Why i converted to islam (embraced eslam)

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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This is a real story of an American youth who converts to Islam and how he tried many religions and philisphies but chose Islam when he found it. Do you know WHY? See for your self.

Transcript of Why i converted to islam (embraced eslam)

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He disclosed to "Sabq" Newspaper how he ran away from "Jesus the Son of God" and

converted to Islam and what he hates about Saudis.

Steve, American national, narrating his story with Islam: ("A Pakistani janitor who was

collecting food leftovers taught me the "Shahadah".)

After Eleventh of September 11 attacks, I

resorted to the Quran but Find nothing relating to terrorism.

The math. Teacher aroused my curiosity

by saying: Muslims do not drink alcohols and pray 5 times a day.

I do not like wars, sects and conflicts or following a specific Shaikh.

European racism incited Muslim youths to join Extremists.

What bothers me is the pride and ignorance of some Saudis and throwing garbage in

the streets.

There Are Muslim organizations to take care of Muslims abroad. America accepts

Buddhists and rejects Muslims.

I couldn't stand the idea that one man bears the sins of the rest of humanity!.

Interviewed by Shakran Al Rashidi – Sabq – Riyadh:

The American national, Muslim convert "Steve Allen" or "Mohammed Saleem" as he prefers

to be called after converting to Islam, said: The Quran amazed him when reading its verses deeply especially the verses which speak about scientific miracles. He confirmed in this

interview that he could not find logical and convincing answers in Christianity. He was never convinced by Buddhism and idols neither but he felt peace with Islam. He found what he was searching for, a clear one creator "Allah" the almighty. He mentioned the differences between

Muslims in Europe and America and the main reasons behind their wealth in the American society. He stated some of the reasons which prompted some Muslim youths to extremism

and hoped that we Muslims could change from inside so that Allah would change us for better.

The dialogue covered many points pertaining to Islam and Muslims in the United States of

America, Muslim groups, his voyage to Cairo, Istanbul, Switzerland, Azerbaijan and Riyadh and the secret of his compassion towards Islam leaving behind other believes, and how the

American media was so rude against Muslims, the hardship to live in Saudi and why he concealed from his family his conversion to Islam for 3 years in addition to other topics...

Q1: We understood that you have a long story of deep intellec tual shifts in your life that

lead you in the end to converting to Islam with complete conviction. Can you elaborate?

A1: I was looking for specific answers since my childhood. I had many questions about life, the universe, the relation with the creator, human relations and nature but never found logical and convincing answers in Christianity which I was brought up with.

Though I studied in a private Christian school for two years since I was 13 years old,

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yet I was always looking for the truth. Subhan Allah, though I was brought up to an American Christian family, yet my parents were not religious, I was even more

religious than them as I was interested in going to the church, do the prayers and read the Bible. Many topics I did not accept in Christianity such as "God has son"!! I could

not understand this, if God has one son, why couldn't he has more sons and daughters and wives since 2000 years ago? It was not logically acceptable to me that one man "Prophet Jesus" (PBUH)1 would bear all the sins of the remaining humanity as a well

known biller of Christianity.

I always wondered, although I believe in the creator "God", yet I did not believe in

what I saw of religious practices and rituals which never meant anything logical to me. The turning point in my life was when the math. teacher mentioned once that Muslims do not drink alcohols and pray 5 times a day. This aroused my curiosity to

learn more about Islam. I always believed that most of the American society problems are caused by alcohols and drug abuse which were and still one the biggest problems

in America, and I myself consider it a waste of time, health and money. Because of this piece of information I heard from the math. teacher, I used to say "I want to be a Muslim". But, since I was an American teenager, I did not think deeply into the

matter because I did not know a thing about Islam at that time. In mid eighties and prior the American media put great concentration on Islam in later years.

During my youth stage, I lost my relation with God, stopped reading the Bible, never go to church and lived like a normal American teenager life though I was feeling that something is missing. I felt empty but old questions are still roaming in the back of

my head. I think this is the Fitra, the instinct that God created us on. Many people are overwhelmed with Fitra. Deep in me I knew that something wrong was in my life,

therefore I did not want to go back to Christianity and did not like – as many of the westerns – to convert to Islam because Islam is the last thing they think about.

Q2 Why? Despite the fact that many Americans embrace different religions and

philosophies, whey they look at Islam as the last choice?

A2 I think this is because of the negative impression about Islam or "Stereo-Type"; there

has not been a lot of positive issues that stand out in the US media about Islam, and because of the intolerant actions and behaviors of some Muslims with others. This gave bad impression about Islam and Muslims. In America they accept you if you are

a Buddhist and consider you as peaceful. They tolerate with people of other faiths, and other oriental cultures and philosophies; but being a Muslim, this is not the

choice. You could say also because converting to Islam is a big change in life and uncommon. I talked to a number of Americans who converted to Islam and they all assured me that they were totally avoiding Islam.

Q3 Having lived in a society which did not tolerate Muslims and had negative impression

about Islam, what has really attracted you to Islam?

A3 Christianity has many gaps which arouse questions and does not provide logical answers to these questions. What attracted me about Islam is that Islam answers all

the questions with convincing logic especially in relation to life, the universe and the relation between God and his worshipers.. etc. Islam did not leave any gap to

question it, rather Islam answers all the questions and leave you free choice to be

1 PBUH = peace and blessings of Allah be upon him

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convinced. The Islamic faith can be learned from the holy Quran. The Creator "Allah" the almighty is clearly mentioned in the holy Quran and the He "Subhanahu Wataála"

is one and has one else beside him and had no sons or wives or daughters. The holy Quran is very clear and informative about Allah and that is what tempted me to

convert to Islam and accept is as my faith. In addition, all morals and high values of the Islamic faith, the relationship with Allah has drawn me to Islam. All other religions and philosophies are ambiguous and complex in relation to Allah the Creator

and has always many meanings, but in Islam this relation is very undoubtedly clear. When you read the Quran for one time only, you will understand what is requested

from you. Some Muslims in countries I have visited such as Egypt, Morocco and Jordan, were not really committed to the teachings of Islam yet, although they have a significant moral barrier that prevents them from drinking alcohols despite its

availability, accessibility, the majority of them do not they touch it because it is haram according to Islamic principles, this also applies to other sins which are prohibited in


Q4: During your constant search for logical and convincing answers about faith the relation with Allah, have embraced any ideas, faiths or philosophies before Islam?

A4: In the American society we live detached from any specific faith, but I was interested in religion and the questions which never left my head. Therefore, I read about

Buddhism and visited their temples several times but never been convinced. I watched them bowing for idols and request assistance and peace from them. I said to myself, what is this? This is non-sense!! Buddhism in general is a philosophy of life but not a

real religion. This is what I discover myself. The Buddhist does whatever he likes. I read oriental philosophies and found they were written by humans although they have

good ideas in them, but I was looking for is a Deen2 "Faith" that really convinces me and changes my life and prompts me to be a better person.

Q5: Did you read a lot about Islam before accepting it?

A5: I learned about the Quran from a workmate who was not Muslim. She invited me and other workmates for dinner. When we reached her house, I found in the bookshelves

of her house mate an English translation of the holy Quran because she was reading about religions all over the world. I took the book in order to read it since I like to know about other religions. I said to myself: I have read most of the western and

eastern books of religion and philosophy, why shouldn't I read this book? "the Quran". Therefore I borrowed the book and was not expecting to find anything of

importance in it. I started reading Surat Al-Fatiha, then I read in it for two days and could not stop reading3. The Quran amazed me and I said to myself: What is this book? why didn't I read it before? I read the Quran again. During Summer 2001G, I

did not read any other book beside the Quran. I read it everywhere I go, in my house, at work, in buses, in library and every time. I took a pen and started underlying the

verses which I liked. I found many scientific facts which amazed me, especially when we know that this book was revealed to prophet Mohammed (PBUH) 1436 years ago according to the Hijra calendar4. This fact in itself refutes the western allegations that

prophet Mohammed PBUH wrote the Quran himself. How can an illiterate Bedouin

2 Deen: Faith, Iman, Belief

3 Imagine: This is the translation, how about the original Arabic which Allah chose for his words and challenges the Arabs to o ne similar verse like and they

couldn't ?

4 Hijra Calendar: Commences from date prophet Mohammed peace and blessings be up on him immigrated to from Mekkah to Medinah in the Arab peninsula.

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living in the desert put all these scientific facts – discovered only the 20th and 21st centuries - in this book 1436 years ago! I was stunned by Surat Al-Nur (light) when

Allah Subhanahu Wataála says: "Or [they are] like darknesses within an unfathomable sea which is covered by waves, upon which are waves, over which are

clouds - darknesses, some of them upon others. When one puts out his hand [therein], he can hardly see it. And he to whom Allah has not granted light - for him there is no light." (Verse 40 – Al-Nur).

Allah is great (Subhan Allah). I am specialized in "Geographical science" and found that what is mentioned in this verse complies with the true scientific fact. The verse

precisely describes oceans and seas' layers. Also Surat Al-Mu'minun which amazingly and accurately describes the stages of the creation of man.

"Allah says: "And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay. (12)Then We

placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging. (13)Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the

lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah, the best of creators." (14 – Al-Mu'minun)

Also Surat Az-Zumar when Allah says: " He created you from one soul. Then He

made from it its mate, and He produced for you from the grazing livestock eight mates. He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, within

three darknesses. That is Allah, your Lord; to Him belongs dominion. There is no deity except Him, so how are you averted?" (Az-Zumar- 6)

I was amazed by this Surat and verses because they described scientific facts which

only known to Allah the Creator.

Also Allah said in Surat Al-Hujurat: "O mankind, indeed We have created you from

male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. (Al-Hujurat - 13)

These were un-doubtful scientific facts and this is what convinced me to convert to Islam. I was really amazed by the Quran.

Q6 Have the 11th Sept. incident, NY and Washington Attacks anything to do with you converting to Islam, or had you any contradicting thoughts?

A6 When 11th Sept. attacks took place, I wondered: I have not read anything about

violence and terrorism in the Quran!! Why innocents are being killed? This is not acceptable in Islam!

Allah said in Surat Al-Ma'ida in the Quran: ".... whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely...."

As a matter of fact, Sep. 11th shocked me deeply and prompted me to understand the Quran deeper and deeper. Many have converted to Islam after this incident and after

the read about Islam and knew that it is contrary to picture drawn by the western media. I was one of these new Muslims, and started reading more about Islam on the net and believed in the Quran and its content.

Q7 Did you ever felt reluctant or wishing to turn away from Islam after having seen violence and terrorism thrown on Islam?

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A7 Not at all. The reason is I am still Muslim. It is all about this amazing book "the Quran". It is the real power of Islam. It has the mercy and peace. In my opinion,

without the Quran there will be no Islam. This book is the beauty of Islam. It is a great book even when you hear it recited when you are not Muslim, it is still a great thing to

hear. It is so beautiful.

Q8 Do you remember any incident that enhanced your well to convert to Islam?

A8 I wanted more information about Islam but in the meantime did not want to go to a masjid and ask about Islam. I was reluctant. One day, during my college time, I was

working part time in a grocery and charities were visiting the grocery to collect the good we couldn't sell to distribute to the poor. One of these charities was a Muslim charity. They used to visit us with their cars and collect the food to distribute to the

poor. The attracted me with their smiles, humbleness good treatment and the way they put their caps on. I went near one of them – a Pakistani - and asked him about Islam

and the Shahadah5. He asked me: Do you want to become Muslim? I said: (YES). He said: by uttering the Shahadah now you will become and Muslim. I was surprised by that!! He shook hand with me in that same place and said to me: "Ashadu An La Ilaha

Illah Allah Wa Ashhadu Anna Muhammadan Rasoulu Allah" I repeated the Shahadah after him then he said: You are a Muslim now!. This moment was the happiest ever in

my life then I changed my name from "Steve Allen" to "Mohammed Saleem", but I am used to be called Steve. I did not know what I should do after I became Muslim? This one of the problems encountered by new Muslims in the west. Thereafter, I went

to the Masjid to do my prayers and fasted Ramadan for that year. It was the most pleasant experience in my life.

Q9 As a western citizen, did you find any difficulties in applying Islam to your daily life, or found it easy to adapt to?

A9 I did not find it difficult, rather it was a complete change in my life. Yes takes time,

but it will make your life better.. Islam is not a complex religion, it is easy and tolerant. The problem in the western societies is there are not Muslim organizations

to care and assist new Muslims and teach them Islam step by step. In the Muslim society in the US for example, there are contradictions. Some say do this and others want you to do it differently. All are correct and they all have good intension but this

confuses you at the beginning.

5 Shahadat in Islam means: To say I bear Witness that there is no god but Allah and that Mohammed is his

prophet. It is the first pillar of Islam.

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Q10 Did your family accepts you becoming a Muslim?

A10 I concealed it from my family for 3 to 4 years. I used to pray in secrecy. I close the

door and pray. I grow my beard and was worried. They noticed that something has changed in my life. I stopped going to restaurants and clubs and stopped talking about women. My family was not so religious. Even when I started wearing Muslim

costumes such as the cap, short thobe "Dress" and holds rosary in my hand, they were wondering: What happened to him? Why he became ascetic like monks? It took me 3

years to say loudly I am Muslim. Some of my friends even took them longer to announce it and they still conceal it.

Q11 Did you try to learn Arabic in order to read the explanations of the Quran in its


A11 Yes, I went to the Masjid in my city where the Imam 6 was African American

Muslism. He converted to Islam long ago and started to teach us Arabic in a simple way. To my opinion, it is important for the new Muslims to learn Arabic to be able to read religious books, Tafseer7 and prophet Hadeeth8. I went to Egypt to learn Arabic

in 2004G and after graduation from the university, I chose Cairo because I couldn't get visa to Saudi Arabia, and life was so expensive in Jordan. It was also difficult to

get visa to Syria though Studying Arabic in Syria was great and they had good curricula. After I collected some money, I went to Cairo and stayed for about two years. It was the best part of my life because I studied Arabic, I was young,

enthusiastic and it was the first time I hear Athan "Prayer call in Islam" delivered

6 The person leading the prayers in Islam. He is supposed to be more knowledgeable but not a must.

7 Explanation of the meanings of the holy Quran.

8 Hadeeth: Prophet's sayings which reflects his daily and spiritual life.

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publicly in my life and eat Halal food9. Despite the fact that Cairo was very crowded and polluted, but Egyptians have their special sense of life and they happy by nature.

I studied Arabic with other American Muslims who came from Pakistan. We formed a good group of people. As I needed money, I started giving English lessons in an

Egyptian school and because I love to be in a Muslim community. After that, I went back to the US for few months. I was interested in going to Turkey due to its Islamic history. I travelled to Istanbul and stayed in Istanbul for two years. I liked the city

very much for its beauty, its historical masjids and because it has full Muslim districts, and for its marvellous Islamic architect. Istanbul is really a beautiful city,

and I enjoyed teaching English in Istanbul until 2007. Then, I was invited to teach English in the city of Riyadh. I lived in Riyadh for one year working for a private training centre. Then I went to teach English in Azerbaijan for one year, then to

Switzerland for 3 years, and back to the United States where I stayed for few months. I came back to Riyadh to teach English in 2013 and I am still here.

Q12 Do you like the life style in Riyadh after having experienced that in Cairo, Istanbul, Azerbaijan and Switzerland?

A12 Lifestyle in Riyadh is very difficult to adapt to even to a Muslim person. The most

difficult of which is when facing some arrogant and ignorant persons. They do not care about public manners. For example, they extensively use car horns, they drive

recklessly, they do not respect the traffic regulations and do not give other drivers their traffic rights, they through garbage from car windows, inpatient and they do not treat others respectfully. Moreover, the Labour Office Law is bad, the sponsorship

law is very restrictive and unfair. For example, I left my previous work because my sponsor did not allow me to bring my wife and live with me. The Saudi society

concentrates on Islamic formalities but do not strictly adhere with the Islamic Sharia. In Islam, there is Iman10, Islam11 and Ihsan12. Some shop and office workers take more time for prayers than they should and if look for them you will find them chatting,

drinking tea, watching football games. They take the prayer time as an opportunity of rest and laziness, while Islam is the Deen that calls for work and activity and rejects


Q13 You mentioned that you taught English to Saudi students. How do you evaluate English teaching and education in general?

A13 Motives differ from one person to another. Some students work hard and learn, while others don't. Society and family culture plays good part in this. Some students are

rich, spoiled and not in need for a certificate and his family do not wish to force him to learn. The parents play the main part here. Also, there are many different materials to learn such as math, geography, history, Deen, science ... an on up to 14 different

materials. This causes boredom to students.

Q14 As Muslims, what should we do to improve the image of Islam?

A14 We could many things. I do not speak about a specific group here, but I am talking about Muslims in general. We must be better in ourselves and with others. I do not

9 Halal: slaughtered as per Islamic principles.

10 Iman: faith

11 Islam: Submission to Allah and his teachings.

12 Ihsan: Highest level of Iman which means "Believing in Allah as if you see him with your own eyes".

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like differences between different groups of Muslims or following a specific Sheikh. We are all Muslims and must be brothers. We have to go back to the real Islam and

read the Quran and practice it. Allah will not change people if they do not work out that change. We must ask ourselves as Muslims: Do we treat our wives and family

members better? Do we treat the environment better? Do we treat our teachers better ... etc.

Q15 Ho do you spend your free time in Riyadh?

A15 I spend my time reading. Most of my time I use to learn more about Islam, Islamic

history, Fiqh, Aqeedah to be able to understand Islam, and I am assisted by my Palestinian wife.

Q16 What is your admission?

A16 I want to learn Arabic better and I want Muslims to know their religion better. There is a lot to learn in Islam.

Q17 What is the best decision you ever made?

A17 Accepting Islam out of full convictions, a learning journey that never ends!