White paper - How to win more sales with eMail marketing

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Transcript of White paper - How to win more sales with eMail marketing

!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’


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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’ ! Contents !Introduction ___________________________________________ 3

Step 1 - Data ___________________________________________ 4

Step 2 - Subject Line ___________________________________________ 7

Step 3 - Message ___________________________________________ 9

Step 4 - Look & Feel ___________________________________________ 13

Step 5 - Timing ___________________________________________ 14

Step 6 - Follow up ___________________________________________ 15

Summary ___________________________________________ 17

About ___________________________________________ 18

Contact ___________________________________________ 19


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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!Introduction !The secret to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing is easy … The more activity (opens, clicks & website visits) that your readers do, the odds are, the more interested they are in your services. So all you need to do is understand and score their activity to identify the right buying signs.

!!!!��� If a prospect has opened your eMail and clicked on a link, it does not tell you they are interested in buying. But if they do this, have a quick look around your website and then return a few days later and look at specific pages. This would suggest that they are probably in a buying cycle.

Simon Washbrook - Founder of popcorn eMail Marketing !!!!

The hardest part is getting all the different elements of your eMails right to encourage the reader to undertake the greater activity. !In this paper, I am going to provide you with some practical advice across the 6 key elements of your eMail campaigns to help you identify the buying signs and win more sales. !!!!!!!!!!

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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!Step 1 - Data !This will not come as much of a surprise, but a good quality database is the foundation of every successful eMail campaign. Here are a few pointers for improving and growing your database, so that you can target your customers with appropriate offers and advice, along with a few tips around managing your data: !!Growing your Database Buying-in data is the easiest way to grow your database, but not the best. You should always be looking to add contacts that have opted-in and are looking forward to receiving your eMails, this will give you the best response rates and greatest chance of Winning More Sales from your eMail Marketing. For a comprehensive list of ways you can grow your database, please visit popcornmail.co.uk to find out more. !If you do need to buy data in, it is best to use a reputable supplier who regularly qualifies their lists via telephone and they should also offer you a bounce guarantee - if they don't do this it suggests that they are probably not that confident in their own data. If you are thinking of doing this, we would be happy to help via some of our trusted suppliers. !!Targeting / Segmenting Size is not everything … some of my most successful campaigns only go out to relatively small lists, but get great results because the contacts are so carefully targeted. Categorising your contacts by relevant type (e.g. industry, purchase history, responses, etc…) is a great way of producing specific messages and Calls to Action that will increase your engagement levels / sales. !

Quick Tip - it’s !��� six to seven times more expensive to gain a new customer than to retain an existing customer.���

- Harvard Business Review !Why not try targeting your current / past customers with specific messages for faster and more profitable sales? The search tool in popcorn is a great way of creating targeted campaigns; within your campaign folders, simply tag your contacts with relevant details that can be searched for and then targeted. !!Continued… !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!!Unsubscribing you will never hear an eMarketeer boast about a high unsubscribe rate. You should aim for this rate to be as low as possible, as it tells you that your readers are valuing what you are sending out. That being said, it is always better that a contact has the confidence and confidence in your brand / eMails to click unsubscribe rather then the ‘Send to Junk’ button, which will in turn improve your response rates and protect your brand reputation. !

��� For every customer complaint there are 26 other unhappy customers who have remained silent.��� - Lee Resource !

It is always good practice to add a section into the first eMail of any new campaign, telling your readers what you are planning on doing and highlighting a way for them to unsubscribe, this is in addition to your standard unsubscribe text which should be included in every eMail you send. !!Updating Always take full advantage of the CRM system behind your eMail system, as something that may not seem important now, may become vital to closing a sale in the future. Typical fields that many eMail Marketeers forget to update are: !

Job description - understanding a contact’s role can be key to how you follow them up. Phone Numbers - up to-date contact numbers can save you hours when following up. Notes - communication and buying history is exceptionally powerful when you are calling your contacts. Categories - allows you to easily segment contacts for campaigns and targeting. !!

Bounces After sending your campaign out, you will notice two types of bounce: !

soft bounce - tells you that the eMail is live but was unable to be delivered due to temporary issues (full inbox, internet gremlins, temporarily unavailable, etc…) hard bounce immediately tells you that the eMail address does not exist.

Quick Tip - After every campaign go through your bounces, find out why they bounced and try to fix the problem. Typical reasons for hard bounces are mis-spelt addresses, a

contact who has left the company or even that the business does not exist any more. Most of these can usually be fixed by making a quick phone call. Not only does this qualify the data, but it is a great customer service exercise and can lead to more sales. !A low bounce rate is a sign of a good quality database, as you know that your eMails are getting through to your readers. !Continued… !!!!!!!

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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!!!SPAM Traps SPAM traps are eMail addresses set up with the sole purpose of catching illegitimate eMails and identifying senders with poor data quality practices. These are typically created by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), anti-SPAM organisations and corporate networks, who create and manage the spam trap networks by using the following types of eMails addresses: !

Redundant eMail address — this is the most popular way to identify legitimate eMail Marketeers who have not kept on top of their database quality -typically an unknown eMail address will produce an unknown bounce code. So always monitor your bounces or respect an unsubscribe due to a hard bounce, because at some point an ISP may turn it back on and turn it into a SPAM trap. !True spam trap—these are eMail accounts that are created to capture spammers. The eMail address will never be given out, just placed on a website to catch SPAMMERS that harvest data without consent, this is the true definition of SPAM. !!

Disqualification Don’t be afraid of disqualifying your contacts - every few months try to identify the contacts that have not engaged (with a ‘0’ score). If they have not responded yet, they probably won’t in and in their eyes you are probably just SPAMing and will be damaging your brand’s reputation! Try sending a final eMail to them with a subject line, telling them that you are going to stop eMailing unless they opt back in, giving them a final chance. !!Data Summary Always keep your database updated and target your campaigns based upon the readers interests. Firing thousands of eMails out and hoping that some will stick, may lead to a few quick wins, but in the long term, you will only damage your brand’s reputation.

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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!!Step 2 - Subject Line !!

��� 47% of people say they open an eMail because of the subject line.��� - data sourced from Chadwick Martin Bailey !

Your subject line is probably one of the most important components of your eMail. You can spend hours pouring over the content of your eMail to ensure that your message and Call to Action are perfect, but if you have not got your Subject Line right it will all be for nothing, as no-one will open the eMail. Here are a few tips on how to improve your Subject Line to improve your open rates and improve your sales conversion rates. !!Message The topic of your Subject Line should be clear and simple, so that the reader can easily understand what you are trying to tell them. Try to avoid using high level Marketing language and stick to the ‘Ronseal’ approach; ‘Say what it does on the Tin!’ … that way your readers know exactly what to expect when they open the eMail, giving you a greater chance of the reader clicking through to find out more. Quick Tip - ‘Secrets’ is the most clicked word for developing lead nurturing and ‘Posts’ and ‘Jobs’ are

generally the most clicked subject line words. !!Length Following the keep it simple approach - keep your Subject Lines to a maximum of 60 characters - as well as increasing your open rate by 3.1%, you can be confident that the whole of the message is going appear in the preview panel and not get cut …… off. A good example of this would be ‘2 days left - Book your place on our eMail Marketing Seminar’. !

��� keep your subject line to 15 Characters as you are likely to increase your open rate by an

additional 2.6% and your click through rate by 0.6%…��� - data sourced from MarketingCharts.com !

Etiquette This may sound obvious, but treat your Subject Line in the same way that you would introduce yourself when speaking. Try to avoid over use of CAPITALISATION and Punctuation!!!!!, as it is often viewed as you are shouting at the reader, and will be picked up by SPAM filters. !!Continued… !!!!!!!!!!

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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!!Personalisation A great way to increase engagement is to use personalisation in your headline and body text. This immediately makes your reader feel special and tells them that you know who they are (not a SPAMMER) giving them more confidence to engage with your eMail. !Following this psychology, it is always good to make your reader feel even more special, by sending them invites or limited special offers, that make them feel like they are part of a select few who have received the offer. !

��� Personalised eMails improve click-through rates by 14%, and conversion rates by 10%��� - Aberdeen Group

Quick Tip - Use a pre-sending check before sending to check you have not broken your

personalisation links during editing, as seeing code instead of your name will do more damage than good. !!Contact Details Always include your contact details in every eMail you send, not only does this mean that you are ensuring best practice, but you should make it as easy as possible for your customers to contact you. Quick Tip - Typically your readers will look to the header or footer for your contact details.

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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!!Step 3 - Message !!Assuming that you have targeted the right people and sent your eMail you now need to ensure that it is actually opened … simply follow these steps to increase your engagement levels. !Plan your eMails out, so that you know what you are going to say and when you are going to send them. There is nothing worse than scratching your head the day before and having to throw something together. !!Psychology This is a big subject, but in short, your readers will engage with your message either emotionally or on a business level - and you should always aim to communicate on an emotional level. Typically when a customer focuses on business reasons they will look at ‘features and benefits’, which are always comparable and this will usually lead to a decision being based upon price. Whereas if you can communicate on an emotional level, the customer will be motivated into action, without thinking about it, which leads to a faster more profitable sale. This will also increase your open / click through rates as they will instinctively react to the messaging. !

��� Engaging with your prospects on an emotional level, will lead to more sales at a higher profit

margin. ��� - popcorn eMail Marketing !

Planning You should know what you want to achieve and have a plan of what you are going to send and when… that way everything can be pre-prepared and will ensure that your eMails are received on-time and add value to your readers. Are there any key dates that your contacts need to know about or which affect their industry? If so, think about how you can remind or help them with it. Quick Tip - Keep your planning simple and flexible, that way you wont get bogged down in detail. !!

General look and feel Have a consistent look and feel to ensure brand consistency which will give the reader confidence in what you are saying and the confidence to click through to your links, which should standout clearly. Quick Tip - The number of links to webpages should be reduced, focusing your readers attention on

clicking through with your Call to Action buttons. !Try to think how your eMail will appear when viewed on a mobile device - will it allow your readers to still read it clearly? And finally don't try and fit everything in, keep it simple and you will get more responses. !!Fonts When you send out your eMail, you need to be aware that not all browsers / mail clients have the same fonts installed, and if you use a font in your eMail that is not available, the text will appear as the default system font. Using over large font sizes can also increase your chances of being sent to Junk Mail …So, try to avoid font sizes above 22 points. !!

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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!!!!Copy Keep it simple, so that the reader can easily understand the key points and then click through to your website / landing page to find out more. Don’t forget that people are basically lazy and the easier you make it for them to get to the relevant information the more likely they are to become a prospect. !!Images Unless you are sending a text only eMail, to look like it has been sent from you Mail Client (Outlook, Mac Mail, etc…), I always recommend the use of images, as a picture ‘tells a thousand words’ and supports your message and branding. Alternating the images that you use helps to keep the readers interest over different eMails - if someone looks at an eMail and thinks they have seen it before, they will probably click Delete. !Another good tip is to always avoid using too much HTML / Images in your eMails, you should be aiming to have 60% text and 40% images (ideally using at least 3 images). When you start using more images the filters assume that you are trying to hide text in your images and send it to junk. Quick Tip - infographics are an excellent way of sharing complex information and driving traffic to

your website, in your eMail try using a smaller image, linked to a landing page with the full size image on. !!Headline As with a webpage, you only have a couple of seconds to grab your readers attention before they hit Delete. A simple way of doing this is to include a headline in your eMail. This makes it easy to understand exactly what you are offering, but should have more of a direct Marketing message to capture their attention. !Try using a Different Font, Colour or Size to help it stand out from the rest of your text, but be careful not to make it look too messy, as it will have the opposite effect. !!Split tests Split tests allow you to test two different eMails against a percentage of your database and see which one has the highest success rate, the winner of this test is then sent out to the rest of your campaign folder. !This is a great way of testing your subject lines and can be a rewarding process as you should see your engagement increase every time you test. !!Continued… !!!!!!!!!!!

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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!!!Statistics Understanding and using your statistics are key, they will immediately tell you how your prospects are engaging with your eMails, what you should be talking to them about in follow-up / future eMails and how to segment your next campaign. Key stats to track are : !

Opens – the higher the better, but note that there are 2 different types: Opens - number of times an eMail has been opened – aim for above 16% Unique opens – as above, but excluding repeated opens

Clicks - number of contacts that have clicked on a link - these are industry and message dependent, but aim for between 2% to 20% Bounces – the lower the better (1% - 2% for an established list), but note the 2 different types: Hard Bounce – where the eMail address simply does not exist Soft Bounce – non delivery due to short term technical reasons Unique Website Visits - number of people generally visiting your website Website visits from eMails - number of people visiting from your eMails Prospects - are categorised (Hot, Warm & Cool) and are based upon your prospects scored activities !!

Call to Action This one may sound obvious, but a Call to Action tells your readers exactly what you want them to do with your eMail and what they should expect - (e.g. Click to Download) Quick Tip - Give your Call to Action plenty of breathing space, so that the reader can easily see what

you want them to do with your eMail. !��� ‘Click Here’ gets the highest % of clicks ahead of ‘Go’ and ‘Submit’ … Call to Actions promoting

ebooks get almost twice the click through rate as eMails promoting webinars.��� - Hubspot !!Pre-sending Taking full advantage of the built in pre-sending checks will help you to avoid the dreaded SPAM filters and improve response rates, by checking your eMails against the built in pre-sending checks (SPAMassasin databases, SPAM word lists, damaged or broken website links / and personalisation). !!!Continued… !!!!!!!!!!!

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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!!!Branded Landing Pages Once you have got your visitors to click through to your website, the last thing they want to do is to sift through pages trying to find the information they want. A Branded Landing Page gives you the ability to provide your readers with specific information and a Call to Action, along with the opportunity for data capture, all of which should increase your Sales opportunities. This also ensures that your prospect receives a consistent branded message as they move from your eMail to a landing page and onto your website. Quick Tip - popcorn has a built in landing page generator that can clone your website and give you

the ability to edit the page in a matter of seconds. !��� 68% of B2B businesses use landing pages to garner a new sales lead for future conversion..��� - Marketing Sherpa !

Quick Tip - Try directing your prospects to watch a video on your landing page as people are basically

lazy and will always take the easy option of being shown something rather than having to read a document. In addition they will then spend more time on your site reinforcing your brand message and driving traffic to additional pages / promotions. When using popcorn, your Youtube videos can be quickly inserted into landing pages by clicking the button. !!!Testimonials This may sound obvious, but you will be amazed how many businesses miss this simple technique. If you tell someone you are great, they won’t necessarily believe you, but if a 3rd party tells them the same thing it carries much more weight. Quick Tip - Use testimonials that are directly related to what you are promoting and from companies

that are similar to your target audience, as they will be easier to relate to.

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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!!Step 4 - Look & Feel !!Although much of the layout of your eMail is subjective, there are basic rules to stick to if you want to increase your sales and engagement: !Less is more - as I have previously mentioned, your readers have a very short attention span and you need to help them find the information they want quickly. A great trick for driving traffic to your website is to write a couple of teasing sentences which are then cut off just before a key piece of information, with a ‘Read more’ link to the full article on your website. Not only does this get the reader to the relevant information quickly, but it then puts them onto your website where they can look around. This is very useful for when you want to follow up as you will know exactly which pages they have been looking at and how much of a sales prospect they are due to their behaviours. !The style of eMail that you send can also have a massive impact upon the way that a reader interacts, I have broken them down into 4 styles:

Text only - these are often over looked and are a brilliant way to make your eMail appear personal as it looks like you have just written it for them, especially when you use personalisation correctly. !Don’t forget to include a link to your website / landing pages. !Suggested uses include: pro-active support eMails, introductions, personal invitations to events / surveys, new features / service announcements and they are a perfect way to share good news. !!Promotional - perfect for driving direct sales, keep them low on text with lots of graphical buttons that drive readers through to relevant pages. !A great example of a company that does this is Amazon. !Suggested uses include: product and service promotions. !!Newsletters - a great way of sharing knowledge and industry news. Ideally you should use strong headlines with a sentence teasing the information, which is then cut off half-way through, with a ‘Read more’ link to a specific landing page. !Suggested uses include: regular newsletters, product updates / feature list, etc … !!Postcard / news flashes - a simple graphical based eMail that promotes a single item, grabbing your readers attention with an eye catching image, succinct bullet points and a strong Call to Action. !Suggested uses include: competitions / results, featured blog posts, limited time offers, FREE ebooks, infographics, seasonal greetings. !!!

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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!!Step 5 - Timing !The time and day that you send your eMails out can make the difference between success and failure. Put yourself in the place of your readers, when would you be most likely to engage or click delete?! !I would recommend that you send your eMails out either before your readers start work (which typically has the highest click through rates of the day) or during times of the working day when your reader will have time to focus on it. But please be aware that if you send it first thing, they are more likely to be read on a smart phone, when a reader wants to clear their inbox, so this is a good time to get someones attention, but make sure your message / subject line is strong or it will get deleted. !Avoid sending your eMails when your readers are arriving / thinking about leaving at work to give them time to get through anything urgent that they may need to deal with, as you stand a greater chance of your eMails being deleted during this time. !!Best times to send 5-7am, 10-12am and 4-7pm / avoiding Mondays & Fridays. !

��� Saturday has the highest Click Through Rate at over 9% (Sunday is second just under 9%) ��� - Hubspot !

Frequencies In general the optimum frequency for a newsletter / promotional eMails is 4-5 weeks, to keep yourself at the forefront of your readers minds, although this can increase dependent upon your industry / offering e.g. retail sales can comfortably communicate on a weekly basis. That being said you can also communicate via postcard and personal eMails to provide targeted updates. !The key factor is to always ensure that you have got something new to say to your reader. !!!!!!

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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!!Step 6 - Follow Up ! So you've sent out your eMails, watched your prospects grow, now it’s time to start turning them into sales! By promptly following up your prospects, you will dramatically increase your response rates and future open / click through rates, as you will have built upon the relationship you have started with your eMails. I would also recommend combining your continued eMail Marketing Campaigns with other traditional Marketing Channels. !

��� Research shows that 35-50% of sales go to the vendor that responds first. ��� - Insidesales.com !

Best times to follow up Follow the same rules for sending your eMails out, you want to catch people when they are at their most receptive, so avoid Mondays, Fridays, lunchtimes and the start / end of the day. But monitor your success rates and you will start to learn when your readers responses are at their best. !Don’t try to follow up everyone in one go, segment your prospects based upon their prospect levels (Hot, Warm, Cool & Recent) or areas of interest. It will help you to focus and Win More Sales. !!How to follow up !

Auto Responders These are a powerful tool, that allow you to automatically follow up on your prospects, based upon their actions. For example, you could set up a targeted message to go out a couple of days later when a prospect visits a specific page on your website or clicks on a link within your eMail. This eMail should then encourage them to find out more, all of which is tracked and increases the prospect’s score within the system. Another method would be to sign your reader into a series of ‘Hints & Tips’ that are sent out each week, all of which will nurture your contacts into becoming prospects. !Another technique is to set up an Auto Responder on a campaign for non-opens, this gives your readers a second bite of the cherry, but only do this once and give it a couple of days, as you could start to annoy your readers. !Traditional Methods Combining traditional media can be a powerful tool, when mixed with eMail Marketing. Try using some of these methods to engage with your prospects on a different level, but all of the time referring to your eMail Marketing Campaign and encouraging them to respond. !A good example of this would be sending a letter to your Cool Prospects, highlighting topics that they have been looking at on your eMails or website. This should increase awareness and drive traffic to your website, where all their activity will automatically be tracked by popcorn and help to convert your Cool to Hot prospects. !!!!

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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!!

Phone I have always been of the opinion that any form of Marketing is a tool to help someone to make a direct purchase or enable you to have a conversation with them. So, why not pick up the phone and call your prospects? Noting what they have clicked on in your eMails and more importantly what they have been looking at on your website, will arm you with the knowledge of what they are genuinely interested in, when you talk. !However, it may be best not to announce that you have been tracking them, Big Brother paranoia will kick-in, instead, try saying that you are following up on a recent eMail campaign and wanted to check that they had received it. You can then move into a sales conversation.

Quick Tip - If you are struggling to speak to a prospect, employ a 3 Strikes rule, if you have not been able to speak to someone, on the third call, leave them a message, telling then that ‘this is the last time you are going to call, but you would be keen to have a chat’ then leave your number and drop them an eMail with your introduction and Call to Action. !!

Social Media This is an excellent way of communicating with your prospects, as it often moves the level of conversation onto a slightly more personal level, whist giving you access to their interests, friends etc.. But, most importantly, it can help you build new business relationships and keep the momentum going by commenting on their status updates and posts. !Try using Linkedin for following up on Business prospects as it gives you access to their profiles / groups and allows direct messaging. Facebook is best for Consumers as you can comment on and Like their posts.

Quick Tip - If you want to contact someone on Linkedin, try joining the same groups as them, once accepted you will then be able to see and comment on their updates without upgrading

your account. !Targeted campaigns A lovely feature in the system is that you can quickly select all or some of your prospects and create targeted campaigns just for them, allowing you to send targeted eMails, special offers or if you constantly move your prospects into a separate list, it is an excellent way of filtering out contacts that have never engaged with your campaigns, reducing the eMails that you send in the future. !

WHY follow up It’s simple - !

��� By following up, you will typically speed up the sales process and increase your sales by 60%…

need I say more!��� - Simon Washbrook, popcorn !!

Don't get disheartened Even though any form of Marketing is just a numbers game, if you use the Market Intelligence that popcorns prospect identification can provide, your success rate will increase and help you to Win More Sales.

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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!Summary !There are two schools of thought around eMail Marketing, you either throw out as many eMails as possible hoping that some will eventually stick or you can do it properly! This White Paper has given you the tools to eMail Market properly, which will help you understand who your customers are and what they want from you. Once you’ve got that right, the number of identifiable prospects will increase and lead to more qualified sales conversations, which in turn will result in you ’Winning More Sales’. !Depending on the System you are currently using, we recommend that you start exporting all your opens (general and unique) and clicks into a spreadsheet to start understanding the bigger picture, rather than just look at who has clicked on a link. !popcorn eMail Marketing will help you automate this process by monitoring, scoring and presenting your prospects online behaviours (Opens, Clicks and Website Visits) back to you via a simple one click CRM system, so that you can focus on ‘Winning More Sales’ rather than following up lots of cold leads. !!

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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!!About popcorn !popcorn has been developed to help Business Owners and eMail Partners to Win More Sales with eMail Marketing, as I strongly believe that eMarketing should be about strong customer service that helps you understand your customers, rather than SPAMMING them, which in turn will help you to Win More Sales! !For Business Owners you can use popcorn to automatically qualify your contacts and know exactly what it is that they are interested in about your products / services. !5 Reasons to use popcorn eMail Marketing !

1. Automatic sales lead qualification - Based upon online behaviours !2. Easy to use with Birmingham based phone support !3. Create branded landing pages in seconds - Clone and edit your website for brand consistency !4. Social Media pushing - Send your eMails directly onto Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin !5. All the usual features you would expect from an eMail Marketing system plus much more... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’!!Contact popcorn !If you would like to find out more, or arrange a FREE 30 day trial, please visit www.popcornmail.co.uk or contact me via the contact details below. !!Contact Details !Author - Simon Washbrook eMail - hello@popcornmail.co.ukPhone - 0121 318 8318

Web - www.popcornmail.co.uk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !Page !19www.popcornmail.co.ukHelping you win More Sales

!!‘6 Secrets to winning more sales from your eMail Marketing’


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