Why the future for IT companies and consumers is in the sky?

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Why the future for IT companies and consumers is in the sky?

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Many businesses small, medium or

large use cloud computing today either

directly (e.g. Google or Amazon) or

indirectly (e.g. Twitter) instead of

traditional on-site alternatives. There

are a several reasons why cloud

computing is so widely used among

businesses in the present time.

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According to many senior finance

executives, Cloud service adoption

increase productivity, improves IT

functioning and reduced cost.

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Companies spend 60 to 70% of their

entire IT budget just to maintain and

run their existing IT infrastructure.

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Companies spend more than 3 times

the initial cost of a software license to

own, operate and manage non-cloud


Cloud App

Non-Cloud App





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Cheap Maintenance1





Reduced Risks


Reduced Costs

Increased productivity

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Cheap Maintenance1

Leveraging standards, your IT staff can

focus on your core business and the

goals you’ve set. A managed service

company will also offer 24x7x365


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Reduced Risks1

Managed Service Providers tasks will

keep your company ahead of the bad

guys, which gives you Peace of Mind. It

Increase performance and availability

while lowering risk.

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By selecting managed services you gain

access to staff with specialist skills.

Sometimes you will only need this skill

once, so save the expense of training

your staff for skills they will never use.

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Reduced Costs1

Cloud technology in their organization

would lead to reductions in operational


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Increased productivity1

Cloud technology in their organization

would improve employee productivity.

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