"White Collar" Series - Integration Memo

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Transcript of "White Collar" Series - Integration Memo

Integration Memo |White Collar

Brian Slattery |11.12.2009

Marketing Communications – Integration Memo


Intro: The print piece was located on the inside-rear cover of the November edition of Esquire magazine. It was visually well executed and caught my eye more than most of the other ads. Once our assignment was announced, it became apparent to me that the three calls-to-action alluded to in the ad’s copy (TV, internet and mobile) made it great to analyze regarding integration.

Commonality: The print ad conveys a clean visual composition, with distinct emphasis paid to the main character, color palette, succinct copy and font. The television show reveals great continuity of these elements (having now viewed four episodes myself) and mobile provides frequent updates via message subscription; yet, the Internet is arguably the foundational channel for integration with the print ad. The crisp, classy feel of the print ad is substantially built-upon in the website’s appearance, format and content pages.

The landing page’s URL (Appendix One, fig. 1), shown in the print ad maintains identical imagery, color and layout that those reading the magazine initially viewed. The telltale aquamarine color, two-tone “White Collar” title with handcuff image and portrait of the main character are clearly visible not just on this screen, but on nearly all branch pages that flow from this landing page. The same clear call-to-action asking the target to view the show (“New Original Series 10/9C”) can be seen on the header of four out of five screen shots in the Appendix. This is representative of USA Network’s consistent positioning of the Internet’s call-to-action for the viewer to tune in to the program that was originally shown in the print ad. This repeated exposure helps increase familiarity and encoding of key information necessary for recall in the viewer’s mind.

Complementarity: It is clearly evident that both the White Collar print ad and website are working to introduce viewers to the new show/brand and thereby, trying to grow initial viewership. The two tools however, have distinctly different tactical response hierarchy goals within the overall objective of viewership. Based on the location of the print ad and its image-heavy composition, it is apparent that its goal is mainly to produce awareness. By far, the largest and most bolded font in the ad simply states the show name, the initial air date and the USA Network logo. Readers of Esquire, arguably more sophisticated than most trendy periodicals readers, will flip through the magazine and find the simple suggestion to watch the show or pursue more information online. While this ad works to both drive television viewership and online traffic, the website picks up at a complementary point in the consumer funnel.

The website offers the interested target more information about the program, its characters and relevant content (understanding). Additionally, it encourages repeated interaction with the site, viewing of the television show and even mobile as a means of building a “give-and-take” relationship with the target. This type of ongoing engagement is the foundation by which USA Network can affect a positive impression of the show in the target’s mind

Marketing Communications – Integration Memo


(preference). Yet, even further it will build longer-term relevance of the brand not just through television airings, but also by creating a reason for consistent voluntary visits to the website (loyalty).

While the print ad presents foundational program information, the website presents numerous drop-down menus offering additional integrated features cunningly based on elements of the show’s main character. Basic plot information can be easily learned in the first couple minutes of site navigation, through an auto-playing feed on the landing page. This feed’s clips allude to the character’s history as an ex-con, but current job with the FBI. An interactive streaming game called “Basic Training” allows viewers further interaction with plot-related scenarios (Appendix One, fig. 2). Another page displays a “Con Dictionary” (Appendix One, fig. 3), while yet another gives a list of the main character’s recommended high-society haunts in the Big Apple (Appendix One, fig. 4). Full episodes are also viewable through a streaming page on the site. All of these features build layer upon layer of relevant and fun interaction with the brand of White Collar. Further integration is achieved when the target follows the call-to-action of both the print ad and website to text “WHITE” to 872898. This allows a low-level reminder to be texted to the target at the control of USA Networks. Content is aligned with the “Con Dictionary” and the “Basic Training” on the website, driving text subscribers back to the website for further loyalty building. Also noteworthy is that the texts introduce additional platforms for the target to interact, such as Twitter. (see Appendix Two)

Coverage: The campaign’s integrated tools function together to address potential viewers who are at different points in the response hierarchy. This approach to coverage provides both push and pull motives to first of all watch the show, but also then to interact via the website (and mobile). For those who haven’t even heard of the show, the Esquire print ad provides just enough incentive to an appropriate “sophisticated” audience to tune in to a show that is relevant to their lifestyle. However, depending on their familiarity with the White Collar brand they might visit the website for further information about the show. Once on the website, the approach to the target moves away from just awareness as in the print ad to understanding, preference and loyalty. The features of the website allow the target to address their particular needs depending on their familiarity with the show. This creates a flow between different media for White Collar to have multiple touch-points moving viewers up the hierarchy from awareness through to consistent loyalty.

Recommendations: My recommendations quite honestly are few. The integration of tools is really well thought out. I do have to say though that the online features might be more solidly tied into the ongoing plot of the current season airing. This might be a good way to continue to drive viewership of the television show: The basis for all the engagement to begin with. Anticipation of plot features in the games would more fully connect all the features.

Marketing Communications – Integration Memo


Appendix One | Website

Home Page (fig. 1):

“Basic Training” Streaming Game (fig. 2):

Marketing Communications – Integration Memo


Appendix One | Website continued

“Con Dictionary” Feature (fig. 3):

“Neal’s Guide to New York” Feature (fig. 4):

Marketing Communications – Integration Memo


Appendix One | Website continued

Full Episode Player (fig. 5):

Marketing Communications – Integration Memo


Appendix Two |Mobile

Text message “WHITE” to 872898

1. Message received - verbatim:

“U r in! U’ll get a min. of 4 msgs/wk, incl. exclusive info, games, & chance 2 win prizes. Messages ET. 4 West Coast rply WCPT. Msg&data rates may aply.”

2. Additional message received – verbatim:

“PRO V. CON: R u an aspiring FBI agent or wannabe white collar criminal? Pick the team u want to join! Reply PRO for the FBI team. CON for the Con Artist team.”

3. Additional message received – verbatim:

“CON LINGO: Salami Attack: A series of thefts that are small enough 2 b undetectable but adds up over time. 4 more: http://twitter.com/whitecollarusa”*

*(Note the introduction of another communication medium, Twitter at this point. Text messages were received every two days.)