Winter 2012

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A collection of inspiring young photographers.

Transcript of Winter 2012


winter 2012Volume 2, issue 2


* Cover Photo by rebecca wnuk

SAIBH EGAN page 4mANfrEdI CArACAuSI page 12jESSICA NEuwErTH page 24

EvITA wEEd page 14

lAylA rOuGEpage 36mArIE GrIffIN

page 38COlE rISE page 44 rEBECCA

wNuk page 54







EvitA wEEd









EvitA wEEd//PhotoGRAPhER

What inspires you most?i'm inspired in my day to day, everything around me, internet, the landscapes that surround me, photo books, movies, everything used to create and inspire.If you could photograph anyone, who would you choose?i would have loved to pho-tograph Audrey Hepburn.How much do you plan out your photos?i don’t plan, images arise. i just plan to go to a certain place and once i’m there, i begin to take many photo-graphs.

What’s your favorite thing to do when you have some down time?i enjoy spending time tak-ing pictures with my part-ner where we can be alone with nature. Also, i like to discover new places, go to forests, rivers, beaches.Who would you love to collaborate with?Annie leibovitz!! i love her work!

jESSicA NEuwERth

jESSicA NEuwERth//PhotoGRAPhER

What inspires your pho-tography most?i’m inspired by many things, from song lyrics to books to the idea of creat-ing the realistically impos-sible; but what i think in-spires me the most is open skies and nearly-endless landscapes, both of which i'm very lucky to live close to. Growing up, i've always appreciated the fact that where i live has more space than we have people, and i've always known what it is to feel dwarfed by the enormity of empty space and giant sky. most of what i express in my photos tries to capture that feeling of smallness; the feeling that we are small enough that we are truly free.

What first interested you in photography?i don't honestly remember a time when i wasn't taking photos, for some reason or another. i think the drive to capture beautiful things which may be fleeting in a way that is "permanent" is what truly got me started on the photographic road i'm on today.What's one of your favor-ite photographs by an-other artist? Why?it's so hard to choose just one! i am inspired by so many of the photographers i've found on Flickr and other places that it would be difficult to choose just one specific example. late-ly i've discovered the pho-tographer Julian Bialowas (, and i'm particularly in love

with the work he did dur-ing his 365. i think combin-ing a photo with words that make it more thought-provoking, and not less, is an art that makes both the words and the picture more beautiful.Do you have any habits/rituals that you do to pre-pare for a photoshoot?usually, i don't know what i'll take pictures of before i come across it, so my usual habit is to throw any props i have in my car and drive until i find inspiration. the only two things i always have to make sure i have are music and my camera!

What's your most prized possession?my first thought was my camera, because i honestly don't know how i'd be able to get along without it, but i think my camera actu-ally comes in a very narrow second to my very favorite thing. A couple of years ago, i was given my grand-mother's old engagement ring, which i wear every day and love an incredible amount. with just it and my camera, i think i could be perfectly happy.


lAylA rOuGE


Which medium do you prefer working in, film or digital?the process of film is more fun, but now that i'm out of school i don't have a dark-room to use and sending off my pictures would be no fun. so, i definitely use digital more. Do you have a favorite place you like to shoot at?Here in my hometown of salisbury there is a place called the bullhole. it has this huge waterfall and lots of shallow water to wade in. Also, on the way from wilmington, there is this humongous construction area that looks like a big desert. it’s definitely one of my favorites!

woods, i found her a long time ago and she just keeps getting more popular, she's brilliant! my favorite wed-ding photographer is Caro-line tran. she has the cutest ideas!

Where do you plan to go with photography?i would love to be a super popular wedding pho-tographer. weddings and bridals are a blast. Catch-ing the intimate moments between the bride and the groom and the people they love. Bridals are a good time to experiment with fashion ideas and there’s less pressure than the wed-ding day.What's your favorite guilty pleasure?i spend a lot of saturdays watching America's Next Top Model marathons with Cosmo and Glamour maga-zines. i'm a huge magazine junkie. so when i have sat-urdays off with nothing to do that's usually where you'll find me.Who are some of your fa-vorite photographers?i don’t really have any fa-mous ones just other pho-tographers i’ve found on flickr. micah Camara, he always has fresh and in-teresting photos. Jenny


What inspired your series, Explorations with Space?well, cosmology is a big source of inspiration. i can't stress enough how small we really are, and i try to remind people of that fact often. we're really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really small. though amazingly, our clouds on earth look a hell-of-a-lot like light-year scale dust clouds in space. space is where we came from. i love that fact that we're all made of the same stuff. the iron you find in the ground is the same iron you find in our blood, which was liter-ally made by the fusing of atoms in the center of stars. Crazy!

it's also about perspective, and i mean that in a couple of ways. sure, landscapes can be vast and at times beautiful, but they also have a lengthy and evolv-ing history, of which we're only a ridiculously small part of. From the perspec-

tive of a 76 million-year-old mountain range like the rockies, we're a bunch of fast-moving, minuscule blips, but to us they seem huge, stat-ic and unchanging. it's kinda cool to consider, makes you feel small and temporary.

somehow, i got to mashing long exposure photos of stars with landscapes from that. on a side note, some-times i'll intentionally call it "cosmetology", which usually puts this wonderful twist in peo-ples faces as they try to imagine for a moment how makeup has any-thing to do with land-scapes.Do you prefer working in film or digital?i love and use both for different reasons. For me, digital has always been a medium for ex-perimentation & growth. i love the latitude that's

inherent with shoot-ing digital. each photo presents a set of unique challenges and i love learning while trying to solve them. i can spend weeks editing a single digital photo, massag-ing colors, textures and light. not only do you have a lot of control over the image, mis-takes are cheap. You can undo things, save your progress and go back to tweak variables you'd otherwise have to try in a whole new print in a traditional darkroom.

Film on the other hand is a medium for pres-ervation. it's a single moment captured and revealed over a series of chemical processes. it's pure. i leave it abso-lutely unaltered, so all of the work has to happen right up to the click. it's fun guessing the expo-sure, though i'll some-times cheat and use my

Dslr as a light meter. with only 12 frames to expose per role there are far fewer clicks, so few in fact, that often one roll of 120 film con-tains photos from mul-tiple trips over a span of a few months.How much do you plan out your photo shoots?Very rarely, if at all. i usu-ally have an idea as to where i want to go, go there, and let the photos find me. wardrobe is the only planned bit, if i'm traveling with someone, which basically amounts to making sure there's at least one cool dress in the back of the car. sometimes i'm lucky and find myself shoot-ing in front of huge brush fire, or in salt flats on a clear night with no moon and only the ga-lactic center lighting the salt. other times, i'm just enjoying the scenery as it floats by.

What are some bands that always put you in a great mood?Great question! no one's ever asked me that. Here are my top six in no particu-lar order:

tycho•Jónsi and Alex•Bon iver•iron & wine•nine inch nails - espe-•cially the Ghosts album. Houses•


What first interested you about photography?the fact that it could cap-ture real life without cap-turing reality.Who is a photographer that you admire?oh, i have a whole list of photographers i love. re-cently, i've been very much into nirrimi Firebrace's and natalie Kucken's work.If you could photograph anyone from past or pres-ent, who would it be?Can they be fictional? i would absolutely love to photograph tyler Durden.

What does your photog-raphy mean to you?everything, to put it simply. i breathe it.Your favorite guilty plea-sure movie?i'd have to say Mean Girls. it's just so awful that i love it.

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