Why prices and stocks get inflated?

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Why prices and stocks get inflated?

Why prices and stocks get inflated?

Why prices and stocks get inflated?

Lets give it a natural reason.

Why prices and stocks get inflated?

Why prices and stocks get inflated?

They get inflated for the same reason our age and our height get inflated.

Why prices and stocks get inflated?

Can we keep ourselves the same size or same age? NO

Why prices and stocks get inflated?

We can't keep our prices “at the same value”.

Why prices get inflated?

Its not just the number that changes.

Why prices get inflated?

Its the value that does.

Why prices get inflated?

Numbers are merely information.




Why prices get inflated?

Numbers can be manipulated and made to grow on trees.



Why prices get inflated?

... like the one Governments do to survive.

Why prices get inflated?

But there are much bigger forces that are acting underneath objects and their value.

Why prices get inflated?

1. Consumers have to pay for war-loss. USA Pre and post 1914 inflation. 2. China Warfare. Every major country is a spendthrift on wars and defence budget.

Why prices get inflated?

A fact which is even advantageous to black marketers, hoarders, unethical traders, trade manipulators etc; as they get a gold deal of camouflage, from the subversive nature of the complexity. Add to it any kind of corruption and national loss making (debt etc) international pressure and so on.
