Why Is It So Fun Being A Stay-At-Home Dad?

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Why Is It So Fun Being A Stay-At-Home Dad?

It's Fun Being A Stay-At-Home Dad

It happens to dads, today, to stay at home and take care of the kids because... well, some

women earn more money than their husbands and they rush between home and work so that they can

provide for the family.

If you're in a situation like this, instead of feeling sorry for

yourself and think something is wrong with you, look at all the possibilities and benefits of being a stay-at-home dad!

Advantage #1

You can dress however you want.

It's important not how you dress when you go out, but if you carry everything

your baby needs.


You can let your creativity at large!

You will have plenty of time to think of new ways to take care of your child. Remember that guy who used a vacuum cleaner to fix

his daughter hair faster?

Number ThreeYou will have plenty of time for


A baby sleeps a lot so whenever he or she does, you can do it too! And naps are nice,

any time.

Advantage #4

You can play with your kid's toys.Let's be real – one is never too old to

play with toys!

Advantage Number Five

You can shoot funny videos with your kids and upload them to

the Internet.Because the Internet still needs its fair amount of Charlie bit my finger stuff!


You can work out with the help of your kids.

Bench presses with a baby a really good. Just put safety first, okay?

Lucky Number Seven

You can teach them how to play a music instrument!

Or listen to good music. Trust me, music is decisive when it comes to building a


Advantage #8

Your boss will still be really annoying...

and loud, and displeased and unreasonable. This time, however, you can keep his

mouth shut with a pacifier.

Number Nine

You can combine fun activities at home with house chores!

Yeah, I know, nobody likes chores. But who is going to do the carpet cleaning, or

the dishes?

Ten!You won't miss important moments

of your child's life!

When it comes to being a father, we always regret missing our child's first words or

first steps. Not anymore!


Max Schau @ http://cleaners-melbourne.com/