Why student face rejection of dissertations

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Why student face rejection of dissertations

Why student face Rejection of dissertations

which are prepared by content writing Agencies?

The major reason behind the rejection of the thesis work prepared by the student is the lack of

professional guidance and poor writing services. According to some surveys in certain

universities, the rate of rejection of Ph.D. thesis ranges from 10 – 12% of the aspirants for every


The efforts put in by the students in preparing the write ups go in vain mostly because they do

not get proper dissertation writing service.

A lot of agencies just hire normal content writers or other word we can say academic writers to

write the Ph.D. thesis writing or dissertation writing and they are unable to clarify the doubts

and topics like the experienced Ph.D. holder professors.

These days with the advancement of the technology, students apply to get the dissertations

help over the internet and when the firms that provides these services receives such

applications they appoint their developer to send the writings to the students but these

developers are not well qualified to provide solutions to the problems and hence the writing

work never gets completed successfully.

When we talk about the dissertation writing service, one must always prefer the guidance of a

Ph.D. holder in place of some other writers because he has the complete knowledge of the

subject and can supervise the student more effectively. In comparison to the content or

academic writers a Ph.D. holder writer can provide real help for the editing of the dissertation

writing service.

Also, before submitting the dissertations, thorough editing has to be done or else students also

end up losing the important content. For this proper Dissertation editing services are required

from a specialized firm that has a qualified and experienced staff of Ph.D. holder that can guide

and solve the problems with due diligence.

A Ph.D. holder professor can only provide with expert advice and support and also other kinds

of help and assistance needed to the students in Dissertation writing service or dissertation

research. He is the ultimate supervisor when we compare him with other writers.

If a Ph.D. holder writer has a vast experience in the subject, it becomes an icing on the cake for

the aspirant as then the chances of the dissertation and being rejected by the university is

minimum. He molds the students in such a great manner that failure stays away from him and

usually his works are accepted in the first go and no resubmission is required at all.

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