Where is the humor in the cartoon? Be able to discuss the story in terms of the following: setting...

Post on 21-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Where is the humor in the cartoon? Be able to discuss the story in terms of the following: setting...

Where is the humor in the cartoon?

Be able to discuss the story in terms of the following:

• setting• characters• conflict• plot• theme

Be able to discuss the story in terms of the following:

• Setting• characters:– Jerome Morrow– Vincent– Anton

• conflict• plot• theme

Who is Jerome Morrow?

Describe the circumstances of Vincent’s birth.

What about brother Anton? How were his circumstances different?

What is the conflict between the What is the conflict between the two brothers?two brothers?

What is the turning point for Vincent?

What kind of job does he get after he leaves home?

Why does Vincent get in touch with this man?

Why does Jerome agree to help Vincent?

Why does Jerome show Vincent his swimming medal?

Why does Vincent get angry with Jerome on the morning of his interview?

Situation 1Situation 1

• During a scene in Gattaca, Vincent’s parents visit During a scene in Gattaca, Vincent’s parents visit a doctor who specializes in child conception to a doctor who specializes in child conception to select for the best traits for his future brother. select for the best traits for his future brother. They hope that his brother will have the best They hope that his brother will have the best possible chances for a successful life. Some of the possible chances for a successful life. Some of the traits mentioned in GATTACA include intelligence, traits mentioned in GATTACA include intelligence, height and any possibility of inheritable diseases.height and any possibility of inheritable diseases.

• If you decide to have a child one day and are If you decide to have a child one day and are given the opportunity to select for special given the opportunity to select for special traits, would you do so? Why or why not? And traits, would you do so? Why or why not? And if so, which traits would you select for, and if so, which traits would you select for, and why?why?

Situation 2

Divide into two groups.Divide into two groups.

• Group 1 – You are representing an interview Group 1 – You are representing an interview panel. Justify why you think the use of DNA panel. Justify why you think the use of DNA screens is sufficient for determining whether screens is sufficient for determining whether someone is suitable and qualifies for a job.someone is suitable and qualifies for a job.

• Group 2 – You are representing a job applicant. Group 2 – You are representing a job applicant. Justify why a hiring committee should look Justify why a hiring committee should look beyond your genes as an indication of your future beyond your genes as an indication of your future job performance.job performance.

Situation 3

• Knowledge of one’s genetic screen could profoundly Knowledge of one’s genetic screen could profoundly affect the price of insurance. Insurance companies affect the price of insurance. Insurance companies operate on a risk assessment basis, where individuals operate on a risk assessment basis, where individuals with a greater potential of developing health with a greater potential of developing health complications are charged more than individuals complications are charged more than individuals who are deemed healthy... who are deemed healthy...

…Actuarialists look at statistics to determine how much Actuarialists look at statistics to determine how much their clients should be charged. With current their clients should be charged. With current advancements in genetic testing, there is the potential advancements in genetic testing, there is the potential to discriminate against those with “bad genes.”…to discriminate against those with “bad genes.”…

……It is quite possible that individuals classified as high risk It is quite possible that individuals classified as high risk individuals may be denied the opportunity to purchase individuals may be denied the opportunity to purchase insurance. However, insurance companies must insurance. However, insurance companies must operate as a business, looking out for themselves and operate as a business, looking out for themselves and their clients’ best interests.their clients’ best interests.

Divide into two groups:Divide into two groups:

• Group 1 – You are representing an individual who has obtained Group 1 – You are representing an individual who has obtained a genetic screen and would like to purchase some insurance. a genetic screen and would like to purchase some insurance. Results show that you’re at extremely high risk for developing Results show that you’re at extremely high risk for developing cancer and hypertension. However, you are currently a healthy cancer and hypertension. However, you are currently a healthy individual who doesn’t smoke and exercises on a regular basis. individual who doesn’t smoke and exercises on a regular basis.

Explain why you should be given the opportunity to purchase Explain why you should be given the opportunity to purchase insurance at a reasonable price.insurance at a reasonable price.

• Group 2 – You are representing an insurance company. A Group 2 – You are representing an insurance company. A potential client approached your company about the possibility potential client approached your company about the possibility of purchasing insurance. After reviewing her file, including a of purchasing insurance. After reviewing her file, including a gene scan, you realize that she falls into a high risk category. gene scan, you realize that she falls into a high risk category.

Explain to her why you need to charge her considerably more Explain to her why you need to charge her considerably more for insurance.for insurance.