Winch House News · Certificate III in Aged Care (CHC30208). Certificate III in Business...

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Transcript of Winch House News · Certificate III in Aged Care (CHC30208). Certificate III in Business...

Winch House News Hours: Open from 9:00am to 2:00pm Monday – Friday.

Phone: 52672028 Address: 28 Hesse St, Winchelsea



Closure over Summer Holidays: 22nd December – 22 January. Issue No10. December 2011

We would like to say a big thank you to Blake Glynn, who has decided to donate his

train table to Occasional Care. It has gotten a lot of use in only a week! Thank you to

Blake from the children at Occasional Care. Occasional Care has now got a new shade

sail up in the yard, thanks to Bob Verity of B&H Plumbing. We were able to purchase

the sail earlier in the year but had not been able to have it erected until now. With

only a few weeks left of the year it‟s time to get excited about our Christmas party.

Our last day of care for the year will be on Thursday 22nd December. We will be

having a party lunch, Santa, face painting and Christmas raffles. Childcare will run as usual from 9am—12pm

and then families who are not booked in for the morning are welcome to come from 12pm-2pm to participate in

the festivities. Please bring a plate to share for lunch and a gift for your child (from Santa). Numbers for

care are limited so please book and pay in advance to ensure a spot. Thank you all for a great year and looking

forward to seeing you all next year!

Community Garden - by Virginia Anscombe.

2011 has been a big year for the Winchelsea Com-

munity Garden. Fences erected, beds installed, and

most recently a group from Conservation Volun-

teers have painted some of the bed surrounds and

the table and chairs that have been donated to us,

this community. Our official opening

was held on December 1st. Feel free

to have a browse at this fantastic

community facility! Merry Christmas

and a safe and prosperous 2012.

2011 has been a full year that has gone quickly! We have had an array of goings on at Winch

House, from child care to community quilting, school holiday programs, community development,

counselling services and a range of Adult-Ed courses: Cert III in Business Admin, Children Services,

and Aged Care. Along with Level 2 First Aid, Furniture restoration and polishing, computer train-

ing, garden design etc. We have supported our Auspice Groups: Men’s Shed, Community Garden,

Trick or Treat Fest, Winch Skate-park Improvement Committee (SIC), WeCAN and Wensleydale Community Group. All up a

jam packed year. None of this would have happened without our fantastic staff and brilliant volunteers - a BIG thank you to all

for your hard work and dedication throughout the year. Winch House is here for our community so feel welcome to drop into the

House in 2012. We wish all a safe and happy festive season and will see you in the New Year!

From the Chair - by Birggite Hutchens

Thanks to all your ongoing support of the Winchelsea Community House, 2011 has been a

busy year and at times it feels like we are bursting at the seams. This to me shows that the

house is doing what it should, supporting and developing diverse opportunities for our local community. Thanks

again to all our wonderful staff and volunteers for their continual commitment and we look forward to a busy and

successful 2012. Look out for our 2012 Newsletter and feel welcome to drop in to the house anytime.

From the Manager - by Cathy Clark



Occasional Care - by Renee Taylor (Coordinator)

The Winchelsea Men’s Shed has pro-gressed well this year with our new Shed premises now in full operation,

and we are concentrating on recruitment of more mem-bers. This year we have been busy with fundraising, ap-plying for Grants and Donations, also we have received great support from local businesses with the internal fit-out of the Shed for which we are very thankful. We have been entertaining members of other Men’s Sheds, plus had a visit from some disabled groups from Colac. We are looking forward to our up-coming opening on the 10th of December.

The Winchelsea Men’s Shed - by David Kellis

On the 16th of November, the Wednesday Craft Group held a morning tea, where anyone

was welcome. A fun day was enjoyed by all. We had a wonderful display of all our mem-

bers beautiful quilts and other crafts. The “Community Quilt” in progress was also on

display. Those who joined us for morning tea were very impressed and admired our

„special treasures‟.

Craft and Hobby Group - Linda Mayman


Introduction to Excel - Expressions of Interest:

You will learn to create a spread-sheet, apply simple

formulas and how to edit them, format, save and


Introduction to Microsoft Word

Starting Monday 13th February 6.00pm-9.00pm:

This introductory course will cover all the essentials

of using Word. (duration 5 Weeks)

Create a Webpage - Expressions of Interest: Cre-

ate your own Webpage for personal or business pur-

poses. Computer knowledge required, not for begin-


Introduction to Computers

Starting - Thurs 1st March 9.30am-12.30pm: This

course is for people with no skill level on computers.

Computer’s for beginners. (duration 5 Weeks)


Introduction to Events Management

– Expressions of Interest.

Certificate III in Aged Care (CHC30208).

Certificate III in Business Administration


Certificate III in Children Services


Certificate II in Hospitality (SIT20207).

Certificate III in Home and

Community Care (CHC30308).

Provide Responsible Service of

Alcohol (SITHFAB009A).

Vocational Courses:

Garden Design Course - Expressions of Interest: This is for people at any level of gar-

dening experience; from blitzing your own backyard to minimal rearranging.

Furniture Restoration & French Polishing: This is a practical course taking you through the steps of

French polishing, where you will receive personal tuition at your own pace. You will need to bring a

small item to restore and the materials used in the preparation and polishing of the item.

We Warmly Welcome Erin Merry as the new Adult Education Coordinator for 2012