Winning Papers, Fall 2013 - Brigham Young University Winter... · Winning Papers, Fall 2013 ......

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Transcript of Winning Papers, Fall 2013 - Brigham Young University Winter... · Winning Papers, Fall 2013 ......

Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Applied Mathematics & Modeling,  Poster Presentations

The Mathema cs of March Madness: An Analysis of Ra ng and Ranking Methods and their Application to College Basketball

First Place

Brennan Bean (Contact Author) Mathematics

David Stowell (Mentor) Mathematics

Can we predict the number of students that will pass the standardized test for a given state using Poisson Regression?

Second Place

Darrel Hanich (Contact Author) Mathematics

Lawrence Chilton (Mentor) Mathematics

Protein Requirements are Normal, not Lognormal.

Third Place

Rich Ross (Contact Author) Mathematics

Craig Johnson (Mentor) Mathematics

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Biological & Health Sciences,  Oral Presentations

Substrate preferences of first instar juvenile Dungeness crabs, Cancer magister, from Charleston Harbor, Coos Bay, Oregon, USA

First Place

Daniel Hope (Contact Author) Biology

Tony Cox (Author) Biology

Alan Holyoak (Mentor) Biology

Comparison of Embryonic Development and the Association of Aeration on Rate of Growth in Pacific Northeastern Nudibranchs

Second Place

Elysa Curtis (Contact Author) Biology

Daniel Hope (Author) Biology

Mackenzie Tietjen (Author) Biology

Alan Holyoak (Mentor) Biology

The Argument of Evolution: How BYU‐Idaho Students Feel Toward Evolution

Third Place

Michael Getz (Contact Author) Biology

Chris Wyman (Author) Biology

Randie Van Orden (Author) Biology

Linnea Boschi (Author) Biology

Shattuck Kuzmic (Author) Biology

John Griffith (Mentor) Biology

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Biology,  Poster Presentations

Can students with no prior programming, web development, graphic design, or computer animation training teach themselves these skills in one semester and provide their department with much needed digital media content?

First Place

Thomas Strobel (Contact Author) Biology

Jason Shaw (Mentor) Biology

Winter Range Habitat Improvement Using Atriplex canescens

Second Place

Jordan Maxwell (Contact Author) Biology

Gene Weller (Mentor) Biology

Who Killed the Avenger?!

Third Place

Alex Nilsson (Contact Author) Biology

Shelby Shigley (Author) Biology

Steven Christenson (Mentor) Biology

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Chemistry I,  Poster Presentations

The Chemically‐Active Toy (CAT): Soft Robotics at BYU‐Idaho

First Place

Jonathan Meyers (Contact Author) Chemistry

Andrew Sevy (Author) Chemistry

Hector Becerril (Mentor) Chemistry

Boltzmann‐weighted global complexation constants for pinene‐derived hydroxy‐peroxy radical‐water complexes.

Second Place

Paul Spiel (Contact Author) Chemistry

Fan Yang (Author) Chemistry

Kelly Wilson (Author) Chemistry

Michael Goytia (Author) Chemistry

Tyler Southam (Author) Chemistry

Elizabeth Buchmiller (Author) Chemistry

Jaron Hansen (External Author) Chemistry

Ryan DaBell (Mentor) Chemistry

Comparing the Efficiency of a Dissolved Fuel Alkaline Fuel Cell at 25°C and 80°C

Third Place

Matthew Sorensen (Contact Author) Chemistry

Jordan Price (Author) Chemistry

Hector Becerril (Mentor) Chemistry

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Chemistry II,  Poster Presentations

Computational Determination of the Influence of a Solvent on the Energy of 1‐(p‐Dimethylaminophenyl)‐2‐nitroethylene

First Place

Anna Nielsen (Contact Author) Chemistry

Kevin Muller (Author) Chemistry

Hector Becerril (Mentor) Chemistry

Determination of Rates and Times Of Medicine Release from Enteric‐coated Capsules Through Spectrofluorometery

Second Place

Jacob Parkman (Contact Author) Chemistry

Tyler Southam (Author) Chemistry

Hector Becerril (Mentor) Chemistry

Changing the reaction rate of a halogenation reaction

Third Place

Andrew Sevy (Contact Author) Chemistry

Jacob Olson (Author) Chemistry

Hector Becerril (Mentor) Chemistry

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Communication I,  Poster Presentations

Boy Scouts of America's Level of Satisfaction with Treasure Mountain Camping Facility

First Place

Kenady Neal (Contact Author) Communication

Ella Knecht (Author) Communication

Lane Williams (Mentor) Communication

Island Park Scout Camp

Second Place

Tyler Rickenbach (Contact Author) Communication

Schaeann Richards (Author) Communication

Becky Derrick (Author) Communication

Morgan Urness (Author) Communication

Katelyn Paulson (Author) Communication

Victor Holove (Author) Communication

Lane Williams (Mentor) Communication

Krupp Scout Hollow

Third Place

Bryon Muir (Contact Author) Communication

Candice Andersen (Author) Communication

Kayla Merrill (Author) Communication

Megan Jueschke (Author) Communication

Lane Williams (Mentor) Communication

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Communication II,  Poster Presentations

David O. McKay Library: Ebooks vs. Printed Books

First Place

Ramon Tangiora (Contact Author) Communication

Scott Butler (Author) Communication

Hayley Draper (Author) Communication

Bryndee Beaty (Author) Communication

Anna Erkman (Author) Communication

Lane Williams (Mentor) Communication

What Influences Brand Loyalty Among Smartphone Users

Second Place

Clint Urick (Contact Author) Communication

Chris Davis (Author) Communication

Megan Roper (Author) Communication

Amber Montgomery (Author) Communication

Lane Williams (Mentor) Communication

Improving Financial Aid

Third Place

Jason Klingler (Contact Author) Communication

Julia Godwin (Author) Communication

Renae Grilliot (Author) Communication

Destinee Galbraith (Author) Communication

Sarah Bennett (Author) Communication

Lane Williams (Mentor) Communication

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Communication,  Oral Presentations

Group Diversity

First Place

Jessica Frye (Contact Author) Communication

Zachary Garling (Author) Communication

Kelsey Frazier (Author) Home and Family

Ryan Crockett (Author) Communication

Robyn Bergstrom (Mentor) Communication

Conflict In The Office

Second Place

Matthew Stephenson (Contact Author) Communication

Hannah Turpin (Author) Communication

Mellisa Ziegler (Author) Communication

J.R Timothy (Author) Communication

Robyn Bergstrom (Mentor) Communication

Being an Effective and Uplifting Leader

Third Place

Justin Romney (Contact Author) Home and Family

Joanna Ribeiro (Author) Communication

Chantelle Paramore (Author) Home and Family

Molly Jo Nemeck (Author) Communication

Robyn Bergstrom (Mentor) Communication

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Creative Writing I,  Written Essay

Fabric and Flames: Poems of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory

First Place

Anna May (Contact Author) English

Jim Richards (Mentor) English


Second Place

Amber Brubaker (Contact Author) English

Jack Harrell (Mentor) English

The Coldest Embrace

Third Place

Sarah Kennington (Contact Author) English

Steve Stewart (Mentor) English

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Creative Writing II,  Written Essay

Wister's Uneasy Love Triangle

First Place

Susanne Robbins (Contact Author) Languages and International Studies

Jason Williams (Mentor) Languages and International Studies


Second Place

Anna Allen (Contact Author) English

Mark Bennion (Mentor) English

Reasons Why

Third Place

Ashley Schellhous (Contact Author) English

JP Sloop (Mentor) English

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Dance & Musical Performance,  Live Performance

"To Know Thee"

First Place

Hannah Robinson (Contact Author) Dance

Ashley Hoopes (Mentor) Dance

Standing Tall

Second Place

Marisa Prolo (Contact Author) Dance

Christi Harris (Author) Dance

Tryel Roberts (Author) Dance

Wendy Bone (Mentor) Dance

U‐tonal Reflections

Third Place

Gregory Blunt (Contact Author) Music

Darrell Brown (Mentor) Music

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Design & Development,  Poster Presentations

Portfolio Website: Matt Spencer

First Place

Matt Spencer (Contact Author) Computer Information Technology

Brian Memmott (Mentor) Art

Bridal Couture

Second Place

Whitney Detweiler (Contact Author) Home and Family

Julann Blake (Mentor) Home and Family

Developing Mobile Apps using Adobe Phongap Build.

Third Place

Kevin Okerlund (Contact Author) Communication

Marc Skinner (Mentor) Communication

Scott Burton (Mentor) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Embedded Systems I,  Poster Presentations

MIDI Controlled Light Show

First Place

Zack Sheffield (Contact Author) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Rob Wall (Author) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Richard Grimmett (Mentor) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

'The Grim', Using webcams like eyes.

Second Place

Devyn Stott (Contact Author) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Jeremy McCurdy (Author) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Jonathan Law (Author) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Richard Grimmett (Mentor) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Remote Weather Station

Third Place

Cody Marshall (Contact Author) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

David Fluckiger (Author) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Erick Stone (Author) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Richard Grimmett (Mentor) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Embedded Systems II,  Poster Presentations

Autonomous Sailboat

First Place

Amanda Clark (Contact Author) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Heidy Cespedes (Author) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Eric Dixon (Author) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Richard Grimmett (Mentor) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Underwater Remote Operated Vehicle

Second Place

Jeffery Schiers (Contact Author) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Mark Norman (Author) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Jeffrey Cook (Author) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Richard Grimmett (Mentor) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Finite Element Modeling of Shear Testing of Microelectronics Bonding

Third Place

Derek Andrews (Contact Author) Physics

Levi Hill (Author) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

Stevan Hunter (Mentor) Computer Science and Electrical Enginee

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Health Science I,  Poster Presentations

Food Stamp and BMI Correlation

First Place

Erika Schenk (Contact Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Brantley Shattuck (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Chanse Powell (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Tate Saurey (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Dayne Shaw (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Merle Benedict (Mentor) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

The effects of health promotion on hand hygiene

Second Place

Mackenzie Warburton (Contact Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Kylie Cochran (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Mollie Lloyd (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Dallin Hope (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Anne Marie Clayson (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Merle Benedict (Mentor) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Gender differences in hand washing hygiene among BYU‐Idaho students

Third Place

Tyson Luu (Contact Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Amy Loomis (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Alice Wise (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Camilla Kuiken (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Lisa Rhudy (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Merle Benedict (Mentor) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Health Science II,  Poster Presentations

Noise Exposure at BYU‐Idaho Social Events

First Place

Jordan Nielson (Contact Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Sophia Paiz (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Katy McCooey (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Holly Mudgett (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Aaron Lyman (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Merle Benedict (Mentor) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

The Effects of Sleep on Grade Point Average on the BYU‐Idaho Campus

Second Place

Rachelle Penalo (Contact Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Erika Butler (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Lindsay Graham (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Cynthia Stevens (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Xavier Desforges (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Merle Benedict (Mentor) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Meningitis Awareness at Brigham Young University‐Idaho

Third Place

Tom Korth (Contact Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Alexandra Lovejoy (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Dallin Larson (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Bret Hunting (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Katherine Law (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Merle Benedict (Mentor) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Health Science III,  Poster Presentations

The Acute Effects of an Extended Stride Walking Protocol on Performance Measures

First Place

Ammon Thompson (Contact Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Kendra Lyberrt (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Megan Cardon (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Kyle Baer (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Evan Beus (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Stephen Jaderholm (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Devin Rollender (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Eli Lankford (Mentor) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Hang In There: A study of coping skills after attending a ropes course

Second Place

Rochelle Mathews (Contact Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Keith Barney (Mentor) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Perception of Health Statistics of Two Different Forms of Numerically Equivalent Statistics

Third Place

Chris Ahmed (Contact Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Ayesha Gloria (Author) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

Jim Hopla (Mentor) Health, Recreation and Human Perform

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Landscape & Construction Design,  Poster Presentations

Come Alive Outside Design Challenge‐ Children's Playground

First Place

Jillian Foss (Contact Author) Horticulture

Byron John (Mentor) Horticulture

National Association of Home Builders: Four Year Residential Construction Management Competition

Second Place

Elaine Janis (Contact Author) Design & Construction Management

Kameron Nauahi (Author) Design & Construction Management

Emily Oborn (Author) Design & Construction Management

Emily Lurker (Author) Design & Construction Management

Chris Welton (Author) Design & Construction Management

Ronny Nowland (Author) Art

Seth Shelman (Author) Design & Construction Management

Taylor Hunt (Author) Design & Construction Management

Brian Blaylock (Mentor) Design & Construction Management

Mountain Meadow Design Philosophy

Third Place

Andrew Murdoch (Contact Author) Communication

Katriel Abbott (Author) Communication

Shain Weiderholt (Author) Communication

Avery Johnson (Author) Communication

Katie Stewart (Author) Horticulture

John Thompson (Mentor) Communication

Reese Nelson (Mentor) Horticulture

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Mechanical Engineering I,  Poster Presentations


First Place

Eric Braithwaite (Contact Author) Mechanical Engineering

Philip Heiner (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Dustin Zaugg (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Darren Saunders (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Josh Hagen (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Alan Dutson (Mentor) Mechanical Engineering

Bean Bag Weighing Device

Second Place

Justin Dastrup (Contact Author) Mechanical Engineering

Cody Myers (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Ryan Tew (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Dan Lindquist (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Alan Dutson (Mentor) Mechanical Engineering

REV Embossing

Third Place

Vard Wells (Contact Author) Mechanical Engineering

Evan Steel (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Ryan Searle (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Alan Dutson (Mentor) Mechanical Engineering

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Mechanical Engineering II,  Poster Presentations

Jacked Up

First Place

Tyler Nelson (Contact Author) Mechanical Engineering

Kevin Dill (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Jason McCain (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Byron Nield (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Bryan Shurtz (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Greg Roach (Mentor) Mechanical Engineering

Flagship Dirt Bike Flag Mount

Second Place

Harold Bishop (Contact Author) Mechanical Engineering

Taylor Jenks (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Allen Peck (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Colt Warren (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Greg Roach (Mentor) Mechanical Engineering


Third Place

Zach Parkinson (Contact Author) Mechanical Engineering

Jordan Peterson (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Ben Allen (Author) Mechanical Engineering

John Dalton (Author) Mechanical Engineering

John Roylance (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Greg Roach (Mentor) Mechanical Engineering

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Mechanical Engineering III,  Poster Presentations

One Wheeled Skateboard

First Place

Ryan Carnahan (Contact Author) Mechanical Engineering

Michael Bair (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Adam Dean (Mentor) Mechanical Engineering

RC Baja with Computer Assisted Controls

Second Place

Steven Eliason (Contact Author) Mechanical Engineering

Trenton Evans (Author) Mechanical Engineering

Adam Dean (Mentor) Mechanical Engineering

Tactical Bot

Third Place

Dustin Parks (Contact Author) Mechanical Engineering

Devaun Crane (External Author) Mechanical Engineering

Nathan Helm (External Author) Mechanical Engineering

Alex Zaleski (External Author) Mechanical Engineering

Adam Dean (Mentor) Mechanical Engineering

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Mechanical Engineering IV,  Poster Presentations

Nuclear Reprocessing

First Place

Ryan Carnahan (Contact Author) Mechanical Engineering

Bill Cooley (Mentor) Mechanical Engineering

Biomass Gasifier

Second Place

Zach Smith (Contact Author) Mechanical Engineering

Russell Daines (Mentor) Mechanical Engineering

Are electric vehicles actually clean?

Third Place

Harold Bishop (Contact Author) Mechanical Engineering

Bill Cooley (Mentor) Mechanical Engineering

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Physics,  Oral Presentations

Scalable Interconnect Model For  Tower Jazz SBC18

First Place

Erik Harker (Contact Author) Physics

Evan Hansen (Mentor) Physics

Modifying TALYS to implement custom nuclear level densities

Second Place

Malachi Tolman (Contact Author) Physics

Kevin Kelley (Mentor) Physics

Activation energies of spark plasma sintered oxide dispersion strengthened steels

Third Place

Derek Andrews (Contact Author) Physics

Richard Hatt (Mentor) Physics

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Psychology I,  Poster Presentations

The Effects of a High Sugar Food Prior to Memory Task: Increase in Performance?

First Place

Barbara Sa (Contact Author) Psychology

Eric Gee (Mentor) Psychology

The Effects of Sleep on Reaction Time

Second Place

Whitney Jackson (Contact Author) Psychology

Eric Gee (Mentor) Psychology

Integrity in personality profiles

Third Place

Bradley Russell (Contact Author) Psychology

Eric Gee (Mentor) Psychology

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Psychology II,  Poster Presentations

The Impact of Female Vocalization on Male Sexism Beliefs

First Place

Nicholas Benyo (Contact Author) Psychology

Cora Solesbee (Author) Psychology

Robert Wright (Mentor) Psychology

BBC's Doctor Who: A Study in Female Characters

Second Place

Rebecca Moore (Contact Author) Communication

Joseph Struhs (Author) Communication

Tyler Minetto (Author) Communication

Joseph Meldrum (Author) Communication

Zak Ison (Author) Communication

Beth Hendricks (Mentor) Communication

Instantaneous excitement for visual stimuli with and without reading aloud: An electroencephalograph study.

Second Place

Rolando Fuentes (Contact Author) Psychology

Maria Hamblin (Author) Psychology

Jacob Pfleger (Author) Psychology

Yohan Delton (Mentor) Psychology

Jordan Hunter (Mentor) Psychology

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Research I,  Oral Presentations

A Story of Development: Mongolia's Mining Boom and the Changing Landscape of Sino‐Mongolian Relations

First Place

Molly Malim (Contact Author) Political Science

Scott Galer (Mentor) Languages and International Studies

Defining Religious Liberty In America

Second Place

Bradley Koeven (Contact Author) History

Lawrence Coates (Mentor) History

The Evolution of the Cantonese Vernacular Script: A Historical Context

Third Place

Michael Hyde (Contact Author) Languages and International Studies

Jeremy Lamoreaux (Mentor) Languages and International Studies

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Research II,  Oral Presentations

The Effects of Leaders' Personalities on International Relations: The Case of Egypt and Israel

First Place

Jonathan Egan (Contact Author) Political Science

Shane Crager (Author) Political Science

Dana Selk (Author) Political Science

Candy Murdock (Author) Political Science

Neal Carter (Mentor) Political Science

Twitter and Elections

Second Place

Richard Gittings (Contact Author) Political Science

Duane Adamson (Mentor) Political Science

The Power of Energy

Third Place

Jarom Robertson (Contact Author) Political Science

Duane Adamson (Mentor) Political Science

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Scholarship of Learning & Teaching I,  Poster Presentations

Have a clear AIM: "Accessible Instructional Materials for students with disabilities"

First Place

Kaitlyn Buffaloe (Contact Author) Teacher Education

Michael Christopherson (Mentor) Teacher Education

The (eye)Phone can help us all see better

Second Place

Miel Rodriguez (Contact Author) Teacher Education

Michael Christopherson (Mentor) Teacher Education

A Picture Worth a Thousand Words

Third Place

Madison Mancini (Contact Author) Teacher Education

Michael Christopherson (Mentor) Teacher Education

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Scholarship of Learning & Teaching II,  Poster Presentations

The Highs of Low Tech

First Place

Brittany McMillen (Contact Author) Teacher Education

Michael Christopherson (Mentor) Teacher Education

Design Thinking and Innovation

Second Place

Spencer Markham (Contact Author) Business Management

Katherine Thomas (Author) Psychology

Miles Blaine (Author) Communication

Josh Jordan (Author) English

Tucker Mortensen (Author) Psychology

Sean VanGenderen (Author) Psychology

Jarek Smith (Author) Business Management

Joe Hedrick (Author) Business Management

Tahari Julander (Mentor) Design & Construction Management

The Multiplicative Effects of Faculty‐Student Collaborations in Chemistry

Third Place

Kelly Wilson (Contact Author) Chemistry

Hector Becerril (Mentor) Chemistry

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Scholarship of Learning & Teaching,  Oral Presentations

Qualifying for Corporate Law

First Place

Mark Johnson (Contact Author) English

Delaina Scholes (Mentor) Communication

Outcomes of a school‐based mental health program

Second Place

Jordan Moon (Contact Author) Psychology

Eric Gee (Mentor) Psychology

Color of Culture 4H Day Camp

Third Place

Alaura Adams (Contact Author) Home and Family

Cheryl Empey (Mentor) Home and Family

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Sociology I,  Oral Presentations

Authoritarian Parenting and Juvenile Delinquency

First Place

Alyssa Danielson (Contact Author) Sociology and Social Work

Tiffany Jenson (Mentor) Sociology and Social Work

Domestic Violence and Relationships

Second Place

Livia Burright (Contact Author) Sociology and Social Work

Tiffany Jenson (Mentor) Sociology and Social Work

Family Religiosity and Adopted Youth's Delinquency

Third Place

Whitney Cummock (Contact Author) Sociology and Social Work

Tiffany Jenson (Mentor) Sociology and Social Work

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Sociology II,  Oral Presentations

Family Security

First Place

Megan Haslam (Contact Author) Sociology and Social Work

Tiffany Jenson (Mentor) Sociology and Social Work

The Impact of Father Absence on Teen Sexual Activity

Second Place

Lindsey Welch (Contact Author) Sociology and Social Work

Tiffany Jenson (Mentor) Sociology and Social Work

Indulgent Parenting's Influence On Child's Coping Abilities

Third Place

Erika Henrie (Contact Author) Sociology and Social Work

Tiffany Jenson (Mentor) Sociology and Social Work

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Sociology III,  Oral Presentations

Who is in control:  The impact of socioeconomic status on an individual's role within an extremist group.

First Place

Tyson Francis (Contact Author) Sociology and Social Work

Tiffany Jenson (Mentor) Sociology and Social Work

Religiosity & Law Enforcement

Second Place

Brian Jones (Contact Author) Sociology and Social Work

Tiffany Jenson (Mentor) Sociology and Social Work

Doomed From the Start?; The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Juvenile Delinquency

Third Place

Natalie Monson (Contact Author) Sociology and Social Work

Tiffany Jenson (Mentor) Sociology and Social Work

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Sociology IV,  Oral Presentations

Poverty and HIV/AIDS in Africa

First Place

Rebecca Van Brasch (Contact Author) Sociology and Social Work

Tiffany Jenson (Mentor) Sociology and Social Work

How Cocaine Use Impacts Violent Crime and Why

Second Place

Cody Haderlie (Contact Author) Sociology and Social Work

Tiffany Jenson (Mentor) Sociology and Social Work

Latin American Immigrants and Education

Third Place

Karen Bermudez (Contact Author) Sociology and Social Work

Tiffany Jenson (Mentor) Sociology and Social Work

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

Sociology V,  Oral Presentations

Efficient Market Hypothesis: Can Individuals and Institutions Beat the Market?

First Place

Thomas Sharpe (Contact Author) Economics

Allan Walburger (Mentor) Economics

How does social media usage impact educational aspiration and why?

Second Place

Jonathan Blakeman (Contact Author) Sociology and Social Work

Tiffany Jenson (Mentor) Sociology and Social Work

Does a Mother’s Availability Matter in Educational Achievement

Third Place

Marie Cooper (Contact Author) Sociology and Social Work

Tiffany Jenson (Mentor) Sociology and Social Work

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Winning Papers, Fall 2013

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