Why English? Why do you have to take English?? Let’s Hear Some Answers Who is Right??

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Why English? Why do you have to take English?? Let’s Hear Some Answers Who is Right??

Why English?

Why do you have to take English??Let’s Hear Some Answers

Who is Right??

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What???…because Cascade gives you virtually spotless


Do You Know What a Snake Oil Salesman Is?

Clark Stanley

Clark Stanley (b. c. 1854 in Abilene, Texas), the self-styled "Rattlesnake King," marketed snake oil as a patent medicine.In 1879, after 11 years as a cowboy, Stanley studied for more than two years with a Hopi medicine man at Walpi, Arizona this included learning the secrets of snake oil.

More About Clark Stanley

• With the help of a Boston druggist he began marketing his product at Western medicine shows. In 1893 he and his rattlesnakes became a hit attraction at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois. His act included the killing of rattlesnakes and squeezing their bodies, what came out he labeled snake oil. Later he went on to establish production facilities in Beverly, Massachusetts and Providence, Rhode Island.

• In 1915, subsequent to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906, Stanley's concoction was examined and found to be of no value (it was mostly mineral oil). He was fined $20.00 and established the term snake oil as any worthless concoction sold as medicine.

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Listerine is a brand of antiseptic mouthwash product. It is promoted with the slogan "Kills germs that cause bad breath", and was named after Joseph Lister who advocated the idea of sterile surgery by sterilizing instruments.

WHY did the company chose this name?

Does it kill germs...yes...but how quickly do germs return?

Years ago, Listerine claimed you would get "fewer colds and milder colds" if you gargled daily with it. I think it's the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) that polices advertising. In any event, Listerine was told it could no longer make that claim.

Do You Know What a CERT is?

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Or This One??

Would you elect Claude Pepper? Why or Why Not?

• Read what his opponents said of him

Are you aware that Claude Pepper is known all over Washington as a shameless extrovert? He is also reliably reported to practice nepotism with his sister-in-law, and he has a sister who was once a thespian in Greenwich Village. He has a brother who is a practicing homo sapien, and he went to college where men and women openly matriculated together. It is an established

fact that Mr. Pepper before his marriage practiced celebacy. Worse that that, he has admitted to being a lifelong autodidact. Finally, he was once caught masticating in public!

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So…what should you take English?