Winter roach control just because it’s cold outside does not mean your roach problem is gone

Post on 07-May-2015

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description It may be cold outside, but your roach control problem has not gone away. Roaches are nocturnal and elusive but if you have seen 1 in your house, you can believe there are many more. Don’t waste your time or money with DIY solutions that will not work, contact a pest control company experienced with roach extermination such as Hopper Environmental Services to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Transcript of Winter roach control just because it’s cold outside does not mean your roach problem is gone

Just Because It’s Cold Outside Doesn’t Mean Your Roach Problem is Gone

*Winter Roach Control

*It’s Cold. Are

They Gone Yet?

You may think that since the temperature outside dropped, that the roach control problem you noticed last fall has disappeared along with the warmer weather.

The answer is, NO!

You still have a problem on your hands but luckily Hopper Environmental can help.

*One At A Time?

If you’ve seen one roach, the chances are good that you have a roach infestation on your hands. It’s very rare to see a single roach & not have several thousand hidden in your home.

And since roaches are nocturnal creatures, you may have a hard time discovering exactly how big the problem is on your own.

*Four Standard Varieties

There are four main types of cockroaches people in the U.S. see.

*German cockroaches tend to inhabit bathrooms & kitchens.

*Brown banded cockroaches stick to hotter, drier regions.

*Oriental cockroaches like the humid spots in your house.

*American cockroaches also like warm, humid places, & can be found all over the U.S.

*Why Are There Roaches In My


In some cases, roaches may mean you need to keep your house a little bit cleaner.

In other cases, you may have had a water problem like a leak or a drain issue that you didn’t take care of soon enough.

Dealing with any water problems & keeping your house as clean as possible is a must.


Looking for the roach spray? Don’t bother. Those do-it-yourself roach control sprays don’t stand a chance against a serious problem.

One roach produces up to 30 eggs & every egg can hold fifty baby roaches! Spraying canisters you find on the shelf of your local hardware store are no match for a problem that size.

You need a professional pest control service that has roach extermination experience.

*A Better Approach

By choosing a professional roach extermination company like Hopper Environmental Services to help you deal with your winter roach problem means you get the overall care necessary to take care of the pests right away. You will also get the most family & pet friendly approach to roach control available.

*Calling In the Professionals

Contact the professional pest exterminators at Hopper Environmental Services immediately if you notice any signs of roaches.

They offer a variety of roach extermination methods & offer a no-return guarantee to help you eliminate the problem.