Post on 17-May-2018

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Saturday 6:00 - PM Vigi l

Celebrant and Preacher: Fr. Bill Estes

Chalice-bearer and Reader: Mike Carmena

Sunday 8:00 AM – 1928 BCP

Chalice-bearer and Reader: Mike Howe

Usher: Fred Bader

Sunday 9:00 AM - Ri te II

Acolytes: James Stupfel, Anna Stupfel, Ava Crum

Chalice-bearers: Cameron Crum, Lamar Lunsford

First Reading: Becca Stupfel

Second Reading: Angela Crum

Prayers of the People: Lamar Lunsford

Ushers: Will Lowe, Vic Whitmeyer

Sunday 11:15 AM - Ri te I

Acolytes: Patrick Estes, Aidan Clemons

Chalice-bearers: Matthew Clemons, Donnie Muennink

First Reading: Teresa Sparks

Second Reading: Jack Fry

Prayers of the People: Matthew Clemons

Ushers: Hugh Partin, Tom Leaverton

Addit ional Servers

ALTAR GUILD: Janice Magee, Diane Klein,

Monty Muennink, Linda Beaupré, Ann Schumann

HOSPITALITY: Debra Hughes, Lisa Rowett

COUNT/LOCKUP: Will Lowe, Teresa Sparks


Keep up with St. John’s on the web:

SAINT JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 2401 College Ave., Fort Worth, Texas 76110

Telephone 817-927-5341 · Fax 817-927-0908

Fr . David Freder ick Kle in , Rector Fr. Bill Estes, Assistant to the Rector

Fr. Chris Guptill, Pas toral Asso ciat e Mr. Alan Potts, Organist/Choirmaster

The Second Sunday in Lent

March 1 , 2015 - 9:00 a .m. Rite II Hymnal Prayer Book

Prelude ‘Nimrod’ from “Enigma Variations” Elgar

401 Processional Hymn “The God of Abraham praise” Leoni

The Opening Acclamation in Lent (Stand) 355

Collect of Purity (Stand)

S-91 Kyrie eleison Healey Willan

Collect of the Day (Kneel)


Please see the insert for the Collect of the Day and readings of Holy Scripture

The Psalm will be chanted. Please see the Psalm insert.

379 Sequence Hymn “God is Love, let heaven adore him” Abbot’s Leigh

The Holy Gospel (Stand)

Sermon The Rev. William T. Estes

The Nicene Creed (Stand) 358

The Prayers of the People (Kneel) Form II 385

The Confession of sin and Absolution (Kneel) 360

Sharing the Peace of Jesus Christ (Stand)

Announcements and Offertory Sentence

Offertory Music “In Thee, O Lord” Haydn

380 v.3 The Great Doxology


S-130 The Sanctus and Benedictus (Stand) Schubert

The Prayer of Consecration (Kneel)

The Lord’s Prayer (Kneel)

S-164 Agnus Dei (Kneel) Schubert

Comm. Anthem “Adoramus Te, Christe” (Christ we adore you) Dubois

328 Comm. Hymn “Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord” Song 46

Post Communion Prayer (Kneel) 365

699 Recessional Hymn “Jesus, Lover of my soul” Aberystwyth

Postlude “Air in F Major” Handel


W e are blessed that you have joined us in our worship of Jesus Christ. At

Saint John’s we worship in the Anglican Tradition; fostering a place

where forgiveness, conversion and spiritual renewal can evolve; enabling

Christian formation to help us grow that our life may be consecrated to God’s

work. We pray that you have found us faithful in our witness of His Love and

you will make Saint John’s your spiritual home.

Receiving Holy Communion

All visitors who have been baptized with water, in the name of the Father, Son,

and Holy Spirit, and who have been admitted to Communion in their own

church are welcome to share the Holy Eucharist. We are all called to repent of

our sins and to approach the Holy Communion as an expression of the Real

Presence of Jesus Christ. When you come forward to receive the Holy Body

and the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ please approach the Altar Rail

in prayer. Cross your right hand over your left that the sacred Host may be laid

in the palm of your right hand. When the Chalice is offered help guide it (if

necessary) to your lips. When your communion is complete, pause to give

thanks before returning to your seat. If you are not receiving Communion

today, you are most welcome to come to the Altar Rail for a blessing; simply

cross your arms over your heart.

Ladies wearing lipstick, please remember to blot your lips before coming forward for

Communion if you desire to receive directly from the chalice. (If you generally receive

by intinction, of course, this is not necessary.) Thank you! — St. John’s Altar Guild

If you receive Holy Communion by Intinction

If you make your communion by intinction (which is dipping the Host in

Consecrated Wine), our Bishop asks that you retain the Host in the palm of

your hand after receiving it and the priest, deacon or lay minister will touch it

to the Wine and place it on your tongue.

A Private Prayer before receiving Holy Communion

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, by the will of the Father and the work

of the Holy Spirit Your death brought life to the world. By Your Holy Body

and Blood free me from all my sins and from every evil. Keep me faithful to

Your teaching, and never let me be parted from You. Amen.

A Private Prayer after receiving Holy Communion

Lord Jesus Christ, may I receive these precious gifts in purity of heart. May

Your Body and Blood bring me healing and strength, now and for ever. Amen.


Saturday 6:00 - PM Vigi l

Celebrant and Preacher: Fr. David Klein

Chalice-bearer and Reader: Mike Carmena

Sunday 8:00 AM – 1928 BCP

Chalice-bearer and Reader: Ben Broadwater

Usher: Garrett Tucker

Sunday 9:00 AM - Ri te II

Acolytes: Grace Beaupré, Annabelle Beaupré

Chalice-bearers: Mike Beaupré, Clay Slaughter

First Reading: Trish Williamson

Second Reading: Jason Merritt

Prayers of the People: Diane McCusker

Ushers: Jorge Lopez-Aguado, Bill Dolph

Sunday 11:15 AM - Ri te I

Acolytes: Mharie Estes, Liam Estes

Chalice-bearers: Tom Ward, Dorian Johnson

First Reading: Diana Broadwater

Second Reading: Jane Cox

Prayers of the People: Tom Ward

Ushers: Michael Pavlovsky, Rusty Wood

Addit ional Servers

ALTAR GUILD: Sarah Stringer, Sharon Norcross,

Robyn Virden, Diana Broadwater, Dora Hale, Shelley Lowe

HOSPITALITY: Linda Plemons, Hugh Partin

COUNT/LOCKUP: Tom Ward, Vic Whitmeyer

If you are unable to serve, please try to find a replacement, or call the parish office as soon as possible. Thanks!


Saturday 6:00 - PM Vigi l

Celebrant and Preacher: Fr. Bill Estes

Chalice-bearer and Reader: Mike Carmena

Sunday 8:00 AM – 1928 BCP

Chalice-bearer and Reader: Mike Howe

Usher: Fred Bader

Sunday 9:00 AM - Ri te II

Acolytes: James Stupfel, Anna Stupfel, Ava Crum

Chalice-bearers: Cameron Crum, Lamar Lunsford

First Reading: Becca Stupfel

Second Reading: Angela Crum

Prayers of the People: Lamar Lunsford

Ushers: Will Lowe, Vic Whitmeyer

Sunday 11:15 AM - Ri te I

Acolytes: Patrick Estes, Aidan Clemons

Chalice-bearers: Matthew Clemons, Donnie Muennink

First Reading: Teresa Sparks

Second Reading: Jack Fry

Prayers of the People: Matthew Clemons

Ushers: Hugh Partin, Tom Leaverton

Addit ional Servers

ALTAR GUILD: Janice Magee, Diane Klein,

Monty Muennink, Linda Beaupré, Ann Schumann

HOSPITALITY: Debra Hughes, Lisa Rowett

COUNT/LOCKUP: Will Lowe, Teresa Sparks


Keep up with St. John’s on the web:

SAINT JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 2401 College Ave., Fort Worth, Texas 76110

Telephone 817-927-5341 · Fax 817-927-0908

Fr . David Freder ick Kle in , Rector Fr. Bill Estes, Assistant to the Rector

Fr. Chris Guptill, Pas toral Asso ciat e Mr. Alan Potts, Organist/Choirmaster

The Second Sunday in Lent

March 1 , 2015 - 11:15 a.m. Ri te I

Hymnal Prayer Book

Prelude ‘Nimrod’ from “Enigma Variations” Elgar

401 Processional Hymn “The God of Abraham praise” Leoni

The Opening Acclamation in Lent (Stand) 323

Collect for Purity

S-91 Kyrie eleison Healey Willan

Collect of the Day (Kneel)


Please see the Scripture Insert for the Collect of the Day & the Readings. (Sit)

The Psalm will be chanted. Please see the Psalm insert.

379 Sequence Hymn “God is Love, let heaven adore him” Abbot’s Leigh

Procession and Reading of the Holy Gospel (Stand)

Sermon (Sit) The Rev. William T. Estes

The Nicene Creed (Stand) 326

Prayers of the People (Kneel) 328

The Confession of sin and Absolution 331

Sharing of the Peace of Jesus Christ (Stand)

Announcements and Offertory Sentence (Sit)

Offertory Anthem “In Thee, O Lord” F. J. Haydn

380 v3 The Great Doxology (Stand)


S-114 The Sanctus and Benedictus Healey Willan

The Prayer of Consecration (Kneel)

The Lord’s Prayer (Kneel)

S-158 Agnus Dei (Kneel) Healey Willan

Comm. Anthem “Adoramus Te, Christe” (Christ we adore you) Dubois

328 Comm. Hymn “Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord” Song 46

Post Communion Prayer (Kneel) 339

699 Recessional Hymn “Jesus, Lover of my soul” Aberystwyth

Postlude “Air in F Major” Handel


W e are blessed that you have joined us in our worship of Jesus Christ. At

Saint John’s we worship in the Episcopal Tradition; fostering a place

where forgiveness, conversion and spiritual renewal can evolve; enabling

Christian formation to help us grow that our life may be consecrated to God’s

work. We pray that you have found us faithful in our witness of His Love and

you will make Saint John’s your spiritual home.

Receiving Holy Communion

All visitors who have been baptized with water, in the name of the Father, Son,

and Holy Spirit, and who have been admitted to Communion in their own

church are welcome to share the Holy Eucharist. We are all called to repent of

our sins and to approach the Holy Communion as an expression of the Real

Presence of Jesus Christ. When you come forward to receive the Holy Body

and the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ please approach the Altar Rail

in prayer. Cross your right hand over your left that the sacred Host may be laid

in the palm of your right hand. When the Chalice is offered help guide it (if

necessary) to your lips. When your communion is complete, pause to give

thanks before returning to your seat. If you are not receiving Communion

today, you are most welcome to come to the Altar Rail for a blessing; simply

cross your arms over your heart.

Ladies, if you are wearing lipstick please remember to blot your lips before coming

forward for Communion if you desire to receive directly from the chalice. (If you

generally receive by intinction, of course, this is not necessary.) Thank you!

If you receive Holy Communion by Intinction

If you make your communion by intinction (which is dipping the Host in

Consecrated Wine), our Bishop asks that you retain the Host in the palm of

your hand after receiving it and the priest, deacon or lay minister will touch it

to the Wine and place it on your tongue.

A Private Prayer before receiving Holy Communion

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, by the will of the Father and the work

of the Holy Spirit Your death brought life to the world. By Your Holy Body

and Blood free me from all my sins and from every evil. Keep me faithful to

Your teaching, and never let me be parted from You. Amen.

A Private Prayer after receiving Holy Communion

Lord Jesus Christ, may I receive these precious gifts in purity of heart. May

Your Body and Blood bring me healing and strength, now and for ever. Amen.


Saturday 6:00 - PM Vigi l

Celebrant and Preacher: Fr. David Klein

Chalice-bearer and Reader: Mike Carmena

Sunday 8:00 AM – 1928 BCP

Chalice-bearer and Reader: Ben Broadwater

Usher: Garrett Tucker

Sunday 9:00 AM - Ri te II

Acolytes: Grace Beaupré, Annabelle Beaupré

Chalice-bearers: Mike Beaupré, Clay Slaughter

First Reading: Trish Williamson

Second Reading: Jason Merritt

Prayers of the People: Diane McCusker

Ushers: Jorge Lopez-Aguado, Bill Dolph

Sunday 11:15 AM - Ri te I

Acolytes: Mharie Estes, Liam Estes

Chalice-bearers: Tom Ward, Dorian Johnson

First Reading: Diana Broadwater

Second Reading: Jane Cox

Prayers of the People: Tom Ward

Ushers: Michael Pavlovsky, Rusty Wood

Addit ional Servers

ALTAR GUILD: Sarah Stringer, Sharon Norcross,

Robyn Virden, Diana Broadwater, Dora Hale, Shelley Lowe

HOSPITALITY: Linda Plemons, Hugh Partin

COUNT/LOCKUP: Tom Ward, Vic Whitmeyer

If you are unable to serve, please try to find a replacement, or call the parish office as soon as possible. Thanks!

are omitted from the altar, and the cross

over the high altar is removed. The

color changes to purple. These

changes are designed to foster a

subdued, meditative spirit to prepare us

to enter into Holy Week where the

narratives of our Lord’s Passion are

read. And once more we are made

sharply aware of the origins of our life

in Christ, and the price He paid to

attain it for us. Join us on the


Mitchell Hall Men’s Rest

Room Out of Order Until further notice, the men’s restroom

in Mitchell Hall is off-limits, due to the

damage sustained in that corner of the

building from a recent car accident in

the rear driveway. — Fr. Klein

New Lock on Office Hall

Entrance The combination lock on the office

hallway main entrance recently gave

out, and a new lock has been installed.

It takes the same combination, but it

operates a bit differently. Because it is

designed to lock automatically when

closed, it is necessary to hold the latch

open while opening the door. When

you close the door you won’t need to

push the latch in order to lock it; just

shut the door firmly. In order to keep

the door unlocked for a period of time,

from the inside push the silver button

upward while holding the latch open.

If you have any questions, just ask one

of the staff.

Keeping you informed…

Feb weekly goal $8,970

Jan 31-Feb 1 offering 11,867

Feb 7-8th offering 7,731

Feb 14-15th offering 6,896

Feb 21-22nd offering 10,026

Feb budgeted income $35,881

Feb pledge and plate 36,520

SCAC Food Drive $600

PARISH NEWS Weekly News for the Family and Friends of St. John’s Church

The Second Sunday in Lent, March 1, 2015



THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR - no flowers on the altar during Lent

THE LADY CHAPEL FLOWERS - no flowers on the altar during Lent

THE SANCTUARY CANDLE - in honor of the birthday of her grandson,

Dylan Williamson, by Trish Williamson.


PRAYER LIST: We most humbly beseech Thee, O Lord, to comfort and

succor those in need of Your healing and helping hand: Kathy, Diana,

Christy, Wanda, Frank, Jane, Nela, Harrie, Annette, Gordon, Damon,

Dominic, Kimberly, Aubin, Lou, E. C., Mark, Sandra, Lynda, Ginger,

Biff, Jason, Gary, Brian, William, Martha, Chelsea, Josephine, Cassie,

Jan, Sondra, Matthew, Nancy, Rita, Pam, Connie, Penney, Virginia, Mary

Beth, Tyson, John, Jenna, Mary, Jack, Marjorie, George, Trinity, Jeff,

Gayle, Coleman., Genny, Stan , Tom, Becky, Lisa, Hannah, Sean,

Jonathan … Stephanie, Martha, Don, Denise, Tha-Nome, Bud… Rachel,

Austin, Katie, John, Felicia, Perry… Gail, Samantha, Glenda, Courtneye,


Note: Names on the prayer list are on a three week cycle unless requested longer

FOR PARENTS EXPECTING: Aubin and Sam; Kaila and Terry; Holly

and Alan; Jessica and David; Sara and Nick; Kristin and Geoff; Paris and

Matt; Casey and Mark; Danielle and Johnny; Jenny and A.J.

FOR THOSE TRAVELING: Ellen, Colin, Kris, and Ann


FOR TROOPS SERVING: Kip, Evan, Matthew, Nicholas, Aaron, Charlie,

Daniel, Karl, Paul...

BIRTHDAYS: Bob Batsche (1), Robert Hampton (6), Robyn Virden (6),

Mary Swift (7).


Note: The date in parenthesis indicates the day of the birthday or anniversary.

Please call the parish office if you or a family member would like to be added to

the lists.

Visitors’ Page

Visitor’s Card Help us get to know you!

Please fill out a Visitor’s

Card and place it in the

Offering Plate.

Hospitality “Coffee Hour” is held

every Sunday morning

from 10:15-11:00 in the

Parish Hall. Stop by

after the 9:00 service or

before the 11:15 for the

fellowship. Visitors are

especially welcome!

Nursery Nurseries for infant/

toddler (age 0-2) and

preschool (age 3-5) are

located at the east end of

the Education wing. Ask

an usher for directions.

Nursery is offered 8:50 -


Sunday School Sunday School for kids

preschool thru junior

high is held Sept-May

from 10:15-11:00 during

Coffee Hour. Adult

classes are periodically

offered at the same time

in Guild Parlor.

Prayer Ministry

Prayer cards are located

in each pew for your

prayer needs. To access

the prayer chain, contact

Martha Anderson at


or call the parish office.

Joining St. John’s?

Just fill out the New

Member Registration

Form found on the wall

rack in the Narthex or in

the Office. If you are

Anglican or Episcopalian

we will process a letter

of transfer for you. If

you are from another

denomination, you will

be registered as a

baptized communicant

and we’ll let you know

when the next Inquirers

Class begins. If you are

not yet baptized, Father

Klein will contact you

regarding baptismal


Low-Gluten Hosts St. John’s offers low-

gluten (less than 0.01%)

communion wafers on

request. If you have a

gluten intolerance issue

please speak with one of

the clergy.

Weekly Services

Saturday Evening

Vigil Mass 6:00 p.m.

Sunday Morning

8:00 a.m.1928 BCP

9:00 a.m. Rite II

11:15 a.m. Rite I

Child-Care 8:50 - 12:30.

Wednesday Eucharist

7:00 am with

breakfast out following

11:00 am

Office Hours Tuesday - Friday

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Closed for Lunch

12:00—1:30 PM

Our Vestry Senior Warden

Tom Ward 2017

Junior Warden

Vic Whitmeyer 2018


Gerald Gregory 2016

Vestry Members

Clifford Bronson 2016

Jack Fry 2016

Bob Hampton 2017

Mike Howe 2017

Will Lowe 2016

Christina Pavlovsky 2017

Teresa Sparks 2018

Mark Stupfel 2018

Rusty Wood 2018


Walter Virden, IV

Assistant Treasurer

Steve Tredennick

Delegates to Diocesan


Tom Ward

Vic Whitmeyer

Dorothy Gregory

Next Vestry

Meeting (rescheduled due to


Tues, Mar 3

Weekly Programming

Sunday School Meets from 10:20-11:05 Sept-May in

the Bevan wing. Contact: Lisa Estes

Chapel Sunday today, Mar 1

Anglican Youth Ministries For youth in grades 6-12. Meets 1st

Sundays at 10:20 in the AYM Room for

education and spiritual growth and 3rd

Sundays at 12:30 in Mitchell Hall for

fellowship and activities. Contact: Fr.

Estes. AYM meets today 10:20 am

Youth Confirmation Class For youth in grades 8-12 is held on the

second and fourth Sundays of the

month from 4:00-5:30 at the Stupfel

home. Contact: Fr. Klein Class meets

today Mar 1 to avoid spring break.

Wednesday Bible Study Morning Class - Meets 9:30-11:00 in

the Green Room. Topic: The Letter to

the Ephesians. Contact: Fr. Estes

Evening Class - Meets 7:00-8:00 pm in

the Green Room. Topic: The Gospel of

Luke. Contact: Fr. Klein On break till

after Easter; resumes Apr 15

Wednesday Lenten Study Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living

in a Secular World, by Henri Nouwen

Initially written for a Jewish friend, Life

of the Beloved has become Henri

Nouwen’s greatest legacy to Christians

around the world. Stations at 6:00, Meal

6:30, Book Study 7:00 pm. Childcare

available. Contact: Fr. Klein

Thursday Choir Practice 6:00-7:00 Hand Bell Choir

7:00-8:30 Chancel Choir

Contact: Alan Potts


Vestry Meeting This

Tuesday, March 4 Rescheduled from last Tuesday due to


6:45 Evening Prayer

7:00 Meeting

Daughters of the King

Meeting, Sun, Mar 1 The DOK will hold their regular

monthly meeting today, March 1 from

4:00-5:30 in the Guild Parlor. Program:

Lenten Meditation with Fr. Estes. For

more info see Trish Williamson.

Adult Inquirers’ Class

Begins March 8, 10:15 Inquirers Class for adults will be held

on Sunday mornings from 10:15-11:00

am in the Guild Parlor. The class is six

sessions long and will run through April

26 (skipping Apr 5 and 12). Those who

would like to be confirmed, received, or

reaffirm their baptismal commitment

when Bishop Iker visits on Sunday,

May 10th, should plan to attend. The

class is open as well to anyone who

wants a “refresher” in the faith. For

more info see Fr. Estes.

The Liturgy During Lent During Lent our worship takes on a

special character. The season begins

with ashes pressed on our foreheads as

a sign that a journey has begun. The

ashes trace the sign of the cross marked

on us at our baptism. How do we pick

up our cross and follow after Jesus?

Special adjustments are made in the

liturgy during Lent. The alleluias and

joyful canticles, the Gloria in excelsis

are omitted from the service. Flowers