Wilson Pride Newsletter - Spring 2011

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p2 “We put a lot of thought into each of the programs that are currently in place in the district. There is a rationale for each practice, curriculum and course, which in turn has resulted in high achievement and expectations. While everything we currently do is justified and purposeful, we need to expect cuts within our current practice.” For More Information AboutTheWilson School District, PleaseVisit OurWebsite at www.wilsonsd.org Message from Our Superintendent, Dr.Thomas (Rudy) Ruth

Transcript of Wilson Pride Newsletter - Spring 2011

For More Information About The Wilson School District, Please Visit Our Website at www.wilsonsd.org


Work Begins On

2011-12 Budget





Spring Athletic


p10 WWilson’s Pride

Navigating Our Future

“We put a lot of thought into

each of the programs that are

currently in place in the district.

There is a rationale for each

practice, curriculum and course, which in turn has

resulted in high achievement and expectations. While

everything we currently do is justified and purposeful,

we need to expect cuts within our current practice.”

Message from Our Superintendent,Dr. Thomas (Rudy) Ruth

Each Wilson School District family is facing economic conditions that they

have never before had to encounter. Public education in general and

specifically the Wilson School District is no different. Economic restrictions

and anticipated reduced subsidies from the state and federal government,

in addition to the significant eroding of our assessment base place us in a

position where we will need to make tough decisions.

We put a lot of thought into each of the programs that are currently in

place in the district. There is a rationale for each practice, curriculum and

course, which in turn has resulted in high achievement and expectations.

While everything we currently do is justified and purposeful, we need to

expect cuts within our current practice. Our budget is limited in what it can

fund, which requires us to prioritize what we will choose to fiscally support.

While the above is a fiscal reality we also know that the future economic

stability of our country is extremely dependent on developing a workforce

that can compete at a global level. Although we are currently feeling a

great deal of economic angst, our quality of life is still the envy of the world

and the world is very hungry to obtain their share. Both white and blue

collar workers will find that their competition is largely outside their

regional area. In order to effectively compete we must continually assess

what we are doing and question if we should (1) discontinue, (2) enhance

or (3) modify to meet current conditions and needs.

As a matter of continuous improvement, we continue to cast a critical eye

on our practices and look for ways to improve within our current economic

constraints. A great example of this is our new WHS Academy programs

that will be in place in the 2011-12 school year. The expectation is that this

format will allow students to delve deeper into areas of interest which in

turn will allow them to achieve at a higher level. Subsequently this should

allow our students to better compete in the previously mentioned

competitive global environment. I encourage you to learn more about the

Academy initiative by visiting www.wilsonsd.org and clicking on the

Course Selection Information under the News section of the home page.

From a fiscal discipline mindset it is important to note that our academy

program has been developed within our existing budget model with no

additional costs.

One of the key factors to successfully navigate through our future will be

the quality of our communications. We endeavor to provide up to date

comprehensive communication to all our stakeholders. Please subscribe

to the Bulldog Blitz weekly e-newsletter (at www.wilsonsd.org/

BulldogBlitz) to keep up with the various opportunities for community


As we face this challenging time period we will need to continually define

what our “core” purpose is as a public school district. Our goal has always

been to develop well rounded students through a robust, well-delivered

academic program which is supplemented through a comprehensive

extracurricular program. Defining the “core” can be a challenge as this

definition will change based upon who is defining. In an effort to develop

the best definition of what constitutes core in the Wilson School District,

we will be conducting informational, participatory meetings with the

individuals who make up our community as well as those who work within

our system. Our intent is to obtain feedback on what we currently do,

engage in discussion on what we plan to do, and entertain thoughts on

possible fiscal savings. Quality communication and a thorough vetting of

possibilities will be crucial to achieve the best possible end result.



ridePA publication of the

Wilson School Board

to inform the citizens of the

Wilson community.






Educational excellence for tomorrow by

accentuating rigor, building relationships and

creating relevance.

Al Wicks, President

Carol Reid, Vice President

Daniel Choma, Secretary

George Mack, Treasurer

Steve Chmielewski Steve Ehrlich

Jason Hopp Jay Nigrini Michael Martin

Thomas (Rudy) Ruth, Ed.D.

Please contact:

Tracy Caputo Markle,

Public Information Director

610-670-0180 Extension 1111




Work Begins on 2011-12 BudgetDiane Richards, Director of Finance and Support Services

If you have been following the news lately you are well aware of the financial issues facing

Pennsylvania, the City of Reading, local municipalities, and school districts. The effects of the

economy are being felt by all, andWilson is no exception.

On February 7, 2011 the Wilson School Board approved the 2011-12 PRELIMINARY budget as

mandated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The preliminary budget reflects revenue

totaling $82,796,069, expenditures of $86,562,698, and a deficit of $3,766,629. This deficit is a

proposed 1 mill real estate tax increase. The major challenge now facing the school board is reducing

the current deficit by at least $1,766,629 between now and the adoption of the final budget in June. If

millage was not increased and remained at the current level the board would be looking for cuts

amounting to more than $4 million.

The timing of the preliminary budget is always difficult for the district but this year even more so as the

fate of one of its major revenue line items, state subsidy, is facing major changes. Newly elected

Governor Corbett will be releasing his state budget in the beginning of March which will outline for

schools what their proposed subsidy will be. There has been much speculation about changes that

Governor Corbett will implement in Pennsylvania, and education funding is one of the areas expected

to feel some pain. Pennsylvania is facing a budget deficit in excess of $4 billion and with the

Governor's campaign promise of not raising taxes and producing a balanced budget, cuts are

inevitable. The question which remains unanswered is how drastic the cuts will be. Wilson's

preliminary budget reflects revenue from the state totaling $14,827,562 or 18% of its total budget. In

anticipation of the state cuts the district reduced its basic subsidy by $796,230 or approximately 11%;

however what the district doesn't know at this point is whether the cuts

planned for will be enough. There is a possibility that an additional $1

million may be eliminated by taking state subsidy levels back to 2006-2007

and also eliminating the state's Accountability Block Grant monies of

$415,000 which has helped the district fund the full day kindergarten


In addition to state revenue what else makes up Wilson's revenue budget?

The preliminary budget reflects local revenue amounting to $66,666,099 or

81% of the total budget, with the largest source being real estate taxes.

Federal revenue amounts to $1,116,408 or 1% of the total budget. The

detail of Wilson's revenue sources can be seen on the chart titled

The challenges related to revenue have been extensive the last couple of

years. The economy has negatively affected real estate taxes, earned

income tax, business privilege tax, real estate transfer taxes and investment

earnings. One of the biggest revenue losses has been in the real estate

taxes. The assessment value of property is the main factor in determining

real estate tax income (assessment value x millage). In 2010 the district was

faced with more than forty commercial assessment appeals, many of which

are still not settled. Those appeals resulted in assessment reductions of

$26,134,900 or $573,661 in local real estate revenue. In 2011 another 26

properties appealed with assessment loss of $12,554,500 or $275,571 in

local tax dollars. In just two years the district lost $849,232 in local revenue

with the potential to lose even more as appeals are settled by the courts.

Millage works in conjunction with the assessed property value—if the

assessment value is rising the district will see additional local dollars even

without increasing the millage and the inverse is also true—if assessment

values are declining the district may need to increase millage but will not

see any additional dollars. Unfortunately Wilson finds itself in the latter of

these two scenarios with assessment values declining.



Where Does Wilson's Money Come From?

[continued on page 3]

Where Does Wilson's Money Come From?2011-12 Preliminary Budget

LOCAL $66,666,099 81%

Real Estate Taxes (Current, Interim & Delinquent) $56,766,080

Earned Income Tax $4,800,000

Business Privilege Tax $1,700,000

IDEA Grant (Special Education) $976,829

Real Estate Transfer Taxes $670,000

Tuition from other Schools $500,000

Per Capita Taxes $246,000

Athletic Revenue $200,000

Local Services Tax $105,000

Investment Earnings $100,000

Public Utility Realty Tax $75,560

All Others $526,630

STATE $14,827,562 18%

Basic Education Subsidy $6,355,267

Special Education Subsidy $2,057,075

State Share of Retirement $1,837,795

State Share of Social Security $1,590,593

Bond Payment Reimbursement $1,415,317

Transportation $710,000

Accountability Block Grant $415,765

All Others $445,750

FEDERAL $1,116,408 1%


Use of Fund Balance $3,766,629

TOTAL REVENUE $86,562,698



W[Budget ... continued from page 2]

With revenues declining the district finds itself in a position like individuals

and businesses of our district, needing to reduce expenses. This proves to

be challenging for schools because educating students is both labor

intensive and highly regulated. In looking at the dollar bill graph salaries

and benefits account for 67% of the district's expenses, debt 14%,

operating costs 12%, supplies and books 5%, and other expenses 2%.

Tough decisions will need to be made, and the administration will be

working over the next several months reviewing all programs and

operating practices in preparation for making recommendations to the

school board. Wilson has always strived to keep operating costs low by

taking advantage of joint purchasing consortiums for things such as

supplies, electric, and fuel, and the district will continue to look for and

improve upon its efficiencies.

The graph titled shows Wilson's

expenses by activity—54% is spent on instructional programs, 29% on

instructional support services, 15% on other uses, and 2% on non-

instructional services. Wilson prides itself in offering many wonderful

educational, co-curricular and athletic programs but each will feel the

effects of the current economic constraints.

The district will be holding special budget sessions this spring for

employees and the community to keep everyone informed during the

budget process and to encourage participation in coming up with

solutions to the district's financial situation. The strategies that the school

board and administration will use in working on reducing the deficit are:

1. Looking for additional revenue sources

2. Improved efficiencies in energy conservation, use of technology, etc.

3. Cuts to programs/departments

4. Defer spending on facil ities and


5. Eliminate nonessential/nonmandated


6. Reduce instructional positions and

programs by attrition, reduce class

offerings, increasing class sizes, etc.

While the financial challenges facingWilson are

great, the district has been blessed with a

school board that had the foresight to be

planning for this change for some time now.

The district, even today with all the changes

taking place, is still in a strong financial position

that allows for careful options to be considered.

The expectations for student achievement will

remain high, even in light of the funding issues

the district is facing. This is a time for theWilson

community to shows its strength with all

stakeholder groups coming together in

maintaining its goal of continually enhancing

practices to maximize the potential of each


EXPENDITURES: How is the Money Spent?

How Is the Money Spent?2011-12 Preliminary Budget

Instructional Programs $46,881,123 54%

Regular Instruction $34,402,171

Special Education $9,934,475

Vocational Education $2,260,199

Other Instruction $284,278

Instructional Support Services $24,682,659 29%

Pupil & Instructional Staff Support $7,693,276

Administration $5,194,905

Pupil Health $785,842

Business/Fiscal $904,300

Operations & Maintenance of Buildings/Grounds $7,553,870

Transportation $2,164,656

Central Support & Others $385,810

Non-Instructional Services $2,180,196 2%

Student Activities $494,985

Athletics $1,582,795

Community Services $102,416

Other Financing Uses $12,818,720 15%

Debt $11,818,720

Budgetary Reserve $1,000,000



Visit www.wilsonsd.org/Budget for Budget FAQs and

information, and register to be notified about budget

updates via email.


W*Record of immunizations:

*Child's birth certificate

*Proof of residency – (2) proofs of residency items and a rental/lease/mortgage

agreement or property deed required.


Child Care


DPT-(4) doses with one on or after fourth birthday;

Polio (3) doses;

MMR (2) doses both on/or after first birthday;

Hepatitis B (3) doses with (3 ) dose on/or after six months.

Varicella- (2) doses or proof of Chicken Pox

All need to be verified by the doctor along with the dates they were given. Medical

exemptions require a doctor's signed explanation. Religious exceptions require a

parental signature.

Please attend the registration session in your school. If you are unable to attend

your home school registration, please contact Elva Boyd at 610-670-0180 extension 1152

for a date AFTER May 11 to register your child for Kindergarten.

information is available on theWilson School District web site.



If you are planning to enroll your child in Kindergarten, please complete the

registration form below and return it to the address listed below by Friday, April

15, 2011. A packet of papers will be mailed to you as soon as we receive your

preregistration form.

There are changes to our registration process. The registration

dates for the school year 2011-2012 will be a paper registration for

at the child's assigned building. A separate program will be held for

Kindergarten students during the summer at each building. The dates for this

student orientation program will be announced at registration.

ALL FORMS we send you should be completed at home and brought with you to

registration. In addition, you will need the following items:


Wilson's children are eligible for Kindergarten if they will be five (5) years old by

September 1, 2011.



May 2 – GreenValley

May 3 –Whitfield

May 4 - Spring Ridge

May 5 -WestWyomissing

May 5 – Lincoln Park

May 6 – Shiloh Hills

May 10 - CornwallTerrace

(at West Wyomissing Elementary School)

(includes boundaries West of Green Valley Road,

North of Faust Rd. Northwest of Evans Hill Road)

(includes West Lawn, Milbeth II, Concord Court Apts.,

Spring Valley Apts, Whitfield, Springmont and

Sinking Spring borough excluding Huron and

Oneida Drive and Sioux Ct.)

( i nc l ud es Col ony Par k , Woodl and Pl aza ,

Wynnewood, Greenwood Mall, Will-O-Hill Apts.;

Rosewood Hills Development, Victoria Crossing,

Berkshire Estates, Drexelwood, Spring Ridge and

boundaries East of Snyder Road, and boundaries

East of State Hill Road)

(includes Springwood Apts.)

(includes Midvale Manor, Lincoln Park Apts,

Presidential Arms)

(includes lower Spring Township South of Old

Fritztown Rd. and along Fritztown Rd., and Lancaster

Pike, including the developments of Shiloh Hills,

Royal Oaks, Grings Hill Estates, Wheaton Heights,

Tallowyck, The Oaks, TomLisa, Columbia Ct.,

Stonegate II, Beverly Heights and Springside Apts.)

(includes Cornwall Terrace, Oak View Meadows and

Terrace, Lenape Valley, Spring Oaks, Werner Farms,

Stonegate, Western Meadows, Berkshire Hills and

Beacon CourtTownhouses)

Cornwall Terrace - Green Valley - Lincoln ParkShiloh Hills - Spring Ridge - West Wyomissing - Whitfield

***Held at West Wyomissing School


This form must be returned by Friday, April 15, 2011



WWilson Education Association!

Building a Bridge Over the Digital DivideBeth Bausher, Director of Technology

The term digital divide has been around for almost 20 years, but still continues to

be a factor in the education and success of countless individuals. So what is the

digital divide? The digital divide refers to the gap between people with access to

digital and information technology, such as computers and the Internet, and

those with very limited or no access.

The importance of your child having access to a computer to complete school

work and communicate with faculty is part of the educational experience at

Wilson School District. Our district's curriculum is exploding with new on-line

courses and upgraded curriculum that necessitates access to a computer. This

leaves those families who are the “have-nots” of this digital divide at a

disadvantage. According to a series of recent studies by the Center for Justice,

Tolerance and Community at UC Santa Cruz, home computers and Internet

access are helping high school students stay enrolled, graduate and prepare for

college at higher rates than students without these facilities.

In December, the district sent out a phone survey to parents to assess how many

students do not have access to a computer or the Internet at home.

Less than 10 percent of respondents from this survey answered that they did not

have access to a computer at home, with slightly more not having access to the

Internet. We were surprised to see such a large number of students do not have a

cell phone with web capabilities and expect the number of cell phones with

Internet access to increase significantly as more students purchase smartphones

such as the iPhone and Droid.

Recognizing the importance of computer access for our student's education, CDI

Computers has offered to setup a discounted computer purchase program for

our district families. A full size Dell desktop, laptop, and netbook model are

currently being offered at very aggressive pricing. Go to our district website at

www.wilsonsd.org, and click on the link for Home Computer Purchase Program

under NEWS to access CDI Computer's Wilson computer discount website to

review more information and make a purchase.

Another option is to utilize our district library computers. Most of our school

libraries have extended hours before and after school in order to accommodate

computer work. Contact your individual school for more information. Also, be

sure to contact your local community library as many of them offer computer

access during normal hours.

Access to computers and the Internet, and the ability to effectively use this

technology is important for full participation in our economic, political and

social life. If your child does not have access to a computer at home, please take

advantage of one of the above options to help close the gap for your child.

Technology!Wilson Education Association ScholarshipsChris Wagner, WEA Scholarship Chairperson

Each year WEA offers 4 scholarships to graduating seniors – three for any major,

one for education majors. All Wilson seniors all children of WEA members

who graduate from other schools are eligible for these scholarships. Of course, if a

Wilson senior is also a child of a WEA member then they are eligible under both

policies. Applications and additional information are available on the WEA

website (click on Scholarships): www.wilsonea.psealocals.org

Due date for applications is . Applications and related

materials must be sent to Chris Wagner at the High School – Upper House. Late

entries are not accepted.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Looking for Scholarships?Attention Seniors! Please go to www.wilsonsd.org/Scholarships to view a

list of available scholarships that are accepting applications this spring.

Please note there are 3 pages of scholarships, and you can navigate the

pages via the links on the left side of the screen. As scholarships are

announced, the applications and details will be added to this site.


WPredicting Academic Progress: PA's ValueAdded Assessment SystemBy Dr. Michelle Saylor, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Staff Development

“Cadillac, the new standard of the world.” This line, from recent Cadillac

commercials, drives home an interesting point. Cadillac, like student and school

assessments, isn't new. However, the old look and feel no longer serves consumer

needs. So too with our school assessment system. It is no longer good enough to

only know where our students are now with regard to achievement; we must also

understand where they may be in the future. How much academic growth are they

likely to gain over the course of a year? What will their progress look like?

There are numerous tools districts use to track student assessment data for analysis

in an effort to ensure our instruction is supporting our students' needs.

Pennsylvania's Value Added Assessment System (PVAAS) is a tool that enables us to

chart school progress with new achievement data. While our PSSA data provides

us opportunity to see where in the continuum of learning our students are at the

time of the test, PVAAS enables districts to project that achievement data and see if

students are on an appropriate trajectory to attain proficiency on future PSSAs.

In late summer, all 500 school districts across Pennsylvania received web-based

reporting through PVAAS. This data offers an objective and more precise way to

measure student progress as well as the value schools and districts add to our

students' educational experiences. PVAAS provides two types of information: 1)

value-added (or growth) data on cohorts of students and, 2) student level

projection data. Wilson School District analyzes PVAAS (progress data) along with

PSSA (achievement data) to enact instructional, program, and resource changes

necessary to support our students. By utilizing all the data available, progress and

achievement, as well as other formative and summative assessments, educators

are able to make data-informed instructional decisions ensuring student academic

growth and achievement. PVAAS data, the value added or growth data on cohorts

(grade level groups of students), is currently in the process of being made public

and the Pennsylvania Department of Education will inform us in the near future of

the release date for this information.

PVAAS provides feedback to the following, among other, key questions:

Did each cohort of students make a year's worth of growth in reading (grades

4-8 and 11), math (grades 4-8 and 11), science (grades 4, 8, and 11), and

writing (grades 5, 8, and 11)?

Is each individual student on a trajectory to reach proficient or advanced

levels on a future reading, math, science, and writing assessment?

We believeWilson schools are adding significant value to our students' educational

experiences. By learning from our data, we can continue to increase the value of

these experiences and meet our students' needs more effectively. In partnership

with our parents and our community, Wilson schools will continue to set the new

standard of excellence. Additional information will be forthcoming at a later date.



WHS Tours for current 8th grade Parochial/Private studentsEach Spring, we are contacted frequently by families with students who

are deciding whether to continue their schooling in their current Parochial

or Private school or to explore the option of attending Wilson High School

in the Fall. In order to make the most efficient use of the time of our WHS

Principals, we are offering 2 set times for tours of Wilson High School for

these students and families on Tuesday, April 19. Tours for Wilson's

currently enrolled incoming 9th graders will be offered in August prior to

the start of school.

If you are interested in a tour, please choose one of the following times:

Tuesday, April 19 – 10:15am OR 6:00pm

You can register online at www.wilsonsd.org/WHS - The link is under the

NEWS section. If you have any questions, please call theWHS Lower House

office at 610-670-0180 x1126.



!Wilson EducationFoundation (WEF)

The Wilson Education Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization in

existence to benefit the Wilson School District by supplementing tax funding

through private contributions and the Education Improvement Tax Credit

program for businesses.


Back by popular demand, Branson's finest Tenor, George Dyer, will return to

Wilson for a public performance on FRIDAY, MAY 13 at 7:00pm. Please visit

www.GeorgeDyer.com to learn about George and hear samples of his stunning

voice. He will change up the show from last year, but still offer his beautiful and

powerful renditions of popular tenor classics and some of Broadway's best.

Tickets are on sale now! Please go to www.wilsonsd.org/EdFoundation to place

your order. $25 for adults and $10 for students.



Save the date of Friday, June 10 for the second annual "Wilson Night at the

Reading Phillies!”Mark your calendar and break out your WIlson spiritwear as

the R-Phils take on the Altoona Curve in specially created Wilson baseball

hats, and possibly jerseys, and then autograph them and auction them off at

the end of the game.We will celebrate all thingsWilson at the game, and don't

forget to stick around until the end for those famous R-Phils fireworks! Tickets

for Wilson staff, district residents, and alumni are only $1 each! Go to

www.wilsonsd.org/ EdFoundation to sign up & reserve your tickets.

We are still looking for a few sponsors to make this night possible. Please

contact Tracy Caputo Markle at captra@wilsonsd.org or 610-670-0180 x1111

if you are interested in the marketing benefits of this sponsorship.

The Wilson Education Foundation has partnered with the Reading Phillies for

their 2011 season so that $1.00 from each individual game ticket purchased

online at www.readingphillies.com will benefit the Wilson Education

Foundation. A special coupon code has been created and must be utilized in

order to track the number of tickets purchased. Here’s how it works:

Once your desired reserved seats or general admission tickets have been

selected and added to your basket, click on the Apply Discount button.

TypeWILSON in the coupon code box.

Click on 'unlock”

Change the price of each of the tickets in your basket to the Fundraiser

(PROMO) price

Following these simple steps will ensure that $1.00 of each ticket purchased

will benefit the Wilson Education Foundation. Thank you for your support

and Let's Go R-Phils!






The Wilson website underwent a facelift recently.

Log on to www.wilsonsd.org to see the new look.





www.wilsonsd.org/Calendar - Current and 2011-12 District calendars

www.wilsonsd.org/CycleDay - Monthly Cycle Day calendars

www.wilsonsd.org/Flyers - All flyers are here, since no paper goes home

www.wilsonsd.org/Lunch - All lunch menus for the current month

www.wilsonsd.org/BulldogBlitz - Sign up to receiveWSD's weekly e-newsletter

www.wilsonsd.org/PSSA - PSSA Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about the Alert Now phone notification system? Please

visit www.wilsonsd.org and click on the “AlertNow Frequently Asked Questions”

link in the News section to have your questions answered.

Did you know that the Wilson School District makes daily posts on our “Wilson

Bulldogs” Facebook page to help remind parents and community members

about upcoming events, reminders, notices, and any current WSD happenings?

Just log on to Facebook, go to Wilson Bulldogs and LIKE us to get our daily

updates right in your news feed.

On Tuesday, March 22 at 7:00pm, Dr. Ruth will host his monthly open forum Town

Hall meeting, with a focus on the school budget. Please join us for this interactive

meeting so that you can hear first-hand about the state of the budget, learn

about the process of preparing the budget, and have the opportunity to share

your thoughts with Dr. Ruth and other administrators.


The Bulldog Blitz is a weekly e-newsletter that goes out to 3300 parents, staff and

community members. We want to keep you informed. Please help us to

communicate with you consistently and comprehensively with this tool. Go to

www.wilsonsd.org/BulldogBlitz to join your neighbors and friends in receiving

the Blitz every Friday, directly to your email inbox. Since no paper flyers are sent

home anymore, the Blitz is your one-stop shop for flyers, information,

announcements, schedule changes, athletic & event schedules, and staff and

student recognition. If your email address is entered into your child’s Home

Access Center profile, you are automatically added to the Blitz list.


The Wilson Scholarship Fund and the Wilson Education Foundation have often been confused. They serve 2 very different, but extremely worthwhile purposes.

The Wilson Scholarship Fund exists to help fund a significant scholarship for a graduating senior to assist them in furthering their collegiate education after

leaving the halls of Wilson High School. The Wilson Education Foundation exists to help fund programs, staff, opportunities, and potentially facilities so that we

can maintain the K-12 excellence that has become synonymous with theWilson School District.

The Wilson Scholarship Fund (WSF)committee is made up of community members and retired teachers and they seek to not only greatly assist one senior each

year, but to offer some funding to previous winners for each of their 3 consecutive collegiate years. WSF was created in 1992, and gives out its annual scholarship

of up to $10,000 on the basis of need, essay, SAT scores, community service, and school activities. Students submit applications in April, finalists are interviewed

in May, and the winner is announced at the graduation ceremony in June. Contributions to the fund are accepted at Wilson Scholarship Fund, 2601 Grandview

Blvd,West Lawn, PA 19609.




Greetings community members of the Wilson School District. My name is Kevin

Focht and I'm the Battalion Executive Officer of the JROTC program at Wilson. I'm

looking for information on some Wilson HS alumni that died in military service to

our country. I want to make sure that my list is complete along with learning

more about these men. For my Eagle project and the JROTC program, I

constructed a flag case which was hung in the Wilson HS auditorium lobby. My

original thought was to promote patriotism in the high school, but later decided

to dedicate the project to the fallen alumni…reminding all that pass of the

sacrifices of those Wilson students who unselfishly and bravely served our

country. On Pearl Harbor Day 2009, I was presented with a very special flag to

hang in the case; one that flew over in Afghanistan on 9/11/03 at a US army base.

The unveiling and dedication ceremony was held in May 2010. I would like to

hang a plaque next to the case listing all these soldiers' names, but I don't want to

miss anyone. Please contact me at kvfocht@yahoo.com or call me at 610-670-

2769 if you have any information on these soldiers or names that I'm not aware of.

WHS graduation years are in parentheses.Thank you!

Charles H. Ginder (1932), Leonard F. Stephan (1933), Raymond C.

Stenbergh (1937), Merlin N. Becker (1937), George J. Shenberger (1939), William

G. Wien (1939), Elmer R. Jackson (1939), Melvin S. Hatt (1939), Fritz H. Goedeke

(1940), Russell E. Reed (1941), Robert C. Hassel (1942), Robert H. Fields (1942),

Joseph C. Zug (1943), Daniel J. McGettigan (1943), Robert C. Ferree (1943), Horst

G. Mezger (1943), Harold E. Bassler (1944), Ned Kauffman (1945)

Richard H. Royer (1959), Larry L. Keener (1960), Kenneth W. Wickel

(1963), Kenneth E. Sands (1965)

Joshua D. Seitz (2008)

Jonathan M.Walls (2001)



Operation Iraqi Freedom:

Operation Enduring Freedom:

!Wilson AlumniPlease go to www.wilsonsd.org/Alumni to see upcoming reunion

announcements and information on joining the Wilson Alumni


5:00-11:00pm (dinner served at 6:00pm)

Galen Hall - Outside in the Pavilion

$30pp, includes meal, beer and soda

Register via Facebook page“


Wilson Class of 1986Saturday, August 6

Wilson High School Class of 1986 - 25th Year Reunion”


Communities That Care

Friday, March 25 Swim n' Gym + Games

Wilson High School Pool: 6:30 - 8:30 pm

Wednesday, April 13

Sportsworld presentation by Devon McDonald

7:00-8:30 pm

Former pro American football linebacker for Indianapolis Colts;

Arena Football Leagues Tampa Bay Storm

Friday, May 6 - Wilson High School Talent Show

Wilson High School Auditorium: 7:30-10:00 pm.

Monday, May 9 – Friday, May 13

Silent Art Auction / Wilson High School Arts Festival

Wilson High School Auditorium Lobby: school hours and evenings.





**stick packages with the above items and a field hockey ball can be

purchased for $30 or $40

Wilson School District

A week long day camp for young lady bulldogs to learn basketball skills and









A popular five day camp for young men to learn and develop basketball skills and









Developing young ladies of character through the sport of field hockey is the goal

of the Wilson Field Hockey Program. This camp will develop field hockey skills,

teach the most recent techniques and strategies, and encourage teamwork.








is offering, to

, different sports camps designed to

give you an opportunity to improve skills, enhance

techniques and enjoy the sport of your choice. Wilson Varsity Coaches will be directing

the camp with assistance from staff and players.

All individuals enrolled are required to comply with the rules and regulations of the

Wilson School District. Any violation of these rules will result in dismissal from the

camp/clinic without a refund.

A tee shirt will be given to each camper as part of the camp fee

Transportation to and from the camp/clinic will be each student's responsibility.

Each camp has a size limit (min. as well as max.). Registration for all camps is first come –

first serve. Please be advised, if you register a child for a camp that is filled you will be

notified and placed on a waiting list.

Coach Doug Myer, Wilson coaches and members of the Wilson


Any young lady entering third through tenth grade in the fall of 2011

Monday, June 27 – Friday, July 1

Wilson High School Gymnasium

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon


Campers should bring a drink with them

Varsity Coach Matt Coldren and the Wilson Basketball Staff and

members of theWilson BasketballTeam

Any young man entering fourth through tenth grade in the fall of 2011

Monday, July 4 – Friday, July 8

Wilson High School Upper and Lower House (formally CJH)


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon - Arrive at the

on Monday.


Campers should bring a drink with them

Coach Kim Underwood, Wilson coaches, and members of the Wilson

Field HockeyTeam

Any young lady entering 2 through 8 grade in the fall of 2011

Monday, Aug. 1 –Thursday, Aug. 4

Wilson Southern Middle School Field Hockey Field

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

$75.00 for first player in a family/$25.00 for each additional player in a


Hockey stick, shinguards, and a mouthguard

residents of the

Wilson School District








Wilson High School Gymnasium

at 8:30 a.m.

nd th


This day camp will teach and develop cheerleading skills. Campers will grouped

according to ability: Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced.








Campers from this cheerleading camp will be invited to join the cheerleaders in a

special performance at the Friday, September 30, 2011 Varsity Football Game,

duringYouth Night.

Wilson Varsity Coaches Karen Rudisill and Karen Borelli, and Wilson

Varsity Cheerleaders

Any young bulldog (boys and girls) entering grades 1-8

Monday, August 8 -Thursday, August 11

Wilson High School Gymnasium

Monday – Wednesday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00



Bring lunch Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Drink will be provided

at no additional cost.

– For any student entering grades 6 through 9 in the fall of 2011

– A non-contact camp for young male bulldogs

entering second through seventh grade in fall of 2011

– A non-contact camp for young male

bulldogs who will be playing middle school or freshman football in the fall of 2011

– A camp for students entering second through twelfth grades

– A program for young bulldogs in grades

kindergarten and first during the fall of 2011. Players will learn basic football skills from

the Wilson staff and players and then play flag football against each other for the

remainder of the session.

Please visit -“Camps 'n Clinics” link to find the

entire listing and links to the registration forms and information. Once a registrant has

been registered payment may be mailed to secure the registration.

Contact: Valarie Noecker, Recreation Coordinator

Wilson School District - Athletic Office

2601 Grandview Blvd. West Lawn, PA 19609

(610) 670-0180 ext.1223 noeval@wilsonsd.org













BASEBALLBoys Varsity

Boys JV

Boys Freshman

Wednesday 3/16/2011 Warwick Senior HS Away 4:00PMSaturday 3/19/2011 Coatesville Area HS Away 3:45PMFriday 3/25/2011 Bethlehem Liberty Away 3:30PM

Tuesday 3/29/2011 Penn Manor High School Away 4:15PMThursday 3/31/2011 *Exeter Away 4:15PM

Thursday 4/7/2011 *Reading Away 4:15PMSaturday 4/9/2011 Owen J. Roberts Away 11:00AM

Tuesday 4/19/2011 *Conrad Weiser Away 4:15PM

Monday 4/25/2011 *Fleetwood Away 4:15PM

Thursday 4/28/2011 *Governor Mifflin Away 7:00PM

Thursday 5/12/2011 ()(BCIAA Team Tourn.) Away TBASaturday 5/14/2011 ()(BCIAA Team Tourn.) Away TBA

Tuesday 3/29/2011 Penn Manor High School Away 4:15PM

Saturday 4/2/2011 Central Dauphin Away 11:00AMTuesday 4/5/2011 Governor Mifflin Away 4:15PM

Tuesday 4/12/2011 Muhlenberg Away 4:15PMSaturday 4/16/2011 Boyertown Away 11:00AM

Thursday 4/21/2011 Daniel Boone Away 4:15PM

Tuesday 4/26/2011 Exeter Away 4:15PM

Tuesday 5/3/2011 Reading Away 4:15PMThursday 5/5/2011 Twin Valley Away 3:45PM

S Monday 3/28/2011 Phoenixville Area HS Away 3:45PMThursday 3/31/2011 Spring-Ford High School Away 4:00PM

Thursday 4/7/2011 Reading Away 4:15PMWednesday 4/13/2011 Governor Mifflin Away 4:15PM

Monday 5/2/2011 Owen J. Roberts Away 4:15PMWednesday 5/4/2011 Pottsgrove High School Away 4:15PM

Thursday 5/12/2011 Boyertown East Away 4:15PM

Monday 3/28/2011 Blue Mountain Home 4:15PM

Saturday 4/2/2011 Central Dauphin Home11:00AMTuesday 4/5/2011 *Governor Mifflin Home 4:15PM

Tuesday 4/12/2011 *Muhlenberg Home 4:15PMSaturday 4/16/2011 Boyertown Home11:00AM

Thursday 4/21/2011 *Daniel Boone Home 4:15PM

Tuesday 4/26/2011 *Exeter Home 4:15PM

Tuesday 5/3/2011 *Reading Home 7:00PMThursday 5/5/2011 *Twin Valley Home 4:15PM

Wednesday 3/16/2011 Warwick Senior HS Home 4:00PMSaturday 3/19/2011 Coatesville Area HS Home 3:45PMFriday 3/25/2011 Bethlehem Liberty Home 3:30PM

Thursday 3/31/2011 Exeter Home 4:15PM

Thursday 4/7/2011 Reading Home 4:15PMSaturday 4/9/2011 Owen J. Roberts Home11:00AM

Tuesday 4/19/2011 Conrad Weiser Home 4:15PM

Monday 4/25/2011 Fleetwood Home 4:15PM

Thursday 4/28/2011 Governor Mifflin Home 4:00PM

Monday 4/4/2011 Pottsgrove High School Home 4:15PMTuesday 4/5/2011 Boyertown West Home 4:15PM

Friday 4/15/2011 Pope John Paul ll HS Home 4:15PMMonday 4/18/2011 Owen J. Roberts Home 4:15PMMonday 4/25/2011 Phoenixville Area HS Home 4:15PMThursday 4/28/2011 Spring-Ford High School Home 4:15PM

Monday 5/9/2011 Governor Mifflin Home 4:15PM

Friday 5/13/2011 Reading Home 4:15PM

Boys Southern Pony

Boys West

Boys West Pony

Boys Southern Middle

Wednesday 4/20/2011 Fleetwood Away 4:15PMTuesday 4/26/2011 Daniel Boone Away 4:15PM

Monday 5/2/2011 Conrad Weiser Away TBAWednesday 5/4/2011 Muhlenberg Away TBA

Monday 5/16/2011 Exeter Away 4:15PM

Saturday 4/16/2011 Wilson Southern Away 2:00PMMonday 4/18/2011 Daniel Boone Away 4:15PM

Wednesday 5/4/2011 Northeast Away 4:15PMFriday 5/6/2011 Conrad Weiser Away 4:15PMMonday 5/9/2011 Muhlenberg Away 4:15PM

Monday 5/16/2011 Northwest Away 4:15PMWednesday 5/18/2011 Exeter Away 4:15PM

Wednesday 4/13/2011 Exeter Away 4:15PMMonday 4/18/2011 Daniel Boone Away 4:15PM

Friday 4/29/2011 Fleetwood Away 4:15PM

Monday 5/9/2011 Muhlenberg Away 4:15PMWednesday 5/11/2011 Wilson Southern Away 4:15PMMonday 5/16/2011 Twin Valley Away 4:15PM

S Tuesday 3/29/2011 Oley Valley Away 4:15PMMonday 4/11/2011 Exeter Away 4:15PM

Monday 4/18/2011 Twin Valley Away 4:15PM

Friday 4/29/2011 Governor Mifflin Away 4:15PM

Wednesday 5/4/2011 Muhlenberg Away 4:15PM

Wednesday 5/11/2011 Wilson West Middle SchoolAway 6:00PM

Wednesday 5/18/2011 Northeast Away 4:15PM

Tuesday 3/29/2011 Oley Valley Home 4:15PMMonday 4/11/2011 Exeter Home 4:15PMFriday 4/15/2011 Twin Valley Home 4:15PMMonday 4/18/2011 Conrad Weiser Home 4:15PM

Friday 4/29/2011 Wyomissing Home 4:15PM

Wednesday 5/11/2011 Wilson West MS Home 4:15PM

Monday 4/4/2011 Muhlenberg Home 4:15PMMonday 4/11/2011 Northwest Home 4:15PMWednesday 4/13/2011 Exeter Home 4:15PM

Wednesday 4/20/2011 Twin Valley Home 4:15PMFriday 4/29/2011 Fleetwood Home 4:15PMMonday 5/2/2011 Governor Mifflin Home 4:15PM

Wednesday 5/11/2011 Wilson Southern Home 6:00PM

Friday 5/20/2011 Daniel Boone Home 4:15PM

Saturday 4/9/2011 Muhlenberg Home10:00AM

Tuesday 4/26/2011 Conrad Weiser Home 4:15PM

Friday 5/6/2011 Conrad Weiser Home 4:15PM

Wednesday 5/18/2011 Exeter Home 4:15PMFriday 5/20/2011 Daniel Boone Home 4:15PM

Wednesday 4/13/2011 Northeast Home 4:15PMSaturday 4/16/2011 Wilson West MS Home 2:00PM

Wednesday 4/20/2011 Fleetwood Home 4:15PMWednesday 4/27/2011 Daniel Boone Home 4:15PM

Monday 5/2/2011 Conrad Weiser Home 4:15PM

Friday 5/6/2011 Northwest Home 4:15PM

Monday 5/16/2011 Exeter Home 4:15PM

Friday 5/20/2011 Twin Valley Home 4:15PM

SOCCERGirls Varsity JV

Girls West

Girls Southern Middle

S Saturday 3/19/2011 ()(Hempfield/Carlisle Scr) Away 11:00AMFriday 3/25/2011 Penn Manor High School Away 4:00PMWednesday 3/30/2011 *Reading Away 4:00PM

Saturday 4/2/2011 Central Dauphin Away 11:00AMMonday 4/4/2011 *Exeter Away 5:45PM

Wednesday 4/13/2011 *Twin Valley Away 6:00PMThursday 4/14/2011 Manheim Township Away 4:00PMSaturday 4/16/2011 ()(Lower Dauphin Tourn.) Away 1:00PM

Monday 4/25/2011 *Governor Mifflin Away 5:45PMWednesday 4/27/2011 *Daniel Boone Away 5:45PM

Saturday 5/7/2011 ()(BCIAA Quarters) Away TBATuesday 5/10/2011 ()(BCIAA Semis) Away TBAThursday 5/12/2011 ()(BCIAA Finals) Away TBA

Wednesday 4/6/2011 Conrad Weiser Away 4:00PM

Friday 4/15/2011 Wilson Southern Away 4:00PMMonday 4/18/2011 Governor Mifflin Away 4:00PMWednesday 4/20/2011 Fleetwood Away 4:00PMWednesday 4/27/2011 Wyomissing Away 4:00PMFriday 4/29/2011 Twin Valley Away 4:00PM

Friday 5/13/2011 Blue Mountain Away 4:00PM

S Friday 3/25/2011 Conestoga Valley Away 4:00PMWednesday 4/6/2011 Blue Mountain Away 4:00PM

Monday 4/18/2011 Fleetwood Away 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/27/2011 Exeter Away 4:00PMFriday 4/29/2011 Muhlenberg Away 4:00PM

Friday 5/13/2011 Twin Valley Away 4:00PMMonday 5/16/2011 Wilson West MS Away 4:00PM

Friday 4/1/2011 *Daniel Boone Home 5:45PM

Wednesday 4/6/2011 *Conrad Weiser Home 5:45PMFriday 4/8/2011 *Governor Mifflin Home 5:45PM

Monday 4/18/2011 *Muhlenberg Home 5:45PMWednesday 4/20/2011 *Reading Home 5:45PMSaturday 4/23/2011 Emmaus Home10:00AM

Friday 4/29/2011 *Exeter Home 5:45PMMonday 5/2/2011 *Fleetwood Home 5:45PM

S Tuesday 3/29/2011 Oley Valley Home 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/13/2011 Blue Mountain Home 4:00PM

Monday 5/2/2011 Muhlenberg Home 4:00PMWednesday 5/4/2011 Daniel Boone Home 4:00PMMonday 5/9/2011 Exeter Home 4:00PMWednesday 5/11/2011 Conrad Weiser Home 4:00PM

Monday 5/16/2011 Wilson Southern Home 4:00PMWednesday 5/18/2011 Governor Mifflin Home 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/13/2011 Twin Valley Home 4:00PMFriday 4/15/2011 Wilson West MS Home 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/20/2011 Daniel Boone Home 4:00PM

Monday 5/2/2011 Governor Mifflin Home 4:00PMFriday 5/6/2011 Wyomissing Home 4:00PMMonday 5/9/2011 Conrad Weiser Home 4:00PMWednesday 5/11/2011 Blue Mountain Home 4:00PM

Wednesday 5/18/2011 Fleetwood Home 4:00PM


SThursday 3/17/2011 Conestoga Valley Away 4:00PMSTuesday 3/22/2011 Manheim Township Away 6:00PM

Tuesday 3/29/2011 *Pottsville Away 6:00PM

Thursday 4/7/2011 *Daniel Boone Away 6:00PMFriday 4/8/2011 *Exeter Away 6:00PM

Tuesday 4/26/2011 *Fleetwood Away 6:00PMThursday 4/28/2011 *Reading Away 6:00PM

Thursday 5/5/2011 *Governor Mifflin Away 6:00PMFriday 5/6/2011 ()(State College Boys

Varsity Tournament) Away 8:00AM

Wednesday 5/11/2011 *Twin Valley Away 6:00PMMonday 5/16/2011 ()(BCIAA Team Tourn.) Away TBAWednesday 5/18/2011 ()(BCIAA Team Tourn.) Away TBA

Saturday 3/26/2011 ()(Wilson Boys VolleyballClassic) Home 8:00AM

Thursday 3/31/2011 *Fleetwood Home 6:00PMSaturday 4/2/2011 ()(Wilson JV Tourn.) Home 8:00AMMonday 4/4/2011 Cedar Crest Home 6:00PMTuesday 4/5/2011 *Reading Home 6:00PM

Tuesday 4/12/2011 *Governor Mifflin Home 6:00PMTuesday 4/19/2011 *Twin Valley Home 6:00PMThursday 4/21/2011 *Pottsville Home 6:00PM

Tuesday 5/3/2011 *Daniel Boone Home 6:00PM

Monday 5/9/2011 *Exeter Home 6:00PM

Boys Varsity JV

S Monday 3/21/2011 Cocalico Away TBA

Monday 3/28/2011 Conrad Weiser Away 5:45PMThursday 3/31/2011 Warwick Senior HS Away 4:00PMFriday 4/1/2011 Lampeter-Strasburg HS Away 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/6/2011 Daniel Boone Away 4:00PM

Monday 4/11/2011 Wyomissing Away 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/20/2011 Holy Name Away 4:00PM

Thursday 4/28/2011 Governor Mifflin Away 4:00PM

Wednesday 5/4/2011 Exeter Away 4:00PMTuesday 5/10/2011 ()(BCIAA Team Tourn.) Away TBAThursday 5/12/2011 ()(BCIAA Team Tourn.) Away TBA

S Monday 3/14/2011 Ephrata Home 4:00PM

Friday 3/25/2011 Conestoga Valley Home 5:00PM

Monday 4/4/2011 Holy Name Home 5:00PM

Friday 4/8/2011 Governor Mifflin Home 5:00PMSaturday 4/9/2011 Central Dauphin Home10:00AM

Tuesday 4/12/2011 Exeter Home 5:45PMThursday 4/14/2011 Conrad Weiser Home 5:45PMSaturday 4/16/2011 Ephrata Home10:00AM

Monday 4/25/2011 Daniel Boone Home 5:45PM

Friday 4/29/2011 Lower Dauphin Home 5:00PMMonday 5/2/2011 Wyomissing Home 5:00PM

Girls Varsity JV

S Monday 3/14/2011 Ephrata Away 4:00PMS Saturday 3/19/2011 ()(Hempfield PlayDay) Away TBA

Friday 3/25/2011 Conestoga Valley Away 4:15PMMonday 3/28/2011 Conrad Weiser Away 4:00PM

Monday 4/4/2011 Hempfield Away 4:00PMTuesday 4/5/2011 Holy Name Away 4:00PMFriday 4/8/2011 Governor Mifflin Away 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/13/2011 Exeter Away 5:45PM

Saturday 4/16/2011 Ephrata Away 10:00AMTuesday 4/19/2011 Emmaus Away 5:30PM

Monday 4/25/2011 Lower Dauphin Away 4:00PM

Monday 5/2/2011 Wyomissing Away TBA

Tuesday 5/10/2011 ()(BCIAA Team Tourn.) Away TBAThursday 5/12/2011 ()(BCIAA Team Tourn.) Away TBA

Wednesday 3/30/2011 Cedar Crest Home 5:00PM

Monday 4/11/2011 Wyomissing Home 5:45PM

Friday 4/15/2011 Conrad Weiser Home 5:00PM

Wednesday 4/20/2011 Holy Name Home 5:00PMSaturday 4/23/2011 Warwick Senior HS Home10:00AM

Thursday 4/28/2011 Governor Mifflin Home 5:45PM

Wednesday 5/4/2011 Exeter Home 5:45PM




All athletic events are subject

to change. Please see


for the most up to date schedule.

Bold = Home Games/Matches

Girls Varsity

Girls JV

Girls Freshman

S Monday 3/21/2011 Oley Valley Away 4:15PMFriday 3/25/2011 Ephrata Away 4:15PM

Tuesday 4/5/2011 *Governor Mifflin Away 4:15PM

Saturday 4/9/2011 Blue Mountain Away 4:00PMTuesday 4/12/2011 *Muhlenberg Away 4:15PMThursday 4/14/2011 Lancaster McCaskey Away 4:15PM

Saturday 4/16/2011 Cumberland Valley Away 11:00AM

Thursday 4/21/2011 *Daniel Boone Away 4:15PM

Tuesday 4/26/2011 *Exeter Away 4:15PM

Tuesday 5/3/2011 *Reading Away 4:15PMThursday 5/5/2011 *Twin Valley Away 4:15PMThursday 5/12/2011 ()(BCIAA Team Tourn.) Away TBASaturday 5/14/2011 ()(BCIAA Team Tourn.) Away TBA

S Monday 3/21/2011 Oley Valley Away 4:15PMFriday 3/25/2011 Ephrata Away 3:30PM

Tuesday 4/5/2011 Governor Mifflin Away 4:15PM

Saturday 4/9/2011 Blue Mountain Away 4:00PMTuesday 4/12/2011 Muhlenberg Away 4:15PMThursday 4/14/2011 Lancaster McCaskey Away 4:15PMFriday 4/15/2011 Central Dauphin Away 4:15PM

Thursday 4/21/2011 Daniel Boone Away 4:15PMMonday 4/25/2011 Fleetwood Away 4:15PMTuesday 4/26/2011 Exeter Away 4:15PM

Tuesday 5/3/2011 Reading Away 4:15PMThursday 5/5/2011 Twin Valley Away 4:15PM

Tuesday 4/5/2011 Fleetwood Away 4:15PM

Thursday 4/14/2011 Twin Valley Away 4:15PM

Thursday 4/21/2011 Kutztown Away 4:15PMTuesday 4/26/2011 Daniel Boone Away 4:15PM

Tuesday 5/3/2011 Muhlenberg Away 4:15PMThursday 5/5/2011 Exeter Away 4:15PM

Thursday 5/12/2011 Governor Mifflin Away 4:15PM

S Thursday 3/17/2011 Cocalico Home 4:15PM

Monday 3/28/2011 Manheim Township Home 4:15PMThursday 3/31/2011 *Exeter Home 4:15PMFriday 4/1/2011 Solanco Home 4:15PM

Thursday 4/7/2011 *Reading Home 4:15PM

Friday 4/15/2011 Central Dauphin Home 4:00PM

Tuesday 4/19/2011 *Conrad Weiser Home 4:15PM

Monday 4/25/2011 *Fleetwood Home 4:15PM

Thursday 4/28/2011 *Governor Mifflin Home 4:15PMFriday 4/29/2011 Palmyra Home 4:00PM

S Thursday 3/17/2011 Cocalico Home 4:00PM

Monday 3/28/2011 Manheim Township Home 4:15PMThursday 3/31/2011 Exeter Home 4:15PMFriday 4/1/2011 Solanco Home 4:00PM

Thursday 4/7/2011 Reading Home 4:00PM

Saturday 4/16/2011 Cumberland Valley Home11:00AMTuesday 4/19/2011 Conrad Weiser Home 4:15PM

Thursday 4/28/2011 Governor Mifflin Home 4:15PM

Friday 4/1/2011 Daniel Boone Home 4:15PM

Thursday 4/7/2011 Muhlenberg Home 4:15PMTuesday 4/12/2011 Exeter Home 4:15PM

Tuesday 4/19/2011 Governor Mifflin Home 4:15PM

Thursday 4/28/2011 Fleetwood Home 4:15PM

Tuesday 5/10/2011 Twin Valley Home 4:15PM

Tuesday 5/17/2011 Kutztown Home 4:15PMThursday 5/19/2011 Daniel Boone Home 4:15PM

Girls Southern Pony

Thursday 4/7/2011 Muhlenberg Away 4:15PMTuesday 4/12/2011 Oley Valley Away 4:15PM

Tuesday 4/26/2011 Daniel Boone Away 4:15PMThursday 4/28/2011 Governor Mifflin Away 4:15PM

Thursday 5/12/2011 Reading Away 4:15PM

Tuesday 4/5/2011 Fleetwood Home 4:15PM

Wednesday 4/20/2011 Conrad Weiser Home 4:15PM

Thursday 5/5/2011 Wilson West MS Home 4:15PM

Thursday 5/19/2011 Twin Valley Home 4:15PM

Girls West

Girls West Pony

Girls Southern Middle

Tuesday 4/5/2011 Wyomissing Home 4:15PM

Tuesday 4/12/2011 Tulpehocken Home 4:15PMThursday 4/14/2011 Schuylkill Valley Home 4:15PMThursday 4/21/2011 Antietam Home 4:15PM

Thursday 4/28/2011 Reading Home 4:15PMTuesday 5/3/2011 Brandywine Heights Home 4:15PMThursday 5/5/2011 Wilson Southern Home 4:15PMTuesday 5/10/2011 Oley Valley Home 4:15PM

Tuesday 5/17/2011 Conrad Weiser Home 4:15PM

Monday 4/11/2011 Wilson Southern Home 4:15PM

Thursday 5/12/2011 Governor Mifflin Home 4:15PMThursday 5/19/2011 Daniel Boone Home 4:15PM

Friday 4/1/2011 Schuylkill Valley Home 4:15PM

Thursday 4/7/2011 Brandywine Heights Home 4:15PMTuesday 4/12/2011 Oley Valley Home 4:15PM

Tuesday 4/19/2011 Hamburg Home 4:15PMTuesday 4/26/2011 Tulpehocken Home 4:15PMThursday 4/28/2011 Conrad Weiser Home 4:15PM

Thursday 5/12/2011 Reading Home 4:15PM

S Monday 3/28/2011 Blue Mountain Away 4:00PMS Friday 4/1/2011 Oley Valley Away 4:15PM

Thursday 4/7/2011 Conrad Weiser Away 4:15PM

Tuesday 4/26/2011 Hamburg Away 4:15PM

Thursday 5/12/2011 Wyomissing Away 4:15PM

Thursday 5/19/2011 Tulpehocken Away 4:15PM

Monday 4/4/2011 Twin Valley Away 4:15PM

Tuesday 4/19/2011 Governor Mifflin Away 4:15PMThursday 4/28/2011 Reading Away 4:15PMTuesday 5/3/2011 Muhlenberg Away TBAThursday 5/5/2011 Wilson Southern Away 4:15PMTuesday 5/10/2011 Governor Mifflin Away 4:00PM

Tuesday 4/5/2011 Reading Away 4:15PM

Thursday 4/14/2011 Wyomissing Away 4:15PM

Tuesday 5/3/2011 Antietam Away 4:15PMThursday 5/5/2011 Wilson West Middle School Away 4:15PMFriday 5/6/2011 Brandywine Heights Away 4:15PMTuesday 5/10/2011 Schuylkill Valley Away 4:15PM

Thursday 5/19/2011 Oley Valley Away 4:15PM

SOFTBALL TRACKBoys/Girls Varsity

Boys/Girls Freshman

Boys/Girls West

Boys/Girls Southern Middle

Monday 3/28/2011 Lancaster McCaskey Away 4:00PM

Tuesday 4/12/2011 Warwick Senior HS Away 4:00PM

Tuesday 4/19/2011 Exeter Away 4:00PM

Thursday 4/28/2011 ()(Penn Relays) Away TBAFriday 4/29/2011 ()(Penn Relays) Away TBASaturday 4/30/2011 ()(Penn Relays) Away TBATuesday 5/3/2011 Daniel Boone Away 4:00PMFriday 5/6/2011 Firing Meet (GM)()(Shaner

Meet (Wyomissing) Away TBASaturday 5/7/2011 ()(Shaner Meet

(Wyomissing)) Away TBA

Saturday 5/14/2011 BCIAA Championships(GM) Away TBA

Friday 5/20/2011 ()(PIAA D3 at Shippensbg) Away TBASaturday 5/21/2011 ()(PIAA D3 at Shippensbg) Away TBAFriday 5/27/2011 ()(PIAA State Meet) Away TBASaturday 5/28/2011 ()(PIAA State Meet) Away TBA

Tuesday 4/5/2011 Elizabethtown Away 4:00PM

Thursday 4/21/2011 Hempfield Away 4:00PM

Tuesday 5/10/2011 Lancaster McCaskey Away 4:00PMTuesday 5/17/2011 ()(All-County at GM) Away TBA

Wednesday 4/6/2011 Hamburg Away 3:45PM

Thursday 4/21/2011 Governor Mifflin Away 4:00PM

Thursday 4/28/2011 ()(Muhlenberg BOYS Meet) Away 4:00PMMonday 5/2/2011 Exeter Away 4:00PMThursday 5/5/2011 ()(All-County GIRLS Meet) Away 4:00PMMonday 5/9/2011 Daniel Boone Away 4:00PMTuesday 5/17/2011 ()(All-County Track Meet

(at GM)) Away 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/13/2011 Twin Valley Away 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/27/2011 Wilson West MS Away 4:00PMThursday 4/28/2011 ()(Muhlenberg BOYS Meet) Away 4:00PM

Thursday 5/5/2011 ()(All-County GIRLS Meet) Away 4:00PMMonday 5/9/2011 Governor Mifflin Away 4:00PM

S Thursday 3/24/2011 Manheim Township Home 4:00PM

Tuesday 4/5/2011 Hempfield Home 4:00PM

Saturday 4/16/2011 ()(Stephan Meet) Home 9:30AM

Tuesday 4/26/2011 Reading Home 4:00PM

Tuesday 5/10/2011 Governor Mifflin Home 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/13/2011 Penn Manor High School Home 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/27/2011 Manheim Township Home 4:00PMTuesday 5/3/2011 Governor Mifflin Home 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/13/2011 Reading Home 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/27/2011 Wilson Southern Home 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/6/2011 Exeter Home 4:00PM

Thursday 4/21/2011 Daniel Boone Home 4:00PM

Monday 5/2/2011 Reading Home 4:00PM

Wednesday 5/11/2011 Hamburg Home 4:00PM

TENNISBoys Varsity

S Monday 3/14/2011 Fleetwood Home 4:00PM

Friday 3/25/2011 Manheim Township Home 4:00PM

Wednesday 3/30/2011 *Exeter Home 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/6/2011 *Muhlenberg Home 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/13/2011 *Reading Home 4:00PMThursday 4/14/2011 *Pottsville Home 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/20/2011 *Governor Mifflin Home 4:00PM

S Thursday 3/17/2011 Kutztown Away 4:00PMThursday 3/24/2011 *Reading Away 4:00PM

Monday 3/28/2011 *Twin Valley Away 4:00PM

Friday 4/1/2011 *Governor Mifflin Away 4:00PMSaturday 4/2/2011 South Western Senior HS Away 4:00PM

Friday 4/8/2011 ()(Dallastown Invitational) Away 2:30PM

Friday 4/15/2011 *Conrad Weiser Away 4:00PMSaturday 4/16/2011 ()(Buckskin Classic) Away TBAMonday 4/18/2011 *Exeter Away 4:00PM

Wednesday 4/27/2011 ()(BCIAA Flights) Away TBAThursday 4/28/2011 ()(BCIAA Flights) Away TBAFriday 4/29/2011 ()(BCIAA Flights) Away TBASaturday 4/30/2011 ()(BCIAA Flights) Away TBAMonday 5/2/2011 ()(BCIAA Team Tourn.) Away TBATuesday 5/3/2011 ()(BCIAA Team Tourn.) Away TBAWednesday 5/4/2011 ()(BCIAA Team Tourn.) Away TBAFriday 5/6/2011 ()(PIAA D3 Team) Away TBA



WSchool Updates!

Whitfield Update

WestWyomissing / Lincoln Park Update

Last year Whitfield had their 6th annual Reading Challenge. The theme was,

BOOKS 'ARRRR' THE BEST TREASURE, a pirate theme. If the students met the

Reading Challenge, then Mr. Hart had to "Walk the Plank!" Since we didn't have an

ocean, we used a dunk tank and Mr. Hart got wet quickly multiple times.What is in

store for Mr. Hart this year for our Reading Challenge??? Well I think we may have

to "Round UP Some Great Books and sayYEEHAW to Reading!" Stay tuned.

Annually, the Whitfield 4th graders participate in an "egg drop" as part of their

science classes. The teachers felt that the students worked hard and did an

exceptional job with their projects. Of the nearly 100 fourth graders, only 36 eggs

did not survive the fall this year. The teachers feel it is exciting to see how many

students are successful in this activity each year. It's also an experience to be able

to watch the expressions on the students' faces when their project drops from the


Whitfield Student Council has been very busy. They recently had a skate party

and bake sale. Collecting for the Greater Food Bank has been their number one

priority. They had a pajama day, canned food collection around a super bowl

theme, change for chicken, and candy guessing contests to help raise money for

this great cause.

The WHSA sponsored an award assembly for the students. Whitfield students

sold 7,082 pies and cheesecakes. As a reward for earning so much money, some

students had a chance to throw a pie at a teacher's or the principal's face. The

assembly was aWham-O ,Slam-O hit.

Kindergarten students at Lincoln Park and West Wyomissing enjoyed reading Mo

Willem's books during Library class. The Pigeon Books were their favorites, but

we also enjoyed his other characters, Knufflebunny, Elephant and Piggie, and Cat

the Cat. At the end of our unit the students drew pictures of Cat the Cat for Mo

Willems. Mrs. Gutzler sent the pictures to Mo and he sent us a letter and signed

poster! In his letter he thanked the students for "the most awesome Cat the Cat

drawings ever!"

Buy One Get One Free Scholastic Bookfairs: West Wyomissing Elementary will be

from May 9-13, and Lincoln Park Elementary will be from May 18-20.

GreenValley's Green Efforts Nationally RecognizedBy Dr. Dina Wert, Green Valley Elementary Principal

Green And Growing

Green Valley Elementary school opened the doors of its beautiful, LEED certified

building for its staff and students in 2006. Last year, the staff decided that while

the building was a beautiful structure to learn IN, we had much to learn FROM our

building as well. Our school year theme was and we began to

learn from and about our building, we took our learning out into the community

as well. Our efforts were recognized nationally and Green Valley Elementary was

awarded one of SeaWorld's $10,000 Environmental Excellence awards!

The Environmental Excellence Award recognize 8 projects from across the

country that demonstrate efforts at grassroots level to protect, preserve and

learn about the environment. Judges represented 10 environmental agencies

including World Wildlife Fund, National Geographic Society, SeaWorld, and

National ScienceTeachers Association.This year, GreenValley was one of over 100

applicants, and we are honored by the recognition. We have earmarked the

$10,000 to help fund student created signage for our GREEN Zone, the planting of

a school vegetable garden, and a food waste composter. Some of our green

efforts included:

. In an effort to learn about our building, we learned what it

means to be LEED certified. The school took a virtual tour via a DVD created to

highlight the features that led to our certification. We also virtually visited a local

GOLD level LEED home (first of its kind in our area) so that our K-5 students could

Learn In and From

GOLD level LEED home (first of its kind in our area) so that our K-6 students could

see how our school's green features could translate into everyday living in a

home. We also partnered with the PLATINUM level LEED Berks County

Community Foundation to learn about their efforts.

. What simple lifestyle changes could we do...all of

us…from Kindergartners to our staff and parents…that could culminate in BIG

RESULTS toward reducing, reusing, recycling? Our monthly all-school assembly

highlights information and purpose around a family challenge, some of which

were: the Dry Brush challenge (turning off water when brushing teeth), the Curly

Lightbulb challenge (encouraging the use of CFL bulbs in the home), the Water

Bottle challenge (using reusable water bottles instead of plastic throw-aways),

the Refrigerator challenge (including cleaning fridge coils), and a Bag the Bag

challenge (say NO to plastic bag usage).

. While our building is a great place to learn IN and

FROM, we wanted to cultivate an area from which we could learn outside our

building as well. So, the idea of the GREEN Zone was born ( reen ecreational

ducational nvironmental ature Zone)…an outdoor trail to which we could

state standards to our own back yard. We partnered with the Berks County

Conservancy and Nolde Environmental Center to begin to develop the area as a

trail around the property, creating “zones” of trees (forest), wetland meadow,

grasslands, and vegetation. Each classroom has “Adopted A Tree” from our

family-planted “forest” of 36 new trees to learn from and with as they grow

together at GreenValley. A meadow will be sprouting up this spring!

. Last year, our 5 graders were challenged to see

how much food waste the school generated. For 4 days, students weighed food

waste and collected data from every student (and the faculty room!). They

organized and analyzed the data, created graphs, presented their data via

powerpoint presentations, researched (and created) worm bin composting, and

presented a plan to Wilson's Director of Food Services. As a result of their efforts,

GreenValley has reduced lunch waste by half this year!

. A cool addition to the GREEN Zone project is the

GVHSA-supported engraved brick drive to pave a“stage”area carved into the hill

overlooking the trail…complete with an amphitheater-type seating area from

which classrooms can see and learn first-hand what textbooks can't provide.

Phase 1 was completed in December.

…Green Valley is continuing their engraved

brick drive to complete the outdoor educational area for school and community.

Glen-Gery Brick and Sal's Landscaping are helping us to make this dream a reality.

And for $75 your engraved paver will forever support our efforts. For a one-time

$500 advertising expense, your seating cap paver (with logo and message) is

there for permanent recognition! Email gvesbricks@gmail.com for information!

Students at Spring Ridge Elementary continue to show their support for our

troops serving in the Middle East. For the fourth consecutive year, Spring Ridge

students and staff collected individual flavor packets that were sent to soldiers

deployed to Iraq. The flavor packets are the individual drink mixes that soldiers

can add to their water. This year students collected over 30 pounds of drink mixes

to send to 2008 Wilson graduate, SPC Tyler Lountzis, who is currently deployed to

Monthly Green Challenges

Creation of the GREEN Zone

The Weighing of the Waste

The Outdoor Classroom

YOU can be a part of the adventure




Spring Ridge Elementary Supports Soldiers Servingin IraqBy John Rechel, Spring Ridge Teacher

[continued on page 13]


WIraq. He is assigned to an infantry patrol stationed at Camp Liberty in Baghdad.

With the money collected from having a staff dress down day they were able to

buy over 32 pounds of Tastykakes to send to him and his men, as well as cover the

postage. Students also madeValentines that were sent.

The goal of this project is to bring an awareness of the lives of the soldiers and

their sacrifice into the classroom. Last year's "adopted soldier," Major Arlo Reese,

recently spoke with Spring Ridge fifth graders via Skype. He spoke about his

military career, the Iraqi children he had contact with, and how thankful he was

for the support of American people and specifically the students at Spring Ridge.

The students and staff at Spring Ridge are proud of all the men and woman

serving our country both here and abroad.

Wax Museum Brings History to Life

German Class Goes Global

By Kathryn McLaughlin, Michael R. Smith, and Michael Votodian, Spring Ridge

Fourth Grade Teachers

By Tina Clarke-Ipsen, WHS Teacher

Have you ever wanted to reinvent yourself as a famous person in history? Well,

the fourth grade students at Spring Ridge recently had the opportunity to do this

for a biography book report. On January 20, Spring Ridge's fourth grade students

and teachers celebrated its annual "Famous PeopleWax Museum". This particular

event was coordinated with the Martin Luther King holiday and a recent reading

theme of people who students admire. Parents, administrators, and other

community members attended the presentation that was held in and around the

fourth grade classrooms.

Each student was costumed and made up as a famous historical or current figure

and posed as a wax statue. When their "buttons" were pressed, the students

came to life and recited facts about their famous person's life. Some of the

famous people in attendance were Albert Einstein, Joan of Arc, Milton Hershey,

Geronimo, and Helen Keller.

The wax museum was a follow-up to a biography book report speech required of

the students. The purpose of the assignment was to engage students in learning

how to research for facts, and to practice their public speaking skills. While

enhancing a necessary skill set for years to come, this book report also tends to be

the most enjoyable one of the school year for students.

German class has recently gone global. Over sixty students from Wilson High

School and the Max-Planck-Realschule in Cologne, Germany were partnered up

with each other in December for a modern version of pen paling, connected by

Google Docs - a safe and reliable way to exchange information online.

Each student, who was interested in taking part in the project, was asked to fill out

a questionnaire on Frau Clarke-Ipsen's web page sharing their interests, family

background and pen pal preferences. Students were matched up on this basis

and have been exchanging information ever since. Wilson students write in

German and the students from Cologne write in English. After all, practice makes


The teacher at the Max-Planck-Realschule in Cologne, Frau Miriam Litzinger, is

delighted with the response to the project. Her students are so excited to talk and

write to "real" American teenagers and are impressed by Wilson's extensive

curricular program, which they found on theWilson web page, whilst researching

our school.

The project has been an extremely successful method to open the door to global

communications for Wilson High School German students. This is just the start-

the world is our oyster.Take German - go global!

WHSSGTakes on Bullying

Freshman Are Making Their Mark

By Moryn Hagee, 9th Grade

By Lexie Gartner, 9th Grade

High School is a time when you begin to realize who you are. You make your best

friends, you have some of the moments and experiences you will remember for

the rest of your life, you may even fall in love. But the highlights in high school

could possibly be tarnished by the horrors the students might deal with from

their so-called 'fellow peers'. Bullying is thought of as when you are in

kindergarten and you get pushed on the playground or in Junior High when the

snotty girl or guy happens to choose you as their main focus of the week to

destroy. People do not seem to relate bullying to high school. They see high

schools as a place where that immaturity is behind them. But that is clearly wrong.

The daily taunts in the hallways, the mean looks and whispers during lunch are

ever present in the social fabric of any high school. The more the kids become

older and are influenced, the harder the bullying and harassment is on the victim.

The students learn meaner words that cut deeper than just sticking your tongue

out as they did back in elementary school. They learn racial slurs that are used to

taunt the students who are different. But see, they also become smarter, and

figure out how to bully without catching adults attention. They turn it into their

word against the victims. High school is filled with games, tricks, and deception.

Wilson High School's Student Government sees how the bullies we have weaken

our school as a whole, and have planned to try and stem the rising tide of

bullying. The WHSSG has initiated the start to an Anti-Bully Committee that

reaches out to the student body and finds the victims of harassment and gives

them a safe haven. No one deserves to be degraded by their peers. No one

deserves to be bullied. The Anti Bullying committee is comprised of high school

administrators, representatives from the Student Government, the Gay Straight

Alliance, as well as members of theWHS faculty.

The class of 2014 is the first to be freshman on the high school campus and we are

trying to leave our mark. The freshman class has done a lot these past few

months. On January 28th we were involved in a service project with the Greater

Berks Food Bank where many members of the freshman class spent a Saturday

packing boxes full of food to give to area food banks. We are planning another

service project sometime in the spring. Also, we are in the process of cleaning up

a courtyard in the High School Lower House. We have begun by painting picnic

tables for the area. Our first big fundraiser was the sale of freshman class t-shirts.

The t-shirts were a big hit and the profits were used to fund a class dance in the

Lower House cafeteria. The dance was a “freshman only” event and the ticket

sales were another big fundraiser for our class. We have also sold heart-grams at

all lunch periods - a heart-gram is candy that students can buy and send to other

students with a Valentine's Day message. So far the freshman class has been

making great progress and truly is making our mark in the high school. As the

freshman class motto states, we are“Walking theTalk.”

[Budget ... continued from page 12]


WPTO Updates!


West Wyomissing Elementary PTO sponsored a Latin Fiesta in October. Latin

inspired music and dancing entertained the students at WWES. On February 11,

the PTO hosted the annual Valentine's Day Dance in the AP room. The Wolfgang

Candy Sale will take place in the Spring. The PTO is still looking for volunteers to

help with the fundraiser, please contact Kim Hoekstra 610-743-5654 if you would

like to join the team and help with fundraising. The West Wyomissing

Elementary PTO web site now has the latest meeting, pictures and information

available, see the link below to stay up to date on events and meetings.




Mark your calendars:

The Green Valley Home & School Association (GVHSA) would like to thank all

families who have participated in events organized during the last few months.

In addition to being motivated by our children, we thank Green Valley

Elementary's wonderful staff, dedicated teachers, amazing principal and always

supportive families.

Have you used your coupons lately? These books were a big hit in the

beginning of the year, followed by your support of partnerships with retail outfits

like Five Below. Another favorite program is the Restaurant Tour Fundraiser,

which gives families an opportunity to take a break from kitchen duty at least

once a month, while raising funds for our school. Thanks to Isaac's, Chik-Fil-A,

Pizza Hut, The Bar-B-Q Pit, and Applebee's for helping us achieve our goals. It is a

winning combination.

The Gift Cards/Certificates program was wonderful and we are working to make it

available year round. This is another partnership where local retailers contribute

a portion of the sales to HSA. Many people love giving their friends and loved one

a gift certificate for a special occasion. Thanks to the Bar-B-Q Pit, Off the Avenue,

AutoSpa, Cloister's Carwash, and Jake's Greenhouse. Let us know which other

local shops you would like us to add to the list.

Please continue saving your Box-Tops for Education, and Campbell's Labels for

Education to earn dollars for our school. The Green Committee continues

collecting Ziploc bags and drink pouches. Please send all these to school and

help us keep hard-to-recycle material from the landfills while

earning dollars with theTerra-cycle program for our kids.

Tuesday, March 22, 12-9pm: Friendly's Restaurant & Ice Cream

Shop inWest Lawn.

April 19 & 20: On the Border Restaurant inWyomissing.

Wednesday, April 27 - Spring Chicken BBQ drive-thru pick-up from

3:30-6:30pm at GVES. Dinners are $7ea. & include a 1/2 chicken,

baked potato, roll, and applesauce. Hot Dog dinner is available for

$1, including applesauce. Purchase tickets in advance in the GV

School office.

Thursday, May 19, 1-8pm: Chuck-E-Cheese in Wyomissing (note

The Green Valley Festival will be on Saturday, March 19 from 10am-2pm.

This is a family event filled with games, crafts, food, prizes and the ever-

popular cake walk. The festival will be held at the Green Valley

Elementary School Cafeteria and Gym. Come to the festival to find out

how the students and teachers of GV have filled buckets this year:

through volunteering, recycling, and classroom experiences (based on

Tom Rath’s book, How Full Is Your Bucket?). Join our scavenger hunt as a

bucket-filling detective and earn 5 prize tickets. Bring your family,

friends, and neighbors. Open to all Wilson families. Snow Date: Saturday,

March 26, 10am-2pm.

that this is an early dismissal day - perfect for play-dates!) GVHSA will receive 15%

of all sales (including tokens for games) – please purchase at the register so we

receive credit.

Friday, June 3: Family Fun Luau at GreenValley CC.

Questions? gvesdads@gmail.com

We thank our volunteers who work so hard in the different committees and do it

with much commitment and perseverance. For any questions or feedback,

please email us at gvhsabulldogs@gmail.com

The Green Valley Elementary School Dads have had a busy school year so far,


Thanks for your support and to all the volunteers who

continue to fill-in GV's many buckets. A big thank you to the following students

for their time & talent during that cold weekend: Megan & Rachel Roberts, Alexis

& Audrey Solt, Victoria Cleary, Jacob DelRosario, Emily Glenn, and Kristina &

Victoria Bryan. Also, a big shout-out goes to the parents: Keith Cleary, Michael &

Sue Roberts, Russ Del Rosario, Joseph & Stephanie Solt, Dave Mattes, Robert

Glenn, Jim Gallagher, and Jeff & Alba Bryan. We are thrilled to report the sugary

results that we sold $3311, with a net profit to GVHSA of $1108. The most popular

item was the Brownie Blitz Bar w/Snickers and if you wish you had bought one of

those…there is always next time. Special thanks to Doug Smith, General

Manager, Lowes, Rt. 724 for his wonderfully accommodating attitude and for the

use of the Lowe's Parking Lot. Many thanks to Sweet Street for providing a very

organized fundraiser.

Thanks to all who ordered poinsettias for pick-up at the Holiday

Shoppe! Jake's Nursery provided a great deal on great quality, beautiful

poinsettias and Christmas cacti.We hope they made your Holidays more colorful!

Be sure to mark your calendars for April 3rd for this

fun family event. We will feature sponsored lanes (a great opportunity for your

business) that will accommodate up to 6 people each – form your teams now!

Space will be limited, so be sure to watch out for the sign up form.

Get a jump on your Spring planting, green-up

your neighborhood, and help GVES – all at the same time. We will be offering a

great selection of plants and shrubs, great for your landscaping, gifts for friends

and family, or as a donated planting for the G.R.E.E.N. Zone. Be sure to look out for

the flyer and order form for more details.


Sweet Street Truck Sale -

Poinsettia Sale -

Upcoming Events:

Berks Lanes Glow Bowling -

Jake's Nursery Spring Plant Sale -









Friday, May 13- By popular demand, George Dyer is returning

to Wilson to bring a new show-stopping performance to the

WHS stage. Please see www.GeorgeDyer.com to hear clips of

George’s performances. Tickets are on sale now at

www.wilsonsd.org/ EdFoundation. $25 adults, $10 students.

Do not miss this chance to hear one of the finest tenors ever.

Registration Is Now Open! Join the fun! There will be field

trips, swimming and sport and nature activities! Please

contact Kim Stivala at (610)670-0180 x1161 or stikim@wilsonsd.org for questions

about registration. There is an online registration form on theWilson School District's

website found under Administration/Child Care.

Be a part of “the fastest game on two feet.” Registration is now open for any boy or

girl** for the upcoming 2011-12 ice hockey season. WIHC's goal is to provide for the

educational, physical, moral and social well being of our youth through supervised

amateur ice hockey for all who are interested. The season normally runs from

November to February. Team Breakdowns:

- Non-Checking, no travel, 10 games all played at Body Zone

- Non-Checking, 14 games, limited travel

- JV orVarsity Checking games vary limited travel. **PIAA

prohibits girls from playing varsity hockey.

An informational meeting and registration night is scheduled for May 20th at 7pm at

BODY ZONE. We encourage those who are interested in playing hockey this fall or

have any questions to attend or e-mail lhatt4183@msn.com. Also visit our website at

www.wilsonicehockey.org for more information.

2011 Fall season online registration (preferred) for Van Reed football & cheerleading

is now open at www.vanreedbulldogs.org. Any girl or boy that attends Wilson West

MS, GreenValley, Spring Ridge orWhitfield is eligible to participate. You must be ages

7-12 as of 6/30/11 in order to participate. If you cannot register online or if you are a

first time participant, Van Reed will have sign-ups in the lower house cafeteria of

Wilson HS (formerWCJH) onTuesday, March 8 from 6:30-8pm.

Fall 2011 registration will be held Wednesday, March 23 from 6-8pm at Wilson

Southern Middle School Cafeteria. Eligible boys/girls are 7-12 years old and attend

Shiloh Hills, West Wyomissing, Lincoln Park, Cornwall Terrace or Southern Middle

School. Please contact Gretchen Murphy for more information at 610-796-4777 or


Fall 2011 Soccer Registration will be held online from March 21 - April 22 at

www.wjsc.org. You must register online during this time frame.

Elementary 3rd-5th Grade

Middle School 6th-8th Grade

High School 9th-12th Grade



A reminder To Residents Of Your Local Earned Income

Tax Return for 2010 MUST BE FILED BY APRIL 18, 2011.

Failure to file on time will result in a penalty and

interest charge of 12% per annum and additional costs of collection.

Regulations also provide a $500.00 fine for refusal to file or other

violations. even if they have not

received a form through the mail.

Telephone: 610-372-8439

Wilson School District:

Anyone who has

earned income, regardless of age, for the year 2010, must file a tax return if they

lived in the Wilson School District. Even if your employer has withheld and paid

your tax, this return must be completed. This obligation is incurred by anyone

who is a wage earner, farmer, unincorporated business (including partnership

and individual proprietorship) and all others who received earned income or

profits for services rendered.

Residents are required to file a tax return,

Forms may be acquired by contacting the:

Berks Earned Income Tax Collection Bureau

920 Van Reed Road, Wyomissing, PA 19610

Fax: 610-372-1102 www.berkseit.com

Notice To all persons and businesses that transact wholesale, retail, service and

rental business within the Wilson School District, includes Sinking Spring

Borough, Lower Heidelberg Twp, Spring Twp and the Wyomissing Borough

(north of the railroad track). Your business privilege tax return for the quarter

ending March 31, 2011 must be filed on or before April 30, 2011. If you have any

questions relative to the tax, you may contact the Wilson School District tax

office, 2601 Grandview Blvd., West Lawn, PA 19609-1324, where the return forms

are available, or call 610 670-0180 x1110. Open daily 7:30am–4:00pm, Closed

Saturday, Sunday and holidays.




Applications are due by June 30.

2010 claim forms are available at . Eligible

participants can receive a rebate of up to $650 based on their rent or

property taxes paid in 2010. The program benefits eligible Pennsylvanians

who are 65 years or older, widows and widowers 50 years or older, and

those 18 years or older with disabilities.

Community Notices!

Bulldog BlitzWant to know what is going on at Wilson every week?

Sign up for the weekly BULLDOG BLITZ email at

www.wilsonsd.org. It will be delivered to your email inbox

every Friday afternoon! You may view past Blitzes

on the site, as well.









Wilson High School students Amy Schneiderhan, Sean Lynch, Warren Wolfe,

and Jeremy Ebert recently had the honor of participating in the PMEA District

X Chorus Festival at Easton Area High School, which was held January 13-15,

2011, under the direction of guest clinician Amy Allibon. Hundreds of high

school students from across seven counties auditioned in October, and the

top twenty-five singers from each voice part qualified to participate. This

opportunity allowed these advanced musicians to work with an esteemed

choral conductor throughout a grueling yet rewarding three days,

culminating in a stellar public performance. Schneiderhan and Wolfe also

qualified to continue on to Region V Chorus, held at Parkland High School,

February 24-26, 2011, under the direction of guest clinician Dr. Rodney H.


Lincoln Park raised $703.00 during the Literacy Council of Reading-Berks

Reader's Win campaign. The campaign kickoff included a visit to the school by

Reading Express football player, Dexter Gardner. Dex read to the entire

student body to launch the campaign.

Ashlea Broad, currently a sophomore at WHS, was nominated for a National

Language Arts Award by Mr. Daniel Pichardo at the end of last school year

while she was at Southern JH. She has since appeared in the United States

Achievement Academy yearbook (published 12/15/10) and is eligible to win a

scholarship. Congratulations Ashlea!

During the month of February, Shiloh Hills Elementary Physical Education

classes participated in a community service program called "Jump Rope for

Heart" to benefit the American Heart Association. Students participated in

heart health activities in class while raising money to support the American

Heart Association research and education initiatives that save lives in our

community. Congenital heart defects are the most common cause of infant

death from birth defects. Funded research and advancements has changed

and saved lives. Shiloh Hills Elementary has raised over $2,000 each year since

participating in this great community program.

Wilson HS's 2011 World Quest Team defended their title at the regional

competition and won. This win qualified our team to compete in the National

World Quest Championships in DC this April. Please congratulate the

following seniors if you know them: Mike Witman, Mark McDevitt, Hannah

Barnes, MaddieWagner.

Mr. Ryan Dennes, WHS Technology & Engineering teacher, has been selected

as a national master teacher! This is a very prestigious honor for Ryan, his

department, and the Wilson School District. Core Training Instructors (Master

Teachers) are exemplary classroom instructors appointed by PLTW to conduct

core training for teachers at such venues as ummer raining nstitutes (STI).

They possess a rich understanding of the curriculum they teach and of how

the subject matter is created, organized and linked to other disciplines, as well

as its application outside of the classroom. Core Training Instructors act as

ongoing resources for core training participants. In addition to providing core

training, they continue to serve as mentors to other teachers within the PLTW®

program during the school year.They may be called upon to develop curricula,

instructional support materials, and course assessments or to facilitate an

additional professional development session in conjunction with a National

Affiliate. The selection process involves the submission of a detailed

application including in-depth lessons and student exemplars. The candidate

must prove that he or she possesses high level skills in technical and

instructional areas; as well as, an ability to contribute a deep understanding of

the Project Lead the Way STEM Program and curriculum. The application is

evaluated by Project Lead the Way and current Master Teachers. Mr. Dennes is


currently one of 18 total Master Teachers for Computer Integrated

Manufacturing in the entire country. Congratulations to Mr. Dennes on this

outstanding achievement and honor!

The Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program provides support for outstanding

scholarship and encourages independent graduate-level research in

oceanography, marine biology, or maritime archaeology. Corinne (Cori)

Gibble, a 1998 WHS grad, has been awarded this prestigious scholarship. Cori

is pursuing a Ph.D. in Ocean Sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz

(UCSC) after receiving her Master's degree in Marine Science from San Jose

State University's Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. Her undergraduate

work was completed with a B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology from the

University of Vermont, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural

Resources. We congratulate Cori on this fantastic achievement and wish her

all the best!




Award winning art on display -The following students were accepted into the

Yocum Institute for Arts Education Berks County Junior and Senior High art

gallery exhibition, which was on display in February:

Wilson West MS: 7th grade - Cameron Holland. 8th grade - Abby Gaul,

Maddie Klee, Sara Muchoney (2 works of art displayed), Suchitha Nama, Abby

O'Shea, NathanYancey & StephanieWoronko. Congratulations!

Wilson High School: 10th grade - Rebecca Diaz, Joey Sciumbata, Maura

Reinbrecht. 11th grade - Amber Knappenberger, Brooke Smith, Seth Stewart.

12th grade - Bridget Carrigan, Savannah Delong, Emily Leto, Jackie Rader,

Shelby Turner (won 3rd place in the show), and Jonah Pulford (won 2nd place

in the show). Congratulations to all!

Student to meet with national leaders in Washington, D.C. - From March 15-

20, outstanding high school students from across the United States will take

part in a unique leadership development conference in our nation's capital.

During the six-day program, the National Young Leaders Conference (NYLC)

will provide scholars with the opportunity to interact with a variety of

personnel who operate within the three branches of government, the news

media, and the international community.

“NYLC prepares students to serve our country well, whether that means as

elected officials in our nation's capital, as active members within

communities around the world or as intelligent, creative and responsible

members of the work force,”said Marguerite Regan, Dean of Academic Affairs

for the Congressional Youth Leadership Council (CYLC), the organization that

sponsors the Conference. “Through a series of simulations, we place these

young leaders in the proverbial driver's seat on a variety of issues facing our

country today. Their determination, as shown within the Conference, is a

good indicator of the types of leaders we will see in the future.”

This year's Wilson High School representative is Cody Bescript, son of Stacey

Stoudt and Steve Bescript, both of Sinking Spring. He was selected by the

CYLC committee based on a combination of outstanding PSSA scores and

teacher recommendations. Upon graduation from Wilson, Cody plans to

continue his academic pursuits at Temple University majoring in Education.

For more information about the NYLC Conference visit www.cylc.org.



WWilson crowns new Spelling Bee ChampOn Tuesday, February 8, our district spelling bee was held with 12 middle school

students. The champion is Matt Guenter (8th Grade at West MS). The runner up is

Sarah Connelly (7th Grade at West MS). They will both represent Wilson in the

Berks County Bee on Monday, Mar 14th, at 7pm at RACC's Miller Center.

Congratulations and Good Luck! Other participants included:

6th Graders Christopher Paez & Nick Cummings (SMS), Gunner Foose &

Verity Lee (WMS)

7th Graders Jake Paolini & Niveditha Senthilvel (SMS), Sarah Connolly &

Ben Harris (WMS)

8th Graders Christopher Castro & Alexis Papoutsis (SMS), Sarah O'Boyle &

Matt Guenter (WMS)

Cooking Up The Miles

All-star Songfest

National Junior Honor Society

By Julie Hoyer, Wilson Child Care Staff Member

Shiloh Hills Child Care just patted themselves on the back! Do you know why? We

collectively walked 1202 miles in our gym. In fact, we are walking across America!

The Wilson Child Care children, all 44 of them, and the staff have been walking

around the gym (22 laps=one mile) in the morning and afternoon.

Beginning this fall, we started a "Walk Across America" where we pretend we are

going across our country. Along the way, we use maps to track our path. We have

stopped at the Hershey plant to get some samples of their chocolate. In Indiana,

we were at the Indy 500. We just went up in the Arch at St. Louis, Missouri.

Children research at the library to collect information on what we can visit.We use

maps to plan our route and calculate our miles. We hope to visit the Rocky

Mountains, the Grand Canyon, and hopefully, California.

The children also make bracelets using different colored plastic feet for every mile

they walk and also get various other prizes for every five miles walked.

Certificates of Achievement are also given periodically. The staff is very proud of

their interest and accomplishment in our program. One boy asked "What are we

going to do if we reach California, where are we going to go"? I answered, "We

start swimming!”

On Friday, February 18, nineteen 5 Grade Music students took the stage in the

annual PMEA District 10 Elementary All-Star Songfest. This year the Songfest was

hosted by the Easton Area School District, and the guest conductor was Mr. Fred

Meads. Each of the participating elementary schools invited a certain number of

students based on the size of the school. These nineteen fifth graders were

invited to participate in the Songfest based on their singing ability as well as their

effort and attitude in music class. Two of Wilson's music teachers accompanied

the students to the all-day festival where they rehearsed with over 200 other

students from both Berks and Lehigh Counties who were participating in the

festival. The students then presented a spectacular concert in the evening that

was attended by family and friends.

Preparing for the Songfest was not all fun and games though. The students

committed to learning nine pieces by memory in only five short weeks. In order

to be ready, the singers practiced regularly at home and they attended several

rehearsals at their schools. The Songfest was a great opportunity for these young

singers to experience singing in a large choral group. To see photos of the

Songfest please visit Mrs. Borelli and Mrs. Zoll's Music Dept web pages.

Congratulations to the 5 graders who represented Wilson School District with




Parents and students are reminded that the National Junior Honor society is open to

students in the middle schools. For additional information, check your school's web page

under 'Academies' or contact the school guidance counselor.

Character Education Proves Fruitful for Southern

Graduation Project Encourages Reading & Creativity

Wilson's Southern Middle School has recently been named a 2011 Pennsylvania

State School of Character. As if this honor were not enough, they just heard at

press time that they were also chosen as a 2011 National School of Character

Finalist!!! Southern MS is the only school in Pennsylvania that has been bestowed

with this great honor. Mr. Edelman and Dr. Burnham wish to thank their staff for

everything they have done to instill character into Southern's students and for

their continued support of this ongoing effort.

According to the Character Education Partnership website, the goal of the

National Schools of Character (NSOC) awards program is to recognize all schools

and districts that demonstrate an exemplary level of implementation of

Character Education Partnership's Eleven Principles of Effective Character

Education. Below is the link to see the other state finalist across America:


Congratulations to all of Southern's staff and students for this meaningful and

impressive honor!

WHS senior, Alexandra Bryan, spent the last 6 months organizing a bookmark

design contest for elementary school students as part of her graduation project.

The contest allowed students to express themselves through art and promoted

reading at the same time. Contestants submitted their entries in November and

the 6 winners have been selected in two different grade groupings: K-2 and 3-5.

Judges for the contest were Mrs. Lorijean Wallence, West MS's art teacher and

Miss Gina Angelotti, GV/WH's art teacher. K-2

winners are: 1st - Derek Jopp, 2nd - Hunter Miller,

3rd - Lauren McDonald. The 3-5 winners are: 1st -

Ryan Loeper, 2nd - Steven Arentz III, 3rd - Ashlee

Jopp. 1st place winners will receive 3 tickets to

Wilson Theater Company's production of the

Wizard of Oz and a backstage tour, 2nd place

winners will receive a $15 gift certificate to

Berkshire Deli & Grille, and 3rd place winners will

receive two $5 gift certificates to Chili's.

Honorable Mentions went to students who also

showed great effort and commendable talent.

From grade K-2, they are: Zoe Ennis, Phillip Bornais,

Brady Rigdon, Cecilia Asplen, Alexis Jo Solt, Audrey

Ann Solt, and Melanie Wartluft. In grades 3-5:

Emma Goetz, Carolyn Pitorak, Chris Russo, Collin

Spayd, Emily Magalotti, Madison Sattler, and

Summer Mills.

Alexandra learned both time management and

organizational skills while working on this project,

and she hopes to see future Wilson Theater

Company members continue this new tradition.

Supporters & sponsors of this project include

Joseph E. Blackburn, D.M.D., Wyomissing

Optometric Center, Berkshire Deli & Grille in

Wyomissing, Spring Ridge Elementary School,

Chili's Restaurant & Bar in Wyomissing, Green

Valley Home & School Association, Wilson Theater

Company, and the Spring Township Library. The

staff from Spring Ridge Elementary School and the

Spring Township Library afforded her with

invaluable time, wisdom, and guidance.

Alexandra's Senior Project advisor is Mrs. Elizabeth



WGrandview Gallery





The Green Valley Festival will be on Saturday, March 19 from 10am-2pm in

the Green Valley Elementary School Cafeteria and Gymnasium. The festival

is a family event filled with games, crafts, food, prizes and the ever-popular

cake walk. Come to the festival to find out how the students and teachers

of GV have filled buckets this year: through volunteering, recycling, and

classroom experiences (based on Tom Rath's book, How Full Is Your

Bucket?). Join us in our scavenger hunt as a bucket-filling detective and

earn 5 prize tickets. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors. Open to

everyone in the Wilson School District. Snow Date: Saturday, March 26 from


Wilson will be hosting the 53rd Wilson Jazz Fest on March 26. The Middle

School Jazz Fest will begin at 1:30pm, and the High School Jazz Fest will

begin at 6:30pm. The Middle School Jazz Fest will feature five visiting

school ensembles as well as the Southern Middle School jazz band and

West Middle School jazz band. The Wilson HS jazz band will also perform in

exhibition at the Middle School event. Starting at 6:30pm, the HS Jazz Fest

will begin and will feature six visiting HS bands, as well as theWilson HS Jazz

Band. As a special feature, John Vanore and the Abstract Truth, a

professional jazz ensemble will offer a 30 minute concert at the conclusion

of the HS Jazz Fest. Please join us for an afternoon and evening of great jazz

music! WHS Auditorium - Admission for the entire event is $10 for adults, $7

for students & seniors. Refreshments will be sold in the auditorium lobby.

Cheaper than a movie…and you won't be disappointed!!! Wilson High

School will once again be hosting a Tournament Indoor Association

competition on April 9. Approximately 40 Color Guard, Twirling, Dance,

and Percussion groups from the area will be showcasing their talents. Our

own Wilson Indoor Drumline will be competing, and our Indoor Color

Guard will be performing in exhibition. Please come out and join us in

support of your favorite Wilson performers! The event will be held in the

WHS gymnasium from 1-7pm. Please join us for an exciting day full of

music, dance, color and competition that's sure to entertain. Admission is

just $8 for adults, $5 for students & seniors. Concession stand will be

available in the cafeteria. See you there!

On May 19 & 20, Wilson High School will be hosting its first Global Expo. The

Expo will be modeled after the country exhibits found in Walt Disney

World's Epcot center. Students will work in teams to create exhibits

featuring over 30 different countries and ribbons will be awarded to

outstanding exhibits.The public is invited to attend the Global Expo on May

19 from 6:30-8pm in the WHS gymnasium. This is a family event with many

activities available for children. Children will receive passports, collect

stamps and participate in international arts, crafts and games.

Entertainment will also be provided. Please join us for an evening of multi-

cultural fun! Learn about countries around the world and go global with us!

WHS TOURS FOR PRIVATE & PAROCHIAL STUDENTSTuesday, April 19. Please see page 6 for details.

The arts are alive and well in the Grandview Gallery. In December and January the

Grandview Gallery hosted an exhibit featuring floral photographs by Ashvin

Chudgar, a Wilson community member. Ashvin's two sons were students at

Wilson and his wife, Ginny, is a former school board member. After retiring from

the business world, he uses his camera to get up close and personal to his subjects

using macro photography. During the opening reception and 2 evening hours,

Chudgar sold $1000 in photographs, note cards and calendars, and generously

donated $500 to the Wilson Scholarship Fund, and a piece of artwork to the

Grandview Gallery permanent collection which is located in the main hallway

outside the gallery. If you did not have a chance to see Ashvin's exhibit, please see

his website at: www.ashvinphotos.com

During the month of February, the gallery showcased artwork by 86 Eighth Grade

Elective Art Students. Art teachers Lorijean Wallance (WMS) and Robin Graffius

(SMS) assisted the students in choosing their best piece thus far, then mounting

their work for the show.

Wilson High School AP Studio Art Students

March 6-25, 2011

Opening Reception: Sunday, March 6, 1-2:30pm Evening Hours: March 10 & 17,


April 3-22, 2011

Opening Reception: Sunday, April 3, 1-2:30pm Evening Hours: April 7 & 14 6-


May 1 - 27, 2011

Opening Reception: Sunday, May 1, 1-2:30 Evening Hours: May 12 & 19, 6-7:00

The Grandview Gallery is looking for artists to exhibit their work during the 2011-

2012 school year. If you or someone you know would be interested in exhibiting

their work, please email Julie Umbenhauer, umbjul@wilsonsd.org. Email photos

of artwork and contact information. Deadline: April 1, 2011.

Schedule of events for Friday, June 10 - AtWilson'sJohn Gurski Stadium:

12:00pm: Opening Ceremony & Parade ofTeams

12:30-7:00pm : Survivor Registration (cancer survivors must be pre-registered for

the free dinner, please call 610-921-2329 and register. Specify you are registering

for the Relay for Life ofWESTERN BERKS)

4:30-6:30pm: Survivor Dinner (Note new time - you may dine any time between


7:00pm: Survivor Ceremony -

9:00pm: Luminaria Ceremony - T

12:00-11:00pm: HOPE Carnival - Food, Music, Carnival Games, Prizes, Activities,

Giant Moon Bounces, DunkTank, and much more - fun for kids of all ages!

1:00pm Friday to 10am Saturday: -

For more information please visit our website at www.RelayForLife.org/

PAwesternberks or call Event Chair Denise Pasko at 610-636-1432 or Event Co-

Chairs BethWoytko at 484-332-3533 or Marie Shuman at 610-451-9853

Remaining 2011 Schedule:

Artwork by Christine Alaniz

Paintings by Cassi Heitmann

Chinese Auction


Celebrate with our guests of honor!

ake a few moments to remember your loved ones

in our Reflective Gardens!

9:00am on Saturday, June 11: Fight Back Ceremony - Take a stand and fight back

against cancer!

Over 100 fantastic items on

the auction!

Upcoming Events!




Congratulations to the following Wilson students on their winning submissions

in the 24th annual GFWCPAWomen's Club of SpringTownship Festival of Arts!

Grades 1-3 Ashley Feiler 3 Lincoln Park Mrs. Heister

Grades 4-6 Kyle Edelman 6 West MS Mrs. Kerschner

Grades 7-9 Alexandra Kuipers 9 WHS Mr. Dudek

Grades 10-12 Kelly Davis 12 WHS Mrs. Cambardella

Grades 4-6 Annette Thompson 4 Cornwall Terrace Mr. Smith

Grades 7-9 Alexandra Vaughn 8 West MS Mrs. Reppert

Grades 10-12 Elyse McDevitt 10 WHS Mrs. Genova

Grades 1-3 Kayla Dietrich 1 Cornwall Terrace Mrs. Iswalt

Grades 4-6 Adam Hummel 6 West MS Mrs. Wallence

Grades 7-9 Esmeralda Adames 8 West MS Mrs. Wallence

Grades 10-12 Jonah Pulford 12 WHS Mr. Gruber

Grades 4-6 Kaitlyn Conklin 5 Shiloh Hills Mr. Carr

Grades 7-9 Rachana Nayak 8 West MS Mrs. Wallenc

Grades 10-12

Color Jennifer Bielecki 12 WHS Mr. Geeza

Grades 10-12

B&W Serena Tomalis 10 WHS Mr. Geeza

Maria Jiang (11th Grade) Violin • Jon Pusztai (12th Grade) French Horn

Mattie Hess (11th Grade) Cello • Preston Hoopes (8th Grade) Piano

Art – Bev Bansner • Poetry – Marge Johnson

Photography – Dorsey Derr, Carol Witman, Dawn Neeb

Special congratulations go out to the Women's Club for celebrating their 50th

Anniversary on April 9!







Unfortunately,Wilson had 2 families who lost all of their possessions in house fires

this past fall. Luckily, they are all safe and starting to rebuild their lives. Both

families were overwhelmed with the generosity of the Wilson community and

asked to include letters of thanks in this Pride issue:

With Appreciation…

We would like to express a heartfelt “Thank You” to everyone who helped in any

way to ease our burden with the loss of our home. The outpouring of love,

concern, prayers, and overwhelming generosity was so greatly appreciated. May

you all be truly blessed.

- Kristen & Pep McKnight and family

ToTheWilson Community our Family,

My family and I are without words, unable to fully express our sincere

appreciation for your kindness and generosity. Amidst the tragedy of losing all

our possessions we have worked so hard for, we feel beyond blessed because of

the kindness of the Wilson community. Two days before Christmas we lost all our

material possessions but were given a second chance at life. This experience has

taught us that although the sincere kindness and generosity of today's society is

hardly ever spoken of, it certainly does exist. We could not be more happy and

thankful to be part of such a great and caring community. You all exemplify the

true meaning ofWilson family solidarity. When I am inWyomissing, I feel at home.

We can never repay your kindness, but please accept our sincere words of

heartfelt appreciation as a small gesture for your generosity and for helping us

get through these hard times. You all are magnificent people with huge, caring

hearts. May God bless each and every one of you with joy and happiness.

-The Santiago Family

Heartfelt Thanks ...WHS YEARBOOK

The Wilson High School Yearbook would like to invite parents who may

be interested in assisting with the design and publication of the 2011

yearbook to contact Mr. Brian Foreman for information regarding

assisting the creation. TheYearbook is a student designed project but we

are opening the door to the community for input and ideas. For more

information please contact Mr. Brian Foreman via email

ForBri@wilsonsd.org. Parents may also view the creative process as we

begin designing the yearbook pages by logging onto sw.taylorpub.com

and entering the following information:

Project Number: 014800 - Name: Parent2011

Password: WilsonYB

Please keep in mind comments should be appropriate when emailing Mr.

Foreman. Also you may still order yearbooks online by going to

www.smart-pay.com and locating Wilson West Lawn in the search box.

Anyone wishing to advertise in the yearbook may contact Mr. Foreman as

well regarding information on how to go about that. Thank you.

The Gilmore Henne Community Fund (GHCF) is looking for a Berks County college

student (Junior or Senior) to volunteer and assist with key Fund responsibilities.

The candidate will mirror Mr. Gilmore while he’s in Berks County, assist him with

duties related to the GHCF, sit in on all of his meetings, and help him complete

tasks when he’s not in town. Candidate should enjoy Foundation work, Parks &

Rec, Marketing and Fundraising. Interviews will be held shortly after March 24,

when Mr. Gilmore is scheduled to be back in town. Please forward resumes to

Tracy Caputo Markle at captra@wilsonsd.org.



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Wilson School Districtwww.wilsonsd.org

610-670-0180Main Number

Wilson Senior High School

Wilson West Middle School

Wilson Southern Middle School

Cornwall Terrace Elementary School

Green Valley Elementary School

Lincoln Park Elementary School

Shiloh Hills Elementary School

Spring Ridge Elementary School

West Wyomissing Elementary School

Whitfield Elementary School

Wilson Child Care Centers - Hours: M-F 6:30am-6:00pm

2601 Grandview Boulevard West Lawn, PA 19609-1324Ext. 1150 E. Wayne Foley,

Patrick Sasse,Jeffrey Ebert,Matt Bender,Laura Shepler,

450 Faust Road; Sinking Spring, PA 19608Ext. 1310 Kyle Wetherhold,

Matthew Werley

3100 Iroquois Avenue; Sinking Spring, PA 19608Ext. 1410 Michael Edelman,

Dr. Stephen Burnham

3100 Iroquois Avenue; Sinking Spring, PA 19608Ext. 1710 Jennifer Dianna,

270 Green Valley Road; Sinking Spring, PA 19608Ext. 2810 Dr. Dina Wert,

400 Dorchester Avenue; West Lawn, PA 19609Ext. 2710 Matthew Flannery,

301 Sage Drive; Sinking Spring, PA 19608Ext. 1910 Nancy Sinkus,

1211 Broadcasting Road; Wyomissing, PA 19610Ext. 1810 Caroline diCenso,

2173 Garfield Avenue; West Lawn, PA 19609Ext. 2610 Matthew Flannery,

2700 Van Reed Road; West Lawn, PA 19609Ext. 1610 Brad Hart,

Ext. 1163 Doreen Strausser,Ext. 1161 Kim Stivala,Ext. 4823 Sharon Capiotis,Ext. 1361 Berkshire Heights (Deb Seagreaves)Ext. 1760 Cornwall TerraceExt. 4704 Green ValleyExt. 1060 Wilson High SchoolExt. 3380 Shiloh HillsNo Ext. Spring Ridge (use 484-388-3582)Ext. 2660 West Wyomissing

Ext. 1360 Whitfield

PrincipalAssistant Principal, Grade 9

Assistant Principal, Grade 10Assistant Principal, Grade 11

Assistant Principal, Grade 12

Principal, Assistant Principal

Principal, Assistant Principal








Child Care CoordinatorAdministrative Assistant

Administrative Assistant

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CriticalSchool BudgetUpdate Inside