Winning market share for AceCad Software

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Winning market share for AceCad Software



I always wished for role where I could craft a David vs Goliath


Recruited by AceCad India in Sept 2010

Product Portfolio :

The Market Leader , net sales in 2010 amounted to nearly 58 million eurosand operating result to 10 million euros

India the second largest revenue generating teritory for Tekla

The Goliath :

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40%of the total AceCad Software

Licenses sold in India .

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60%Of the overall revenue generated by

AceCad Software India between

Sept 2010 Jan 2012 .

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Selling Value

Not Price

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Revenue generated by AceCad India between Sept 2010 – Jan 2012 =

Revenue generated by AceCad India between Jan 2007 – August 2010

200% increase

Won the AceCad GlobalSales Success Story Award .

Achieved Targets

100% +

Received Windfall Incentives

How did we , Do it ...

Sectors in which Tekla has market leadership and their comfort zone

We Took them head on not in

the board rooms of their comfort zone

But in the Trenches on the ground

By Creating New Markets ...

Concept Selling was the key ...

Developed & Educated a new market of user base driven by traditional manual methods to adopt BIM solutions

Established Leadership position in a new Sector - PEB

And the MarketLeader follows the

Under Dog !

Tekla marketing campaign before Jan 2011

Targeting their comfort zones

Tekla marketing campaign after Jan 2011

Tekla India revenue generators in 2010-2012

AceCad India revenue generators in 2010-2012

“Balaji learns fast. Has strong will to succeed to

understand his strength & weaknesses and builds

on them to achieve the organization's objectives.

Properly guided and coached, Balaji will be a

valuable asset to any sales organization”

Vincent Chia (Regional Director at Wrench Solutions Pvt Ltd )

managed Balaji at Wrench Solutions (Pvt) Ltd between

March 2009 – August 2010

Mr. Vincent ChiaDirector, Business Development | Channels | Alliances | Compliance at Tekla SEA Pte Ltd

“Do not Fear Mistakes , there are None”