Why do women join the California Federation of Women’s Clubs?

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Why do women join the California Federation of Women’s Clubs?

Why do women join the California Federation of

Women’s Clubs?

Could the reason be as simple as…• Making new friends • Or making a difference in

their community and around the world

Having a great time doing both !

Who wouldn’t want to be a part of the CFWC,

make friends, have fun and make a

difference ?

This could be you having fun with your

new friends and making a difference

Contact us and learn more about how you

too can have fun, make friends and most of all make a difference in the world we live in

• Go to www.cfwc.org

• Find us on face book at: GFWC California Federation of Women’s Clubs

• Or email us at membership@cfwc.org

We are waiting to hear from you !