Williams Syndrome susquenita

Post on 11-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Williams Syndrome susquenita

Williams syndrome includes upturn nose, long upper lip, wide mouth, full lips, small chin and puffiness around the eyes.

The chromosome it affects is chromosome 7 . Missing material

on the chromosome

Williams syndrome affects boys and girls equally. It happens at a young age like infants.

Some affects of William syndrome are learning disorder mild mental retardationvery friendly, fearing loud sounds.

The parts of the body effects is all the parts of the body face, brain etc.

There is no cure for Williams syndrome but many affected children and adults lead full and active lives.

This is what Williams syndrome related to

Beuren Syndrome Early Hypercalcemia Syndrome

with Elfin Facies Elfin Facies with Hypercalcemia

Hypercalcemia-Supravalar Aortic Stenosis

WBS Williams-Beuren Syndrome


In the early 1990s, researchers located and

identified the genetic mutation responsible for the disorder: the deletion

of a small section of chromosome 7 that

contains approximately 25 genes

Three things I didn’t tell you isit is a very rare disease

in 1/10,000 births it occurs

works cited http://www.williams –syndrome.org/forparents/whatiswilliams.html#1http:b//learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/disorders/whataregd/williams/http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition=williamssyndromehttp://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders /Williams/Williams.htmhttp://www.ninds.nihgov/disorders/williams/williams.htm