where is your data cached?

Post on 25-May-2015

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Taking a look at the many layers of caching in the modern webstack can lead to some interesting optimizations. We know that raid card caches, disk caches and CPU caches all exist at the hardware level, but how do they interact with database caching, application code caching and rendered page caching. Where are the redundancies and where is the most optimal location for your services to cache? Are you risking data integrity by using both disk and raid card caching? Is there a similar risk in using both filesystem and database caching? These are hard won lessons if you have to learn them during an outage. they can be avoided with some forethought and benchmarking. I’ll call out the many layers where data is cached and talk about some of the risks and potential performance gains that we’ve found by selectively disabling and adding particular caching layers.

Transcript of where is your data cached?

where is your data cached?

(and where should it be cached?)

sarah novotnysarah.novotny@gmail.com

①why do we cache?②count them③which are redundant?④which are a risk?⑤benchmarking ⑥monitoring

①why do we cache

cache: a component that transparently stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster

CPU caches (L1, L2, L3)

disk caches

disk controller caches

database caches

memcached layer

application code caches

http cache

edge cache or CDN

operating system caches

② count them

and then there were more

DNS caching (ISP and client side)

web proxies

client side application caches

and all the hardware caching again

a short diversion:

my background is as an SA and DBA. i’ll be focusing data safety facets of caching

disk caches

disk controller caches

database caches

memcached layer

operating system caches

③which are redundant?

get moving!

④which are a risk?

disks lie

raid controllers lie (sometimes)

⑤ benchmarking

every infrastructure is different

every benchmarkhas to take that intoaccount

⑥ monitoring

measure multiple points

only you can preventfiredrills

tools to managethis insanity—

InnotopPercona toolkitsysbenchcacti templatesnagios



• license plate – severud• tools – meanestindian


• 3ware image via http://www.xbitlabs.com/

• remaining images istockphoto

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