Why work with Johnsons? 1 - ESIcms.esi.info/Media/documents/Johns_information_ML.pdf · 2016. 6....

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Transcript of Why work with Johnsons? 1 - ESIcms.esi.info/Media/documents/Johns_information_ML.pdf · 2016. 6....

Johnsons of WhixleyWhixley • York • YO26 8DS

Tel: 01423 330234 Fax: 01423 331085

Email: info@nurserymen.co.uk

Known costs – andadded visitor appeal for builders and developers

Why work with Johnsons?

1 A small investment in quality plants in quality landscaping boosts

sales and lettings values – and speeds up the rate of conversion

2 We have unique systems in place to make plant procurement

hassle free and cost effective

3 Plant supply is geared to your construction timetable and the on-

site requirements of your contractor

4 Further cost savings and guaranteed availability of stock to your

exact specification can be ensured by our ability to contract

grow on virtually any scale

5 We grow more large specimen plants than any other UK nursery.

These provide even greater landscape impact and thus

increased visitor appeal

Unfettered choice ofplants and trees forlandscape designers

Johnsons of WhixleyWhixley • York • YO26 8DS

Tel: 01423 330234 Fax: 01423 331085

Email: info@nurserymen.co.uk

Why work with Johnsons?

1 Client satisfaction is assured through plants of unrivalled and

consistent quality – with service to match

2 Certainty of quality means less time spent on plant inspections

3 We work closely with landscape architects to understand their needs

and make our horticultural expertise available to them

4 Unrestricted choice of plant material in sizes up to 100L and

beyond means total design freedom

5 We have unique systems in place to make plant procurement

hassle free and cost effective

Practical, reliablesolutions for landscape contractors

Johnsons of WhixleyWhixley • York • YO26 8DS

Tel: 01423 330234 Fax: 01423 331085

Email: info@nurserymen.co.uk

Why work with Johnsons?

1 Huge scale production means very competitive prices

2 Unrestricted choice: we are the largest one-stop shop in the UK

3 Rapid response quotations to match your deadlines

4 Unbeatable service: 98% of deliveries arrive on the agreed

date and time

5 A spirit of partnership: service and prices from us that will help

you grow your business

Johnsons of WhixleyWhixley • York • YO26 8DS

Tel: 01423 330234 Fax: 01423 331085

Email: info@nurserymen.co.uk

landscape shopsthe one

Why work with Johnsons?

1 The plants you need on a day-to-day basis right on your doorstep

– exclusively for landscape professionals like you

2 Hundreds of top quality home-grown varieties in a wide range of

sizes up to 100L and beyond plus a massive selection of imports

3 A huge selection of trees and hedging – containerised and


4 Rootballed and semi-mature trees

5 Forestry material and hedging

Wholesale Plant Centres

Opening Times7.00am – 5.00pm

Monday – Saturday Lunchtime

Just a few minutes drive from Junction 3 on the M3

& Junction 11 on the M25.

Bagshot Road, Chobham, Surrey GU24 8DB

Tel: 01276 488184

A couple of minutes drive from the A1(M) – within

easy reach of most of the North.

Johnsons of Whixley Wholesale Plant Centre,

Whixley, York YO26 8DS

Tel: 01423 330234

Only a five minute drive

from major roads

Bare root transplantsand hedging material

Johnsons of WhixleyWhixley • York • YO26 8DS

Tel: 01423 330234 Fax: 01423 331085

Email: info@nurserymen.co.uk

Why work with Johnsons?

1 Rapid response quotations to match your deadlines

2 Huge scale production means very competitive prices

3 Unrivalled quality: our stock is widely seen as the best in the UK

4 Stock of native seed provenance for all regions

5 Instant availability: we lift 100,000 plants every day

Trees for everylandscape situation

Johnsons of WhixleyWhixley • York • YO26 8DS

Tel: 01423 330234 Fax: 01423 331085

Email: info@nurserymen.co.uk

Why work with Johnsons?

1 Unlimited choice of species and varieties, shapes and forms

2 Sizes from 6 to 8cm girth up to mature trees e.g. 600 year old

olive trees

3 Huge scale production means very competitive prices

4 Unrivalled quality: home-grown production and specialist

supplies from selected European growers

5 Horitcultural expertise available at any time

Six specialist productionunits growing 8 million+plants every year

Johnsons of WhixleyWhixley • York • YO26 8DS

Tel: 01423 330234 Fax: 01423 331085

Email: info@nurserymen.co.uk

Why work with Johnsons?

1 Whixley propagation unit. The Whixley propagation unit extends to

4Ha with state of the art glasshouse facilities which give us tight

control on quality and quantity.

2 Newlands Nursery and Head Office. At Newlands we have an

exposed site of 20Ha which is ideal for producing hardy container

stock in 2L and 3L pots. This is also our main administration and

despatch facility and the location of the original Wholesale Plant


3 Cattal Specimen Plant Unit. At Cattal we have a 7Ha container unit

specialising in the production of 7L, 15L, and 25L specimen plants.

The majority of our contract growing commitments are carried out

on this site.

4 Thornville Specimen Bare Root Production Unit. At Thornville we

have 20Ha of sandy loam producing quality amenity trees ranging

in size from 1.8m to 25-30cm girth and specimen field grown

conifers, shrubs and hedging.

5 Roecliffe Retail Unit. At Roecliffe we have 3.5Ha with 1Ha under

glass. This is our bespoke production unit for the retail sector.

6 Wilberfoss Forestry Nursery. At Wilberfoss we have over 100Ha of

silty sand producing exceptionally fibrous root systems on the field

grown transplants raised here.

Cattal Specimen Plant Unit

Whixley Propagation Unit Thornville Specimen Bare Root Production Unit

Wilberfoss Forestry Nursery

Roecliffe Retail UnitNewlands Nursery & Head office

Key people with key skillsusing state-of-the-artsystems

Johnsons of WhixleyWhixley • York • YO26 8DS

Tel: 01423 330234 Fax: 01423 331085

Email: info@nurserymen.co.uk

Why work with Johnsons?

1 The first grower of any kind anywhere in Europe to

achieve accreditation to ISO 9002. This reaches right

across the business, covering production, sales,

purchasing, and accounts.

2 Traditional plantsmen taking thousands of cuttings at just the

right time for hundreds of species, striking them out and

growing them on for two or more seasons.

3 Agronomists help with pests and diseases, stock controllers

ensure that we carry the plants our customers need, buyers to

secure the best value, despatch staff to lift and label plants,

and drivers to take any one of our fleet of vehicles to the next

town, the next county, or, indeed, anywhere in Europe.

4 Information technology systems provide accurate management

and financial information as well as instant information to


5 Every grower supplying plants to Johnsons from anywhere in

Europe is subject to the same quality regime as our own

production units.