Why you need to prioritise your well being

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Why you need to prioritise your well being

Building Your Business

Why you need to prioritise your well-being

“So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then

have to spend their wealth to regain their health.”

-A.J. Reb Materi

As we begin to build a business, health and well-being tends to take a back seat.

We begin to neglect the small things, which in time can cause big problems.

What can implicate your mental health

and well-being?

Mental health and well-being

There are several factors that can help alleviate stress and

improve your well-being.

They’re no big secret.

Sleep Simply getting your recommended 7-9 hours of sleep can significantly improve your health.

Diet“Food has a direct impact on our cognitive performance, which is why a poor decision at lunch can derail an entire afternoon.”

– Ron Friedman, Harvard Business Review

Failing to look after your health and well-being can have a

significant impact on


Mental health and well-being

Poor management of your health

and well-being at work can directly impact your

overall health condition…

Mental health and well-being

…and even affect your personal life.

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