Who am i 2 - spanish history

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Who am i 2 - spanish history

Who am I?

Amadeo I Amadeo I (1845 – 1890) was the only

King of Spain from the House of Savoy. He was the second son of King Vittorio Emanuele II of Italy and was known for most of his life as the Duke of Aosta, but reigned briefly as King of Spain from 1870 to 1873.

He was elected by the Cortes as Spain's monarch in 1870, following the deposition of Isabella II, and sworn in the following year. Amadeo's reign was fraught with growing republicanism, Carlist rebellions in the north, and the Cuban independence movement. He abdicated and returned to Italy in 1873, and the First Spanish Republic was declared as a result.

Farmers / Peasant

They are laborers or owners of small farms, especially in the Middle Ages under feudalism, or more generally, in any pre-industrial society.

They could be a slave, serf, and freeman.

Farmers occupies the lowest part of the old society

They lived in very difficult conditions

Juan Prim Don Juan Prim y Prats, Marquis of Los Castillejos,

Grandee of Spain, Count of Reus, Viscount of El Bruch (1814 in Reus, Spain – 30 December 1870 in Madrid) was a Spanish general and statesman.

Prim commanded the Spanish army in Mexico when it refused to consent to the ambitious schemes of Napoleon III.

In September 1868 General Serrano and General Prim returned, and Brigadier Topete, commanding the fleet, raised the standard of revolt at Cádiz. In July 1869 General Serrano was elected regent, and Prim became president of the council and was made a marshal.

On 6 November 1870 Amadeo, Duke of Aosta, was elected king of Spain, but General Prim, on leaving the chamber of the Cortes on 28 December, was shot by unknown assassins and died two days later.

Alfonso XII of Spain Alfonso XII (Alfonso Francisco de Asís

Fernando Pío Juan María de la Concepción Gregorio Pelayo; 1857 –1885) was King of Spain, reigning from 1874 to 1885, after the ephemeral First Spanish Republic.

Having been forced into exile after the Glorious Revolution deposed his mother Isabella II from the throne in 1868, Alfonso studied in Austria and France.

His mother abdicated in his favour in 1870, and he returned to Spain as king in 1874 following a military coup.

Alfonso died aged 27 in 1885, and was succeeded by his unborn son, who became Alfonso XIII on his birth the following year.

Antonio Cánovas del Castillo Antonio Cánovas del Castillo (1828 –1897)

was a Spanish politician and historian known principally for serving six terms as Spanish Prime Minister, his role in supporting the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy to the Spanish throne and for his death at the hands of an anarchist, Michele Angiolillo.