winery - · beverage hygiene, a value added gear cleaning tile cleaning machinery...

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Transcript of winery - · beverage hygiene, a value added gear cleaning tile cleaning machinery...

Prehrambena i industrija pića

industrijska dezinfekcijasa ekološkim suvom parom

Menikini is a registered trade nameIn the continuous development of its products,Menikini reserves the right to make modificationsto the same without prior warning.

General Vapeur G.V. S.p.A.Headquarters: Strada per Castelletto 19/2120080 Albairate (MI) – Italy

Phone: +39.02.94981104Fax: +39.02.94981134Mail:










appliance examples

• barrique regeneration • removal of deposits• sanitizing of steel tanks

• sanitizing of filters• cleaning of glass, sanitary fittings and floors

• elimination of mould, bacteria and parasites

• leaving a neutral ph on treated surfaces

• cleaning of decantation pipes, fittings, machines, polished chromed


winerywine cellars

protect the taste

residues – first machinery – first encrustations – firstbarrel sanitization residues – after machinery – after encrustations – after

Steel surfaces are cleaned in an optimal way andwith less efforts thanks to the steam action.

The inside of wine barrels is difficult to reach and clean. With an appropriate steam jet system

it is possible to efficiently remove every kind of chemical agent's residues, bacteria

and deposits. Steam sanitizes each slot covered by microbes and every

kind of dirt that any other traditional cleaning method is able to reachand remove.At the end of the treatmentsurfaces are completelysanitized with any chemical agents deposits. In addition to barrel cleaning,a wine factory has other areas

and types of equipment that only steam is able to efficiently clean and sanitize.

Among others, these include pipes, flanges and taps.


Industrija prerade hrane, skladištenje i pakovanje prehrambenih proizvoda, peciva, fabrike testenina i hlebnih proizvoda, meso i mesne prerađevine, voće, povrće, konditorski proizvodi, sladoledi

Primeri korišćenja• Čišćenje i odmašćivanje radnih stolica, zidova i

plafona• Čišćenje i odmrzavanje delova hladnjaka• Bezhemijsko ubijane bakterija u slivnicima i

cevima• Čišćenje i održavanje ventilacionih vodova• Otklonjanje viška hrane• Čišćenje sistema za doziranje• Dezinfikovanje tankova za sečenje• Otklanjanje ulja sa kontrolnih i

razvodnih tabli• Dezinfikovanje i čišćenje filtera i grilova• Čišćenje konvejera, lanaca, traki, rolera i pakera• Održavanje i dezinfikovanje sistema za

zamrzavanje bez sklanjanja hrane

Dezinfikovanje suvom paromchocolate factory bakerycleaning a mixerfresh pasta-after salami factoryfresh pasta-beforesteel step



steam master

Tehnološko srce ove mašine može da generiše temperaturu od 185 C i pritisak od 10 bara; dizajnirana da čisti i održava površine, opremu i okruženje u generalnom. Ona predstavlja budućnost u industrijskom čišćenju.

Održavanje prehrambenog procesa je ključni element u zaštiti kupaca od mikroba, patogenih organizama, kvarenja hrane i svih ostalih faktora koji mogu da dovedu do zaraze i kvara proizvoda.Prehrambena industrija koriste snažne sisteme čišćenja proizvodnih linija i programa u cilju eliminisanja svih vidova bakterija i virusa. Tradicionalno čišćenje je proces u 2 faze: prvo, inicionalno čišćenje se vrši vodom i deterdžentima; drugo, vrši se dezinfekcija pomoću raznoraznih hemikalija na bazi hlora, joda, nitratnih soli, kiselina i supstanci baziranih na formaldehidu. Prihvatanje efektivnijeg vida čišćenja i održavanja je ključni cilj za eliminisanje patogenih elemenata od površine do same opreme. Pomoću Menikini industrijskih paročistača ovaj vid procesa postaje brži i lakši jer suva para smanjuje potrošnju, skraćuje vreme čišćenja i ujedno povećava uštedu na korišćenju hemikalija. Menikini mašine takođe garantuju totalno održavanje i ubijanje svih mikroorganizama zbog velike toplote nastale parom.

cateringrestaurants, catering, pizzerias, fast food,

canteens, self services, snack-bars, private clubs, cafeterias

thorough cleaning without detergentsadhesive-first plate-first cover-firstdeposits adhesive-after plate-after cover-after

appliance examples

• sanitizing and cleaning of bottling lines and nozzles

• removal of mouldsand bacteria

• cleaning of conveyor belts, chains, belts, rollers and packings

• removal of deposits• polishing of chrome-plate surfaces• machinery cleaning • floor sanitizing

bottling lines for wine, breweries, oil and milk production and packaging of soft drinks and fruit juices


hygiene, a value added

tile cleaning clean walkwaysgear cleaning machinery cleaning machinery cleaning

Companies specialized in bottling use automated mechanical systems.Conveyors tend to collect dirt, due to spillages of the products processed, residues oflubricants and grease used to maintainthe system in an efficient state and keepthe belts running smoothly.Storage tanks and vessels are subjectto the build up of deposits and encrustations from the product processed in the plant.

Saturated dry steam reachesevery nook and cranny, effectively sanitizing every component of the plant, avoiding the build up of fungi and moulds.

The reduced use of water allows youto clean control panels and other electricalcomponents.

green steam

Thanks to an innovative boiler, dry saturated steam is produced at temperature of 170 °C and at pressure of 6,5 bar for the most effective cleaning.

In modern catering it is compulsory to guarantee safe and healthy food consumption in clean and

hygienic premises. In order to guarantee these conditions we must plan, implement and use

procedures aimed at fighting the proliferationof micro-organisms and pathogens in


Menikini machines put steam technology at the disposal of operators and personnel in al the different sectors, offering the mosteffective sanitization process. Dry saturated steam is very versatile for sanitizing premisesand equipment: it is ideal for cleaning workbenches, ovens, burners, steel and chromesurfaces in general, any type

of surface will be perfectly clean and sanitized, with notable savings in time,

detergent and water.

application examples• sanitizing of workbenches• sanitizing of bathrooms

• sanitizing of bins• sanitizing of refrigerators

• cleaning of all kind of machinery: dish-washers, braziers, microwave

ovens, drinks distributors, ice-cream dispensers and frying tops

• deep cleaning of sinks, tanks and all washable walls

• removing grease and deposits from steel, teflon and tiles

• polishing of chrome-plate surfaces• cleaning equipment and ventilation ducts

• elimination of odors, germs and parasites• cleaning of floors, tops and windows

food industryconfectionery industry, storage and packaging of foodstuffs, bakeries,pasta factories and shops, dairies, groceries, butchers, meat processing plants, fish markets, chocolate factories, ice cream shops

application examples• cleaning and degreasing of workbenches,

walls and ceilings• cleaning and defrosting refrigeration fins and coils• chemical free killing of listeria in drains and pipes• cleaning and maintenance of ventilation ducts• removing food residues• cleaning of batching systems• cleaning and sanitizing of blending tanks• removing grease from control panels

and electrical boards• sanitizing filters and grilles• thorough cleaning of conveyors, chains,

belts, rollers and packings• sanitizing of refrigeration systems

without removing food

sanitizing with steamchocolate factory bakerycleaning a mixerfresh pasta-after salami factoryfresh pasta-beforesteel step



steam master 30 kW

The technological heart of this machine can generate a temperatureof 185 °C and a pressure of 10 bar; designed to clean and sanitize surfaces, equipment and environments in general, this isthe future of industrial cleaning.

Food processing sanitation is a key element in protecting the public from germs, pathogens and harmful bacteria that can lead to serious illness.The food industry uses strong cleaning and sanitizing lines and programs to eliminate each kind of bacteria and virus. Traditional sanitizing is a two-stage process: first, the initial cleaning with water and detergents; second, disinfecting with the aid of harsh chemicals such as chlorine, iodine, quaternary ammonium salts, acid and formaldehyde-based substances.Adopting an effective cleaning and sanitizing program is crucial to eliminating pathogens from surfaces and equipment. With Menikini industrial steam machines this type of processing becomes faster and easier as dry steam reduces system and line down times and saves chemical costs. Menikini machines also guarantee total sanitizing and killing of micro-organisms because of the heating shock.


čišćenje bez deterdženataadhesive-first plate-first cover-firstdeposits adhesive-after plate-after cover-after

appliance examples

• sanitizing and cleaning of bottling lines and nozzles

• removal of mouldsand bacteria

• cleaning of conveyor belts, chains, belts, rollers and packings

• removal of deposits• polishing of chrome-plate surfaces• machinery cleaning • floor sanitizing

bottling lines for wine, breweries, oil and milk production and packaging of soft drinks and fruit juices


hygiene, a value added

tile cleaning clean walkwaysgear cleaning machinery cleaning machinery cleaning

Companies specialized in bottling use automated mechanical systems.Conveyors tend to collect dirt, due to spillages of the products processed, residues oflubricants and grease used to maintainthe system in an efficient state and keepthe belts running smoothly.Storage tanks and vessels are subjectto the build up of deposits and encrustations from the product processed in the plant.

Saturated dry steam reachesevery nook and cranny, effectively sanitizing every component of the plant, avoiding the build up of fungi and moulds.

The reduced use of water allows youto clean control panels and other electricalcomponents.

green steam

Thanks to an innovative boiler, dry saturated steam is produced at temperature of 170 °C and at pressure of 6,5 bar for the most effective cleaning.

Restorani, ketering, picerije, brza hrana, kantine, samouslužni servisi hrane, snek

barovi, privatni klubovi, kafeterije

U modernom keteringu je obavezno garantovanje bezbednog i zdravog korišćenja hrane u čistim i

higijenskim uslovima. U cilju očuvanja te garancije mi moramo da planiramo te uslove, da sprovedemo i

koristimo procedure ciljane za borbu protiv širenjamikroorganizama i ostalih patogenih organizama generalno.

Primeri korišćenja

• Čišćenje i dezinfikovanje klupa i radnih stolova, kupatila, kanti, frižidera

• Čišćenje svih vrsta mašina: mašina za sudove, kotlova, mikrotalasnih pećnica, točionica, dispenzera za sladolede i friteza

• Duboko čišćenje lavaboa, bojlera isvih ostalih površina za pranje

• Otklanjanje ulja i ostataka sa čeličnih,teflonskih površina i pločica

• Poliranje hromiranih površina

• Čišćenje opreme i ventilacionih vodova• Odstranjivanje neprijatnih mirisa, bacila i


Menikini mašine koriste tehnologiju pare u cilju odstranjivanja osoblja iz različitih sektora, nudeći mnogo efektivniji proces održavanja. Suva zasićena para je veoma raznovrsna za čišćenje opreme: ona je idealna za čišćenje klupa,

pećnica, ložionica, čeličnih i hromiranihpovršina generalno. Bilo koja površina će

biti savršeno čista i održavana, uz veliku uštedu vremena, deterdženata i vode.

• Čišćenje podova, plafona i prozora

food industryconfectionery industry, storage and packaging of foodstuffs, bakeries,pasta factories and shops, dairies, groceries, butchers, meat processing plants, fish markets, chocolate factories, ice cream shops

application examples• cleaning and degreasing of workbenches,

walls and ceilings• cleaning and defrosting refrigeration fins and coils• chemical free killing of listeria in drains and pipes• cleaning and maintenance of ventilation ducts• removing food residues• cleaning of batching systems• cleaning and sanitizing of blending tanks• removing grease from control panels

and electrical boards• sanitizing filters and grilles• thorough cleaning of conveyors, chains,

belts, rollers and packings• sanitizing of refrigeration systems

without removing food

sanitizing with steamchocolate factory bakerycleaning a mixerfresh pasta-after salami factoryfresh pasta-beforesteel step



steam master 30 kW

The technological heart of this machine can generate a temperatureof 185 °C and a pressure of 10 bar; designed to clean and sanitize surfaces, equipment and environments in general, this isthe future of industrial cleaning.

Food processing sanitation is a key element in protecting the public from germs, pathogens and harmful bacteria that can lead to serious illness.The food industry uses strong cleaning and sanitizing lines and programs to eliminate each kind of bacteria and virus. Traditional sanitizing is a two-stage process: first, the initial cleaning with water and detergents; second, disinfecting with the aid of harsh chemicals such as chlorine, iodine, quaternary ammonium salts, acid and formaldehyde-based substances.Adopting an effective cleaning and sanitizing program is crucial to eliminating pathogens from surfaces and equipment. With Menikini industrial steam machines this type of processing becomes faster and easier as dry steam reduces system and line down times and saves chemical costs. Menikini machines also guarantee total sanitizing and killing of micro-organisms because of the heating shock.

cateringrestaurants, catering, pizzerias, fast food,

canteens, self services, snack-bars, private clubs, cafeterias

thorough cleaning without detergentsadhesive-first plate-first cover-firstdeposits adhesive-after plate-after cover-after

Primeri korišćenja

• Dezinfikovanje i čišćenje punionicaza flaše i rasprskivača

• Otklanjanje skrame i bakterija• Čišćenje pokretnih traka, lanaca,

pojaseva, rolera i pakera,• Otklanjanje ostataka• Poliranje hromiranih površina• Čišćenje mašina• Održavanje podova

Punjenje flaša za vino, pivo, alkoholna pića, ulje i mlečne proizvode i pakovanje sokova


HIGIJENA, DODATNA VREDNOSTtile cleaning clean walkwaysgear cleaning machinery cleaning machinery cleaning

Kompanije specijalizovane za punjenje flaša koriste automatske sisteme za punjenje. Konvejeri često skupljanju prljavštinu zbog prosipanja proizvoda tokom procesa, trošeći lubrikaciju i ulje koje služe za održavanje sistema efikasnim u radu. Cisterne za skladištenje često ostavljaju skramu na površinama tokom istakanja tečnosti.

Sistem sa zasićenom parom može stupiti do bilo kog ćoška ili dela, efektivno čisteći i održavajući svaki deo sistema za proizvodnju, sprečavajući širenje gljivica i skrame.

Smanjena upotreba vode omogućavavam da očistite kontrolne table i ostale električne komponente bez problemai opasnosti.

green steam

Zahvaljujući inovativnom bojleru, sistem suve zasićene pare je napravljen da proizvede temperaturu od 170 C na pritisku od 6,5 bara za većinu efektivnog čišćenja.

In modern catering it is compulsory to guarantee safe and healthy food consumption in clean and

hygienic premises. In order to guarantee these conditions we must plan, implement and use

procedures aimed at fighting the proliferationof micro-organisms and pathogens in


Menikini machines put steam technology at the disposal of operators and personnel in al the different sectors, offering the mosteffective sanitization process. Dry saturated steam is very versatile for sanitizing premisesand equipment: it is ideal for cleaning workbenches, ovens, burners, steel and chromesurfaces in general, any type

of surface will be perfectly clean and sanitized, with notable savings in time,

detergent and water.

application examples• sanitizing of workbenches• sanitizing of bathrooms

• sanitizing of bins• sanitizing of refrigerators

• cleaning of all kind of machinery: dish-washers, braziers, microwave

ovens, drinks distributors, ice-cream dispensers and frying tops

• deep cleaning of sinks, tanks and all washable walls

• removing grease and deposits from steel, teflon and tiles

• polishing of chrome-plate surfaces• cleaning equipment and ventilation ducts

• elimination of odors, germs and parasites• cleaning of floors, tops and windows

food &beverage

industrial sanitizingwith ecological dry steam

Menikini is a registered trade nameIn the continuous development of its products,Menikini reserves the right to make modificationsto the same without prior warning.

General Vapeur G.V. S.p.A.Headquarters: Strada per Castelletto 19/2120080 Albairate (MI) – Italy

Phone: +39.02.94981104Fax: +39.02.94981134Mail:










Primeri korišćenja

• Obnavljanje površina

• Otklanjanje ostataka

• Održavanje i dezinfikovanječeličnih cisterni

• Dezinfikovanje filtera

• Čišćenje stakla, sanitarnihpodloga i podova

• Otklanjanje skrame, bakterija iparazita

• Održavanje ph faktora naneutralnom nivou na radnimpovršinama

• Čišćenje cevi za odvodnjavanje,podloga, mašina i poliranihhromiranih površina


ZAŠTITA UKUSAresidues – first machinery – first encrustations – firstbarrel sanitization residues – after machinery – after encrustations – after

Čelične površine se čiste na optimalan način i uz manje napora zahvaljujući parnom čišćenju. Unutrašnjost vinskih buradi je teško dostupna za čišćenje. Uz adekvatan pokretni sistem za čišćenje moguće je efikasno otkloniti svaki vid hemijskog agensa, bakterija i ostataka. Para održava svaki deo

pokriven mikrobima i svaki deo prljavštine kojim bibilo koji klasičan metod čišćenja je u stanju da dopre

i otkloni.

Na kraju tog tretmana površine se kompletno sanituju pomoću bilo kog hemijskog sredstva za čišćenje.

Uz čišćenje buradi, fabrika vina ima druge oblasti

i tipove održavanja koje samo paročišćenje može efikasno da očisti i sanituje. Uz ovo, to uključuje cevi, prirubnice i slavine.

food &beverage

industrial sanitizingwith ecological dry steam

Menikini is a registered trade nameIn the continuous development of its products, Menikini reserves the right to make modifications to the same without prior warning.

General Vapeur S.R.L.Headquarters: Strada per Castelletto 19/2120080 Albairate (MI) – Italy Phone: +39.02.94981104Fax: +39.02.94981134Mail:










appliance examples

• barrique regeneration • removal of deposits• sanitizing of steel tanks

• sanitizing of filters• cleaning of glass, sanitary

fittings and floors• elimination of mould, bacteria

and parasites• leaving a neutral ph on treated

surfaces• cleaning of decantation pipes,

fittings, machines, polished chromed surfaces

winerywine cellars

protect the taste

residues – first machinery – first encrustations – firstbarrel sanitization residues – after machinery – after encrustations – after

Steel surfaces are cleaned in an optimal way and with less efforts thanks to the steam action.

The inside of wine barrels is difficult to reach and clean. With an appropriate steam jet system

it is possible to efficiently remove every kind of chemical agent's residues, bacteria

and deposits. Steam sanitizes each slot covered by microbes and every

kind of dirt that any other traditional cleaning method is able to reach and remove. At the end of the treatment surfaces are completely sanitized with any chemical agents deposits. In addition to barrel cleaning, a wine factory has other areas

and types of equipment that only steam is able to efficiently clean and sanitize.

Among others, these include pipes, flanges and taps.