Why you should use live chat software?

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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It may still be a novel experience for many people, but live chat can only become more popular, and by offering it before your competitors, you’ll be seen as a leader in your industry – even if it takes a while for your visitors to take full advantage.

Transcript of Why you should use live chat software?

Why you should use Live chat software?


In today’s world every company is using live chat.

But what is the use, if you use live chat and there is no customers.

In some cases people don't even notice the option for live

chat in your site.

So what should you do to increase your


Customize your Chat Widget

Simplest way to increase your sales chat is to make your chat box more inviting. Try to upload your real picture of an agent.

• Play around with introductory messages and the labels you use on the chat bar.

• A small change in wording could be all it takes to make your live chat box more appealing to a new visitor.

Proactive Chats from your Agents

When you are logged in to live chat, you can see constant

customers going through your web pages.

• Try initiating chats for few minutes with the visitors.

• Remember: tailor the opening message to the content of the current page to avoid irrelevant inquiries.

Advertising and Awareness

Are you promoting live chat effectively?

Best way to promote is PPC, which mention live chat effectively

Remember to schedule your ad so that it only appears when you’re

logged in to live chat

If advertising is costly, try raising awareness via low-cost methods. Email newsletters, social media

websites, forums or your own email signature: they’re all free.

Customized Forms

If you need your visitors information make sure you ask for

it,but it should be short. If you make it too long customer will

never respond it. Make sure you add your real picture and name in

the chat box

Final Thoughts

Increasing number of visitors isn’t science. Sometime it takes a long time to get familiar with live chat.

Sometime visitors will notice live chat box and will reply you

Live chat is still emerging as a sales and support tool, but some of the world’s biggest brands are now using it since it’s so efficient and

features a lot of advantages.

It may still be a novel experience for many people, but live chat can only become more popular, and by offering it before your competitors, you’ll be seen as a leader in your industry – even if it takes a while

for your visitors to take full advantage.

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