mass and help burn fat. You will

be working out 4 days a week,

with one “Play Day”.

This program is designed to

give you quick results but also

get you ready for the next two

books that are full of more

advanced exercises. To see

these results it is vital to make

healthy food choices! I have

included some diet tips in

this book, follow them to

see the best results.

© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved 04

© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved

This is the part where I pep talk you and tell you anything is

possible! Well my pretty little friends, it is!

This program will have you sweating, burning, exhausted and

so sore! But trust me when I say, you will learn to love it and it

will be so worth it!

Every day I want you to wake up determined and focused on

your goals, you are important, you are cared about and you

need to make time for you.

When starting this program take photos, because what you

see in the mirror and how you feel in your everyday life is

more important than what is on the scale, especially since

muscle weighs more than fat, so if you don’t see the number

on the scale change in the beginning its ok. Your cloths will

tell you differently.

Take your progress photos in the same outfit, from the same

angles on the first day and on the last day, or every week, just

track your achievements! You will make yourself proud!

When posting your progress photos please tag me in them! I

want to be apart of your fitness journey.


Drink a lot of water, the goal is a gallon a day!

Try and consume a meal that is high in protein 30 minutes to

an hour after you work out. It’s a good idea to drink a protein

shake right after your training, this will help you be less sore

and see gains faster.

Make sure you are eating enough good calories and protein

to repair and build your muscles. If you workout too much

without feeding your body with enough protein, you won’t be

able to build muscle.

Try and cut out dairy, it can cause bloating.

Cut out soft drinks and limit the juices you drink, fruit is high

in sugar.

Only have fruit before noon.

Don’t eat any processed or fast food! Its just not good for

your body.

Eat healthy carbs like, sweet potato, quinoa and whole grains,

but try and cut down on the carbs at night or when you are

not as active.

Make sure you are having protein with every meal, eggs,

chicken, turkey breast, tofu or fish.

Eat LOTS of greens! My favorites are brussel sprouts, snap

peas, spinach and asparagus.

Last, when cooking, try and use olive oil or coconut oil.

© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved 06

© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved

While you are doing this program it is very important that

you give your body the rest that it needs. You will be pushing

yourself in these workout on top of your normal daily activities

so you will need to make sure you are recovering so you can

take on the next workout full steam.

Plan when you are going to bed and begin to wind down ahead

of time. Don’t just wait until you are tired.

Bright screens can stimulate your brain and make it hard to

quite your mind and fall asleep. Try to put down your phone

30 minutes to an hour before bed. Spend that time taking

care of yourself and preparing for the next day.

Rest days are important to give your body a chance to recover

and recharge and to give your muscles a chance to grow.

If you are sore from the previous days workout getting

moving can be one of the best ways to get out the soreness.

Walk, jog, run, etc. until you break a sweat then move through

some body weight exercises to get the muscles moving. Add

some stretching at the end so you wake up the the next day

ready to workout.


© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved

If leaning out and weight loss is your goal, then cardio is

important to maximizing your results. I recommend at least

20-30 minutes a day of moderate paced cardio. You

can walk, run, jog, swim, ride your bike, elliptical, if

your brave, stair master. Pick an exercise and pace

you can maintain for the whole 20-30 minutes,


If you have a lean frame and want

to build your curves, cardio is less

important then focusing on your

weight training and diet.

If you are sore from the previous

days workout the best way to make it

go away is to break a sweat.

I prefer to do my cardio first thing in

the morning on an empty stomach so

I don’t feel sick, also know as “fasted

cardio”. Find what works for you and

do it!


© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved

On your play days I want you to get out of the house and do

something active for at least 30 minutes. Walk your dog, ride

a bike, paddle board, tennis, soccer, go have fun! It’s good

for the mind and body to be outside and get a little sunshine.

Just remember to wear sunscreen and stay hydrated!

Before every workout be sure to warm up properly. Choose

an exercise and break a sweat, jumping rope, jumping jacks,

elliptical, treadmill... just get a little sweat going and then

you can move into your workout.



Week 1

© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved


Squats 3 15 50% of Max If you don’t know your max google “one Rep max calculator” and estimate it.

DB RDL 5 5-8 Heavy


Jump Squats


30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Leg Lifts 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Goodmorning 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Sit-Ups 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Pulse Squats 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Crunches 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Rest 90 Seconds

Repeat x4


DAY 02 - H.I.I.T


Use the Rep range as your guidefor weight.

Glute Bridge 3 10 Body WeightHold the last Rep of each set for

a 15 count.

Sumo Squat 5 8-10 HeavyUse the Rep range as your guide

for weight.


Deadlifts 3 15 50% of Max If you don’t know your max google “one Rep max calculator” and estimate it.

Squats 5 5-8 Heavy



Use the Rep range as your guidefor weight.

DB Lunges 3 20Use a weight you can

do for 20 repsDrive your heel down and focus

on your glutes.

Hip Thrust 5 8-10 HeavyUse the Rep range as your guide

for weight.


© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved



Week 1

Side Shuffle


30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Plank Jack 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Jumping Jack 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Plank w/ Leg Lift 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Curl and Press 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Plank 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Rest 90 Seconds

Repeat x4

DAY 05 - H.I.I.T

1. Rep Range explanation/example:Where the program says 5-8 reps, choose a weight, if you find you cannot do 5 reps the weight is too heavy, go lighter.If you can do more than 8 reps the weight is too light go heavier.If you’re body is burning but you finish with good form, then great job! Embrace the burn!!

2. Finding the One Rep Max Percentage:There are tons of websites that will do the math for you, just google “One Rep Max Calculator”If you have never lifted a weight and don’t even know what your max might be, start light and find the heaviest weight you can do for 5 reps with perfect form. Punch in that weight, for 5 reps and voilà you will have your max!


Week 2

© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved


Squats 4 10 65% If you don’t know your max google “one Rep max calculator” and estimate it.

DB RDL 5 8-10 Moderate


Jump Squats


30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Leg Lifts 30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Goodmorning 30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Sit-Ups 30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Pulse Squats 30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Crunches 30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Rest 90 Seconds

Repeat x4


DAY 02 - H.I.I.T


Use the Rep range as your guidefor weight.

Glute Bridge 3 15Hold the last Rep of each set for

a 15 count.

Sumo Squat 5 8-12Use the Rep range as your guide

for weight.


Deadlifts 4 10 65% If you don’t know your max google “one Rep max calculator” and estimate it.

Squats 5 8-10 Moderate



Use the Rep range as your guidefor weight.

DB Lunges 3 20Drive your heel down and focus

on your glutes.

Hip Thrust 5 8-12Use the Rep range as your guide

for weight.



© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved



Week 2

Side Shuffle


30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Plank Jack 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Jumping Jack 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Plank w/ Leg Lift 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Curl and Press 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Plank 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Rest 90 Seconds

Repeat x4

DAY 05 - H.I.I.T

1. Rep Range explanation/example:Where the program says 5-8 reps, choose a weight, if you find you cannot do 5 reps the weight is too heavy, go lighter.If you can do more than 8 reps the weight is too light go heavier.If you’re body is burning but you finish with good form, then great job! Embrace the burn!!

2. Finding the One Rep Max Percentage:There are tons of websites that will do the math for you, just google “One Rep Max Calculator”If you have never lifted a weight and don’t even know what your max might be, start light and find the heaviest weight you can do for 5 reps with perfect form. Punch in that weight, for 5 reps and voilà you will have your max!


Week 3

© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved


Squats 5 5 75% If you don’t know your max google “one Rep max calculator” and estimate it.

DB RDL 4 10-12


Jump Squats


30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Leg Lifts 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Goodmorning 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Sit-Ups 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Pulse Squats 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Crunches 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Rest 90 Seconds

Repeat x5


DAY 02 - H.I.I.T


Use the Rep range as your guidefor weight.

Glute Bridge 4 15Hold the last Rep of each set for

a 15 count.

Sumo Squat 4 10-15Use the Rep range as your guide

for weight.


Deadlifts 5 5 75% If you don’t know your max google “one Rep max calculator” and estimate it.

Squats 4 10-12 Moderate



Use the Rep range as your guidefor weight.

DB Lunges 4 20Drive your heel down and focus

on your glutes.

Hip Thrust 4 10-15Use the Rep range as your guide

for weight.




© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved



Week 3

Side Shuffle


30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Plank Jack 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Jumping Jack 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Plank w/ Leg Lift 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Curl and Press 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Plank 30 Seconds Work 30 Seconds Rest

Rest 90 Seconds

Repeat x5

DAY 05 - H.I.I.T

1. Rep Range explanation/example:Where the program says 5-8 reps, choose a weight, if you find you cannot do 5 reps the weight is too heavy, go lighter.If you can do more than 8 reps the weight is too light go heavier.If you’re body is burning but you finish with good form, then great job! Embrace the burn!!

2. Finding the One Rep Max Percentage:There are tons of websites that will do the math for you, just google “One Rep Max Calculator”If you have never lifted a weight and don’t even know what your max might be, start light and find the heaviest weight you can do for 5 reps with perfect form. Punch in that weight, for 5 reps and voilà you will have your max!


Week 4

© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved


Squats 5 3 85% If you don’t know your max google “one Rep max calculator” and estimate it.

DB RDL 3 12-15


Jump Squats


30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Leg Lifts 30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Goodmorning 30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Sit-Ups 30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Pulse Squats 30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Crunches 30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Rest 90 Seconds

Repeat x5


DAY 02 - H.I.I.T


Use the Rep range as your guidefor weight.

Glute Bridge 5 15Hold the last Rep of each set for

a 15 count.

Sumo Squat 3 15-20Use the Rep range as your guide

for weight.


Deadlifts 5 3 85% If you don’t know your max google “one Rep max calculator” and estimate it.

Squats 3 12-15 Light



Use the Rep range as your guidefor weight.

DB Lunges 5 20Drive your heel down and focus

on your glutes.

Hip Thrust 3 15-20Use the Rep range as your guide

for weight.




© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved



Week 4

Side Shuffle


30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Plank Jack 30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Jumping Jack 30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Plank w/ Leg Lift 30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Curl and Press 30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Plank 30 Seconds Work 15 Seconds Rest

Rest 90 Seconds

Repeat x5

DAY 05 - H.I.I.T

1. Rep Range explanation/example:Where the program says 5-8 reps, choose a weight, if you find you cannot do 5 reps the weight is too heavy, go lighter.If you can do more than 8 reps the weight is too light go heavier.If you’re body is burning but you finish with good form, then great job! Embrace the burn!!

2. Finding the One Rep Max Percentage:There are tons of websites that will do the math for you, just google “One Rep Max Calculator”If you have never lifted a weight and don’t even know what your max might be, start light and find the heaviest weight you can do for 5 reps with perfect form. Punch in that weight, for 5 reps and voilà you will have your max!


© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved


Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart, toes pointing slightly outward. Keep your feet flat on the floor at all times. Take a deep breath keep your abs tight and your spine straight, no hunching. Sit your butt back and squat down until your thighs break parallel with the floor. Squeeze your butt, drive your heels down, and push yourself back up to standing.

StandaRd PLank


Start by getting into a push up position. Bend your elbows and rest your weight onto your forearms and not on your hands. Your body should form a straight line from shoulders to ankles. Engage your core by sucking your belly button into your spine, squeeze your glutes and make sure your hips are straight. No Donald Duck butt! Hold it and let it burn!

Start with your feet hip-width apart and single dumbbell gripped vertical. Perform a squat as you normally would, dropping down towards the ground with your butt pushed back, remember your squat technique. But rather than coming back to the starting position right away, hold that seated squat position at the bottom as you pulse a few inches up and down for the entire exercise, this will burn so good, but thats how you lift that derriere!

Exercises Glossary


© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved

Good MoRninG (body weight)

Stand with your hands up to your head, abs tight and your legs unlocked but straight. Hinge at the hip and push your but backwards as far as you can while still keeping your back flat. When you can’t go any lower without your spine curving forward squeeze your hamstrings and glutes to pull yourself back upright. This one takes some time to master but the results are so worth it! Really focus on stretching those hamstrings on the way down and squeezing your butt to come back up.

JuMP SQuat


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Start by doing a regular squat, then engage your core and jump up explosively. When you land, lower your body back into the squat position to complete one rep. Land as quietly as possible, which requires control.

Stand with your feet together and your hands down by your side. In one motion jump your feet out to the side and raise your arms above your head. As soon as you land reverse that motion by jumping back to the starting position.


© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved

db SuMo SQuat

Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes turned out slightly. Take a breath, squeeze your core. Lower your body down by bending your knees until your thighs are parallel with the floor. push through your heels and squeeze your butt at the top while exhaling.

db LunGE

Keep your feet close together and your back straight, abs tight. With one leg, step forward, then lower the leg left behind until the knee almost touches the ground. Push off the heel of your front leg to return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg. Be sure not to let your front knee go past your toes, you should have a nice 90 degree angle on your front shin.

db RdL

Stand tall holding the dumbbells in your hands. The weights should be over shoe laces and stay in that line through the whole movement. Legs stay straight as you push your butt backwards and hinge at the hip. Go as low as you can keeping your core tight and your back flat. When you can’t go any lower without bending your spine squeeze your hamstrings and your glutes to pull yourself back upright.


© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved


Begin by holding the dumbbells at your sides. Curl them up to your shoulders then push them up over your head. Reverse the motion lowering them down to your shoulders then down to your sides. Pause for a moment at the bottom to stop and momentum and to make sure you aren’t swinging the dumbbells as you start the next rep. Keep your posture. Stay tall and keep your core tight. Avoid swinging of the weights or of your body.

PLank JaCkS

Get into the Standard Plank position. Starting with you feet together hop them apart and then back together again. Keep your body straight and your abs tight. Use your core to resist the pressure to bow in the middle as you land and for your butt to hike up when you hop. Stay in control of your motion the whole time.


Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor, pull your belly button towards your spine and flatten your lower back against the floor. Squeeze your abs and bring your shoulders 2 inches off the floor, exhale as you come up and keep your neck straight and your chin up. Hold at the top for a few seconds, slowly lower back down but don’t relax all the way, keep your core tight until your reps are done.


© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved


Make sure that your head, legs and bottom are all in contact with the floor hands under your booty. Engage your stomach muscles and slowly lift your legs to the sky keeping your legs straight and not bending at the knees. Pause for a second then slowly lower the legs back down. Pause just before you touch the floor and lift them again.


Lie on your back with your legs straight. Reach your hands to the sky. Brace your abs and then raise your body up towards your knees, shoulders should be lifted of the floor. Touch your toes and in control lay back. Try not to swing your arms too much, use those ab muscles!


Laying on your back put the soles of your feet flat on the floor hip width apart. Drive your feet down as you press your hips up. Squeeze your glutes tight to drive those hips as high as you can. This is where bubble butts are made!


HiP tHRuSt

Begin seated on the ground with a bench directly behind you. place your weight on your hips, for comfort place a towel on your lap. Begin the movemet by driving through your feet, extending your hips to the sky pushing up on the weight and squeezing your booty! Your weight should be supported by the bench and your feet. Slowly and controlled extend as far as possible then drop your hips to starting position and repeat.

PLank WitH LEG LiFt

Begin in standard plank position. Engage your abs to support your lower back and get the best core workout. Alternating from side to side lift your leg as high as you can. Both legs stay straight and the motion happens at your hip. Lift your heel to the sky and squeeze your booty.


Drop your butt down into a slight squat. Reach down between your feet and touch the cone. Keeping your butt down and your body upright side shuffle to the next cone. Don’t let your feet cross over. Try and add speed into your shuffle. Stay low as you travel between the cones.

© 2016 Ana Cheri. All Rights Reserved Designed by: 2A2Creative