Witchcraft and Sorcery

Post on 09-Nov-2015

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Witchcraft and Sorcery are trueWitchcraft is not mythEffects of witchcraft:Way out from witchcraft:Everything written is true to fact No imagination and and no exaggeration:REVISED EDITION

Transcript of Witchcraft and Sorcery

  • Author

    G J T a TSDT publication

    Revised May 19, 2015: Oct 30, 2015

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    Sorcery: Magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits

    to produce unnatural effects in the world

    Witchcraft: The use of magical powers obtained especially from

    evil spirits

    Sorcery and witchcraft is Widely practiced in Developing

    nations and also in developed nations. In India the circumstances are

    much more favorable to such activities. Since they worship nature

    and creations; the evil spirits are very much attached to it. According

    to Hindu mythology, their belief is, no matter whom you worship,

    they all ultimately reach the supreme God.

    Islam, Christian and Jewish religion tells to worship only the

    supreme God and nobody else. The resultant of pagan worshiping

    may be favorable for worldly benefits and not spiritual benefits. This

    is a widely disputed subject.

    The power of witchcraft is extremely high, far beyond what you

    can imagine. Every misery on the earth can be executed on another

    person through witchcraft. This is subjected to victims supreme

    Gods blessing. Sorcery can do least harm to a righteous man. There

    will be maximum effect of witchcraft, to a wicked man, including his

    death. In most cases a sorcerer will look in to victims star positions

    to see the impact of witchcraft before it is done. If the victims

    Astrological position is too strong and favorable to him, the

    witchcraft will not have much expected effect. Even then the sorcerer

    will do some witchcraft to get the money from the person who wants

    it to be done. Certainly there will be some effect even on a righteous

    man also. Many things will go wrong in his everyday life

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    unexpectedly that is how one feels someone has done some


    Gods punishment for the sorcerer is very severe on this earth

    itself and it is worse after his death. All religion teaches, when a man

    die, his spirit should be at peace. For this purpose they recommend

    many rituals and prayers for the dead mans spirit. A wicked mans

    spirit will not have any peace but misery. In early days the

    punishment for witchcraft was death penalty. Though it was falsely

    accused of witchcraft, Joan of Arc was burned to death accusing

    socery. It is funny, later she was proclaimed as a saint when they

    figured she was innocent.

    For everything man has done, there is a reward. Good for good

    works and misery for evil works. A sorcerer also knows this basic

    principle. It is illegal to practice witchcraft in all countries. Practicing

    witchcraft itself is an offense before the Supreme God also. Doing

    harm to a person is another offense. Because the sorcerer could get

    severe punishment from God; the sorcerer will do a SIN-

    SACRIFICE first and then he will do the witchcraft. God does not

    accept this SIN-SACRIFICE as an anticipatory bail. I do not know

    from where the sorcerer got this idea of anticipatory SIN-SACRIFICE.

    Sin-sacrifice is meant only for the person who did a mistake

    and who wants to be justified before God. He should first admit his

    mistake before God and repent for doing it, after that a priest

    performs the sin sacrifice. He should not repeat that mistake. This is

    widely described in the Old Testament of the Bible. According to

    New Testament, Jesus Christ became a sacrifice, and the entire

    mankind regardless of caste color and creed, is exempted from any

    SIN-SACRIFICE but he must repent and confess his mistake before

    God. Here the sorcerer is misusing sin-sacrifice by doing it before

    committing an offense before God. The worst punishment is waiting

    for the person who gets the sorcery done. Both of them will have to

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    suffer severe punishment from God, no matter how extensive and

    expensive SIN-SACRIFICE is done.

    Christians cannot deny the existence of witchcraft. It is said in

    the Bible, Book of Exodus Chapter 07, Verses 8 - 12

    Aaron's Staff Becomes a Snake: -- The LORD said to Moses and Aaron,

    "When Pharaoh says to you, 'Perform a miracle,' then say to Aaron, 'Take

    your staff and throw it down before Pharaoh,' and it will become a snake."

    So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did just as the LORD

    commanded. Aaron threw his staff down in front of Pharaoh and his

    officials, and it became a snake. Pharaoh then summoned wise men and

    sorcerers, and the Egyptian magicians also did the same things by their

    secret arts: Each one threw down his staff and it became a snake. But

    Aaron's staff swallowed up their staffs.

    Here it is evident, the supreme Gods snake swallows the sorcerers

    snake to establish his supremacy there is none above the supreme


    The bible strictly forbids witchcraft; if there were no such things as

    witchcraft then such a law would not have been recorded. Leviticus

    Chapter 19: 26 "Do not practice divination or sorcery."

    Some times in 1985 I happened to meet a Hindu sage

    accidentally (Also known as SIDHAN). He was a close associate of a

    Christian priest. He was a very famous man. I never believed in

    astrology, palmistry or any of such things by my nature but I had no

    enmity with it. The sage told me three witchcraft performances have

    been done against me.

    (1)I had a brand-new car at that time some sorcery has been done to

    run in to accident. Though I have run in to the edge of an accident, I

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    barely escaped and nothing happened to the car when it skidded, not

    even a scratch on it. After few years I sold that car.

    After selling the car it tuned over a curve and was badly

    damaged. The owner of the car who was driving it escaped. When I

    heard this accident I knew it was set for me but God did not allow

    me to be the devils prey.

    (2) The sage said, something seriously has been done possibly to

    destroy my career.

    (3) Thirdly, I was poisoned to make me severely sick. He told me

    these things under one condition I should not ask him who has

    done it. He concluded saying nothing will happen to me.

    In relation to what he said (2) the sage took me to one of his rooms

    and told me to stand there and to watch what was happening. He

    took a pan and showed me that was empty and kept it upside down

    for some time. Then he told me to watch carefully while he lifted up

    the pan. I saw some heap of black soil and a thin copper sheet two

    inches wide and few inches long rolled up. Some chantings or

    Manthras were scribbled on it. He said, This is what is done against

    you I could recognize easily, from which part of my house yard that

    soil was.

    (3) About the third instance He said, he wants to show me how I

    was poisoned. Then he took me to his worshipping room and told

    me to sit down on a wooden stool barely six inches high. Then he

    kept a small and empty vessel. Then he brought some milk in a glass

    and poured it in to the small pot. I could see the milk was pure and

    clean and nothing was in it when he poured it in to the pot. Then he

    took a sewing thread long enough to reach the milk and my mouth.

    He put one end in the pot and the other end I was holding in my

    mouth like a thermometer measuring temperature. He told me to

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    keep still and calm. I had no anxiety or tension I was really cool at

    that time. The sage said to wait and then he went away. He came

    back after few minutes and told me to take the thread out of the

    small pot first and then my mouth. (Pot can hold barely an eight-

    ounce glass of milk). He told me to pour that milk in to a pan. When

    the milk was flowing out, a black shrunk fruit about the size of a

    cherry also fell in to the pan. He said that was the poisoned fruit

    given to me. I had absolutely no clue of taking any similar thing in

    the whole of my life. He said, Son, now you are free and safe to go,

    nothing will happen to you He was very affectionate to me so he

    always called me son. He never took any reward from me.

    As a result of this witchcraft poisoning I was getting frequent

    stomachache that which ended with this ordeal. According to

    Christianity I was not supposed to go to this sage or to receive such

    help but due to my ignorance I went through it. After few years

    when I was out of the country this sage died and did not see his end.

    I hope none inherited his ability. He never took money for his

    services so I believe what he has done were genuine and real out of

    mere affection and kindness.

    When the above ordeal was over I came home and told my mother

    what the sage has done but she was shocked and desperate to hear

    such a thing and did not say a word about it. I assume in due course

    the man who got this witchcraft done also came to know my escapes.

    He is the same person who continued the evil things against me.

    Troubles were hunting me throughout my life but I never knew what

    the reason was until I came to know about the witchcraft that was

    being done continuously through reliable sources. I have lost a lot in

    my life but the one who did all these witchcraft has lost a lot more

    than I did. I enjoy least over others calamity. I am only unhappy over

    their misery though I have to feel sorry for the persecutions I have to

    go through.

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    I happened to know some sorcery was going on against me,

    even for the past several decades but I had absolutely no fear. My

    father told me once; he saw some left over of witchcraft that has been

    done in my house. He just picked it up and threw it away. Since I

    never believed in doing any remedy, nothing was done. But I never

    knew who was behind it and what kind of sorcery was done. Several

    years before I came to know from a person, who got the information

    told me, someone was doing witchcraft. It was difficult for me to

    accept that information. Infact there was no known enmity between

    him and me. Later on from several sources I got the messages

    detailing every bit of it. I do not know the sorcerer but I know who

    was getting it done and what category of witchcraft was done.

    It is a sad affair to say that he is a Christian. He was doing it

    from a very early stage of my life for his jelousy enmity. Later he was

    doing some spiritual work also and continued his witchcraft. All

    kinds of astrology, and related sources of such practices are

    prohibited to Christians but many are deeply involved in it. The fact

    is you do not need such help. If you strictly study and live by your

    aptitude, your future is secure, certainly not the way you want it but

    the way God wants it. Many have become doctors and engineers by

    paying capitation fees (Sweet name of bribery) even when they are

    not genuinely fit to study those subjects. Man should not determine

    his destiny, if he does that is not going to be pleasant. People are

    trying to determine their fate, let God dtermine your fate.

    I also know some marriage have taken place through

    witchcraft. The saddest part is, these things cannot be proved in a

    court of law, so it is useless even to accuse anyone of doing


    Astrology also leads to these kinds of help to save the client

    from his difficulties and miseries. Astrology never points to

    anybodys evilness he has done, which is the root cause of his

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    suffering. They give false hope and mislead to rituals and expensive

    offerings. Certainly they do get the lion-share of the amount spent on

    it. I happened to write this to warn the people who are involved in

    these kinds of things. There is still time to repent and get out of the

    hell. Save your ever-lasting life after death. Do not destroy your own

    eternal life to revenge someone or for some other benefits through

    sorcery and witchcraft.

    The sage told me many occurrences. 1. Once a man came to see him, hearing his fame and told him, he has heard a lot about

    him and several wonders he has done. He just wanted to know

    whether it was real. The sage didnt answer anything but gave a

    smile, giving him a chance to believe or not to believe what he has

    heard. Then the visitor saw a huge snake untwining from the sages

    waist and crawling down. The visitor was shocked and he ran away

    from him and he was never seen again.

    2. A man came to sage one day asking him for some financial

    help. With a killer smile as usual, the sage asked the man how much

    he wants. The man answered 15 bucks and was waiting to receive it.

    The sage said you have three times of the money you asked, curled

    up in your waist. Since it was true the man could not answer

    anything. In shame for telling lie, he bowed down low and without

    looking up he went way. I knew this stories were true and there were

    other people who witnessed such things, the sage has performed.

    3. Once a young man came to this sage to know his fathers fate

    who was being treated in a very well established hospital. It

    happened decades before when there were no X-rays to find the

    abdominal systems. Though his father was on the run on his business

    matters, he was very sick. The sage told him not to subject him for

    any surgery; if he were operated he was sure to die. The sage also

    said, the sickness is not genuine but was created by witchcraft.

    Medical doctors cannot not cure such sickness. The patient will have

    symptoms and will end with it. Only he could save him if the patient

    is brought to him. The young man was in a fix. His father was going

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    to be operated on the next day by a team of doctors coming form

    different places. He had nearly eight hours to stop the operation. He

    did not dare to do it on the basis of some sages advice.

    So the operation was carried on as scheduled, when the doctors

    opened the abdomin they were shocked to see the disintegrated

    internal system. As I understand, the doctors could not even stitch

    the portion they opened because of its dilapidated condition. They

    have put a bandage around the patients waist. Several days went by

    without any change and improvement, at last the doctors told the

    family members to take him home since his end was nearing. The

    patient was in good conscious and he also must have felt, his end was

    nearing so he also insisted to go home. On the way to home the

    patient died like the sage said. I personally know this story is true.

    The man who went to see the sage is still alive. The man who died

    was one of my mothers brothers.

    Like Fr Gabriele Amorth explains in his book similar stories. On

    the basis of what he said, there is sickness and symptoms as proof

    caused by witchcraft, but cannot be cured by doctors. People like him

    can save others, as he describes it in his books.

    I am alive and reasonably in good health not because of my

    merit but by Gods grace. I was being troubled for nothing I have

    done against them but that is how it turned out to be in my life.

    Long ago a famous astrologer wrote my horoscope that was in

    my fathers custody. I dont know why he went through it or - who

    and what persuaded him for that. About ten or twelve years before

    his demise he gave it to me. I do not remember the details of it but at

    the end it said, my 59th birthday is very critical after that if I survive I

    will have a long life. It actually meant, I was sure to die on my 59th

    birthday. He ended that horoscope with this last sentence. This was

    the only thing I remember, written in that horoscope and I was

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    prepared to face my end without any fear or desperation. Years went

    by; and then one day I realized my death date has crossed over

    without coming in to my notice. I felt nothing because I never

    believed in astrology.

    Today I think about it and if I were to end at the 59th birthday,

    how I survived? The only answer is, though the astrologer has set the

    date the supreme God has to approve it. Why should I depend and

    go for such things as astrology. When the angels beckon me I must

    go, why should I worry about my last day? All living things have to

    end on some day, sooner or later. Do no harm to others while you are

    alive even if you could not render any help. Doing no harm to

    another through your deed, word or even thought is true love.

    What the Bible say about the witchcraft and the people go after it?

    Isaiah, Chapter 47: Verses 9 - 15

    These two things shall come to you in a moment, in one day; the loss

    of children and widowhood shall come upon you in full measure, in

    spite of your many sorceries and the great power of your

    enchantments. You felt secure in your wickedness, you said, No one

    sees me; your wisdom and your knowledge led you astray, and you

    said in your heart, I am, and there is no one besides me. But evil

    shall come upon you, which you will not know how to charm away;

    disaster shall fall upon you, for which you will not be able to atone;

    and ruin shall come upon you suddenly, of which you know nothing.

    Stand fast in your enchantments and your many sorceries, with

    which you have labored from your youth; perhaps you may be able

    to succeed; perhaps you may inspire terror. You are wearied with

    your many counsels; let them stand forth and save you, those who

    divide the heavens, who gaze at the stars, who at the new moons

    make known what, shall come upon you. Behold, they are like

    stubble; the fire consumes them; they cannot deliver themselves from

    the power of the flame. No coal for warming oneself is this, no fire to

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    sit before! Such to you are those with whom you have labored, who

    have done business with you from your youth; they wander about,

    each in his own direction; there is no one to save you.

    Malayalam Translation

    tbim: Aymbw 47 hmIy 9 15

    CXp cpw Hcp Znhkw, Hcp \nanjns \n\p `hnpw. \nsd Ivjp{Z{]tbmKtfbpw am{nIiIvXnsbbpw adnISv ]p{X\jvShpw ssh[hyhpw AhbpsS ]qWXbn \o A\p`hnpw. {IqcXbn \o kpcIvjnXXzw Isn. Bcpw ImWpn Fp \o hnNmcnp. \nsd PvRm\hpw Adnhpw \ns hgnsXnp. Rm, Rm\msX amcpan Fp \o Alcnp. cIvjs]Sm hm\miw \n\p `hnpw. A]cnlmcyamb AXymlnXw \n\p hptNcpw. A{]XoIvjnXamb hn\miw \nsd ta ]Xnpw. sNdpw apXte \o A\phnncp am{nI hnZyIfpw Ivjp{Z{]tbm Kfpw XpSpsImpI. AXn \o hnPbntmw; `oXn Dfhmm\pw \n\p Igntmw. D]tZisImp \n\p aSpmbn. BImin cmin Xncnv \ncoIvjnphcpw \nsd `mhn AamhmknIfn {]hNnphcpw aptmp hp \ns cIvjns. Ah sshtmpcpp t]msebmWv. AKv\n Ahsc Zlnnpp. XoPzmeIfn \np Xsfs tamNnnm Ahp iIvXnbn. AXp XWpp amm\p Xo\epw Ccpp Imbm\p Xobpa. sNdpw apX \ntmsSmp hym]cn B`nNmcnIam \ns Dt]Ivjnp XmmfpsS hgntb t]mIpw. \ns cIvjnm Bcpw DmhpIbn.

    Bible: Revelation Chapter 22: Verse 11

    Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person

    continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let

    the holy person continue to be holy."

    Malayalam Translation tbmlm\p e`n shfn]mSv, Aymbw 22 hmIyw 11

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    A\oXn sNbvXncph C\nbpw A\oXn sNbvXpsIms.

    ]m]d]pch C\nbpw As\Xs IgnpsIms. \oXnam C\nbpw \oXn {]hns. hnipZv[ C\nbpw hnipZv[oIcnsSs

    Expect only wickedness from wicked people and good from

    good people.

    Couple of months ago a fmily friend of mine told me a similar

    story. Some of her close relatives tried to kill her through witchcraft.

    She fell sick and was in extremely critical condition for several days.

    It is a surprise that she survived. Being a good person and firm

    believer of eternal God, she could not be killed through witchcraft.

    Should I fear witchcraft or anything other than the Eternal God?

    If you do not believe what I have written, you may please ignore

    this. Everything written is true to fact, no imagination and no

    exaggeration. Because witchcraft is possible and powerful do not go

    after it. It is better to stay away from such things for your own good.

    Author: G J T

    May 19, 2015, Oct 30, 2015

    (Revised edition)